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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#321 - 2012-02-22 01:40:26 UTC
Two rather unusual rescues today. The first was of 20 tourists who had paid fare for passage into Caldari space but found themselves floating in space instead. They are safe, but a bit shaken. The second group consisted of a group of legally freed slaves who had paid passage and a group of slave for sale. Both were dumped together at the border. Space is a dangerous place to travel and capsuleer pilots cannot always be trusted to do what they say or even what they are paid to do.

Wall of Shame:

Aleks galent 20 tourists
Mayor Mahyisti 23 former slaves, 10 legally freed slaves.


Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#322 - 2012-02-22 14:10:34 UTC
31 people were rescued and brought to Center #3 early this morning. We have a new group of students wishing to study in Korama and Egbinger. I will need to retrieve the "Redemption" from where it is moored to make the transports. In the mean time, Ston is training so that he can share in these covert transport duties eventually.

Wall of Shame:

Tin Khamez 31 lives


Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#323 - 2012-02-23 15:57:11 UTC
66 rescued people were welcomed into Center #3 today from two rescues. One of these rescues was from a blue can that was jettisoned as my crew was rescuing the first group. While still worthy of the wall of shame, we put a lesser shame upon those pilots who blue the can, thus inviting rescue.

Wall of Shame:

Spadroon 45 lives
Eva Akaliptious 21 lives (blue can)


Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#324 - 2012-02-23 21:06:07 UTC
I had no time to report yesterday, so I am catching up a bit. As of the end of my last patrol shift, 135 people have been rescued from 4 death cans. The Elders of Center #1 have been happy to welcome these new arrivals and to help them adjust to life out of chains.

Wall of Shame:

Lordgeneral Raven 10 lives
Armanost 50 lives
Zyany 44 lives
Parl Ortea 31 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Just Keep Hanging On
#325 - 2012-02-24 14:48:49 UTC
Several days of rescues on my travels

Kate Hall - 10 Elite Slaves

Skipper Nemoy - 80 Slaves

Abandoned Slaves
From: Gaufres
Sent: 2012.02.22 18:30
To: Leafstrip,

Why would you abandon people to die in space like that. It would not have taken you much out of your way to put them safely in a station

From: Leafstrip
Sent: 2012.02.22 18:33
To: Gaufres,

Sometime there is a lack of space in the cargohold , so this bitchs of slave was the worst in my cargo , Amarr u know man ...

Leafstrip - 14 Slaves

Goriah NomNom - 49 Slaves
Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#326 - 2012-02-24 20:26:30 UTC
This rescue was conducted evening last. 12 more lives that will continue instead of ending.

Wall of Shame:

RuffRydeR007 12 lives


Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#327 - 2012-02-25 19:32:30 UTC
48 people were rescue over the morning shift. They are happy to be alive and we are happy to have helped.

Wall of Shame:

Barwok 35 lives
War4u 13 lives


Just Keep Hanging On
#328 - 2012-02-26 06:25:46 UTC
After a long week of mining, my crew and I were headed for a well deserved couple of days off. On the way we spotted 8 or more ships just sitting around a can in space. Since it was in a known area where pilots are known to jettision people to die in space, we pulled along side to see what was going on.

For some unknown reason, the ships in the area were just going to let these people die. Not even do the decent thing and rescue them. We docked with the container and rescued 2 Slavers and 21 of their former charges. The Slavers said they were bound for an unnamed port in Caldari Space where they were to deliver the 21 slaves.

This now makes 5 slavers that I have in detention, not quite knowing what to do with them. I have many retired/reformed Slavers that assist me in all the ins and outs of dealing with the Amarrian Officials and making sure all the paperwork is in order so I can freely get the former slaves to a safer location. They have told me that these 5 I have in detention are real hard-core believers who actually think they are doing the right thing! At least they do not have possession of the 21 rescued people anymore.

Wall of Shame

Izen Cracker

2 Slavers
21 Slaves
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#329 - 2012-02-27 14:02:15 UTC
I had emergency planetside duties and was unable to report these two rescues from a few days ago. May these 43 lives find new purpose, health, happiness, and peace in their new lives as free people.

Wall of Shame:

Xenalya 10 former Elite, 10 former slaves
Sal Pheebu 23 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#330 - 2012-02-29 01:58:45 UTC
One rescue today. That last couple days have been quiet on patrol. We also handed administration duties of Center #2 over to Ta Pang today as well. This was the Center that Edaine was in charge of while he was still in the corp. Thanks Ta Pang for taking over this duty. Speaking of Edaine, he has asked us to help him look for a Matari pilot who might be willing to help establish another center in Amarr space on behalf of other abolitionist interests. We are happy to do so. Manwe has a lot of Vherokior connections. Maybe something will turn up.

Wall of Shame:

llzumll (24IC) 49 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Revenent Defence Corperation
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#331 - 2012-02-29 03:55:36 UTC
I am a new Capsuleer, relatively speaking, and was unaware of your efforts here. I just wanted to say that I'm moved by your devotion to rescuing these people. Best of luck, and should I find myself in a position to contribute, I will.
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#332 - 2012-03-02 01:27:46 UTC
It still deeply grieves me, even after I have seen it again and again, when a Matari tribesman sells his own brothers and sisters and even dumps them in space to die. It is just so wrong. 10 were rescued early today.

Wall of Shame:

Bear Jorgensson 10 former Elite Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#333 - 2012-03-02 16:12:57 UTC
Scherezad wrote:
I am a new Capsuleer, relatively speaking, and was unaware of your efforts here. I just wanted to say that I'm moved by your devotion to rescuing these people. Best of luck, and should I find myself in a position to contribute, I will.

We are delighted to see new capsuleer pilots who are interested in more than themselves. We hope that Ms. Scherezad will pursue a career focused on justice and human rights.

A couple rescues to report. 17 people are now safe and sound.

News on another front... I put Nuvos in touch with my Essence instructor. His daughter is maybe interested in helping with the emancipation work of NUVOS if something can be worked out to fund her education. This sounds like maybe it is right up Edaine's alley.

Wall of Shame

Evi Polevhia 10 former Elite slaves
Kaya Now 7 lives (blue can)


Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#334 - 2012-03-03 16:51:11 UTC
Precious lives rescued and the work goes on.

Wall of Shame:

Hiromatsu Sama 44 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Just Keep Hanging On
#335 - 2012-03-05 20:07:32 UTC
Heading home with a load of general stuff and we found another can by the gate. Knowing what we would probable find, we checked. Sure enough, an Amarrian abandoned 10 Elite Slaves to the cold of space.


10 Elite Slaves
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#336 - 2012-03-05 23:33:48 UTC
17 lives rescued. Each life a valuable part of this universe.

Wall of Shame:

Jupiter Five 17lives

P.S. Gaufres, your posting here on this thread is an enormous encouragement to all of us at DSTON. Every rescue means that another death can did not disintegrate with innocent lives aboard. Thanks.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#337 - 2012-03-07 00:19:21 UTC
10 lives rescued from a death can today.

Wall of Shame:

Mayor Mahyisti 10 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Manwe Todako
Disciples of Ston
#338 - 2012-03-08 13:59:42 UTC
At the end of my patrol shift I brought back 32 people from a rescue and as it was the end my shift, I exited pod and went up to the residents to visit with some of M-Center #3 people. Five young men ran up to me and said, "You haven't reported our rescue yet." I was taken aback and asked them what the deal was. They told me that people in the center would often monitor the IGS and point out which rescue they were in. I looked back at my logs and sure enough, I had forgotten to report the rescue of these five. It was an oversight on my part. But what was more interesting to me was how the people are identifying with that moment in time when they became free. These five young men reminded me of the importance of rescue work and the need to continue it.

On another note, the pilot Unknown Pharaoh is a fellow Vherokior and probably of a close bloodline with my family. What a shame! It boils my blood to see a brother doing this to his own people.

Wall of Shame:

bradis 86 5 live (your rescue has now been reported)
Unknown Pharaoh 32 lives


Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#339 - 2012-03-10 18:23:04 UTC
I have three rescues to report, one from yesterday and two from today's patrol. I just noticed that the numbers went in order.
The first rescue was from a blue can labelled "slaves." I wish to acknowledge that at least that pilot had some small notion of the value of the lives aboard.

Wall of Shame::

Sulior 9 lives ( blue can)
Abishai 10 lives
John Hister 11 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#340 - 2012-03-11 21:37:53 UTC
12 lives rescued. 12 lives with renewed hope. 12 lives not destined to spend their last moments in a death can.

Wall of Shame:

Chingachgook Argus 12 lives

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace