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New dev blog: Rebalancing EVE, one ship at a time

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Acac Sunflyier
The Ascended Academy
#1821 - 2012-03-17 20:17:14 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:


  • I will be honest by saying this is due to my own failure here, please do not blame CCP, or any other employee on that matter. I just plainly and simply forgot to include them in the feedback process; I know that sounds incredibly stupid, unbelievable or even naive, but you have to realize that between various work duties, procedures that have to be followed, internal meetings and reviews, random design emergencies, questions that pop-up from your team, plus being split into different projects that have to be finished in time, you are bound to forget things in the heat of the moment for being tremendously busy.

  • C.C.P. I have a written check list that I go through every time I undock. I also made one for the day I will fly a carrier. On it, I have the lists of quantities of drones, fuel, if i'm repaired, etc. I think you should do the same for development. Hilmar approval, artdepartment checks off on it, csm has said something, etc.
    General Services
    #1822 - 2012-03-17 21:53:34 UTC
    EnslaverOfMinmatar wrote:

    Rebalancing CCP, one dev at a time....
    In the next update CCP Ytterbium shall be rebalanced to CCP Ytterrible and the letters 'u' & 'm' will be reimbursed to him.

    +1 LOL for humor content. ( -1 if intended seriously )

    Julia Drew
    Carebears Flying wReckless
    #1823 - 2012-03-18 02:07:07 UTC
    Proceed with reckless abandon as as fast as possible please.
    Hakaru Ishiwara
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #1824 - 2012-03-18 13:07:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Hakaru Ishiwara
    Tyberius Franklin wrote:
    Kogh Ayon wrote:
    The trick of ""You won't lose the ability to fly any ships"" here is, they do not promise that "you won't lose the effectiveness to fly any ships". If you get BC 5, then the reimbursement will allow you to get BC3-4 for 4 races, then "You won't lose the ability to fly any ships".

    For the commander ships, they can simply change the requirement to "racial BC lv.3, Commander ship lv.1", then people already have commander ship skill now will not lose the ability to fly any a commander ship. For people have not get the commander ship skill, the requirement to train "Commander ship" skill will be racial BC lv.5 still.

    Command ships say hi. CCP Yitterbum says CS's keep their Racial BC V prereq. Why are people so intent on looking for conspiracies? They have given a plan, assurance that skills will be taken care of, prerequisites were explained and examples of how thet may do it, all of which keep their promises and not in a backhanded way.
    Because CCP's word is as solid and trustworthy as the diarrhea-esque beer sh1t that I took earlier this morning.

    Trust only that which is live on Tranquility. All else is smoke and mirrors, subject to CCP's scattershot game design and software development practices.

    +++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

    #1825 - 2012-03-18 14:41:36 UTC
    Seems ok to me.

    Looking to join Caldari Faction Warfare corporation!

    Morkus Rex
    #1826 - 2012-03-18 16:09:28 UTC
    Fixing things that ain't broke ...

    Nobody cares about what you care about!

    #1827 - 2012-03-18 16:31:23 UTC
    Morkus Rex wrote:
    Fixing things that ain't broke ...

    I'm pretty sure there's a large number of people that would disagree. And judging by the dev blog, the devs are in that group.
    Shadow Cartel
    #1828 - 2012-03-18 16:34:11 UTC
    It was told that nobody has to retrain anything, so if I am able to fly all BS now, logically I would get all Destroyer and Battlecruiser skills on 4 with this patch, that are (when multiplicators are same) 1,4m SP for free, if im able to fly all CS now, I would get all BC skills on 5, seems a bit unrealistic that i would get 4,5 Million SP for free (6m in total but i already got BC on 5) and when i can fly all DICs,I would get all Destroyers on 5 (1,5m SP, 2m in total)

    Dont think that this may be realistic, dont know how CCP wants to manage it^^

    Sometimes things that CCP Devs say are trustworthy, BC 3 and then CS 1 would be just lmaocrap, every nup flys around in Sleipnirs, for sure^^
    #1829 - 2012-03-18 19:20:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Rimase
    Take too long to train skills to fly other Empire/Race's ships? Shorten it! (Radical new skills idea!)

    With these proposed changes on tiering, etc, include 5+ new Spaceship Command skills.

    • Foreign Spaceship Compositions
    • The skills you already know of your Empire individual spaceship compositions are used in reference on using common foreign spaceship systems.
      Allows you to fly other Empire's ships parallel to your own Small-, Medium- and Large-tiered ship skills.
      PRE-REQUISITE: Standard Spaceship Command V (your empire)

    • Foreign Capital Compositions
    • The skills you already know of your Empire capital spaceship's compositions are used in reference on using common foreign spaceship systems.
      Allows you to fly other Empire's ships parallel to your own Capital-tiered ship skills.
      PRE-REQUISITE: Advanced Spaceship Command III (your empire)

    • Hybrid Spaceship Compositions
    • The skills you already know of your Empire individual spaceship compositions are used in reference on using uncommon hybrid spaceship systems.
      Allows you to fly other Faction's ships parallel to your own Small-, Medium- and Large-tiered ship skills.
      PRE-REQUISITE: Standard Spaceship Command III (your empire), Foreign Spaceship Compositions.
      POST-REQUISITE: [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, [a Faction] Systems, ....

    • Hybrid Capital Compositions
    • The skills you already know of your Empire capital spaceship's compositions are used in reference on using uncommon hybrid spaceship systems.
      Allows you to fly other Faction's ships parallel to your own Capital-tiered ship skills.
      PRE-REQUISITE: Advanced Spaceship Command III (your empire), Foreign Capital Compositions III,
      POST-REQUISITE: (for Pirate ships, etc) [a Faction] Systems.

    • Corporate Spaceships Command
    • The skills you already know of spaceship command are used in reference on using independent corporate spaceship designs.
      Allows you to fly unique Corporation ships like ORE's miners, ORE's archaeologicals, [corp's] explorers & [corp's] other...
      CONTINUATION: Outer Ring Excavations > ORE Extractors (Exhumers, [new], [new]), ORE Command > ORE Mining Barge (Capital Industrial). (refer to here)

    • Foreign Ships: The three Empires that are not yours. e.g. I'm Caldari & my foreign ships are: Amarr, Gallente, Minmatar.
    • Hybrid Ships: Current faction Pirate ships with their own conjoined spaceship systems.
    • Corporate Ships: Civilized neutral corporations like ORE.

    > KEY INFO: Your chosen Character's highest Race/Empire-standing pre-decides the default spaceships you fly (Your Empire's). DO NOT FRET! These proposed skills here opens a parallel gateway to other ships from your character's racial perspective instead of ranking-up a whole knew racial skill-set previously, which is quicker!
    (This suggestion and key info also implies a free character race migration!)

    Looking to join Caldari Faction Warfare corporation!

    Shadow Cartel
    #1830 - 2012-03-18 22:11:45 UTC
    too complicated, they want to make it easier
    Christopher Merchentson
    Enlightened Enterprise
    #1831 - 2012-03-19 00:00:53 UTC
    Solution I pretty simple. Divide training time for battle cruisers and destroyer by 4. I dnt know why it seems like u guys are instead on the path to make training these skills to 5 4 months longer forcing people to train them now. I have been forced. To train my new alts to bc 5 now meking them useless for a while a good while longer because u have no draft plan on what u will do. Also forgetting to include csm is pretty convenient.
    Drew Solaert
    Gallente Federation
    #1832 - 2012-03-19 01:33:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Drew Solaert
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:

  • Q: can we opt out for skills we don't want during the reimbursement process?

  • A: well, again, it depends on how it is done. We may just bluntly give all four variants at V if you had battlecruiser V for example, or maybe require that you also add the relevant Cruiser skill trained at level 3 to be eligible. On the latter case, just don't train the cruiser 3 skill, and you should not receive the new racial battlecruiser at 5. Not sure why one would do that however, it's like skipping free candy or cake while visiting your grandma.

  • If we go for option 1: you will get Amarr, Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar Battlecruiser skills at 5 if you previously had the generic Battlecruiser skill at 5.
  • If we go for option 2: you will get Amarr Battlecruiser skill at 5 only if you previously fulfilled all conditions to fly Amarr Battlecruisers, which means having the generic Battlecruiser skill at 5, PLUS the Amarr Cruiser at 3.

  • To remind it again, there are other options to consider, but no matter which one which choose, you won't lose anything out of the skill reimbursement plan.

    A lot of people have put a lot of time and dedication into their characters as purists for RP or just plain play style reason, please make it option 2. option 1 would be a complete deal breaker for myself personally. Having 3 BC skills just sitting there never being used (as there is no frig or cruiser skill) or supports (lasers/projectiles/missiles) would be horrific.

    I made this character purely to deal with slight OCD skill sheet issues. Please consider us.

    I lied :o

    Tiger's Spirit
    Templars of the Shadows
    #1833 - 2012-03-19 06:43:43 UTC
    All commandships learning time today, battlecruiser5 (22 days)
    After patch All commandship learning times 4x22days

    22 days vs 88 days.

    Would be happy the new players for longer learning times ?
    Tyberius Franklin
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #1834 - 2012-03-19 19:37:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
    Tiger's Spirit wrote:
    All commandships learning time today, battlecruiser5 (22 days)
    After patch All commandship learning times 4x22days

    22 days vs 88 days.

    Would be happy the new players for longer learning times ?

    You are forgetting the current 4 cruiser V prereqs for the CS's.
    As actual training time differs posting approximated SP:
    Now: 4 x5 skills and 1 x6 = 7,936,000 SP
    Proposed: 4 x6 skills = 6,144,000 SP
    Additionally if the HAS prerequisite is removed as proposed it would widen the gap in favor of the racial BC skills.
    #1835 - 2012-03-19 21:16:27 UTC
    CCP Ytterbium wrote:
    We have a "if you could fly it before, you can fly it now" philosophy, that means properly reimbursing/giving skills not to leave people stranded in ships they could fly before the change.

    If that philosophy gets questioned, let me know and i'll fly over with a large stick to stand next to it and 're-programme' anyone trying to tinker with it.

    Moving forwards is good .. sending *everyone* back weeks damages spirits, hearts and minds.

    There are good ships,

    And wood ships,

    And ships that sail the sea

    But the best ships are Spaceships

    Built by CCP

    #1836 - 2012-03-20 03:37:20 UTC
    Why does everyone keep assuming that the racial destroyer and battlecruiser skills will be the same rank? They only enable a few ships, compared to the numerous frigates, cruisers and battleships available. I'd expect rank 1 destroyer and rank 2 battlecruiser skills, honestly.
    War Fairy
    Gallente Federation
    #1837 - 2012-03-20 07:12:10 UTC
    This is ******* awful.

    Ever since CCPingameTransactionandF**kYouPlayerWeJustWantNewFerrari-Gate, they've been doing stupid stuff like this.

    Dumbing the **** out of this game to increase playerbase tells me they still just want to fill the money coffers by expanding playerbase, at the expense of the players that form the backbone.

    I'm not going to stick around if they start kneejerking their way into my ships and my skills. 2003 I started this damn game, and I'm not interested in CCP stepping in 9 years later and ******* it all up for a quick buck. This game is getting idiotproofed, and I'm not interested.
    War Fairy
    Gallente Federation
    #1838 - 2012-03-20 07:17:54 UTC
    There is another amusing possibility to this.... and by amusing I mean stupid.

    If they really do just jam a bunch of extra skills into people's heads, already trained, to compensate for the switches..... how much do you want to bet some people end up undocking over their SP clone limit, and get podded?

    I can easily see that happening if people start ending up with 4 BC skills at V, or etc.
    Machinegunner Bob
    Republic Military School
    Minmatar Republic
    #1839 - 2012-03-21 05:43:28 UTC
    In current moment, Drake can be classificates as combat ship, hope that after rebalanced Drake won't be changed. Let the Ferox will bombardment ship.
    Daeva Teresa
    Amarr Empire
    #1840 - 2012-03-21 08:41:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Daeva Teresa
    About drake it will be nerfed/boosted. Its the only tier 2 bc with both bonuses to its tank and damage. And its should get bonus to damage only and it will as published by CCP. Posibly Mirm will also get rid of armor rep bonus.

    CCP really please dont use Upgraded, Limited, Experimental and Prototype in item names. It sounds like the item is actually worse than basic meta 1 item. Use Calibrated, Enhanced, Optimized and Upgraded. Its really easy to understand that the item is better than meta 1 and its also in alphabetic order.