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Rising PLEX prices

Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#21 - 2017-07-02 19:41:31 UTC
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

While I do understand playing multi accounts may be fun for some people, you have to realize that its just as unfun and game ruining experience for others.

While personally I am not at a point where it drives me out of the game I would prefer not to see it in the game at all. things such as multi accounting, multiboxing, botting, various hacks, cheats, exploits are all same crap to me and do not belong in MMOs and have actually caused a complete collapse of many of them over the years.

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player, I would rather have the active player stay 1000x over then the botter / multiboxer.

I do not see this as an issue nor do I sympathize.

Deandra Walran
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2017-07-03 02:48:50 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

While I do understand playing multi accounts may be fun for some people, you have to realize that its just as unfun and game ruining experience for others.

While personally I am not at a point where it drives me out of the game I would prefer not to see it in the game at all. things such as multi accounting, multiboxing, botting, various hacks, cheats, exploits are all same crap to me and do not belong in MMOs and have actually caused a complete collapse of many of them over the years.

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player, I would rather have the active player stay 1000x over then the botter / multiboxer.

I do not see this as an issue nor do I sympathize.

Kitty Rousseau
Psyclon Nine Services Inc
#23 - 2017-07-03 03:24:04 UTC
All griping aside 1.5 bill for a 500 plex is not that hard to get... I know people who can make a bill in 4 hours ^_^ All it takes are some T2 heavy fighters and your carrier skill above three. Bang 110mill ticks. Hell in a regular carrier you can plex your account in a day or so depending on newt traffic and how many pvp ships you lose chasing them off your lawn... (Hence the reason carriers were nerfed)

FFS two macks mining mercoxit can plex your account in a day or so as well. One mack mining mercoxit can plex your account in no time as well... Mercox is coming up on 3 mill a compressed cube might take a few days for a single account but just spread it out and save up your iskies. :)

Even an alpha playing the market correctly can plex their account. It will take some time but if you wanna play for free then deal with it.

If you rly rly want to plex your account it is very doable... Do your homework, don't be a knob and bash your head agents the wall and do the actual work.

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#24 - 2017-07-03 05:21:32 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

While I do understand playing multi accounts may be fun for some people, you have to realize that its just as unfun and game ruining experience for others.

While personally I am not at a point where it drives me out of the game I would prefer not to see it in the game at all. things such as multi accounting, multiboxing, botting, various hacks, cheats, exploits are all same crap to me and do not belong in MMOs and have actually caused a complete collapse of many of them over the years.

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player, I would rather have the active player stay 1000x over then the botter / multiboxer.

I do not see this as an issue nor do I sympathize.

+1 to this post.

Remove standings and insurance.

Marek Kanenald
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2017-07-03 10:11:11 UTC
Kitty Rousseau wrote:
All griping aside 1.5 bill for a 500 plex is not that hard to get... I know people who can make a bill in 4 hours ^_^ All it takes are some T2 heavy fighters and your carrier skill above three. Bang 110mill ticks. Hell in a regular carrier you can plex your account in a day or so depending on newt traffic and how many pvp ships you lose chasing them off your lawn... (Hence the reason carriers were nerfed)

FFS two macks mining mercoxit can plex your account in a day or so as well. One mack mining mercoxit can plex your account in no time as well... Mercox is coming up on 3 mill a compressed cube might take a few days for a single account but just spread it out and save up your iskies. :)

Even an alpha playing the market correctly can plex their account. It will take some time but if you wanna play for free then deal with it.

If you rly rly want to plex your account it is very doable... Do your homework, don't be a knob and bash your head agents the wall and do the actual work.

The ease with which carriers earn money by ratting is like I already said one of the reasons why plex prices are rising in the first place.

Which of course kinda sucks for everyone without a carrier....

But hey, the nerf is incoming. CCP cancelled their major carrier nerf (only doing small nerfs) and they said they would look into other ways of nerfing carrier ratting.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#26 - 2017-07-03 10:48:11 UTC
The problem is not carrier dps, it's the easy NPC's (allowing for cancer no-tank fits) and nullsec safety.

When was the last anomaly revision, 10 years ago? (not talking about "we increased drone aggro by 10%" ones), Cap spawns killed a lot afk vni's and ishtars but it's not an overhaul. Meanwhile carriers have become the new battleships of EvE xd
Cross Strike
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#27 - 2017-07-03 17:12:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Cross Strike
I am a casual PVE player (1 or 2 missions/sites a day - an hour or so a night), and I can make enough ISK for the subscription... I don't think it's that hard, you just need to grind.

I am sure there are even faster ways to make ISK too... decline multi-pocketed missions, blitz, explo, incursion, warfare, etc.

Also, mini PLEX at 3M is now equal to what the original PLEX was ~1.5B. no?

If anything, I think making ISK now is easier... it could be my standings now tho.. grinding anything below lvl 4 is crap.
Zaku Ganymede
#28 - 2017-07-05 09:17:35 UTC
Jedidiah Togenada wrote:
How many large MMOs allow you to earn something ingame that will pay for the full game experience?

If that's your yardstick for enjoying a game, I think you're going find few options, other than EVE.

The largest of them all. Warcraft
Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#29 - 2017-07-05 09:48:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Vartan Sarkisian
Cross Strike wrote:
I am a casual PVE player (1 or 2 missions/sites a day - an hour or so a night), and I can make enough ISK for the subscription... I don't think it's that hard, you just need to grind.

I am sure there are even faster ways to make ISK too... decline multi-pocketed missions, blitz, explo, incursion, warfare, etc.

Also, mini PLEX at 3M is now equal to what the original PLEX was ~1.5B. no?

If anything, I think making ISK now is easier... it could be my standings now tho.. grinding anything below lvl 4 is crap.

So you're grinding those sites just to get the isk to subscribe for another month so you can grind sites again... Rinse and repeat. What is the point of playing the game just to earn the isk to playt the game for one month when all you are doing is grinding sites for the next month sub?
Angry Angels Constructions
Goonswarm Federation
#30 - 2017-07-05 10:40:31 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

While I do understand playing multi accounts may be fun for some people, you have to realize that its just as unfun and game ruining experience for others.

While personally I am not at a point where it drives me out of the game I would prefer not to see it in the game at all. things such as multi accounting, multiboxing, botting, various hacks, cheats, exploits are all same crap to me and do not belong in MMOs and have actually caused a complete collapse of many of them over the years.

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player, I would rather have the active player stay 1000x over then the botter / multiboxer.

I do not see this as an issue nor do I sympathize.

people like you are the problem this game has. a few like you whined for 3 years, isboxer input broadcasting was banned. fine.

But putting multiboxers on the same level as botters and cheaters? for real?
All of you scream out this ADAPT OR DIEEEEE thing. Multiboxing is allowed. Do what you praise then.

Why is it my fault you people can not manage 6 or however many accounts to make isk/pvp whatever? So when multiboxers complain about plex prices, ranting is fine, the evil boxers have to adapt. Why isn't it you people that have to adapt? why not both a bit?

You do not see this as an issue, right. I've always hated that attitude. I didn't use isboxers broadcasting ever, still I complained as it was unfair as I thought (CCP said nothing will change like a bit before they did that)
If you always stand at the border laughing at the people falling off, don't be suprised no one will help you when you are finally hit by nerfs/market whatever. This general "troll/laugh at everything that doesnt affect me" thing is fun until it hits you.

Multiboxers are people enjoying the game just like you do, wanting to drive people out of the game is just showing that apparently you can't adapt.
Also how exactly do people like me "ruin" your game experience? You CAN also run multiple accounts. Not my fault you chose not to.

Back to topic: CCP should imo allow exactly ONE market transaction per plex after which it is account bound. This would reduce the massive influx of the traders just making money out of an item technically not even related to ingame processes. Make an extra WTB/WTS thing in the account management and remove plexes from the market/game. solved.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#31 - 2017-07-05 10:59:49 UTC
Latest MER is out.
It shows the impact of the supercap nerf on the null sec cartels' creation of ISK out of thin air was negligible.
NPC bounties in goon space went down 10%, but overall bounties in the game were down 9%.

Way to go CCP. Another victory can be claimed on controlling the runaway ISK creation.
Of course, when activity in the fall cranks up after the summer downturn, well, by then, a whole new set of problems will have cropped up, and the massive gifts by CCP to the null sec cartels will be swept under the rug.

The odds of CCP actually doing what they said, and scaling way back the ability of null sec to make trillionaires, is about the same as Scarlett Johansson knocking on my door for a booty call.

Or the same odds as when the GM said they would give us details about how they would follow the money and punish all the ghost trainers.
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#32 - 2017-07-05 13:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Latest MER is out.
It shows the impact of the supercap nerf on the null sec cartels' creation of ISK out of thin air was negligible.
NPC bounties in goon space went down 10%, but overall bounties in the game were down 9%.

Because the carrier nerf was nerfed. Important parts, like increased chance for rats to attack fighters, were completely removed. AFK ratting VNIs and smartbomb ratting was not touched.

Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:

Way to go CCP. Another victory can be claimed on controlling the runaway ISK creation.
Of course, when activity in the fall cranks up after the summer downturn, well, by then, a whole new set of problems will have cropped up, and the massive gifts by CCP to the null sec cartels will be swept under the rug.

The odds of CCP actually doing what they said, and scaling way back the ability of null sec to make trillionaires, is about the same as Scarlett Johansson knocking on my door for a booty call.

The status quo is very good for CCPs revenues, why should they make any big changes? SP farm accounts pay 2-3 times more per month than a regular account and the ISK inflation combined with the material deflation means more players buy PLEX with RL money.

EVE is in maintenance mode for quite a while now. CCPs focus is on VR now.
Marek Kanenald
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#33 - 2017-07-05 21:25:50 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Latest MER is out.
It shows the impact of the supercap nerf on the null sec cartels' creation of ISK out of thin air was negligible.
NPC bounties in goon space went down 10%, but overall bounties in the game were down 9%.

Way to go CCP. Another victory can be claimed on controlling the runaway ISK creation.
Of course, when activity in the fall cranks up after the summer downturn, well, by then, a whole new set of problems will have cropped up, and the massive gifts by CCP to the null sec cartels will be swept under the rug.

The odds of CCP actually doing what they said, and scaling way back the ability of null sec to make trillionaires, is about the same as Scarlett Johansson knocking on my door for a booty call.

Or the same odds as when the GM said they would give us details about how they would follow the money and punish all the ghost trainers.

The carrier nerf was no longer intended to nerf PVE activity. The nerfs that went through were nerfs to bring carrier PVP into line.

It was stated that other means of limiting carrier ratting would be implemented.

Though of course they are now busy with the T3 cruiser rebalance.
Galactic Rangers
#34 - 2017-07-06 08:26:07 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player,

well i guess you don't understand the difference between botting and someone who multiboxes.

one is automated (botting) which will get you a smack of the ban hammer.

one is not automated (multiboxing) which is allowed and encouraged by CCP and will never get you a smack of the ban hammer.

clear in your head yet????

just in case,,,

when you run more than one account you are very active.

when you bot, you are not active, you're AFK not active at all.

i hope this cleared this all up for you but i get the feeling it hasn't. Roll

Neena Valdi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2017-07-08 09:23:42 UTC
Fluffy Moe wrote:
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

While I do understand playing multi accounts may be fun for some people, you have to realize that its just as unfun and game ruining experience for others.

While personally I am not at a point where it drives me out of the game I would prefer not to see it in the game at all. things such as multi accounting, multiboxing, botting, various hacks, cheats, exploits are all same crap to me and do not belong in MMOs and have actually caused a complete collapse of many of them over the years.

So if I have to choose between one multiboxer / botter leaving vs an active player, I would rather have the active player stay 1000x over then the botter / multiboxer.

I do not see this as an issue nor do I sympathize.

Multi-accounting is almost mandatory in this game. How long have you been playing? It has nothing to do with cheating and other stuff like that.
Neena Valdi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2017-07-08 09:26:08 UTC
Marek Kanenald wrote:

The carrier nerf was no longer intended to nerf PVE activity. The nerfs that went through were nerfs to bring carrier PVP into line.

It was stated that other means of limiting carrier ratting would be implemented.

Though of course they are now busy with the T3 cruiser rebalance.

Did you read the patch notes? Nerf to light fighters was exactly intended as a PVE nerf. It had nothing to do with PVP... Seriously...ppl.
Neena Valdi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2017-07-08 09:29:39 UTC
Algarion Getz wrote:

The status quo is very good for CCPs revenues, why should they make any big changes? SP farm accounts pay 2-3 times more per month than a regular account and the ISK inflation combined with the material deflation means more players buy PLEX with RL money.

EVE is in maintenance mode for quite a while now. CCPs focus is on VR now.

If more players were buying PLEX for RL money the PLEX in-game prices would go down due to increased supply.
EVE is in maintenance? During the last months I've seen more changes than during the 2008-2010 period.
Neena Valdi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2017-07-08 09:32:27 UTC
Kaphrah wrote:

Back to topic: CCP should imo allow exactly ONE market transaction per plex after which it is account bound. This would reduce the massive influx of the traders just making money out of an item technically not even related to ingame processes. Make an extra WTB/WTS thing in the account management and remove plexes from the market/game. solved.

And how should they set the PLEX price in this case? It's much better to let the market find the optimal price depending on current supply vs demand.
Spc One
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#39 - 2017-07-08 10:18:46 UTC
Coralas wrote:

CCP does have issues with plex, in that if ingame plex isk prices get too high people need to buy less plex.

Me and my friends already stopped playing eve online, we will return if PLEX prices go below 2mil (per PLEX), if not we have new game, Quake Champions, free to play, and it's awesome.
The Devils Cousin
Amarr Empire
#40 - 2017-07-08 10:37:28 UTC
Nero Jove wrote:
Hmmmm. CCP employs a number of fulltime economists to manage the in game economy. Is it a surprise to anyone that PLEX prices are soaring? This is NOT an unintended consequence, but as someone who runs multiple accounts it is wearing on my desire to continue to play. Most of my game time use to be having fun. Now it's all about grinding ISK which frankly is pretty damn tedious. I am thinking it is time to take a break and go play something else for a while.

What's the saying "don't fly what you cant afford to loose"

here's another one for you sir

"don't buy what you can't afford"


CCP Please Don't Do This..

The Respawn Expansion