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Incoming titan adjustments

First post First post
Smiling Menace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2361 - 2012-03-16 01:20:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Smiling Menace
Reilly Duvolle wrote:
Keep sperging, morons. LOL. I'm sure you can fill another 10 pages with useless dribble in 3 more hours. Come on, you know you can do it.

As a neutral bystander in this drama, even I can see you are an idiot.

All the 'sperging' (that even a word??) is coming from you. You have just repeated the same crap over and over. You know perfectly well why Goons weren't kicked out of null last year....PL's FC totally f**ked up in VFK!

If they hadn't had a brain meltdown, then Goons would probably sitting on the Jita 4-4 undock ganking noobs and Privateers right about now.

The only thing I can see wrong with the Titan 're-balance' is the timing.

However, when is there never any fighting going on in null? Seems CCP are damned if they do, damned if they don't, so I guess they chose to annoy the very vocal minority this time.

Hey! Had a thought....maybe CCP like tears too? Would explain all of this very well LolLolLol


DAMN IT! Missed page 119 snipe :sad panda:
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2362 - 2012-03-16 01:24:10 UTC
Smiling Menace wrote:
If they hadn't had a brain meltdown, then Goons would probably sitting on the Jita 4-4 undock ganking noobs and Privateers right about now.

We plan on doing that anyway Soon(tm).
Caldari State
#2363 - 2012-03-16 01:27:49 UTC
All I can say is fives. Fives all around.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2364 - 2012-03-16 01:29:12 UTC
#2365 - 2012-03-16 01:33:30 UTC
Time for a haiku about this titan nerf.

Meet The Fockers
#2366 - 2012-03-16 02:05:20 UTC
Andski wrote:

Is mittani giving you a plex for all posts in this thread? Better watch out, he might scam even you.
Venus Vermillion
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2367 - 2012-03-16 02:18:24 UTC
Acwron wrote:
Andski wrote:

Is mittani giving you a plex for all posts in this thread? Better watch out, he might scam even you.

Gotta spend all of our moon money somewhere. The Mittani gives me like three plexes a month. Its pretty tight.
May Zonday
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2368 - 2012-03-16 02:23:24 UTC
Venus Vermillion wrote:
Acwron wrote:
Andski wrote:

Is mittani giving you a plex for all posts in this thread? Better watch out, he might scam even you.

Gotta spend all of our moon money somewhere. The Mittani gives me like three plexes a month. Its pretty tight.

We can literally lose a rifter every ******* second of every goddamn day and still make money. Eat it, poors.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2369 - 2012-03-16 02:30:05 UTC
I'm Down wrote:
There is a reason why I’ve said for the past 2 years that adjusting tracking will not fix the problem. Just like fixing lock time also does not address the problem at all.

You developers have for years completely ignored your tracking mechanics and how utterly garbage they are. You have also ignored people informing you of why you can’t fix tracking under the current design. So let me drop this knowledge on you for why your first fix to titans has changed so little in what they do that it will have virtually 0 impact on the game after a few months of adaptation:

The current problem is that titans in large numbers can blap the ever living **** out of a fleet with basically no risk simply because they are huge HP buffers that can be repaired by motherships which are also huge HP buffers. Now I could ***** and moan about Capital Remote repairers and their range and their effectiveness, particularly on huge hp and resist stars like supers, but that would go off track of my point, so I’ll avoid the temptation.

So you changed tracking… big whoop. Rather than track around 220 m/s for every 10km of range, an Erebus/Rag now tracks about 110 m/s for every 10km of range. In addition, they have a gun sig size of about double that of a BS. This creates some magical world where a ship further away can be tracked better, but is some how mysteriously the same size as though range dilation has no affect at all on how well you can see that now tiny little dot. In layman’s terms…. This means that if Eve mechanics worked in the real universe, Every star in the whole freaking universe would look approximately the same size as our sun, as would all the planets in size relation to our moon rather than the tiny specs in the sky that they are.
So here’s what happens after your patch to just circumvent the whole problem you just created…. Lock time you say… Tracking speed you say…

Hello MR Proteus, Hello either 5 AEONS with 4 Domi painters or 50 Archons with 4 T2 Painters (and just for luls cause the ship is cheap, why not throw in 2 range extenders for the painters as well). Now that wonderful tengu has an 800-1200 sig and at 60km can be tracked plus has a sig size near the same as the guns do. That Maelstrom has a 1700 + sig… ie bigger than the guns do, and can be tracked at about 12km range…. And oh yeah, you can easily get those 300-400,000 ehp small sig lokis to web down anything closer than those ranges to prevent them from avoiding the tracking problems… not like tech 3’s are rare these days.

Oh but lock time you say… well if the carrier paints before the Titans ever lock…. Oh yeah, Lock a tengu in 30-35 seconds, lock a Maelstrom in 23-30 seconds… that’s so brutal. Oh yeah, and that’s just with ******* Navy tracking computers and sensor boosters, I didn’t even toss in the Meta 13-14 gear.

Gee… in 20 minutes of planning and a slight modification to what my fleet roles are, I’ve just circumvented your entire titan patch plans b/c you thought this was enough to warrant not changing the coding of your formulas so that they make sense.

Good thing there’s nobody in this game who couldn’t ya know, divide their titan pilots up on mumble into 10-15 sub channels, have a few SC’s assigned to each for painting and just perform the exact same way where it’s “paint, blap, blap, boom” rather than the old, “blap, blap, boom”…. That extra step… it will be the death of me. Guess us PL folk, or Raiden folk, or NC. Folk will have a horrible time adapting to this fix bros.

Thanks for the effort… maybe next time you’ll listen to sense, put in the extra time needed, and avoid yet another **** fix.

Re-quoting this for CCP. Even PL admits their titans are still going to be overpowered after this nerf. Continue to further nerf titans.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2370 - 2012-03-16 03:06:14 UTC
SolusLunes wrote:
Time for a haiku about this titan nerf.


Bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo
Bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo
Bloo bloo bloo bloo bloo
Jengardan Cadelanne
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2371 - 2012-03-16 03:24:12 UTC
So PL blew up a CCP battleship fleet and they also had members on this CSM yet are now crying about the titan nerfs? Ugh

Sounds like someone had a fit of hubris and is throwing their toys out of the pram now that it's come home to roost.

That the gist of it?

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2372 - 2012-03-16 04:20:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Andski
Acwron wrote:
Andski wrote:

Is mittani giving you a plex for all posts in this thread? Better watch out, he might scam even you.

does the BRASIL HUE HUE alliance even have isk lol

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#2373 - 2012-03-16 04:29:24 UTC

Australian Fanfest Event

Death2all Supercaps
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2374 - 2012-03-16 04:33:56 UTC
Tarryn Nightstorm
Hellstar Towing and Recovery
#2375 - 2012-03-16 04:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Tarryn Nightstorm
I can haz ur stuffs, Titan-peenzor gaiz?

E: Remove supercraps from the game, already. Because...because **** them, that's why.

Star Wars: the Old Republic may not be EVE. But I'll take the sound of dual blaster-pistols over "NURVV CLAOKING NAOW!!!11oneone!!" any day of the week.

Anastasia Shimaya
#2376 - 2012-03-16 05:15:22 UTC
I'm Down wrote:
There is a reason why I’ve said for the past 2 years that adjusting tracking will not fix the problem. Just like fixing lock time also does not address the problem at all.

You developers have for years completely ignored your tracking mechanics and how utterly garbage they are. You have also ignored people informing you of why you can’t fix tracking under the current design. So let me drop this knowledge on you for why your first fix to titans has changed so little in what they do that it will have virtually 0 impact on the game after a few months of adaptation:

The current problem is that titans in large numbers can blap the ever living **** out of a fleet with basically no risk simply because they are huge HP buffers that can be repaired by motherships which are also huge HP buffers. Now I could ***** and moan about Capital Remote repairers and their range and their effectiveness, particularly on huge hp and resist stars like supers, but that would go off track of my point, so I’ll avoid the temptation.

So you changed tracking… big whoop. Rather than track around 220 m/s for every 10km of range, an Erebus/Rag now tracks about 110 m/s for every 10km of range. In addition, they have a gun sig size of about double that of a BS. This creates some magical world where a ship further away can be tracked better, but is some how mysteriously the same size as though range dilation has no affect at all on how well you can see that now tiny little dot. In layman’s terms…. This means that if Eve mechanics worked in the real universe, Every star in the whole freaking universe would look approximately the same size as our sun, as would all the planets in size relation to our moon rather than the tiny specs in the sky that they are.
So here’s what happens after your patch to just circumvent the whole problem you just created…. Lock time you say… Tracking speed you say…

Hello MR Proteus, Hello either 5 AEONS with 4 Domi painters or 50 Archons with 4 T2 Painters (and just for luls cause the ship is cheap, why not throw in 2 range extenders for the painters as well). Now that wonderful tengu has an 800-1200 sig and at 60km can be tracked plus has a sig size near the same as the guns do. That Maelstrom has a 1700 + sig… ie bigger than the guns do, and can be tracked at about 12km range…. And oh yeah, you can easily get those 300-400,000 ehp small sig lokis to web down anything closer than those ranges to prevent them from avoiding the tracking problems… not like tech 3’s are rare these days.

Oh but lock time you say… well if the carrier paints before the Titans ever lock…. Oh yeah, Lock a tengu in 30-35 seconds, lock a Maelstrom in 23-30 seconds… that’s so brutal. Oh yeah, and that’s just with ******* Navy tracking computers and sensor boosters, I didn’t even toss in the Meta 13-14 gear.

Gee… in 20 minutes of planning and a slight modification to what my fleet roles are, I’ve just circumvented your entire titan patch plans b/c you thought this was enough to warrant not changing the coding of your formulas so that they make sense.

Good thing there’s nobody in this game who couldn’t ya know, divide their titan pilots up on mumble into 10-15 sub channels, have a few SC’s assigned to each for painting and just perform the exact same way where it’s “paint, blap, blap, boom” rather than the old, “blap, blap, boom”…. That extra step… it will be the death of me. Guess us PL folk, or Raiden folk, or NC. Folk will have a horrible time adapting to this fix bros.

Thanks for the effort… maybe next time you’ll listen to sense, put in the extra time needed, and avoid yet another **** fix.

Now I'm assuming whatever the sig penalty plan was that you had was based at least in part on what I propsed about 6 months ago as I've not seen any other signiture plans offered ever. If you would just ******* do it, It would balance so many combat problems currently seen in this game that it's actually worth the effort. So please stop taking the easy way and do something ******* useful for once in you entire gaming careers.

Johnny Marzetti
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2377 - 2012-03-16 05:15:25 UTC
Well, I read this whole thread, and what they say is true.

Tears make the best lube.
Aurora B
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2378 - 2012-03-16 06:58:26 UTC
I'm Down wrote:
There is a reason why I’ve said for the past 2 years that adjusting tracking will not fix the problem. Just like fixing lock time also does not address the problem at all.

You developers have for years completely ignored your tracking mechanics and how utterly garbage they are. You have also ignored people informing you of why you can’t fix tracking under the current design. So let me drop this knowledge on you for why your first fix to titans has changed so little in what they do that it will have virtually 0 impact on the game after a few months of adaptation:

The current problem is that titans in large numbers can blap the ever living **** out of a fleet with basically no risk simply because they are huge HP buffers that can be repaired by motherships which are also huge HP buffers. Now I could ***** and moan about Capital Remote repairers and their range and their effectiveness, particularly on huge hp and resist stars like supers, but that would go off track of my point, so I’ll avoid the temptation.

So you changed tracking… big whoop. Rather than track around 220 m/s for every 10km of range, an Erebus/Rag now tracks about 110 m/s for every 10km of range. In addition, they have a gun sig size of about double that of a BS. This creates some magical world where a ship further away can be tracked better, but is some how mysteriously the same size as though range dilation has no affect at all on how well you can see that now tiny little dot. In layman’s terms…. This means that if Eve mechanics worked in the real universe, Every star in the whole freaking universe would look approximately the same size as our sun, as would all the planets in size relation to our moon rather than the tiny specs in the sky that they are.
So here’s what happens after your patch to just circumvent the whole problem you just created…. Lock time you say… Tracking speed you say…

Hello MR Proteus, Hello either 5 AEONS with 4 Domi painters or 50 Archons with 4 T2 Painters (and just for luls cause the ship is cheap, why not throw in 2 range extenders for the painters as well). Now that wonderful tengu has an 800-1200 sig and at 60km can be tracked plus has a sig size near the same as the guns do. That Maelstrom has a 1700 + sig… ie bigger than the guns do, and can be tracked at about 12km range…. And oh yeah, you can easily get those 300-400,000 ehp small sig lokis to web down anything closer than those ranges to prevent them from avoiding the tracking problems… not like tech 3’s are rare these days.

Oh but lock time you say… well if the carrier paints before the Titans ever lock…. Oh yeah, Lock a tengu in 30-35 seconds, lock a Maelstrom in 23-30 seconds… that’s so brutal. Oh yeah, and that’s just with ******* Navy tracking computers and sensor boosters, I didn’t even toss in the Meta 13-14 gear.

Gee… in 20 minutes of planning and a slight modification to what my fleet roles are, I’ve just circumvented your entire titan patch plans b/c you thought this was enough to warrant not changing the coding of your formulas so that they make sense.

Good thing there’s nobody in this game who couldn’t ya know, divide their titan pilots up on mumble into 10-15 sub channels, have a few SC’s assigned to each for painting and just perform the exact same way where it’s “paint, blap, blap, boom” rather than the old, “blap, blap, boom”…. That extra step… it will be the death of me. Guess us PL folk, or Raiden folk, or NC. Folk will have a horrible time adapting to this fix bros.

Thanks for the effort… maybe next time you’ll listen to sense, put in the extra time needed, and avoid yet another **** fix.

Now I'm assuming whatever the sig penalty plan was that you had was based at least in part on what I propsed about 6 months ago as I've not seen any other signiture plans offered ever. If you would just ******* do it, It would balance so many combat problems currently seen in this game that it's actually worth the effort. So please stop taking the easy way and do something ******* useful for once in you entire gaming careers.

Clearly +110 pages of tears proves you are wrong and cccp is doing the right thing.
Roland Hova
Caldari State
#2379 - 2012-03-16 07:06:27 UTC
I just read 119 pages of pure ******* gold with only a minimal desire to gouge out my own eyes.

CCP should perma sticky this thread so that future generations of goons and pubbies can admire how many gallons of tears were shed over this issue.
Aurora B
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2380 - 2012-03-16 08:40:05 UTC
Roland Hova wrote:
I just read 119 pages of pure ******* gold with only a minimal desire to gouge out my own eyes.

CCP should perma sticky this thread so that future generations of goons and pubbies can admire how many gallons of tears were shed over this issue.

You clearly are lost in a wormhole after dbrb op as your reality is so distorted. I see 110 pages of CFC nerdrage, 2 pages of tears, 7 pages of some kind of argumentation of this issue. Even those tears are because ccp's evil dead zombie arm is trying to do open brain surgery.