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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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GSF Logistics and Posting Reserves
Goonswarm Federation
#521 - 2017-06-09 15:45:09 UTC
Little story. In 2011 I came to nullsec, hustled to get a HAM Tengu for Serp rats, 4 months and boom nerfed.
Then I have switched to drones, nerfed.
Trained Marauders, after short time Bastion Module was introduced making my Golem a tasty target.
Finally I have managed to train for carriers and dreads, they got nerfed to the ground.
After years caps got fixed to a state where they feel like capitals and super capitals again the nerfhammer. One level of Heavy Fighter skill gives what ? 5 % dmg bonus ? Are you serious with this ?

Delve too OP, nerf Rorqs, nerf supers, nerf Goons. Do you realize that Delve is home to over 26000 characters and that might be the reason for your awesome economics report ? Do you think that the 5000 newbees we have all grind anoms in Nyxes ?

I agree with most posters here. VNI and Ishtars are the last of the old AFK ships and you should make PVE interesting enough to drive people into actually doing it. Maybe if the SOV systems was not so big of a fail people would PVP more and CCP could have its precious ISK sink. I don't usualy rant like this, but this vicious circle must end.
Krieg Austern
#522 - 2017-06-09 15:48:05 UTC
This is a joke right? I am all for balancing the game, but just applying nerfs to a whole ship category in one hit, rather than one at a time until you see the result is just mind boggling.

As if fighters needed to be hit more by NPCs. I agree that the game should discourage afk behaviour as much as possible, but using a carrier to rat is already a non stop key & clickfest, does it need to be even more?
Creecher Virpio
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#523 - 2017-06-09 15:48:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Creecher Virpio
Jenn aSide wrote:
El'geherg wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The amount of BS in this thread is amazing. People talking about some kind of plex conspiracy.

You all know that people rat and mine even now without Supers and Rorqs right? I use My Machariel and My Rattlesnake (and sometimes a Gila and/or Ishtar) to rat and do fine. I can fly a carrier, but i knew those were going to be nerfed so i didn't get hooked (also, Carriers can NOT use MJDs, FoF missiles or do DED 10/10s like my mach and snake can).

I'm sorry all of you fell for the FotM and didn't know better than to tie yourself down to something that a brain damaged monkey who paid attention to how CCP operates knew would eventually be nerfed. But you should not act like it's some kind of conspiracy, it's just CCP fixing their mistake over putting overpowered stuff into the game. Again.

"The amount of BS in this thread is amazing." You win the award for unintentional irony by saying this following post after post reminding anyone who cares (and nobody does) that you are a self-styled expert in ratting and near prophet when it comes to all things Eve related. There are lots of legitimate concerns being raised in these comments in addition to the threats of rage quitting so instead of congratulating yourself for how prescient you are, perhaps you can shut up and listen.

There is nothing to listen to (other than the concern about PVP capability). People are being dumb about all this, mostly because they don't know enough not to.

It's going to be ok. It will take a while to deplete some stockpiles of dead space gear, blueprints and built pirate ships. it will take some time for the lessening of the isk supply to be felt. But after it does ratters will be in a better place than we are now.

All of which is moot. Almost none of you are actually going to quit, almost all of you are going to benefit from this change in short order, and CCP is not going to pull back from this change no matter how many times ISD has to clean this thread of profanity (lol).

TL;DR this is yet another 'blowing off steam' thread that CCP puts up to let you get it out of your system. Nothing you say is going to change anything.

you being in shime thus likely never having flown a carrier or ever actually pvping says everything anyone needs to know about your opinion on the matter
Bron Ander Haltern
Special Mining Ops Inc.
#524 - 2017-06-09 15:48:51 UTC
Yes indeed especially that quote:
Patch notes for June 2017 release
2017-06-09 15:34

Patch notes for June 2017 release
Released on Tuesday, June 13th, 2017
Features & Changes

Respawn cooldowns have been added to Nullsec Asteroid Cluster mining anomalies and Excavator drones have had their speed and yields reduced slightly. More details can be found in this forum thread.
Fighters have had their damage reduced. More details can be found in this forum thread.


The chance of obtaining a random escalation from certain high-level combat anomalies has been reduced somewhat.
The drop rate of pirate faction battleship blueprints has been reduced across several NPCs.
Mute Karimar
The Initiative.
#525 - 2017-06-09 15:49:57 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
[quote=Mute Karimar]Nope, just a professional ratter who has been down this road with CCP a million times. If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be either.

Would you like to make an isk bet paying 4 or 5 months from now, I'm down for that.

No. Cause you just cant pay in 4-5 months.
Else I can just second El'gehergs statements.
JC Mieyli
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#526 - 2017-06-09 15:50:11 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
It will take a while to deplete some stockpiles of dead space gear, blueprints and built pirate ships. it will take some time for the lessening of the isk supply to be felt. But after it does ratters will be in a better place than we are now

you are right about that
but how long does it take
bear in mind the market still hasn't recovered from mineral rebalances that happened over 5 years ago with the tiericide
will the game even be around in 5 years
maybe not at this rate
Decres Estidal
Tactical Farmers.
Pandemic Horde
#527 - 2017-06-09 15:50:12 UTC
Mad Bosnian wrote:
I don't know what to say to this.... Same **** happened on Dust514 aka "nerf everything" and buff tanks which resulted to huge playerbase loss...

Did you think about Chimera/Archon before doing this nerf? It's not like those ships had some decent dps, now it will be outdps-ed by a ******* Rattlesnake. I don't think I should continue to skill my Gallente Carrier lvl 5...

This guy sees it, Archons will have terrible damage and the chimmy won't be much better.
evan mclean
#528 - 2017-06-09 15:51:35 UTC
I buy like $200 to $300 in plex ever few week just so I have carrier's to **** around in say good buy to that if you make this change.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#529 - 2017-06-09 15:51:36 UTC
Bron Ander Haltern wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

It only looks like a conspiracy to people too shortsighted to understand that CCP is helping everyone (including the carrier ratters) with the changes they are making.

You crazy?

I was, then I got out of TEST Twisted

But more seriously, I just know how these things work. This isn't a nerf so much as a 'switch the place value comes from' as far as rating goes. Ratters in TEST living in Esoteria are going to be double happy because those crappy Centus Assemblies that sell for 50 mil because the loot is crap are goignt o start giving non-crap loot AND be more rare. Sure it means less instant liquid isk for a carrier/super ratter but escalation income (whether your sell or run them yourself) will more than compensate.

And if they are right and the money supply decrease we all win even more as each isk in our wallet attains more value.

It's going to be ok bro.
Axiom of Aggression
#530 - 2017-06-09 15:51:55 UTC
Panther X wrote:

Do something to the isk scammers and market PVPers that have zero risk, sitting in Jita all day, manipulating markets, making uncounted billions with zero risk.

Give the working man a break.

hes got a point,


Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#531 - 2017-06-09 15:52:39 UTC
CCP if you are legit worried about isk faucets, then why don't you nerf drifter farming with citadels in wh space? You guys getting mad b/c 00 site running is closing the gap on wh site running?
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#532 - 2017-06-09 15:52:58 UTC
yogizh wrote:
Maybe if the SOV systems was not so big of a fail people would PVP more and CCP could have its precious ISK sink. I don't usualy rant like this, but this vicious circle must end.

PVP is a faucet, not a sink.
Anon Imity
Arial Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#533 - 2017-06-09 15:54:16 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:

Hi Space Friends,
Coming with our release on Tuesday, we’re significantly reducing the damage output of Fighters.

We are making this change because Carriers & Supercarriers are too strong in PvE, specifically anomaly ratting in Nullsec. As you may have seen in the May Monthly Economy Report, there is a significant upward trend in the Money Supply. This is primarily due to NPC Bounties.

This trend is unsustainable. Having such a large ISK faucet is bad for the economy, and this ISK faucet is concentrated to a relatively small number of players.

We also think that Carriers and Supercarriers are a bit too effective in PvP now. This change will significantly change the PvP balance, but we’re confident that Carriers and Supercarriers will remain powerful options for PvP.

  • Light Fighters (Space Superiority): No Change
  • Light Fighters (Attack): 20% reduction to Basic Attack and Heavy Rocket Salvo damage.
  • Support Fighters: No Change
  • Heavy Fighters (Heavy Attack): 10% reduction to Basic Attack and Torpedo Salvo damage.
  • Heavy Fighters (Long Range Attack): 30% reduction to Basic Attack damage.
  • Heavy Fighters (Shadow): No Change
  • NPCs are 15% more likely to shoot at fighters than they are currently.

We will continue to observe the economy after these changes and will make adjustments as necessary to keep it healthy for all our players.

Dear CCP are you changing too much the rules of this game? What is your real aim? You hired economists for what to change the rules of the game. I wonder if you really test the content you create before introducing it in-game. The rorqual nerf was really annoying and now carriers. Why don't you think about other solutions instead of changing the rules. The are surely other ways to economy stable without key changes. Weren't you aware of the change when you introduced excavator drones that people would immediately switch to use rorquals to mine? And now carriers and supers....

Very very disappointing
Axiom of Aggression
#534 - 2017-06-09 15:54:21 UTC
evan mclean wrote:
I buy like $200 to $300 in plex ever few week just so I have carrier's to **** around in say good buy to that if you make this change.

You are still doing that after the last nerf brah? get some high angle dreads, least you wont be defanged by a blackbird and 3 oracles.

Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Brotherhood of Spacers
#535 - 2017-06-09 15:54:33 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Bron Ander Haltern wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

It only looks like a conspiracy to people too shortsighted to understand that CCP is helping everyone (including the carrier ratters) with the changes they are making.

You crazy?

I was, then I got out of TEST Twisted

But more seriously, I just know how these things work. This isn't a nerf so much as a 'switch the place value comes from' as far as rating goes. Ratters in TEST living in Esoteria are going to be double happy because those crappy Centus Assemblies that sell for 50 mil because the loot is crap are goignt o start giving non-crap loot AND be more rare. Sure it means less instant liquid isk for a carrier/super ratter but escalation income (whether your sell or run them yourself) will more than compensate.

And if they are right and the money supply decrease we all win even more as each isk in our wallet attains more value.

It's going to be ok bro.

You do realize that there is more to EVE than ratting right? Some of us actually like to PvP in a PvP game. Weird, I know.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#536 - 2017-06-09 15:54:43 UTC
Creecher Virpio wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
El'geherg wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
The amount of BS in this thread is amazing. People talking about some kind of plex conspiracy.

You all know that people rat and mine even now without Supers and Rorqs right? I use My Machariel and My Rattlesnake (and sometimes a Gila and/or Ishtar) to rat and do fine. I can fly a carrier, but i knew those were going to be nerfed so i didn't get hooked (also, Carriers can NOT use MJDs, FoF missiles or do DED 10/10s like my mach and snake can).

I'm sorry all of you fell for the FotM and didn't know better than to tie yourself down to something that a brain damaged monkey who paid attention to how CCP operates knew would eventually be nerfed. But you should not act like it's some kind of conspiracy, it's just CCP fixing their mistake over putting overpowered stuff into the game. Again.

"The amount of BS in this thread is amazing." You win the award for unintentional irony by saying this following post after post reminding anyone who cares (and nobody does) that you are a self-styled expert in ratting and near prophet when it comes to all things Eve related. There are lots of legitimate concerns being raised in these comments in addition to the threats of rage quitting so instead of congratulating yourself for how prescient you are, perhaps you can shut up and listen.

There is nothing to listen to (other than the concern about PVP capability). People are being dumb about all this, mostly because they don't know enough not to.

It's going to be ok. It will take a while to deplete some stockpiles of dead space gear, blueprints and built pirate ships. it will take some time for the lessening of the isk supply to be felt. But after it does ratters will be in a better place than we are now.

All of which is moot. Almost none of you are actually going to quit, almost all of you are going to benefit from this change in short order, and CCP is not going to pull back from this change no matter how many times ISD has to clean this thread of profanity (lol).

TL;DR this is yet another 'blowing off steam' thread that CCP puts up to let you get it out of your system. Nothing you say is going to change anything.

you being in shime thus likely never having flown a carrier or eve actually pvping says everything anyone needs to know about your opinion on the matter

You should be better than that. i'm going to be happy to evemail you this comment in 6 months.
Ray Essex
Stahlwerk AG
Sigma Grindset
#537 - 2017-06-09 15:55:52 UTC
Good Job CCP. Nerfing everything just before the Summer Hole. Please **** up the T3 Cruiser rework aswell. Guess I will stop paying for my Accounts again
Affenmesserkampf Achsoo
#538 - 2017-06-09 15:56:45 UTC
Sandbox..... of course ..... completely wrong decision again to handle "not existing problems"

if you bring a more expensive ship into ratting maybe you should make more isk/h ? living in 0.0 is maybe litle bit more dangerous?

but hey ccp just do your thing and dont listen to your comunity......

Vetus Metallicus
Blue Angels Inc.
#539 - 2017-06-09 15:57:39 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

There is nothing to listen to (other than the concern about PVP capability). People are being dumb about all this, mostly because they don't know enough not to.

It's going to be ok. It will take a while to deplete some stockpiles of dead space gear, blueprints and built pirate ships. it will take some time for the lessening of the isk supply to be felt. But after it does ratters will be in a better place than we are now.

All of which is moot. Almost none of you are actually going to quit, almost all of you are going to benefit from this change in short order, and CCP is not going to pull back from this change no matter how many times ISD has to clean this thread of profanity (lol).

TL;DR this is yet another 'blowing off steam' thread that CCP puts up to let you get it out of your system. Nothing you say is going to change anything.

No I'll be unsubscribing my accounts now. They will see a slope in player count after 4 upcoming nerfs now and not a single buff to anything and still not addressing ghost training or the horrendousness that is shooting citadels.

Rorquals have been nerfed 3 times now, carriers are now entirely useless in PvE and PvP (a rattlesnake does as much dps as an archon or chimera now), t3c are getting nerfed as are pirate battleships, this is also an indirect nerf to ded site runners who now have less of them to run and will now have more competition so even if worth more when a bpc drops might not actually be any higher of an income. Also high end wormhole PvE is **** now compared to old days so you are left with the excitement that is high sec incursions for isk.

Making isk in this game is boring as hell and CCP knows that. They have continuously removed things to shoot at in space doing actual PvE and now will be pushing plex even harder than before. I'm done, I'm really done and it's sad because I've loved this game for so many years and watched CCP make so many terrible decisions they are really very lucky they have 0 competition in this space right now.

Aid London
Goonswarm Federation
#540 - 2017-06-09 16:30:15 UTC
Dear CCP are you trying to kill another MMOG, congratulations, OP success. Who will play your game if it will become second job? These mining and ratting nerfs are beyond absurd level. CCP time to grow up a bit.