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Crime & Punishment

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The Sack of Romi

First post
Lew Dicrous
4th Line
#421 - 2017-06-19 04:57:48 UTC
So why am I here?

It burns when I PVP

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
#422 - 2017-06-19 05:15:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
Lew Dicrous wrote:
So why am I here?

You never used the forums Lew. You're here because you seek approval..because you want to look like the savior of because of you, they didn't get smashed by PIRAT. You claim it's altruistic, but then why seek recognition? You want to look tough to them and show you've grown since your days as a new merc. After all, looking important means everything in a game...doesn't it. If you were truly doing it out of altruism, you wouldn't need to brag about it.

I loved flying with the guys..don't get me wrong. That was another time. Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt. I'm glad he stuck with the game because for a while there, I thought he was gonna quit. I knew you in those days too. Yet all of you act like pompous asses because of who someone decides to fly with in a game...that had norhing to do with your issues.

You will deny it, I'm sure. You'll say I'm wrong. But the very fact you are here speaks volumes. Let them fight their own battles. They are quite capable without you shaking the pom poms for them.

..beyond know I still love ya Lew..

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#423 - 2017-06-19 05:45:03 UTC
One does not need to be in vmg to witness the bs that it drops, Neutral logi, Unlimited Blues, Scamlord Leadership, Mod Abuser Khromius.... All are true of vmg.

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#424 - 2017-06-19 06:41:19 UTC
Saeger1737 wrote:
One does not need to be in vmg to witness the bs that it drops, great use of logistics (which I do myself), great content providers, creating tons of salt from myself and others, keeping me in an NPC corp

I made some changes to your post Saeger I hope you don't mind.
Lew Dicrous
4th Line
#425 - 2017-06-19 07:12:04 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Lew Dicrous wrote:
So why am I here?

You never used the forums Lew. You're here because you seek approval..because you want to look like the savior of because of you, they didn't get smashed by PIRAT. You claim it's altruistic, but then why seek recognition? You want to look tough to them and show you've grown since your days as a new merc. After all, looking important means everything in a game...doesn't it. If you were truly doing it out of altruism, you wouldn't need to brag about it.

I loved flying with the guys..don't get me wrong. That was another time. Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt. I'm glad he stuck with the game because for a while there, I thought he was gonna quit. I knew you in those days too. Yet all of you act like pompous asses because of who someone decides to fly with in a game...that had norhing to do with your issues.

You will deny it, I'm sure. You'll say I'm wrong. But the very fact you are here speaks volumes. Let them fight their own battles. They are quite capable without you shaking the pom poms for them.

..beyond know I still love ya Lew..

Wow, that had to take awhile to shovel out of the pasture.

I'm not sure if i should prescribe myself some Prozac, join a support group, or undergo hypnosis to see if my uncle might've touched me in my no-no zone after reading that. What saddens me more is that I'm pretty sure you actually believe it. Truth be told, I got back on the forums to enjoy the river of salt from the aftermath of the PIRAT dunk. You have to admit, it was epic. So I stuck around to keep mining it here and there. Your alliance and blues certainly do deliver it in abundance, so why shouldn't I hang around to join in the fun?

As for your allegiances, they are your own, as are mine. I don't pay your sub. I can't tell you who or who not to fly with. But make no mistake, your motives are up for public opinion every bit as much as mine are. The difference is, mine are well-known and have been so since before that question was even put forward. So, you can keep pretending you have some insight into the whole thing as much as you like. You can keep pretending you know me well enough to comment on my "need for recognition" all you want. If you want to paint me as some pretender trying to be Hi-sec-Jesus then by all means,continue. it doesn't bother me one bit and it sure as hell makes for some entertaining reading.

Just don't sit there and lecture me about cheerleading when you've been verbally fellating VMG for the last 20 threads. It reeks of the same hypocrisy they're already notorious for.

It burns when I PVP

Valkin Mordirc
#426 - 2017-06-19 16:29:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
You are mistaken. I have not endorsed VMG at all. Ofc you would think I have as your opinion is biased. I have merely stated fact that I now know to be wrong. Valkin..if I'm so wrong, explain Erin, Scar, and Loreth..all who shared the same opinions.

You don't need to say "I endorse VMG". You've done nothing but defend them. Nonstop. Your 'endorsement' is easily seen from that. You're the one who will come to VMG's Defence here, your actions prove that.

And I don't care who's in VMG. If Scar is having fun in VMG, then let him do what he wants. If you're having fun in VMG then have fun. I have problems with VMG's concept. I don't hold any ill feelings towards single VMG member, (asides from Yaoi but he's dumb) But my argument towards you was never about that.

It was against you and your constant need to argue for VMG, and your sudden and inexplicable change attitude towards all your friends. There's a stark difference which you've missed/Ignored.

Answer me this..if Lew "gains nothing "..why all the chearleading posts? Surely he isn't looking for forum warrior approval..or is he? I know why he's here. You're assuming why he's let's cut the crap.

That was both answered both my him, and I reinforced that answer by show my agreement in it. Asking for a different answer just because you didn't like that first one doesn't work. He is Standing up for his friends.

You don't like VMG..I get you'll take any side that agrees with this view. It's quite clear. As long as your opinion is based on what you've heard, what others have said, or what you think you are lost and just another sheep in the herd. Have you been in VMG? Do you know all? I think not.

I don't need to be "On the inside" to understand that an osmosensing entity like VMG, is bad for the dynamics of Highsec. That's why I don't like VMG. I don't care that they fight other merc groups with help. That's legit and strategy used by everyone for five-ever. If I had a problem with them fighting weaker weak groups as a whole, I would had problems with POH, BAW, Marmite, Sov-Inf, Archetype, Abso, Pod-Repo and more. But I don't and didn't.

I make my own opinions, based on what I see. You can try to projected the idea that I am voicing someone else opinion. If that helps you feel better then go ahead. But I've been in the Merc business since I've start playing EVE. So I've done, small group, Large group, solo and everything that I probably can in terms of Mercenary work. I know this part of EVE more than well enough to know what the **** I am talking about.

So when I say I don't like something. I don't like it.

We went through the same bs in quickly one can turn a blind eye when it serves their purpose ..

No. We did not.

And you managed to avoid answering any of my questions.
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#427 - 2017-06-19 20:23:41 UTC
Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Yay for valkin, as that's everything we've been saying completely from the start.... Can't wait to hear "your wrong, I have no proof, but your wrong cause I say so"

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Sol epoch
#428 - 2017-06-19 20:43:48 UTC

We went through the same bs in quickly one can turn a blind eye when it serves their purpose ..

This interests me in so much as who the creators of this BS are in your estimation?

As I see it some of the creators joined VMG with you and the rest got banned, Or are you pointing the finger my way?
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#429 - 2017-06-20 05:31:20 UTC
Actually, Raz and Tearz both did put forth a considerable effort to adapt after the watchlist changes.
Workarounds were researched and attempted, with some marginal success.
Flying monkeys were deployed.
It was a lot of work for very little gain, however.
And then something something API handling changes followed by 3rd party tool sites being rendered inoperable stepped the difficulty up a notch or so further.
More flying monkeys were deployed.
More work, less gain.

So now, new stuff.
It turns out flying your cloaky through an interdictor's bubble when he's actively trying to find you is quite exciting.
I nearly pooped.
Adaptation is fun.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Lew Dicrous
4th Line
#430 - 2017-06-20 06:49:00 UTC








It burns when I PVP

Wanda Fayne
#431 - 2017-06-20 07:01:38 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Actually, Raz and Tearz both did put forth a considerable effort to adapt after the watchlist changes.
Workarounds were researched and attempted, with some marginal success.
Flying monkeys were deployed.
It was a lot of work for very little gain, however.
And then something something API handling changes followed by 3rd party tool sites being rendered inoperable stepped the difficulty up a notch or so further.
More flying monkeys were deployed.
More work, less gain.

So now, new stuff.
It turns out flying your cloaky through an interdictor's bubble when he's actively trying to find you is quite exciting.
I nearly pooped.
Adaptation is fun.

Look at you in your new digs, mr fancypantz...Blink

Hope you're havin fun, that's what really matters!

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Republic Military School
#432 - 2017-06-20 07:29:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Mortlake
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt.

Utter fishwank.

Sometimes you hit the bar and sometimes the bar hits you...

Lew Dicrous
4th Line
#433 - 2017-06-20 08:45:21 UTC
Mortlake wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt.

Utter fishwank.

I was about to ask how it was possible to **** a fish, but I'm honestly terrified that Mort actually knows.

It burns when I PVP

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#434 - 2017-06-30 02:27:45 UTC
What did I walk into?

Oh, high sec drama. I'll just go back to blapping neutrals in low.

Slowly backs away from thread

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#435 - 2017-06-30 10:32:09 UTC
Lew Dicrous wrote:
Mortlake wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt.

Utter fishwank.

I was about to ask how it was possible to **** a fish, but I'm honestly terrified that Mort actually knows.

Open mouth, or gills and proceed Twisted

MERC WITH A MOUTH, Send me DPS and my fleet will double it back! Special offer!

Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley
New Eden Tech Support
#436 - 2017-07-14 02:21:32 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Lew Dicrous wrote:
So why am I here?

You never used the forums Lew. You're here because you seek approval..because you want to look like the savior of because of you, they didn't get smashed by PIRAT. You claim it's altruistic, but then why seek recognition? You want to look tough to them and show you've grown since your days as a new merc. After all, looking important means everything in a game...doesn't it. If you were truly doing it out of altruism, you wouldn't need to brag about it.

I loved flying with the guys..don't get me wrong. That was another time. Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt. I'm glad he stuck with the game because for a while there, I thought he was gonna quit. I knew you in those days too. Yet all of you act like pompous asses because of who someone decides to fly with in a game...that had norhing to do with your issues.

You will deny it, I'm sure. You'll say I'm wrong. But the very fact you are here speaks volumes. Let them fight their own battles. They are quite capable without you shaking the pom poms for them.

..beyond know I still love ya Lew..

I am not pompous.

<3 :eggplant: <3
FlipMoe Squad
State War Academy
Caldari State
#437 - 2017-07-14 08:54:06 UTC
Jamwara DelCalicoe Ashley wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:
Lew Dicrous wrote:
So why am I here?

You never used the forums Lew. You're here because you seek approval..because you want to look like the savior of because of you, they didn't get smashed by PIRAT. You claim it's altruistic, but then why seek recognition? You want to look tough to them and show you've grown since your days as a new merc. After all, looking important means everything in a game...doesn't it. If you were truly doing it out of altruism, you wouldn't need to brag about it.

I loved flying with the guys..don't get me wrong. That was another time. Raz all but gave up when the watchlist went. It bothered me to see he wasn't willing to adapt. I'm glad he stuck with the game because for a while there, I thought he was gonna quit. I knew you in those days too. Yet all of you act like pompous asses because of who someone decides to fly with in a game...that had norhing to do with your issues.

You will deny it, I'm sure. You'll say I'm wrong. But the very fact you are here speaks volumes. Let them fight their own battles. They are quite capable without you shaking the pom poms for them.

..beyond know I still love ya Lew..

I am not pompous.

<3 :eggplant: <3're just an eggplant? A pear shaped on or an oriental? Kinda like big purple spheres. I'd write an American classic novel, but I don't feel like it. Something in between The great Gatsby and eggplant horticulture?

Where's my buddy mike andooli? I have a report of the flavour of something something.

New Forums and Providence(not the region or ship) --->

These forums smell