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Hans Jagerblitzen for CSM7

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AkJon Ferguson
JC Ferguson and Son Ltd
Ferguson Alliance
#701 - 2012-03-21 00:50:19 UTC
Probably too late to matter since voting is almost over but this guy was a hard-core, aggressive CCP apologist last summer. It's sickening to read some of his old posts (like the one where he says the Fearless article is fake.) If everyone had been the sycophant he was, we wouldn't have had Crucible, which was a step in the right direction (albeit a small one.) I don't see what qualifies him to lead the revolution.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#702 - 2012-03-21 01:05:26 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Good luck Hans, well run campaign, remember to try the lamb sub at Nonni's when you get to Iceland. It is the real reason that CSM members keep running for reelection!

So my guess... Hans in the 4th spot......


I appreciate the gesture, I just wish it was heart-felt. If you truly respect me as an individual, instead of just saying more nice words, demonstrate that you mean it by taking a minute to do what you know should be done and fix up your thread.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#703 - 2012-03-21 01:39:25 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Good luck Hans, well run campaign, remember to try the lamb sub at Nonni's when you get to Iceland. It is the real reason that CSM members keep running for reelection!

So my guess... Hans in the 4th spot......


I appreciate the gesture, I just wish it was heart-felt. If you truly respect me as an individual, instead of just saying more nice words, demonstrate that you mean it by taking a minute to do what you know should be done and fix up your thread.

It is heartfelt even if you don't like that it is. You worked your ass of an likely got elected. Why wouldn't I congratulate you?

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#704 - 2012-03-21 01:57:10 UTC
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Probably too late to matter since voting is almost over but this guy was a hard-core, aggressive CCP apologist last summer. It's sickening to read some of his old posts (like the one where he says the Fearless article is fake.) If everyone had been the sycophant he was, we wouldn't have had Crucible, which was a step in the right direction (albeit a small one.) I don't see what qualifies him to lead the revolution.

Nope it's never too late to question's a candidate's leadership ability. Polls have closed, but I could still be elected, and voters have every right to question my ability to challenge CCP on important issues, especially in light of my initial reaction last summer.

Of course, its easy to say just about anything by quoting a single post, and those that take the time to read all my posts since then, will see that I very much changed my tone and opinion of CCP once I found out the newsletter was real.

I have no problem owning up to the fact I really thought it was fake. There was so much RAGE over the expansion, and any time emotions are at a peak, rationality takes a dip. I honestly believed that the newsletter was a troll attempt, because it seemed "too perfect" at the time.

Of course, I turned out to be wrong, and that moment single-handedly changed my perspective on CCP, how much we can trust them, and how grounded they were in what the players actually wanted for their own game. I became intensely interested in EVE politics and the role of the CSM following the "Fearless" controversy, and that's when I started working across the four militias to compile a list of fixes for Crucible. I saw an opportunity arise where CCP seemed to be honestly interested in delivering a feature chock full of player fixes, and the minute they mentioned Faction Warfare I wanted to be sure that if we had ANY chance at all of getting some changes implemented, that it was taken.

Once we had built enough community consensus about the most pressing issues, I started getting in touch with the CSM, and asking about the process and how I could help make sure the FW community was heard. I was able to get my notes to the developers this way, and everything that has changed so far regarding FW was part of that set of notes.

I continue to be highly skeptical of CCP, you have to remember a year ago most of us in the FW community honestly believed that CCP had no future plans to work on FW, ever again. The second eye-opener was the release of the summit minutes. In the minutes, Faction Warfare improvements were described that shared little resemblance to what the community envisioned for the feature, and I realized that the possibility existed that once again, CCP might pursue their own overly-ambitious vision for a feature without zeroing in on the "meat and potatoes" issues that meant the most to dedicated Faction Warfare pilots.

These were the events that led to my run for office. I reached out and was able to get involved with the feedback process in meaningful enough way that I saw just how much players can make a difference, but also enough to realize how much pressure CSM7 is going to have apply to prevent CCP from falling into old habits.

What I'm really looking forward to is a YEAR of crucible-like productivity, based on a continuation of the relationship the CSM and developers have enjoyed in the wake of the "fearless" crisis. I want to keep the ball in play, pushing for iteration not just on the game itself, but also iteration on the CSM itself and its relationship to both CCP and the player base. My experience has given me an understanding of the need to keep improving the process - everything from election mechanics to the way meetings are documented and shared with players.

I've learned that the CSM can be a fantastic "canary in a coal mine" - but only if CCP pays attention when the bird keels over. Incarna was a demonstration of what happens when they ignore the warning signs, Crucible is a sign of just how much can be done on spaceships now that avatars have been sidelined and resources re-routed.

Focusing the entire company (with a few exceptions) back on to the core game of EVE Online, is the right thing to do right now. It'll be a huge opportunity to be on the CSM during an entire year of expansion goodness now that all of the developer teams back and headed in the right direction. I'm excited!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Pelador Rova
No Luck Corp
Kenshin Shogunate.
#705 - 2012-03-21 21:51:08 UTC
Just thought I'd share some evidence supporting how much Hans views the industrial side of the game and has intentions to support them, seeing as some people want to throw this into doubt:

Amarr local wrote:
[ 2012.03.11 08:36:00 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > Chribba o/
[ 2012.03.11 08:36:21 ] Chribba > ello
[ 2012.03.11 08:36:33 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > I'm visiting your neighborhood here
[ 2012.03.11 08:36:40 ] Chribba > best place to be tbh
[ 2012.03.11 08:36:54 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > (though It wasn't the friendliest of welcomes, given me being minnie militia and an outlaw)
[ 2012.03.11 08:37:29 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > But I wanted to stop by and encourage everyone here to get to the polls and vote for their chosen candidate, this has never been a more important year to vote for the CSM!
[ 2012.03.11 08:37:35 ] Chribba > haha
[ 2012.03.11 08:37:54 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > We're looking to get a record turnout, hopefully
[ 2012.03.11 08:37:58 ] Kazuko Manjusha > buying faction afterburner
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:22 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > Have you voted yet Chribba? I know you are a private man, no need to tell us who you voted for, but I'm curious if you've been to the polls yet
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:40 ] Chribba > I've put my vote from all my accounts yes
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:53 ] Jayden Amrahas > True Sansha Armor Thermic Hardener
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:55 ] Zhihatsu > I don't suppose I could ask someone to drop 50m on me? I'm woefully short on fitting out my zealot
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:55 ] Jayden Amrahas > Republic Fleet Small Shield Booster
[ 2012.03.11 08:38:59 ] Jayden Amrahas > Caldari Navy Heavy Missile Launcher
[ 2012.03.11 08:39:01 ] Jayden Amrahas > Caldari Navy Heavy Missile Launcher
[ 2012.03.11 08:39:22 ] Shine Soaro > Chribba after so many years of playing EvE, what keeps you motivated to play, if i may ask?
[ 2012.03.11 08:39:54 ] Chribba > community
[ 2012.03.11 08:39:58 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > Good question Shine :)
[ 2012.03.11 08:40:05 ] Chribba > without all you fine pilots I wouldn't be here
[ 2012.03.11 08:40:08 ] Shine Soaro > :)
[ 2012.03.11 08:40:10 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > There are a lot of bittervets out there, Chribba does not seem bitter to me
[ 2012.03.11 08:40:31 ] Chribba > sure there are changes that I too think was better back then
[ 2012.03.11 08:40:42 ] Chribba > but one gotta see the bigger picture, and the bigger picture is what affects the most
[ 2012.03.11 08:42:40 ] Pelador Rova > I'd like to endorse Hans for CSM7, He has a solid manifesto with many key interests including veldspar. With the war theme in the up and coming inferno expansion he also has a wealth of knowledge to support the development due to his background
[ 2012.03.11 08:43:49 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > Awwwww thanks Pelador!
[ 2012.03.11 08:43:55 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > I'm humbled
[ 2012.03.11 08:45:16 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > I hope after the summer of war stuff they can move on and do an industrial expansion
[ 2012.03.11 08:45:39 ] Kazuko Manjusha > its more pvp
[ 2012.03.11 08:45:40 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > overhaul POS's, fix up mining, and the like.
[ 2012.03.11 08:46:12 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > Dont get me wrong - I love PvP. But the industrial half of the game has been untouched for much longer than both Faction Warfare AND nullsec sov
[ 2012.03.11 08:47:26 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > I like to make boosters, myself. It involves gas mining AND Pos manufacturing, both systems that are pretty frustrating.
[ 2012.03.11 08:47:50 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > so I have some personal stake in it seeing them given some overdue attention
[ 2012.03.11 08:50:31 ] Hans Jagerblitzen > The only thing I dont have some stake in is nullsec issues - I dont spend much time out in 0.0. My interest is in making sure that empire space gets its needs voiced on the council
[ 2012.03.11 08:50:53 ] Ravees Artanar > good luck

So you can see that Hans is actually in favour of seeing the industrial side even potentially get its own expansion.
Argyle Jones
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#706 - 2012-03-21 23:13:11 UTC
Already cast my 3 votes for Roc, but reading your platform document and some of your replies in this thread, you certainly have my moral support as well. I hope you both get in.

Plus 10 NV
#707 - 2012-03-22 00:16:00 UTC
I haven't been this excited about Eve since ccp gave us small rigs.

Regardless of the outcome, you ran a great campaign!

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#708 - 2012-03-22 14:43:31 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
AkJon Ferguson wrote:
Probably too late to matter since voting is almost over but this guy was a hard-core, aggressive CCP apologist last summer. It's sickening to read some of his old posts (like the one where he says the Fearless article is fake.) If everyone had been the sycophant he was, we wouldn't have had Crucible, which was a step in the right direction (albeit a small one.) I don't see what qualifies him to lead the revolution.

Of course, I turned out to be wrong, and that moment single-handedly changed my perspective on CCP, how much we can trust them, and how grounded they were in what the players actually wanted for their own game.

Great response. I'm glad when you found out it wasn't fake, you didn't react like a certain csm delegate and tell everyone basically "yeah ignore that memo."

Also keep in mind there is no person called ccp. There are lots of people at ccp, and everyone I dealt with either gm or dev I have found to be extremely honest. Plus they made a great game.

I know allot of people will disagree with this but, much of the rage was spawned due to their effective communication and brutal honesty about the disagreeable direction they were taking the game.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Temba Ronin
#709 - 2012-03-24 15:41:00 UTC
It would be really good if CCP posted the election final results today!

The Best Ship In EVE Online Is "Friendship", Power To The Players!

Lord Meriak
State Naval Academy
Greater Domain Cooperative
#710 - 2012-03-24 16:18:30 UTC
Well done
Deen Wispa
United Caldari Space Command.
#711 - 2012-03-24 17:14:08 UTC
I'm dissapointed that Hans didn't get into the top 7. I did everything I could which included emailing my own corp and spamming militia channel. Sadly, I just don't think some of the other FW corps did the same or individual FW pilots didn't care enough to vote. Sucks.

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Celine Sophia Maricadie
Tal-Cel Industry and Salvage LLC
#712 - 2012-03-24 18:24:40 UTC
Congrats to you, Hans
Amarr General Drilling and Construction
#713 - 2012-03-24 18:33:28 UTC
gratz hans
Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#714 - 2012-03-24 18:46:51 UTC
Plus 10 NV
#715 - 2012-03-24 18:47:11 UTC
Yes, of course, just about everyone in faction war wishes he made it in the top 7.

But in fact it won't make *any* difference. He will still be able to participate and he will still be the only one who can speak from extensive experience about faction war. Elise Randolf is the only other person who I think has any significant experience with it, and I think he is likely after the same things Hans is after.

So the fact that he is in the bottom seven I don't think will make any difference.

No one knew who he was 6 months ago compared to many of the more common eve personalities that couldn't get the same votes he did. Hans ran soley on his actual ideas. I think getting the votes he did speaks loads for the strength his ideas and the grassroots player support for them. CCP will be intelligent enough to listen.

Go Hans!

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#716 - 2012-03-24 19:55:53 UTC
Hans come withing a few dozen votes of a first-7 place and that's a achievement against a field as strong as the CSM7 election. Even without a seat in Iceland, I'm sure he'll be an able and productive advocate.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#717 - 2012-03-24 21:49:51 UTC

Thanks everyone for all your support, how exciting it will be to represent you all on the CSM in the year ahead of us.

I'm completely prepared to hit the ground running here, we have a very short window before Inferno is upon us. I'll be NDA-ing myself up here as soon as possible so please start eve-mailing me your concerns, feedback, and ideas, and I'll do my best to make sure you all have a voice before its too late! I will be keeping an eye on the relevant threads of course as well.

Congratulations to the other CSM7 members, it looks like we have a lot of talent on the team and I honestly believe this will be one of the most productive CSM's of all time. We have CCP back on the right track with even more dedicated developers refocused on to EVE proper, and I plan to take full advantage of this along with the rest of the council.

I hope everyone is enjoying themselves at FanFest, and for those that aren't be sure to stay up late tonight for the keynote speech if you weren't watching the LiveStream! I was at work unfortunately all day, so I missed the CSM7 announcement and all the surrounding excitement, thanks to those in #tweetfleet for keeping me informed despite me being unable to respond.

Everyone, raise your glasses tonight around the world, wherever you are, its time to celebrate! We have a lot of work ahead of us....

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Macon Chalaise
VNM Biological Survey Corps
#718 - 2012-03-24 23:15:48 UTC
Congratulations sir!

Here's to fire. Not the fast and furious kind that burns down shacks and shanties, but the slow, seductive kind that takes down pants and panties - Irish Toast

Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#719 - 2012-03-25 00:18:19 UTC
Well done, Hans. I look forward to working with you, and then screwing you over in the next elections... Twisted

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Roh Voleto
#720 - 2012-03-25 00:19:32 UTC
Congratulations, Hans. I am happy to see a strong voice for Empire PvP in the CSM.