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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

Is your corp looking to move to null-sec?

lost packet
Alpha Flight
#101 - 2017-06-10 11:10:32 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#102 - 2017-06-14 13:41:20 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#103 - 2017-06-15 13:21:02 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#104 - 2017-06-17 00:45:13 UTC
Want to do this properly, join our public channel EVE-FLEET, see if you have the potential.
lost packet
Alpha Flight
#105 - 2017-06-20 10:01:44 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#106 - 2017-06-23 10:44:16 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#107 - 2017-06-26 14:02:39 UTC
Francis Raven
The Initiative.
#108 - 2017-06-26 14:42:44 UTC
Bumping for a good group of guys. Have flown with Packet and his team on a few occasions.

ExDominion | Nullsec Corporation | Website | Forums | Established Nov. 2015 |

lost packet
Alpha Flight
#109 - 2017-06-27 14:47:47 UTC
Francis Raven wrote:
Bumping for a good group of guys. Have flown with Packet and his team on a few occasions.

Helloy buddy :) Thank you :P
lost packet
Alpha Flight
#110 - 2017-07-03 11:56:06 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#111 - 2017-07-05 02:23:43 UTC
lost packet
Alpha Flight
#112 - 2017-07-13 00:11:29 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#113 - 2017-07-14 14:58:49 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#114 - 2017-07-15 12:12:45 UTC
Still looking for potential corporations to join us!
lost packet
Alpha Flight
#115 - 2017-07-16 12:32:56 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#116 - 2017-07-18 14:36:44 UTC
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Alpha Flight
#117 - 2017-07-21 15:14:13 UTC
Don't forget EVE Manchester is happening tomorrow, look forward to meeting people there!!
lost packet
Alpha Flight
#118 - 2017-08-02 07:29:46 UTC