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EVE Online: Crucible 1.5 Issues

First post First post
Deriah Book
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#801 - 2012-03-17 22:18:42 UTC
raven666wings wrote:
Deriah Book wrote:
I have been speaking with a friend over the last few months about Eve. He is a student working on a fairly involved degree (aeronautical engineering) and has, quite wisely, elected to not start playing Eve at this point in his life. But he is a huge fan.

If i was an aeronautical engineer i surely would be a great fan of EVE too, since the game's engine physics really represent the real Newton physics laws, like, our ships do not break like they are using some kind of air brakes and then assume a hoovering position like they are a helicopter, because in space the only way to brake is applying a force (thrust) in the opposite movement direction, they do not speed down after you turn off an afterburner (LOL) because in space there isn't something called friction, we do not hear sounds because in space there is no air and thus no sound propagation, our ships do get attracted to celestials due to their gravity force and we float inside space stations because there is no gravity there.

Man i can see the thrill and how a great experience EVE can be to an aeronautical engineer LOL

I'm having a hard time deciphering the intent of your post. It almost seems as if you are mocking a person for being attracted to a video game based on his area of professional expertise. But then I must think to myself, “C'mon... who could be so daft?”

On the other hand, as an audio engineer I genuinely do struggle, on a daily basis, with the discrepancies you mention pertaining to sound. Realistically, the only reason I play Eve is because EASE still doesn't allow us to mount 425mm Autocannons in our virtual auditoriums. Thereby taking almost all of the thrill out of simulating acoustical spaces to begin with.

Oh... Wait. I see. You mistook my use of the words “aeronautical engineer” in parentheses after the phrase “fairly involved degree” as intent to qualify him as a candidate for enthusiasm in Eve. Please allow me to clarify: I constructed that sentence (no matter how ill conceived it may have been) with the intention of demonstrating that he has scarce little free time to undertake a venture as involving as we know Eve to be even though it sparks his interest on many levels - including role playing and real time strategy gaming against other humans - regardless of other aspects in his life including his course of study at the moment.

Perhaps I should have stated that originally. I am terribly sorry for any confusion I may have caused and promise to be more careful in the future.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#802 - 2012-03-17 22:48:40 UTC
dude i was mocking the EVE engine's physics not your friend, dont need to get offended lol
Ladeon Six
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#803 - 2012-03-17 23:49:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ladeon Six
Well, attempted to run EVE today and my self-created shortcut to ExeFile.exe complains that the actual executable is "missing."

I look at the EVE installation directory and it's empty except for resui.stuff.

I don't recall uninstalling EVE during my sleep, so what the heck?

*edit* Just checked "Programs and Features" in Windows 7 and "EVE Online (Remove Only)" is still on the list of installed programs so now I'm more confused. The last time I ran EVE was before DT today.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#804 - 2012-03-18 03:00:08 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Grossvogel
(CSM candidate's ad removed — ISD Grossvogel)
LePeche Peachy
Boatload of Destruction
#805 - 2012-03-18 05:37:51 UTC
Ok... My Eve is officially broken.

I can't believe this is still going on after so many days. First it won't create a shortcut, then it loops continuously into a patch. Now the patches can't finish and just restart over and over.

Good Luck CCP...

Many of us are currently paying for nothing.
LePeche Peachy
Boatload of Destruction
#806 - 2012-03-18 06:26:18 UTC
Run the repair tool. Get this:

(4/7) Calculating patch: Initializing ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 83, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 184, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 333, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 376, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 557, in GetFileRestorers
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 121, in IsComplete
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 104, in GetFoundRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 180, in _UpdateRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 281, in _ByteIteration
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 229, in _ReadChunk
Total Runtime: 0h03m07s
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#807 - 2012-03-18 08:03:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Crash05
Hi CCP , i decided to post my own issues in the hopes that they might prove worthy for a fix or 2 .

My system is a:

Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60 Gh , 2.62 Gh

3 GB Ram

Nvidia GForce 8400 GS 512 mb

I know its not that good but a month before 1.5 crucible i managed to update my graphics driver and the client worked perfectly with settings all at high , 2 clients actually at the same time like so .

But now , since 1.5 my clients or even single client is working sloppy , even at low settings i have lag/delay when : undocking , docking , warping ( jumping ) to the next system , targeting , opening in-game windows ( char sheet , skill queue , mails , fit screen , market etc ) and more +

Some times the game freezes for no reason .. and it has happened pretty often . I don't have connection issues since i can surf the web without a problem , download watch vids with ease etc so i am kind of stuck at this point .

The launcher itself has become more slow since 4 5 days now , i would like to know what can be done to resolve my issue if it is possible ?

I noticed u asked some of the other players for fps screens ( if i remember corectly ) so i took a few shots and i will post them here if its ok :

and this is with the network menu poped up

Yes they are a few but i thought adding more will help more .

And last note , yesterday i reinstaled my Os in case it was still a problem at my end with the windows or the eve client and it did not help !

I hope u find a fix for this soon cause it is unplayable for me , thank you and congratz from me on a superb game so far !
New Eden Logistics
#808 - 2012-03-18 08:45:45 UTC
LePeche Peachy wrote:
Run the repair tool. Get this:

(4/7) Calculating patch: Initializing ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 83, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 184, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 333, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 376, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 557, in GetFileRestorers
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 121, in IsComplete
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 104, in GetFoundRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 180, in _UpdateRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 281, in _ByteIteration
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 229, in _ReadChunk
Total Runtime: 0h03m07s

When I see zsync that's an rsync issue with the transport protocol.

I'm sure I've seen this same exact error posted several times or at least similar.

Couple of things you might try right off.

Turn off your firewall software completely for the duration of the install. You'll need to download the latest repair.exe that CCP has posted and put it in your Eve directory. Run it. If it fails again with the same error or type of error check also in your router for SPI filtering. This too causes issues with rsync because they are using a ranged http wrapper for rsync and sadly rsync itself was designed as a UDP protocol and sends malformed packets which some packet filters will fail on the incoming stream and cause corruption of the launcher, repair tool and other files in the Eve directory.

CCP has tried to lay this as being just ESET that has this issue but as I've been reading through the posts in this thread there are people with all sorts of various firewalls that are getting the same errors that once they disable SPI and firewalls they've been able to download the client and install it.

Best of luck to you. CCP has been terribly slow to respond to this issue and seems the Devs went home for the weekend and don't give a rip that they product is still flawed and some 6000 users have continued to have issues for over 5 days now.
#809 - 2012-03-18 09:19:14 UTC
It's OK everyone.... Fanfest is coming up........

Wonder how many of those 6000 players affected are still going to go? CCP did you forget we are real people that don't like to loose money?

I suggest you do as your employers say and remove this useless unwanted P.O.S launcher before you have a riot in Iceland!
New Eden Logistics
#810 - 2012-03-18 10:21:12 UTC
PryMary wrote:
It's OK everyone.... Fanfest is coming up........

Wonder how many of those 6000 players affected are still going to go? CCP did you forget we are real people that don't like to loose money?

I suggest you do as your employers say and remove this useless unwanted P.O.S launcher before you have a riot in Iceland!

You know it's funny with fanfest and all.. You'd figure they'd have put this debacle off till afterward so they didn't have a ton of pissed off fans ready to riot in the streets.. LOL
ISD Grossvogel
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#811 - 2012-03-18 11:17:10 UTC
The petition by raven666wings (as well as all posts referencing it) was removed for violation of the forum rules; public petitions are not allowed on this forum (as is spamming).

ISD Grossvogel (ISD Гроссфогель) Captain, Community Communication Liaisons (CCL) Волонтёр группы по взаимодействию с игроками Interstellar Services Department

#812 - 2012-03-18 11:27:07 UTC
ISD Grossvogel wrote:
The petition by raven666wings (as well as all posts referencing it) was removed for violation of the forum rules; public petitions are not allowed on this forum (as is spamming).

So this is CCP's stand point? You make something we pay for unusable and if we speak out about it YOU (CCP) remove it (public outcry)?

So this is how you truly treat your customers?

Seriously?????? EvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvil
#813 - 2012-03-18 12:11:31 UTC  |  Edited by: eocsnesemaj
A friend of mine keep dc'ing ever hour on the hour and has done for the past few days? and I think he is almost at the point where enough is enough.

I myself have had a few problems, and am really annoyed that I paid for 3months just before this complete balls up.

I shall never again pay for EVE-shitonyou........

About half the players in the country i live in are affected cause its happening to everyone with a certain ISP. This is not the ISPs fault they should not have to change things that were working fine before. nor do i intend to go dicking around with my firewall/router/antivirus because u cant release a game that adds exceptions r wtf ever like everyone else.

I have 4 accounts that i run on a month to month basis (because of **** like this) and the first one runs out in 4 days... Ive been unable to play for over a week now and have had no response from CCP... If i cannot play by then then im not resubbing and will watch as eve dies 1 account at a time.

Quit this baffonary!

O and i hope there is massive riots at fanfest about this pile of fail... maybe that will show you in person that there are angry people.

Or everyone can call CCPs offices.. it dosent get you anywhere they just say they dont offer phone support but it does give you someone to complain to that you know at least hears you. and im sure one day that poor secretary will get fed up and say something.

For your Convenience:

CCP hf.
Grandagarður 8
101 Reykjavik
Tel: (+354) 540 9100
Fax: (+354) 540 9198
ID Number: 450697-3469
VSK Number: 54982
Opening hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Fri

North America
CCP North America /
White Wolf Publishing
2075 West Park Place BLVD.
Suite G
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Tel. (+1) 404-292-1819

United Kingdom
CCP Newcastle
Point 5
Fletcher Road
Gateshead Quayside
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Tel: +44 (0)191 500 8770

*EDIT: also when i asked the person on the phone that since there is no answer on the web and they dont offer phone support if i should just quit playing there was a looooooooong pause that i found funny :)
Desi Beanz
Pandemic Horde
#814 - 2012-03-18 12:15:39 UTC
me again..

I think I have a temporary solution to the fps drop some people experience.

Simple switch to window-mode, it made all modules work properly again, fittings, wallet, market etc. And the fps went up to 60 again from around 3-5. Fully playable.

Still a lot of other issues to work on, but I think CCP have most of them in this thread already.
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#815 - 2012-03-18 12:40:27 UTC
PryMary wrote:
ISD Grossvogel wrote:
The petition by raven666wings (as well as all posts referencing it) was removed for violation of the forum rules; public petitions are not allowed on this forum (as is spamming).

So this is CCP's stand point? You make something we pay for unusable and if we speak out about it YOU (CCP) remove it (public outcry)?

So this is how you truly treat your customers?

Seriously?????? EvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvil

You are welcome to speak out or post criticism on the forums, but please note that according to the forum rules (section 12), petitions are not allowed on our forums.

If you have an issue you would like to bring up with our GMs or request reimbursement, please contact customer support.

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Hakaru Ishiwara
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#816 - 2012-03-18 13:20:44 UTC
OPPercy wrote:
me again..

I think I have a temporary solution to the fps drop some people experience.

Simple switch to window-mode, it made all modules work properly again, fittings, wallet, market etc. And the fps went up to 60 again from around 3-5. Fully playable.

Still a lot of other issues to work on, but I think CCP have most of them in this thread already.
Confirming: Windowed mode works great in a Windows 7 64-bit environment on my end. Hardware exceeds all of CCP's recommended specifications.

Disclaimer: I have always played in Windowed mode on this hardware / software config with no issues... and have no design to ever switch back to "full-screen."

+++++++ I have never shed a tear for a fellow EVE player until now. Mark “Seleene” Heard's Blog Honoring Sean "Vile Rat" Smith.

LePeche Peachy
Boatload of Destruction
#817 - 2012-03-18 13:30:26 UTC
MoeStyles wrote:
LePeche Peachy wrote:
Run the repair tool. Get this:

(4/7) Calculating patch: Initializing ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 83, in _TaskRun
File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 184, in Repair
File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 333, in Restore
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 376, in RestoreFolder
File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 557, in GetFileRestorers
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 121, in IsComplete
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 104, in GetFoundRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 180, in _UpdateRanges
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 281, in _ByteIteration
File "zsync\fileSync.pyc", line 229, in _ReadChunk
Total Runtime: 0h03m07s

When I see zsync that's an rsync issue with the transport protocol.

I'm sure I've seen this same exact error posted several times or at least similar.

Couple of things you might try right off.

Turn off your firewall software completely for the duration of the install. You'll need to download the latest repair.exe that CCP has posted and put it in your Eve directory. Run it. If it fails again with the same error or type of error check also in your router for SPI filtering. This too causes issues with rsync because they are using a ranged http wrapper for rsync and sadly rsync itself was designed as a UDP protocol and sends malformed packets which some packet filters will fail on the incoming stream and cause corruption of the launcher, repair tool and other files in the Eve directory.

CCP has tried to lay this as being just ESET that has this issue but as I've been reading through the posts in this thread there are people with all sorts of various firewalls that are getting the same errors that once they disable SPI and firewalls they've been able to download the client and install it.

Best of luck to you. CCP has been terribly slow to respond to this issue and seems the Devs went home for the weekend and don't give a rip that they product is still flawed and some 6000 users have continued to have issues for over 5 days now.

We don't have Firewalls or Antivirus running at this point. Nothing is working. And it errors when trying to create a shortcut then loops back into patching. And when the launcher says "Creating Patch" it gets to 25% then starts over.

This is so depressing/frustrating. :(
Cyber Chaos Crew
#818 - 2012-03-18 14:20:27 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Oh did you just get your ears pulled by your boss for so much incompetence and losing so many costumers? Awwww.. im so sorry for your troubles.... lol
Cyber Chaos Crew
#819 - 2012-03-18 14:25:00 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
You mad because i found a weakness in your EULA that tries to cover all the **** you do to the costumers and used it against you? You just woke up now and got mad at my petition?
#820 - 2012-03-18 14:40:52 UTC  |  Edited by: PryMary
OMG a CCP person actually speaks for the first time in Day's.... CCP Spitfire I have 3 words for you... What's The Point?

All they are going to do is say: "There is no error's showing in the server log's" just like every other time I file a petition.

What is a GM going to do about me not being able to start an .exe process (even after changing my system so much I got multiple virus's / trojan's due to lack of firewall protection) I should sue you for damage to property.

The only way your going to keep me as a paying customer is to give me the time I have lost in a game I cannot play and remove the launcher so I can play again whilst having my firewall / internet protection @ 100%. Can you do that CCP can you?

No of course you can't because there are still 30,000 people logging in each day and do you care about 1 person **** NO