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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

Caldari State
#281 - 2012-01-25 18:17:09 UTC
Frozen Fallout wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:

The reason I am busting your chops on this is because you are right we do need to offer good ideas. But IMO your ideas are bad and unessacary (for fw missions only)

The missions are fine, it is not CCPs fault that players do not want to stop other players from farming isk. The ability is there and you can do it.

Heck half the time fw players are surfing the internet anyway while online. Do it while camping the mission gate once you push them out.

If you hinder enough of them you can shut down systems. Why not camp the agents station? All the mechanics that are avalaible for other missions outside FW are avalaiable and the same to FW players. That is my point. You are making suggestions to something that does not need to be tweaked in FW. Go after the plexing purpose first.

In my experience you do not suggest items that need minor tweaking or are fine by the majority of the players you only suggest the areas that need to be fixed less you break something all together. Do not yell for a nerf bat or adjustments to this nature before you fix the real purpose. If you "fix" missions you are only depleting the fw player base even more. Even if they only come to fw for missions, they are still there. So your crusade has yeilded no results.

So let me get this strait you think FW should be all about camping gates, camping stations and camping missions? Sounds boring to me and I don't think very many people in FW would agree that it should be all about camping.

No however FW missions are such a small part of FW that is my point. You are focusing on something where it is an isk making activity only. Name one person that LIKES running missions that is an actual REAL FW pilot.

FW is about the pvp, you can alter the FW missions in so many other ways by using pvp that never touch FW missions.

1) Have system controls lock out agents
2) Have system controls not spawn missions for the opoosing faction
3) Have running FW missions in a nearby "region" that is capped by the opoosing faction reduce LP rewards

My point is focus on the other areas not just this little thing called "missions"

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

#282 - 2012-01-25 18:19:36 UTC
Frozen Fallout wrote:

When you have 3 people running missions each taking 6 missions each thats 18 missions they do on one run. You cant stop them from doing a mission you can only delay. They just go to the next one. And chasing 20 million isk ships around for hours on end isn't fun for anyone, I would rather go out and fight pirates which put up more fights then the Caldari at the moment. As for catching an Ishtar its so rare to see some one with the balls to actually run missions in a destructible ship it might as well never happen.

Im just throwing out Ideas because CCP has made it clear they want to wipe the whole system and make it a new. Missions was just one of the many things that need to be looked at and I would rather we as players of FW would work together and present some good ideas to CCP because it seems CCP is going to destroy that which we love if we dont.

I suppose if you just want to sit back and wait to see what CCP does and not offer any good ideas (just attack others) you might just get what you want. Here's to CCP destroying one of the best play grounds in Eve for PvP Cheers Mate.


It's much too "hard" to go out of my way to hunt down mission runners because they aren't "easy" to gank. It's much better to sit in 15 to 20 man gangs where help is always 1 jump away to provide easy PVP on a platter. CCP please change game to make care bears easy to gank, because me and my buddies are too lazy to do anything but camp gates and bait for our gangs.

Caldari State
#283 - 2012-01-25 18:21:12 UTC
Mutnin wrote:
Frozen Fallout wrote:

When you have 3 people running missions each taking 6 missions each thats 18 missions they do on one run. You cant stop them from doing a mission you can only delay. They just go to the next one. And chasing 20 million isk ships around for hours on end isn't fun for anyone, I would rather go out and fight pirates which put up more fights then the Caldari at the moment. As for catching an Ishtar its so rare to see some one with the balls to actually run missions in a destructible ship it might as well never happen.

Im just throwing out Ideas because CCP has made it clear they want to wipe the whole system and make it a new. Missions was just one of the many things that need to be looked at and I would rather we as players of FW would work together and present some good ideas to CCP because it seems CCP is going to destroy that which we love if we dont.

I suppose if you just want to sit back and wait to see what CCP does and not offer any good ideas (just attack others) you might just get what you want. Here's to CCP destroying one of the best play grounds in Eve for PvP Cheers Mate.


It's much too "hard" to go out of my way to hunt down mission runners because they aren't "easy" to gank. It's much better to sit in 15 to 20 man gangs where help is always 1 jump away to provide easy PVP on a platter. CCP please change game to make care bears easy to gank, because me and my buddies are too lazy to do anything but camp gates and bait for our gangs.

Exactly my point. Im not agreeing with the level of sarcasm but this is 100% my point.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#284 - 2012-01-25 18:35:19 UTC
I like running FW missions.
1) I get to travel all around low sec, see the sights, while grinding for isk.
2) Sometimes I can get fights out of the missions if I want (pirates love raiding FW missions).
3) I can hunt afk Caldari mission runners on my way to pick up other missions.
4) Hunting the other side's mission runners is also a fun thing to do on occasion.

They were designed to get people out in low sec and moving around. More targets for gankers, but over time people have figured out how to run them to minimize their losses. After running a few FW missions where you have to make 20 jumps in low sec, running conventional low sec Level 4's is a breeze. You wonder why mission runners stay in high sec after a while.

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#285 - 2012-01-25 18:43:50 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
No however FW missions are such a small part of FW that is my point. You are focusing on something where it is an isk making activity only. Name one person that LIKES running missions that is an actual REAL FW pilot....

How can you spell out the problem in a question and still not get it?

After word of how easy and profitable FW missions are, when farmers arrived en masse, market prices plummeted to the current level which is just a few percent above cost. Result is that what you call real FW pilots are forced to run 2-3 times the number of missions as before to make ends meet.
So you see, they are not as disconnected from FW as you make them out to be as most of the people I know have no real alternative when it comes bulking up .. the atrocity is that we don't like doing them but are forced to spam them to keep up with losses .. thanks to farmers crashing the market.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#286 - 2012-01-25 18:45:56 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
The problem with all of mecha's argument is that you consider bomber and inty solo. Its not. Can you run two ships on one eve program? No you have to dual box.

Or you can just fly your hound like a boss and skip the inty. What a hassle and why risk two ships when the hound is more than capable of speed tanking the room and pooping on the target at the same time.

If you REALLY want to farm missions, you dual box with two bombers :)

Bad Messenger wrote:

Good example about how to refresh plexing was to spawn lot of plexes, no one really proposed that but ccp figured it out them self. I trust that ccp will find lot of better solutions as general than any of you can imagine.

Actually, we ALL have suggested fixing the spawning of plexes. That has been the number one player-requested fix for years now, I don’t know how you could be paying attention and say we haven’t been begging for this. Its at the top of my “top trending” FW fixes. We asked for it, it was a great idea, CCP fixed it, and now things are improving.

Bad Messenger wrote:

EVE is really complex product , fw missions are really small part of eve economy and i do not see any problem how it affect as whole. Only reason why you complain about is that someone is making isk out of those easily while you beat your own head to wall without reason. There is lot of guides how to farm those effectively but it is up to you if you want to use those methods or not.

Also, I’m not complaining about the missions cause I can’t make isk off of them, of course I can! I’ve been milking them for 2 years now! See my “dual bomber” comment above. My problem isn’t that I don’t know how to make money, its that it the missions only make bombers vulnerable. And chasing bombers is not quality PvP. Is it possible? Yes. Is it fun for most pilots? No. The fact that you can stealth in the missions is what lets people join FW for the easy missions, and skip PvP. A good FW missioner will NOT get caught. The missions should be fixed so that you can catch more variety of ships, or end up chasing gangs of pilots that run them instead of solo pilots.

I could farm the missions all day in a bomber and be mostly safe, maybe lose one or two here and there if I get a phone call in the middle, but no big deal. The problem is that it is boring for most Amarr pilots to chase me, and many of them gave up a long time ago. Hunting mission runners should be fun, not frustrating.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#287 - 2012-01-25 18:46:01 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
No however FW missions are such a small part of FW that is my point. You are focusing on something where it is an isk making activity only. Name one person that LIKES running missions that is an actual REAL FW pilot....

How can you spell out the problem in a question and still not get it?

After word of how easy and profitable FW missions are, when farmers arrived en masse, market prices plummeted to the current level which is just a few percent above cost. Result is that what you call real FW pilots are forced to run 2-3 times the number of missions as before to make ends meet.
So you see, they are not as disconnected from FW as you make them out to be as most of the people I know have no real alternative when it comes bulking up .. the atrocity is that we don't like doing them but are forced to spam them to keep up with losses .. thanks to farmers crashing the market.

But this is not a result of the missions themself this is due to the profit that was there at the time. As profits sink other mission runners will go do other things. This is NORMAL in eve. Look at trading, mining, PI,manufacturing. All of that does exactly what you say.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#288 - 2012-01-25 18:55:30 UTC
Except that the market bottomed out over six months ago .. if that fantasy was real shouldn't all the farmers have moved on?

The pure ISK payout is high enough to keep them in place thus never letting the market recover, it takes 5 bloody minutes to complete a lvl4 FW mission .. once properly set up you can even eliminate 90% of the "oh so daunting!" travel time at marginal cost (ship in each constellation, use stabbed-ceptor for transit).

The risk/reward is so out of whack that any comparison you can make to other areas of Eve will automatically fail .
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#289 - 2012-01-25 18:56:42 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
No however FW missions are such a small part of FW that is my point. You are focusing on something where it is an isk making activity only. Name one person that LIKES running missions that is an actual REAL FW pilot....

How can you spell out the problem in a question and still not get it?

After word of how easy and profitable FW missions are, when farmers arrived en masse, market prices plummeted to the current level which is just a few percent above cost. Result is that what you call real FW pilots are forced to run 2-3 times the number of missions as before to make ends meet.
So you see, they are not as disconnected from FW as you make them out to be as most of the people I know have no real alternative when it comes bulking up .. the atrocity is that we don't like doing them but are forced to spam them to keep up with losses .. thanks to farmers crashing the market.

Exactly. FW missions should be a privilege for those that PvP, to pay for ship losses. This is why a very common suggestion is to only allow those with PvP victories or plexing victories to be able to pick up missions.

When a non-PvP missioner joins FW and farms missions with the bomber, he hurts those that are actually using the missions to fund their PvP. They take FW rewards and instead of using them to put more ships out fighting on the front lines, they take that isk elsewhere in the game, and forceably lower prices on the market. It hurts the FW community and happens all the time.

The result is us doing stupid annoying stuff like dual boxing when we used to run them solo, forcing a mad grind to make a decent income to support PvP. It takes away precious time we could be fighting each other, instead of grinding missions because we compete with those that DONT PvP.

Its bad for everyone except those farming the missions and taking the isk elsewhere, and hurts the FW scene. It's easily fixed (turn plexing victory points or PvP kills into vouchers to be exchanged for mission offers) and such a fix would flush out those that are only signed up for the missions.

No one will lament having 1000 less stealth bombers running around the warzone. Those people (the ones taking the isk elsewhere, not the actual FW soldiers) will not be missed, nor will we care if there's that many less targets. No matter what Bad Messenger says, none of us are in FW for the thrill of chasing stealth bombers. That is boring PvP. Time to get rid of it.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#290 - 2012-01-25 18:57:59 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
No however FW missions are such a small part of FW that is my point. You are focusing on something where it is an isk making activity only. Name one person that LIKES running missions that is an actual REAL FW pilot....

How can you spell out the problem in a question and still not get it?

After word of how easy and profitable FW missions are, when farmers arrived en masse, market prices plummeted to the current level which is just a few percent above cost. Result is that what you call real FW pilots are forced to run 2-3 times the number of missions as before to make ends meet.
So you see, they are not as disconnected from FW as you make them out to be as most of the people I know have no real alternative when it comes bulking up .. the atrocity is that we don't like doing them but are forced to spam them to keep up with losses .. thanks to farmers crashing the market.

Exactly. FW missions should be a privilege for those that PvP, to pay for ship losses. This is why a very common suggestion is to only allow those with PvP victories or plexing victories to be able to pick up missions.

When a non-PvP missioner joins FW and farms missions with the bomber, he hurts those that are actually using the missions to fund their PvP. They take FW rewards and instead of using them to put more ships out fighting on the front lines, they take that isk elsewhere in the game, and forceably lower prices on the market. It hurts the FW community and happens all the time.

The result is us doing stupid annoying stuff like dual boxing when we used to run them solo, forcing a mad grind to make a decent income to support PvP. It takes away precious time we could be fighting each other, instead of grinding missions because we compete with those that DONT PvP.

Its bad for everyone except those farming the missions and taking the isk elsewhere, and hurts the FW scene. It's easily fixed (turn plexing victory points or PvP kills into vouchers to be exchanged for mission offers) and such a fix would flush out those that are only signed up for the missions.

No one will lament having 1000 less stealth bombers running around the warzone. Those people (the ones taking the isk elsewhere, not the actual FW soldiers) will not be missed, nor will we care if there's that many less targets. No matter what Bad Messenger says, none of us are in FW for the thrill of chasing stealth bombers. That is boring PvP. Time to get rid of it.

Ok so we should also take 0.0 an only let pvpers be there right? I mean who wants a carebear in 0.0

Problem solved LETS MOVE ALL carebears to highsec and leave them there.......*facepalm*

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#291 - 2012-01-25 19:10:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Hans Jagerblitzen
BolsterBomb wrote:

Ok so we should also take 0.0 an only let pvpers be there right? I mean who wants a carebear in 0.0

Problem solved LETS MOVE ALL carebears to highsec and leave them there.......*facepalm*

Dude you're not listening at all. It's not about trying to eliminate PvE in FW. It's about trying to protect an income source that is designed to supplement the constant PvP losses that one occurs over the course of daily fighting for occupancy.

0.0 is the same way. The anomolies and sanctums that exist out there are NOT for general consumption - they are the privilege of those who work to protect them, the nullsec alliances. I'm pretty sure most nullsec alliances that hold soveriegnty believe that you should only be farming sanctums in their space if you are willing to either pay them for rent, or contribute physically in defense of that territory.

This is one of the *few* philosophical issues FW pilots and nullsec pilots agree upon.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Frozen Fallout
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#292 - 2012-01-25 19:10:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Frozen Fallout
I would just like to say I don't think missions ruin FW at all and I have made my billions of isk and will continue to make my isk with FW not a problem. It was but 1 of my 5 points and it was at the bottom for a reason. I think everyone for the past few posts has focused on something that is completely away from the point I am trying to make with my original point. Which was:

CCP has told us via these Minutes that they are looking to completely overhaul the system and possibly destroy it with our own special CMS council so we can have even more drama and in fighting as well as it being more attractive to join just to ruin it. They want to throw out the plexing and replace it with some new Sov system they haven't even talked about yet (how many sov systems have had so far? And how many of them where good?). I also offered a few off handed ideas to try and get the gears rolling. The intent was not to make it a bash on mission runners.

What we need to do is work together not be fighting each other. If we don't have a Focused Dream for FW and impose it on CCP. I think CCP is going to give us a Nightmare.

My personal belief is that FW should be all about the PvP and everything about it should cater to that aspect as much as possible. So some of my ideas are going to be bias and I will admit that. Im willing to put aside bias and try and find good ideas. BolsterBombs right that having Plexing lock down stations would help force fighting and ideas like these should be talked about just as much as some comment I made about missioning.

We need to work together to present some solutions that aren't completely bias. If we can present a more united front and maybe even get a CMS that will speak for us will do much more good and maybe even prevent the nightmare that CCP has proposed.
Garr Earthbender
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#293 - 2012-01-25 19:11:01 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:

Ok so we should also take 0.0 an only let pvpers be there right? I mean who wants a carebear in 0.0

Problem solved LETS MOVE ALL carebears to highsec and leave them there.......*facepalm*

You know there's more to low sec than FW right? *facepalm*

-Scissors is overpowered, rock is fine. -Paper

Caldari State
#294 - 2012-01-25 19:17:08 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:

Ok so we should also take 0.0 an only let pvpers be there right? I mean who wants a carebear in 0.0

Problem solved LETS MOVE ALL carebears to highsec and leave them there.......*facepalm*

Dude you're not listening at all. It's not about trying to eliminate PvE in FW. It's about trying to protect an income source that is designed to supplement the constant PvP losses that one occurs over the course of daily fighting for occupancy.

0.0 is the same way. The anomolies and sanctums that exist out there are NOT for general consumption - they are the privilege of those who work to protect them, the nullsec alliances. I'm pretty sure most nullsec alliances that hold soveriegnty believe that you should only be farming sanctums in their space if you are willing to either pay them for rent, or contribute physically in defense of that territory.

This is one of the *few* philosophical issues FW pilots and nullsec pilots agree upon.

Or just go in and run them.....sorry but this is 100% wrong. Just because an alliance owns a system does not mean I cannot ninja there stuff. There comes risk because the alliance can kill you while running it (oh wait FW can do that too)

Your argument doesnt stand. You say protect it for X. Where in EVE is something actually 100% protected by game mechanics??? It is not. Its protected by the PLAYERS.

That is why your argument is void. You have the ability stop whinning and go cause some tears.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Caldari State
#295 - 2012-01-25 19:18:11 UTC
Frozen Fallout wrote:
I would just like to say I don't think missions ruin FW at all and I have made my billions of isk and will continue to make my isk with FW not a problem. It was but 1 of my 5 points and it was at the bottom for a reason. I think everyone for the past few posts has focused on something that is completely away from the point I am trying to make with my original point. Which was:

CCP has told us via these Minutes that they are looking to completely overhaul the system and possibly destroy it with our own special CMS council so we can have even more drama and in fighting as well as it being more attractive to join just to ruin it. They want to throw out the plexing and replace it with some new Sov system they haven't even talked about yet (how many sov systems have had so far? And how many of them where good?). I also offered a few off handed ideas to try and get the gears rolling. The intent was not to make it a bash on mission runners.

What we need to do is work together not be fighting each other. If we don't have a Focused Dream for FW and impose it on CCP. I think CCP is going to give us a Nightmare.

My personal belief is that FW should be all about the PvP and everything about it should cater to that aspect as much as possible. So some of my ideas are going to be bias and I will admit that. Im willing to put aside bias and try and find good ideas. BolsterBombs right that having Plexing lock down stations would help force fighting and ideas like these should be talked about just as much as some comment I made about missioning.

We need to work together to present some solutions that aren't completely bias. If we can present a more united front and maybe even get a CMS that will speak for us will do much more good and maybe even prevent the nightmare that CCP has proposed.

absolutely that is why i am saying stop talking about FW missions and there mechanics. Have PVP alter the way missions are rewarded. Not vice versa

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#296 - 2012-01-25 19:18:32 UTC
Garr Earthbender wrote:

You know there's more to low sec than FW right? *facepalm*

Precisely. There's lots of PvE activities in lowsec that are higher reward than highsec PvE, but are free for anyone to engage. In fact, I ENCOURAGE carebears to spend more time in lowsec and making more isk there.

I just don't appreciate them taking FW rewards without putting in the work to make FW a better community by actually participating in the war.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#297 - 2012-01-25 19:21:23 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

Exactly. FW missions should be a privilege for those that PvP, to pay for ship losses. This is why a very common suggestion is to only allow those with PvP victories or plexing victories to be able to pick up missions.

When a non-PvP missioner joins FW and farms missions with the bomber, he hurts those that are actually using the missions to fund their PvP. They take FW rewards and instead of using them to put more ships out fighting on the front lines, they take that isk elsewhere in the game, and forceably lower prices on the market. It hurts the FW community and happens all the time.

(more good stuff)

I share this sentiment, but not the solution.

Missions should be removed completely from FW. This is because there is no way to fail your opponents mission (except for one). Therefore, carebears can just come in, pick up 14 missions, and if they get interrupted in one place go away do others and come back later, or just fail the mission. I know, because I've both hunted mission runners and run missions like that for 36 hours straight solo in a gila. Expecting pvp to come from this primarily pve activity is just not going to happen.

What should occur instead is that plexes should give LP for completion. Unlike a mission, if someone comes into your plex they can actually undo the work you've done. This forces the mission runner to pvp to chase them away, or abandon your progress (not resume it later). This also gives the mission hunter some reward for staying and ruining your day.

How plexes should be changed is a completely different story: e.g. notifications if someone is running a plex: this could lead to interesting last stand situations where you try and delay the enemy getting to your plex (distractions along the way etc?). NPC balance etc all are independent of this idea.

Yes, carebears will still come. Nothing will force carebears into your guns, but you can hunt them more effectively, eventually giving them the option of learning to pvp, or moving elsewhere for other rewards leaving the FW specific rewards to those who wish to pvp.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#298 - 2012-01-25 19:23:31 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
Its protected by the PLAYERS.

That is why your argument is void. You have the ability stop whinning and go cause some tears.

Absolutely!! We WANT to be able to protect our missions and run people out. PvP is why we're all here. Again, you're not listening if you think that I believe in ANY kind of arbitrary restrictions on stuff. Obviously ninja-ing is always going to happen to some degree.

However - are nullsec sanctums and havens blitzable in stealth bombers?

The mission system does NOT put mission runners at significant risk, nor do they provide opportunities for quality PvP.

Do you enjoy chasing stealth bombers all over the place? do you think that is adding to the fun factor of FW??

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Caldari State
#299 - 2012-01-25 19:23:54 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

Exactly. FW missions should be a privilege for those that PvP, to pay for ship losses. This is why a very common suggestion is to only allow those with PvP victories or plexing victories to be able to pick up missions.

When a non-PvP missioner joins FW and farms missions with the bomber, he hurts those that are actually using the missions to fund their PvP. They take FW rewards and instead of using them to put more ships out fighting on the front lines, they take that isk elsewhere in the game, and forceably lower prices on the market. It hurts the FW community and happens all the time.

(more good stuff)

I share this sentiment, but not the solution.

Missions should be removed completely from FW. This is because there is no way to fail your opponents mission (except for one). Therefore, carebears can just come in, pick up 14 missions, and if they get interrupted in one place go away do others and come back later, or just fail the mission. I know, because I've both hunted mission runners and run missions like that for 36 hours straight solo in a gila. Expecting pvp to come from this primarily pve activity is just not going to happen.

What should occur instead is that plexes should give LP for completion. Unlike a mission, if someone comes into your plex they can actually undo the work you've done. This forces the mission runner to pvp to chase them away, or abandon your progress (not resume it later). This also gives the mission hunter some reward for staying and ruining your day.

How plexes should be changed is a completely different story: e.g. notifications if someone is running a plex: this could lead to interesting last stand situations where you try and delay the enemy getting to your plex (distractions along the way etc?). NPC balance etc all are independent of this idea.

Yes, carebears will still come. Nothing will force carebears into your guns, but you can hunt them more effectively, eventually giving them the option of learning to pvp, or moving elsewhere for other rewards leaving the FW specific rewards to those who wish to pvp.

I like this but I would like to see it in addation to the pelxes you mentioned not removing the missions. Each sec system
needs mission types. And all sec systems have soloable mission types (even L4)

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#300 - 2012-01-25 19:24:55 UTC
chatgris wrote:

Missions should be removed completely from FW. This is because there is no way to fail your opponents mission (except for one). Therefore, carebears can just come in, pick up 14 missions, and if they get interrupted in one place go away do others and come back later, or just fail the mission. I know, because I've both hunted mission runners and run missions like that for 36 hours straight solo in a gila. Expecting pvp to come from this primarily pve activity is just not going to happen.

What should occur instead is that plexes should give LP for completion. Unlike a mission, if someone comes into your plex they can actually undo the work you've done. This forces the mission runner to pvp to chase them away, or abandon your progress (not resume it later). This also gives the mission hunter some reward for staying and ruining your day.

How plexes should be changed is a completely different story: e.g. notifications if someone is running a plex: this could lead to interesting last stand situations where you try and delay the enemy getting to your plex (distractions along the way etc?). NPC balance etc all are independent of this idea.

Yes, carebears will still come. Nothing will force carebears into your guns, but you can hunt them more effectively, eventually giving them the option of learning to pvp, or moving elsewhere for other rewards leaving the FW specific rewards to those who wish to pvp.

This is a completely legitimate solution to the problem as well. I agree.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary