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EFT Unofficial Updates for YC119.05

Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1 - 2017-05-16 07:06:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Peter Han
This is a re-post from my similar article on the TEST forums. (Dreddit is recruiting!)

I have been working on updating EFT 2.35's data files for Ascension, since I prefer it to pyfa and Osmium is not yet up to date. To use, unzip into EFT's root directory (the one with EFT.exe) and overwrite all conflicts. You should have new copies of the files in the Data/ folder. Since I do not have EFT's source code, the version number and about dialog displayed will be the same as version 2.35.

Items included

  • T3D rebalance (but see Known Issues)
  • XL Artillery PG reduction
  • Small Artillery PG reduction
  • HAW CPU reduction
  • Naglfar 3rd turret
  • Capital jump ranges
  • Orca and Rorqual buffs (but see Known Issues)
  • Mining barge rebalance
  • Phenomena Generators added
  • Sunesis and Porpoise added
  • Command Bursts and Mining Foreman updates (but see Known Issues)
  • Rookie Ships renamed to Corvettes
  • Asklepian implants added
  • Defender launchers added
  • Warp Disruption Field Generator rebalances
  • Fighter signature radius rebalance
  • New Blood Raiders, Serpentis, and CONCORD faction ships added
  • Strategic Cruiser rebalance

Known issues

  • Mining Laser Crystals do not list all their skill requirements due to ore reprocessing skills are not included in EFT database
  • Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core can be projected onto non-industrial ships and other Rorquals
  • Sensor Dampener Resistance and Tracking Disruption Resistance on T3Ds in Sharpshooter mode and ships affected by the Electronic Hardening Burst do not work properly
  • Multiple identical bursts can be stacked on one ship. In EVE only the strongest burst will apply. You do not need to project bursts onto the original boosting ship, as their effects are automatically applied.

Q: How do I simulate Command Bursts on a fitting?
A: Set up the boosting ship with the right scripts and character skills. Then open the Projected Effects pane on the bottom of the target ship fitting window. Drag and drop the desired burst module(s), one at a time, from the boosting ship to the target ship. The effect will be applied regardless of whether the boosting ship is set as the Fleet, Wing, or Squad commander (since these are no longer relevant for bursts). This method also works for the Phenomena Generators.
Q: Projected effects are not updating! / Adding bursts has no effect!
A: If the source ship that is projecting an effect is modified in any way, any affected projected effects must be removed and added again for the changes to take effect. EFT will freeze the state of a given projected module when it is dragged onto another ship, even if the fitting or skills on the old ship are changed. For example, if a Basilisk is using a Remote Shield Transporter on a target ship with bursts provided to the Basilisk by a Sleipnir, and the charge type used on the Sleipnir bursts is changed, both the burst and the Remote Shield Transporter must be removed and re-added to their respective targets!

Found issues?
This is an unofficial update effort - some problems may exist! If you believe that you have found a problem, please post the problematic fit, EFT screen shot, and in-game fitting tool screenshot describing exactly which attribute(s) are incorrect. Please note that small differences on the order of 1% can be expected due to rounding.

Change log

  • 170518: Fix issue where fresh installs could cause ships to be placed in an invisible category
  • 170614: YC119.06 release, changed Fighters and Excavator drones, added Marshal, fixed bug with Industrial Core usage of Heavy Water
  • 170712: YC119.07 release, changed Strategic Cruisers
Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#2 - 2017-05-16 07:07:05 UTC
Nam Dnilb
Universal Frog
#3 - 2017-05-17 13:56:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Nam Dnilb
Thanks for this. I tried it out and it seems fine on a quick glance. The new ships do not show up though.

Edit: Tested some more. Sunesis appears, but the entire subgroup for destroyers is empty otherwise. It's possible to get the other destroyers by searching for the ship names.
Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#4 - 2017-05-19 03:12:04 UTC
Nam Dnilb wrote:
Thanks for this. I tried it out and it seems fine on a quick glance. The new ships do not show up though.

Edit: Tested some more. Sunesis appears, but the entire subgroup for destroyers is empty otherwise. It's possible to get the other destroyers by searching for the ship names.

I found a potential issue where installing this into a copy of EFT with the original data files (versus upgrading from the previous Ascension version posted on the TEST forums) could cause the new ships to be placed in an invisible category, making them impossible to use. This issue should be fixed - please re-download and try now.
Nam Dnilb
Universal Frog
#5 - 2017-05-19 17:45:26 UTC
Thanks for the update, i went ahead and installed it. Here's my feedback:

Ships are now all shown in the browser, but the groups destroyers, cruisers and lim. issue ships have two entries each.

Sunesis is on its own in one of the destroyers groups. Rabisu is the sole entry in the 2nd cruisers group. Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition, Primae, Pacifier and Enforcer are in the 2nd Lim.I.S. group.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#6 - 2017-05-21 15:23:11 UTC
gonna throw you a bill for making eft usable for me for a little bit longer

u a hero
Grease PaYN
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2017-05-22 00:49:24 UTC
Amazing, thank you.
Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#8 - 2017-05-23 03:14:51 UTC
O'nira wrote:
gonna throw you a bill for making eft usable for me for a little bit longer

u a hero

Thank you very much!
Crystalline Entity
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#9 - 2017-05-24 20:35:21 UTC
A fricking great man, gonna unsub that old thread and stay suubed to this one!

may I talk to you about our lord and saviour Peter Han
Half Empty
#10 - 2017-05-28 21:50:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Suyer
Holy **** dude, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

Edit: Seems like the active shielding bonus from command burst is not applying correctly to remote shield boosters? Seems to either not apply or apply in the reverse way:

Burst off:

Burst on:

Also, these images confuse me more:
Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#11 - 2017-05-29 06:05:26 UTC
Suyer wrote:
Holy **** dude, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

Edit: Seems like the active shielding bonus from command burst is not applying correctly to remote shield boosters? Seems to either not apply or apply in the reverse way:

Burst off:

Burst on:

Also, these images confuse me more:

The way that EFT handles the previously little-used projected effects is an easy thing to misunderstand. When you drag and drop the effect, it freezes the current state of that module (including ship bonuses, character bonuses, links, ...) and copies it into the list. If you subsequently modify the original fit (enable/disable modules, project effects, change character skills, and so on), the projected module retains its original effects. This may lead to confusing results like you show.

If you change the Sleipnir fit you show by toggling links, you need to remove and re-add the Large S95 Scoped Remote Shield Booster to the projected effects pane. I will clarify the OP as this is a common pitfall with projected effects.
Half Empty
#12 - 2017-05-30 03:26:09 UTC
Peter Han wrote:
Suyer wrote:
Holy **** dude, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

Edit: Seems like the active shielding bonus from command burst is not applying correctly to remote shield boosters? Seems to either not apply or apply in the reverse way:

Burst off:

Burst on:

Also, these images confuse me more:

The way that EFT handles the previously little-used projected effects is an easy thing to misunderstand. When you drag and drop the effect, it freezes the current state of that module (including ship bonuses, character bonuses, links, ...) and copies it into the list. If you subsequently modify the original fit (enable/disable modules, project effects, change character skills, and so on), the projected module retains its original effects. This may lead to confusing results like you show.

If you change the Sleipnir fit you show by toggling links, you need to remove and re-add the Large S95 Scoped Remote Shield Booster to the projected effects pane. I will clarify the OP as this is a common pitfall with projected effects.

Got it, thanks!
The Monger
Investment Unlimited
#13 - 2017-06-04 01:01:47 UTC
Thank you so much for doing this!

One question - how, if it all, do the sec status bonuses work on the new concord ships in this version?
Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2017-06-04 02:55:33 UTC
The Monger wrote:
Thank you so much for doing this!

One question - how, if it all, do the sec status bonuses work on the new concord ships in this version?

Security status works just like the mode of a Tactical Destroyer. Right-clicking in the blank area below the modules will display a menu with the available security status options listed under "SECURITYSTATUS". For brevity, the available security status levels are rounded to the nearest whole integer. Unfortunately, security status does not persist with the fit and needs to be set again each time the fit is used.

The Marshal is not yet ready. It just appeared in the SDE, but some of the new attributes will need some work.
The Monger
Investment Unlimited
#15 - 2017-06-04 03:21:23 UTC
Peter Han wrote:
Security status works just like the mode of a Tactical Destroyer. Right-clicking in the blank area below the modules will display a menu with the available security status options listed under "SECURITYSTATUS".

Wonderful. Thank you.
SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#16 - 2017-06-04 18:00:37 UTC
Sweet! I prefer the interface of EFT, Pyfa is just slow for me, and I prefer not to take up so much screen space while I am ratting which is usually when I plan fits, but EFT can go on the second monitor :)
Vulferam Geiger
#17 - 2017-06-07 11:29:48 UTC
Much thanks for the update!
Will keep using EFT as long as I can.

P.S.: 100mils sent as a symbolic reward o7
Aeronautic Space Institute
#18 - 2017-06-11 04:12:42 UTC
Thank you! :)


Peter Han
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#19 - 2017-06-15 02:00:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Peter Han
YC119.06 is here, and the updates to Excavator Drones and Fighters have been incorporated. In addition, the Pacifier and Enforcer have been updated slightly to better match their as-released stats. Discrepancies may still be present, and all are encouraged to bring up any issues found.

While the Marshal is available for fitting, its stats may still change prior to release.

In addition, one of the long-standing bugs in EFT with Heavy Water consumption on the Rorqual has been fixed. Note that an extra line item may appear in the Information popup under CONSUMPTION for the Industrial Core series of modules listing "-5%" - the correct value is still shown as a number of Heavy Water units immediately below it.

The original post will remain titled YC119.05 to avoid breaking links on external websites.
Zann Mei
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2017-06-15 14:46:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Zann Mei
Nevermind, just me being dumb.
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