These forums have been archived and are now read-only.

The new forums are live and can be found at

EVE General Discussion

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Who's going to get the last post in on these forums?

Doris Laur
#1 - 2017-08-02 21:23:47 UTC
Who will get the last post in on these forms just before they are shut down and archived?

Just curious if anyone was going to try. Big smile
#2 - 2017-08-02 21:34:35 UTC
A member of ISD begging people to use the new one.

Center for Advanced Fudda' Muckin' Studies

Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#3 - 2017-08-02 22:01:12 UTC
l1j wrote:
A member of ISD begging people to use the new one.

From what I have seen, the combined activity of the two forums is a tiny fraction of what it was, say, 4 years ago.
That can be directly traced back to the decline of the player base, coupled with the zeal of "moderation" that the ISD's have exhibited.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2017-08-03 03:09:56 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
l1j wrote:
A member of ISD begging people to use the new one.

From what I have seen, the combined activity of the two forums is a tiny fraction of what it was, say, 4 years ago.
That can be directly traced back to the decline of the player base, coupled with the zeal of "moderation" that the ISD's have exhibited.

Not to mention the fact that Eve Dev's also abandoned these forums to post on Reddit.


DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2017-08-03 03:13:01 UTC
Doris Laur wrote:
Who will get the last post in on these forms just before they are shut down and archived?

Just curious if anyone was going to try. Big smile

These forums will probably be Archived at Downtime so basically about another 8 hrs left to post.

das licht
Leremblompes Minerals
#6 - 2017-08-03 04:50:44 UTC  |  Edited by: das licht
Why new forums when EVE already dies? Isn't this a gigantic waste of time? P
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2017-08-03 05:06:36 UTC
New forums are cheaper for CCP to operate.

Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#8 - 2017-08-03 06:38:49 UTC
"Cheaper". They are operated/hosted on Discourses servers, meaning that is discourse goes down it could potentially take down the forums as well.

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

Boldly Gone
Grumpy Old Guy Industries Corporation
#9 - 2017-08-03 08:56:20 UTC
CU on the other side.
Hir Miriel
Elves In Space
#10 - 2017-08-03 08:59:06 UTC
Doris Laur wrote:
Who will get the last post in on these forms just before they are shut down and archived?
Big smile

A prophet declaring the end of times.

"I told you so! I told you so!", the prophet will yell in a straightjacket while being dragged to the soylent factory of Reddit, or possibly the new forums, whichever is worse.

~ ~~ Thinking inside Schrodinger's sandbox. ~~ ~

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2017-08-03 10:51:29 UTC
Boldly Gone wrote:
CU on the other side.

Not too much longer to go, cya on the other side.

Goodbye old forums.


Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2017-08-03 11:06:34 UTC
Arline Kley wrote:
"Cheaper". They are operated/hosted on Discourses servers, meaning that is discourse goes down it could potentially take down the forums as well.

and these forums are operated/hosted on the tranquility servers. meaning that if eve goes down, the forums (y'know the place you would generally go to find out if the servers are down etc) have a very high likely hood of going down as well. whats your point?
Nyx Viliana
#13 - 2017-08-03 11:49:15 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Arline Kley wrote:
"Cheaper". They are operated/hosted on Discourses servers, meaning that is discourse goes down it could potentially take down the forums as well.

and these forums are operated/hosted on the tranquility servers. meaning that if eve goes down, the forums (y'know the place you would generally go to find out if the servers are down etc) have a very high likely hood of going down as well. whats your point?

Almost certainly go down. Not to mention these are tied into Eve Gate as well, so who knows what would happen if Eve Gate was to die. No forums at all, probably best CCP work on a new forum solution, even if they still have work to do on it.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#14 - 2017-08-03 11:59:05 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Not to mention the fact that Eve Dev's also abandoned these forums to post on Reddit.



Hopefully one of the good things to come out of the new "forum" will be that the Dev's post stuff there FIRST, rather than on reddit or slack or wherever they seem to post the good stuff.

Info about the development of Eve Online should be post on the damn Eve Online forum!
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2017-08-03 12:28:06 UTC
Chan'aar wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Not to mention the fact that Eve Dev's also abandoned these forums to post on Reddit.



Hopefully one of the good things to come out of the new "forum" will be that the Dev's post stuff there FIRST, rather than on reddit or slack or wherever they seem to post the good stuff.

Info about the development of Eve Online should be post on the damn Eve Online forum!

Yeah, I agree. Dev's should post all Eve related topics first on the Official Eve Online Forums.

Only time will tell if they do that on the new forums..

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#16 - 2017-08-03 12:37:11 UTC
Nope CCP

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Arline Kley
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#17 - 2017-08-03 12:38:52 UTC
I remember a time a few years back that CCP placed an embargo on the media during a gaming show that they attended so that we fans at the London meet up could hear about it before they placed it all over the net.

Such times like that probably wont be seen again.

"For it was said they had become like those peculiar demons, which dwell in matter but in whom no light may be found." - Father Grigori, Ravens 3:57

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2017-08-03 13:27:00 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Doris Laur wrote:
Who will get the last post in on these forms just before they are shut down and archived?

Just curious if anyone was going to try. Big smile

Well, seems the forums are in transition now, address bar shows