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Missions & Complexes

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Ideal level 2 mission ship/setup

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2011-09-22 16:20:36 UTC
I usually do trading/industry but I'm keen to get into doing missions to do in between trades etc, could anyone recommend a good ship and setup for level 2 missions?

Caldari Provisions
#2 - 2011-09-22 16:28:21 UTC
My post, it got eated Sad

Anyway tho, just about any standard cruiser will do well in 2s with a decent fit. Got no idea where your sp's are at dps wise, but try to stick with your strongest weapon system and you shouldn't have many issues.

"Music is a mysterious thing. Sometimes it makes people remember things they do not expect. Many thoughts, feelings, memories... things almost forgotten... Regardless of whether the listener desires to remember or not." - Citan Uzuki, Xenogears

Shovel Bros
#3 - 2011-09-22 16:28:24 UTC
Here's a decent Caracal for missions that I often suggest to younger corp mates (probably the best T1 cruiser for missions overall). Just trade out the hardners for mission-specific ones. Rig with Med Core Defense Field Extenders for more tank or missile damage/ROF rigs if you're comfortable with the tank.

[Caracal, Mission hitter]
Ballistic Control System II
Damage Control II

Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
V-M15 Braced Multispectral Shield Matrix
'Anointed' I EM Ward Reinforcement
10MN Afterburner I

SV-2000 Assault Missile Bay, Bloodclaw Light Missile
SV-2000 Assault Missile Bay, Bloodclaw Light Missile
SV-2000 Assault Missile Bay, Bloodclaw Light Missile
SV-2000 Assault Missile Bay, Bloodclaw Light Missile
SV-2000 Assault Missile Bay, Bloodclaw Light Missile

Hobgoblin I x2
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#4 - 2011-09-22 16:30:50 UTC
Well, what race ships and weapons systems do you have trained currently? Pretty much any basic T1 cruiser can be fitted up to run level 2 missions, so the world is your shellfish. Caracal for Caldari/missiles, Vexor for Gallente/drones, Rupture for Minmatar/projectiles and uh, dunno on Amarrian ships. Maller or Omen maybe.

Be more specific and we can give more options other than "anything"
#5 - 2011-09-22 16:53:58 UTC
Alaik wrote:
Well, what race ships and weapons systems do you have trained currently? Pretty much any basic T1 cruiser can be fitted up to run level 2 missions, so the world is your shellfish. Caracal for Caldari/missiles, Vexor for Gallente/drones, Rupture for Minmatar/projectiles and uh, dunno on Amarrian ships. Maller or Omen maybe.

Be more specific and we can give more options other than "anything"

Droneboats are the right idea, but consider lighter ones than cruiser size, like Ishkur or Worm. It will improve mission times, and some gated lvl2s don't take cruiser sized ships.

Missile/gunboats won't do as well as drone boats.
Planetary Interactors
#6 - 2011-09-22 16:54:49 UTC
if you're sticking to L2s and swimming in isk, someone mentioned the Caracal. A Navy Caracal has an extra launcher and some extra drone bay space. Assault launchers demolish frigs from excellent range. It's tank sort of sucks but then again, you're just fighting frigs so it shouldn't be so bad.
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#7 - 2011-09-22 17:12:15 UTC
Goose99 wrote:
Missile/gunboats won't do as well as drone boats.

Honestly, anything works. Drones are just better for AFKing the mission. I have used a basic T2 fitted Caracal in level 2s very effectively when I was starting to grind up some fast rep for a new corp and didn't want to splash out on a new HAC just for a few missions. It really depends on his skills atm, which may well be a blank slate as he says he's just a trader.
#8 - 2011-09-22 17:16:42 UTC
Alaik wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
Missile/gunboats won't do as well as drone boats.

Honestly, anything works. Drones are just better for AFKing the mission. I have used a basic T2 fitted Caracal in level 2s very effectively when I was starting to grind up some fast rep for a new corp and didn't want to splash out on a new HAC just for a few missions. It really depends on his skills atm, which may well be a blank slate as he says he's just a trader.

Of course, it's lvl2 missions. With gun/missile boats, you'll have to target every rat, which are so weak they pop immediately to bonused light drones automatically. Light t1 drones will do, t2 not necessary for the extremely weak frig rats.

At this level, droneboats aren't really afk. Missions go so fast (faster than with gun/missile boats) that there's no time to go afk.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2011-09-22 17:17:37 UTC
Thanks for the advice and insight, I'm a proper noob when it comes to choosing ships, setups etc. Will take it all on board, cheers everyone
Lili Lu
#10 - 2011-09-23 02:36:10 UTC
Alaik wrote:
Well, what race ships and weapons systems do you have trained currently? Pretty much any basic T1 cruiser can be fitted up to run level 2 missions, so the world is your shellfish. Caracal for Caldari/missiles, Vexor for Gallente/drones, Rupture for Minmatar/projectiles and uh, dunno on Amarrian ships. Maller or Omen maybe.

Be more specific and we can give more options other than "anything"

Ok you got Caldari and Gallente right. Minmatar right too, but I would add a Bellicose to the Rupture for doing missions.

However, you got Amarr wrong. The only tech I cruiser worth flying in that race for pve is the Arbitrator. Bonused drones clean up level 2s real fast. Just put a tank on the thing and don't bother trying to shoot all red blinkys. Hell if no respawn in the mission put the drones on aggressive and don't bother trying to even lock any of them. And for pvp for that matter unless you want to be obvious bait in a Maller, the Arby is again the best option.

I remember hating and crying over the damn Omen in level 2 missions as a noob. Fitting is terrible. Cap is terrible. Tank is terrible. Hell even the dps was terrible. Amarr is where you definitely do pass right by go in order to train into the Harbinger.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2011-09-23 02:49:14 UTC
Blitz the missions,the isk / lp is totally not worth it.

That being said, they are mostly made up of frigates, if you have good skills, a Destroyer can smash through most of them.

If you have Assault Frigates, they will do them faster than anything else.

Personally I just push my Ishtar ( Ishkur when gates would allow my HAC ) through them, but thats a whole pile of training.
Kira Deschain
Arcane Odyssey
Electus Matari
#12 - 2011-09-23 22:12:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Kira Deschain
I would agree that it's best to blitz L2s because the rewards are crap. Better to get to L3s as fast as possible. However, this Thrasher fit easily destroyed every L2 I ran with it. This is a meta 4 fit and costs around 3mil currently. I was even able to take this ship into L3s before I could fly a Hurricane. Granted, by then I was able to change out most of the modules for T2 variants which was a big help. Could also put some shield and/or projectile rigs on, if they're in the budget.

[Thrasher, ManyGuns]

7x 250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I (Titanium Sabot S)
'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I (Thorn Rocket)

Cold-Gas I Arcjet Thrusters
2x Invulnerability Field I

Fourier Transform I Tracking Program
Counterbalanced Weapon Mounts I