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CCP has given up on EVE online, Stop giving them your money

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#61 - 2017-07-16 04:03:01 UTC
DioKahn wrote:
CCP has ruined the game and this forum is a joke. I can barely stand logging in long enough to update skills before I am bored. Eve has become just a place for multiboxers....I have over 40 accounts.



"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Eagle's Talon's
#62 - 2017-07-16 12:37:58 UTC
Sounds like manus is phising the forums to use your replies as a semi-legitimate reason to war dec your corporations.
Lords Servant
Slave Holdings
#63 - 2017-07-16 13:07:23 UTC
Left for a few years, ccp has been killing this game for a very long time. This won't be the the last eve is dead thread either.
Jaqen-H'ghar of Braavos
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#64 - 2017-07-16 17:43:42 UTC
manus wrote:
Hi there,

Please stop supporting CCP, they have given up on EVE online.

The reason i know this is because they only focus on Ship rebalance which is boring and they only do it to give the impression that somthing changes. Oh and they also tend to slip in a new skin or special edition ship here and then. Its pathetic. Please stop giving them money.

That's some high quality bait ya got there
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#65 - 2017-07-16 19:29:08 UTC
Ebony Texas wrote:
manus wrote:
Hi there,

Please stop supporting CCP, they have given up on EVE online.

The reason i know this is because they only focus on Ship rebalance which is boring and they only do it to give the impression that somthing changes. Oh and they also tend to slip in a new skin or special edition ship here and then. Its pathetic. Please stop giving them money.

what ever CCP does and does not do.. is at fault of its own community that allowed them to work this way.. so in all honesty... its your fault, my fault and new Eden's own fault.

I look at it like this..

yes! im paying ccp to watch them kill this game.. which they are not doing.. matter of fact.. eve online is one of the toughest mmo's out there in its own market.. some can handle the heat some can not... maybe you're the latter.. but to all of us hardcore fans that love to hate this game and stick around and see it burn.. I send out a salute to you all.


the best ship is friendship.. that's what keeps us around.. remember that homeboy...


peace o7
Darek Castigatus
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#66 - 2017-07-17 16:44:05 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Sounds like manus is phising the forums to use your replies as a semi-legitimate reason to war dec your corporations.

So hes both an idiot and terrible at pvp, nice to know I guess.

Pirates - The Invisible Fist of Darwin

you're welcome

Ragnar STS
Arcane Odyssey
Electus Matari
#67 - 2017-07-17 17:38:40 UTC
I consider it an honor and a privilege to pay my subscription. I love eve and CCP. I only wish half the carebear null losers would actually get half as excited about a decent fair battle as they do about forum warrioring and plexing their accounts leaving CCP with nothing except an electric bill.
Nate Hill
Rocket No. 9
#68 - 2017-07-18 10:40:54 UTC
EVE keeps declining according to eve-offline.
There has been no solid new gameplay for years.

I got an perfect illusion. CCP don't have any programmer.
I'm wrong. There may be one to modify data of ships or more.
They do have a lot of artworkers.
Nate Hill
Rocket No. 9
#69 - 2017-07-18 10:53:16 UTC
At the end of year the max number of online players might decrease below 20k according to the trend of decline.
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#70 - 2017-07-18 19:33:19 UTC
Eve is dying! I blame the CSM!!, No the Gooms!!, Wait, I blame supercaps!!, oh wait, its the "violence inherent in the system!"

It all started downhill when CCP failed to deliver dancing in stations!

rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!!!
Padraig O'Mahone
Doom Generation
Best Intentions.
#71 - 2017-07-18 19:47:48 UTC
EvE is good because EvE is hard.

It's a sandbox, you create your own content, there are plenty of different choices in New Eden. It IS possible you simply don't like any of them. So, leave I guess?

I love EvE, I have 6 accounts and I gladly pay for all of them with real money. Been here 6 1/2 years and will be here til they pull the plug on Tranquility.

Pretty funny all the tales about EvE "dying", or "CCP killing EvE" and it's been around for 14 years. Slowest death, ever....

If you don't like it anymore, OK, it's a subjective thing, you can un-sub. Not sure I understand the need for you to convince others to do the same. How does that benefit you?

Anyway, just weird. WE should all leave, because YOU don't like it anymore. Whatever Roll
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2017-07-19 02:17:13 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Eve is dying! I blame the CSM!!, No the Gooms!!, Wait, I blame supercaps!!, oh wait, its the "violence inherent in the system!"

It all started downhill when CCP failed to deliver dancing in stations!

rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!!!

It all started back when CCP Soundwave & Co were in charge.

That's who I blame.

CMDR-HerpyDerpy Hurishima
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#73 - 2017-07-19 04:12:52 UTC
I don't know much because ive only been in the game for about 6 months, but i don't mind giving my money to be able to do what i want, especially seeming as i haven't heard of or know of any other games that give an experience similar to eve's.
Joan Maetsuycker
V.O.C. Bensdorp
#74 - 2017-07-19 13:00:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Joan Maetsuycker
I think they will build further on Valkyrie now it is not possible because of the tech, but 2018-2020
it can be possible that we will play Eve in VR/AR, fully implemented market and such.

In your own room that has changed as a strategy war room you look together to a AR strategy board how to attack that citadel or a group of enemies
or talking in a bar with your comrades wat you drink is visible by the other and you can celebrate your victory,
your own room is the captians quarter and you look at your wall to scope news etc
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#75 - 2017-07-22 03:54:26 UTC
Padraig O'Mahone wrote:
EvE is good because EvE is hard.

It's a sandbox, you create your own content, there are plenty of different choices in New Eden. It IS possible you simply don't like any of them. So, leave I guess?

I love EvE, I have 6 accounts and I gladly pay for all of them with real money. Been here 6 1/2 years and will be here til they pull the plug on Tranquility.

Pretty funny all the tales about EvE "dying", or "CCP killing EvE" and it's been around for 14 years. Slowest death, ever....

If you don't like it anymore, OK, it's a subjective thing, you can un-sub. Not sure I understand the need for you to convince others to do the same. How does that benefit you?

Anyway, just weird. WE should all leave, because YOU don't like it anymore. Whatever Roll

I agree, one has to wonder when someone complains there is no new content. Like what? hahaha! I appreciate EvE Online. It can be as boring or as fulfilling as I need it to be at a moments notice. Well, it goes almost like that. LoL
Skipper Riddles
Ivory Vanguard
#76 - 2017-07-22 03:57:11 UTC
Padraig O'Mahone wrote:
EvE is good because EvE is hard.

It's a sandbox, you create your own content, there are plenty of different choices in New Eden. It IS possible you simply don't like any of them. So, leave I guess?

I love EvE, I have 6 accounts and I gladly pay for all of them with real money. Been here 6 1/2 years and will be here til they pull the plug on Tranquility.

Pretty funny all the tales about EvE "dying", or "CCP killing EvE" and it's been around for 14 years. Slowest death, ever....

If you don't like it anymore, OK, it's a subjective thing, you can un-sub. Not sure I understand the need for you to convince others to do the same. How does that benefit you?

Anyway, just weird. WE should all leave, because YOU don't like it anymore. Whatever Roll

I'm following,... Wait! what did he just say? EvE Online Not a game for many, but a lifestyle for the rest. CCP you guys are like yo-yos, but thanks just the same. (:
Reyold Bengali
TANSTAAFL Logistical Services
#77 - 2017-07-23 19:56:49 UTC
Returning after a multi-year break. Nice to see that "EvE is dying" threads are still a thing.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#78 - 2017-07-23 20:36:48 UTC
There are only two facts that can be established.
One is the PCU, the other CCP's financials.

The two are in conflict.
The PCU demonstrates a definite, sharp, and ongoing decline in PAYING customers.
The 2016 financials show a healthy CCP.

Has CCP taken a page out the null sec cartel playbook and monetizing each account like never before?
Undoubtedly yes.

Can they maintain that profitability and squeeze even more from a shrinking player base?
We are going to have to wait for the 2017 numbers before we can pronounce Eve dead.
Pestilen Ratte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2017-07-24 12:04:14 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Keno Skir wrote:
Didn't CCP actually post record profits last year?
Indeed they did, to the tune of around a 30% increase in revenue.

That is an interesting article. It has numbers from published accounts, so they are real.

However, nowhere does it mention "profits". If you read carefully, "revenues" have increased by 30%, and "EBIDTA" "sits at" 45% of revenues.

EBIDTA is what you have left before you pay interest, amortisation, insurance and tax. It doesn't tell you much about profit unless you know the debt burden.

I think the Valkyrie launch has provided extra cash earnings, thus the jump in revenues, but that the launch project also cost a bunch in loans which need to be paid back.

Now, these numbers could be fantastic. CCP might only have a wee bit of debt, and it could be paying dank dividends.

The other thing they could be doing is leveraging their core IP assets in other ways. The article mentions a collaboration with Ridley Scott, and it also mentions the appeal of a social media platform for broken nerds. Obviously folks who will put down 100 US pesos for a marauder license are an appealing demographic.

So I would want to see dividends before talking about profits. Still, they are not dead yet. They will lurch forward for at least a few years yet.

The directors ought to get back to work.X
Lauranthin Shaishi
Caldari State
#80 - 2017-07-24 12:16:35 UTC
manus wrote:
Hi there,

Please stop supporting CCP, they have given up on EVE online.

The reason i know this is because they only focus on Ship rebalance which is boring and they only do it to give the impression that somthing changes. Oh and they also tend to slip in a new skin or special edition ship here and then. Its pathetic. Please stop giving them money.

Done. Just canceled. Toodles.