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Warfare & Tactics

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CSM Minutes on Faction Warfare

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#221 - 2012-01-23 20:39:27 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:
For plexing to be OK'ish:
- the four factions should have close to similar ability to plex which NPCs currently interfere with,
Done already.
- there should be semi-accurate feedback as to contested status,
Agreed. There is a relative status now. There should be an absolute measure of status. This is a minor detail that can be implemented. Should be on Jan's to-do list for the devs.
- most of plexes (read, most, not all!) should benefit team-work,
They do.
- rewards should be in place (read a suggestion of requiring VP + LP to get stuff from store, would be an awesome carrot),
- occupancy should have meaning, even if it is close to nothing. When we started there were news bulletins, RP chest beating and what not .. now no one cares, even the people who do the plexing.
Rewards issue.

IMO, the 90%-95% solution to the Mechanics of plexing has already been implemented. Next up for CCP: Rewards.

Caldari State
#222 - 2012-01-23 21:11:48 UTC
Hirana's got a lot of cool ideas on the previous page (at the bottom).

+1 for anything like these getting put in this summer

Haaaaaalp my head's on fire

Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#223 - 2012-01-23 21:23:05 UTC
Hirana for CSM!

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Plus 10 NV
#224 - 2012-01-23 22:21:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:

One concern I have deals with your last sentence. What happens if there are consequences to plexes that force people to be more concerned about running them efficiently instead of the pvp? What will be the optimal way to run plexes?

IMO if the mechanic works correctly people should only be concerned with running them efficiently. Running them efficiently should automatically lead to allot of pvp. Allot of pvp, not just a fight every 2 hours.

IMO If people are just primarilly using the plexes as a way to "set up" pvp (which by the way is what I do and have done for years) its not quite there as a mechanic.

Do you see what I mean?

Most efficient way to capture system is with overwhelming force, which leads to no fights. .

Yes but having overwhelming force in *every* single fw system is not likely to happen. So fights can happen in the systems where the other side's blob is not. If fw grows so big that it does happen then its time to open it up to more factions and pirate factions.

X Gallentius wrote:

There is no mechanic that can be created that encourages lots of fights if one side want to be "uber efficient". So, what we have now is about as good as you're going to get. If both sides want a fight, it'll happen. If one side decides to not defend, then a system can be occupied in a reasonable amount of time.

In the end, if you want a fight, then make the other guy think he can win. You will probably lose a lot of ships, but you'll get the fights that you wanted. So, do you want "fights" (like you say) or do you want to win?

Another reason, besides 1) casual pvp and 2) e-peen, that players will engage in the Occupancy War.

CCP can make changes to the mechanics that bring about more small scale pvp for plexes when they are run efficiently. You seem to have given up and basically say the only way you will get fights is to bait. But this is more of a sliding scale than it is on or off. In other words CCP needs to continually iterate on Faction war such that gaining occupancy involves lots of small scale pvp.

That is the goal that they should strive for. You seem to be saying it will never happen so forget it. I am saying they never even tried.

“So, do [I] want "fights" (like [I] say) or do [I] want to win?”
I want both. But most importantly I want the fw occupancy war to be won through small scale pvp. Otherwise it’s either no different than what null sec offers or it’s not worth it.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#225 - 2012-01-23 22:52:59 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Happy fun contest time!! -

Ok here are some ideas I think would work to improve plexxing. Still stay in range of a button but the button or something else near it would generate a cyno for npcs:

1)Cyno generators for npcs
Inside the plex there is a device that detects if anyone other than its own militia or allied militia enter the plex. Unless a ship from that factions militia or ally enters, or it is destroyed in a set amount (say 90 seconds) of time it will cyno in npcs. Each plex will have one of these timers and if one is destroyed another will be lit 5 minutes later. (agian if a friendly militia enters the plex this will be put on hold.) Now the amount of dps it takes to destroy one of these cynos will depend on the size of the plex. A single frigate should be able to destroy one in a minor say you need 90 dps. A medium would need 300 dps etc. The times are just guesses.

This would allow people who want to fight npcs to be able to do that. They could let the cynos go and then they could collect the tags as well as cap the plex. If someone didn't want to screw with npcs they could destroy the cyno. The npcs could be sleeper or whatever ai. I don't really care.

The npcs would generally be more difficult to speed tank. In general you would need at least one ship of the largest type allowed in the plex. Now due to this and the dps requirement people wouldn't be able to run a bunch of plexes with alts in frigates.

2) The Sensor strength for ships of the same faction as the complex would get a huge boost inside the complex. I still like this idea because it will keep ecm somewhat in check. ECM is just too powerful for the really small fights I would like to see in plexes.

The other nice thing about this, is it is self balancing. If there is too much ecm then people can start flying the racial ships. If there isn't much ecm then people can ignore this.

Finally I think there will be some incentive to fly something other than the fotm race.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Alticus C Bear
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#226 - 2012-01-23 23:00:58 UTC
OK I will play. (this turned out a lot longer than I intended)

Faction Warfare Mission/ Plex overhaul (some of this I have probably seen elsewhere or proposed before)

  • Completing Missions counts as completing a plex.

  • When accepting a mission the agent provides you with the details of a few plexes on route and any special conditions if present.

  • In all missions there is either a counter objective or a beacon with a timer is present, if the enemy can push you out of your mission for long enough to complete the timer/objective then the mission is failed.

  • May need to balance the standing penalty for failed missions

  • Combine NPC Forces in Missions and Plexes, should add a third damage type to plexes and missions hopefully encouraging omni -tanking, DPS may need to be balanced for a lower omni-tank

  • MInmatar/Gallente - Dealing THERM/KIN/EXP damage

  • Caldari/ Amarr - Dealing EM/THERM/KIN damage

  • During Kill missions the target NPC’s should warp either to another pocket or away returning after 5 minutes unless warp disrupted. (This should include transports that are targets)

  • NPC forces should spread agro and should agro any neutrals entering Plex/Mission

  • NPC’s go passive when a friendly pilot enters the plex, allowing PVP to take place.

Plexing itself (include the above guidelines on NPC’s)

  • Bring rewards up perhaps in line with one level below a mission, especially for more complex plexes (See below) Plexing in itself should be a viable alternative to missions.

  • My problem is with orbiting a timer where no PVP is likely

  • Timer should still be present as it provides a hopefully last resort of completing the plex.

  • Two separate timers, one for each faction, they count down they stop when an enemy is present but you do not need to reverse time already accrued.

  • Killing all NPC waves completes Plex (Does not indicate as such on the overview until you leave the plex allowing you to stay and wait for visitors)

  • Destroying an opponent in the Plex reduces the timer by an appropriate amount of time relative to the opponent’s rank and ship type.

  • Some plexes that spawn contain alternate objectives such as Hacking, Supply drop (dropping ammo/boosters with a certain value into a container) or certain Elite NPC’s to be destroyed. (This is where I see the incursion style format entering in, with a list of plex types and objectives) There are probably better objectives.

  • Faction War Intel Mini map - 2D region based intel map, available through militia office, Highlight activity, shows number of plexes taken lost/missions completed and militia ships destroyed in the last hour and importantly shows current plexes/missions in progress, perhaps with some delayed intel say 5 minutes and can perhaps only see info for nearby systems.

Simpler Idea

I think the twin timer idea combined with the timer reduction for killing opponents within the plex could work with a no NPC plex system. Where there are no NPC’s then objectives do not make sense and a broadcast mechanism announcing the plex is probably required.

P.S. Nice to see Hans saving the day again and getting things moving in a nice friendly manner.

P.P.S King of the Hill (Or blob fest) - Gated to avoid caps, multiple entry points - While in bubble (disruption) players accrue 10 loyalty points per second, Perhaps even multiple bubbles in complex with interconnecting gates, while faction has a higher value/number of ships in the bubbles all pilots online in that faction get 1 loyalty point per second, while enemy has a higher value/number of pilots in bubbles all pilots in militia lose 2 loyalty points per second (remember those fighting in the bubble get 10 so have a net gain still) - closes after a finite number of LP is accrued, numbers open to change as it’s a silly idea.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#227 - 2012-01-23 23:03:38 UTC
Alticus C Bear wrote:

P.S. Nice to see Hans saving the day again and getting things moving in a nice friendly manner.

Thanks, Alticus!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#228 - 2012-01-23 23:08:06 UTC
1. We have agreed that the most efficient way to capture a system is to "blob" it. This issue is settled.

Does the current mechanic accurately reflect who controls an area? Yes it does. You need to live near the system you occupy in order to adequately defend it. This is a good thing.

Can you currently get fights away from "the blob". Yes you can. That's a good thing as well.

2. Nobody can force anybody to fight when they don't want to. If that means everybody baits, then so be it. What it really means is that everybody has a reason for engaging in a fight - whether it's that they think they can win, they want to leroy for fun, whatever. But CCP cannot create a MECHANIC that forces people to engage when they don't want to.

3. Occupancy warfare IS CURRENTLY WON through small scale pvp. Your wishes have come true. Additionally, when one side chooses not to engage (for whatever reason, such as they don't want to lose), then your side can win the system in a reasonable amount of time.

The mechanic of plexing is working. 90% solution is here. That doesn't mean they can't still do some modifications, but the next big pole in the tent of improvements is Occupancy Rewards. Time to move on.

Plus 10 NV
#229 - 2012-01-23 23:19:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Cearain
X Gallentius wrote:
1. We have agreed that the most efficient way to capture a system is to "blob" it. This issue is settled.

I don't think forming a blob is a good way to capture plexes. I mean if you are just looking to capture plexes in a single system it might be good but why would you only want to capture plexes in a single system? Its better for militias to split up and capture several plexes in several systems at once.

X Gallentius wrote:

2. Nobody can force anybody to fight when they don't want to. If that means everybody baits, then so be it. What it really means is that everybody has a reason for engaging in a fight - whether it's that they think they can win, they want to leroy for fun, whatever. But CCP cannot create a MECHANIC that forces people to engage when they don't want to.

It depends what you mean here. They can make it so that if you want to plex efficiently you will engage in pvp. Or they can at least work toward that.

X Gallentius wrote:

3. Occupancy warfare IS CURRENTLY WON through small scale pvp. Your wishes have come true. Additionally, when one side chooses not to engage (for whatever reason, such as they don't want to lose), then your side can win the system in a reasonable amount of time.

The mechanic of plexing is working. 90% solution is here. That doesn't mean they can't still do some modifications, but the next big pole in the tent of improvements is Occupancy Rewards. Time to move on.

I think its currently won through small scale pvp due to players artificially agreeing not to do plexes efficiently. They are using the plexes as a tool to get fights. Its better than no pvp I agree, and do it myself. But it would be better if the system just worked to bring about pvp without the artificial gentlemans agreement fights.

How will rewards and consequences effect this? If the rewards and consequences are big we may see more people doing plexes more efficiently and less pvp. Unless they make the plexes so doing plexes efficiently entails pvp. Or if the rewards and consequences are small it won't effect anything.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Plus 10 NV
#230 - 2012-01-23 23:22:48 UTC
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
Alticus C Bear wrote:

P.S. Nice to see Hans saving the day again and getting things moving in a nice friendly manner.

Thanks, Alticus!

No kissing the judge's ass!

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#231 - 2012-01-23 23:59:51 UTC
Cearain wrote:
I don't think forming a blob is a good way to capture plexes. I mean if you are just looking to capture plexes in a single system it might be good but why would you only want to capture plexes in a single system? Its better for militias to split up and capture several plexes in several systems at once.
The most efficient way to capture a system (not a single plex), is to blob it and demoralize your opponent. Kill him any time he puts up resistance until he quits. Once this is done, you can spread out and not have to worry about them trying to upset your plexing schedule.

Anyways... yes the goal of pvp for maximum efficiency is great, but not 100% reachable for reasons already stated IMO. You could say that you are pvp'ing by blobbing (applying overwhelming force to demoralize your opponent), but I think you mean "fair fights" when you say "pvp", so....
Plus 10 NV
#232 - 2012-01-24 03:17:45 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Cearain wrote:
I don't think forming a blob is a good way to capture plexes. I mean if you are just looking to capture plexes in a single system it might be good but why would you only want to capture plexes in a single system? Its better for militias to split up and capture several plexes in several systems at once.
The most efficient way to capture a system (not a single plex), is to blob it and demoralize your opponent. Kill him any time he puts up resistance until he quits. Once this is done, you can spread out and not have to worry about them trying to upset your plexing schedule.

Anyways... yes the goal of pvp for maximum efficiency is great, but not 100% reachable for reasons already stated IMO. You could say that you are pvp'ing by blobbing (applying overwhelming force to demoralize your opponent), but I think you mean "fair fights" when you say "pvp", so....

We may not agree on whether forming a large blob is the most efficient way to plex but we do agree on allot.

And I am not really sure if its fair fights I'm looking for. Just good fights.

I wouldn't be surprised if over 30 percent of my fights have been in or around plexes. I am hard pressed to even think of more than a few that weren't a good fight. IMO Plex fights are the best fights in eve. That is probably one thing many of the frequent fw posters can agree on.

That is why I am so focused on having ccp really look at plexxing and make it so we can get more fights in them.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Super Chair
Project Cerberus
Templis CALSF
#233 - 2012-01-24 03:49:50 UTC
Why have I just stopped reading cearains posts all together? I just skip to the next post What?
State War Academy
Caldari State
#234 - 2012-01-24 07:56:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Izlare
It amazes me how CCP has no freakin idea what EVE player want. Most of us older players joined FW to get away from Nullsec Bullshit. Now they want to bring that **** into lowsec? Shocked
Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#235 - 2012-01-24 15:20:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
So this is my presentation for FW complexes mechanics.

1) NPS's in complexes are removed as they are now. The new system will use sleepers A.I. and a new spawning system and reward program.
[α] Navy NPC's will be "fit" like players in PvP. The preexisting racial damage, tank, Ewar will be replaced with more traditional PvP set ups EX-frigg's webbing and scramming, cruisers doing high DPS and/or Ewar, omni tanks, remote repping, and trying to spread damage types out well keeping a match to hull type.
[β] Navy NPC's will spawn in relative numbers to players in the complexes at a random interval between 1-9% of the complexes counter starting. If additional opponents enter the complexes NPS's will warp in to assist. If defenders warp in NPS's will be "relieved" in a 1 for 1 ratio and "boon" the player relieving them. Additional spawns will come in at random intervals their after. Spawns will not over lap, but queue and wait for the wave prier to get wiped out. NPS's will reduce in number if opposing ships leave or are destroyed. One NPS's are destroyed there is a chance for "intrigues"
[γ]Completing/Defending complexes will have there rewards split in to 3 groups. Boons, Intrigues, and moral boost.
"Boon" Are small gifts placed in a Customs Office randomly in your war zone. They will not be taxed like P.I. materials, but will be taxed buy the owner of the CO at a small flat rate+ their tax rate%. They will be given out for relieving NPS's from complexes and Defensively closing complexes. The chance of getting boons is low for closing complexes, but 100% for the first time you warp in and "relieve" a NPC fighting enemys and very low for each time after in the same complex. They will place a notification in your journal and will expire in 15 days and the items them selves will sit for 15 days with a reminder in your journal. Drop range from enemy tags&metta1-4 modules, small faction loot drops (think like lowest end faction rat drops ammo at the low some imps at the hi.) and Letters from the front. Letters from the front will be like an ad-lib but with a players name and an exploit of their's from some one in your factions prospective taken from an interaction with a complex. (EX-On 29/1/2012 at 02:03 "Rel'k Bloodlor" raided our listing post in "Abune". He slaughtered many of my comrades, but was cut down buy the heroic "Super Chair" before he could destroy the base.) they would just be neat little things connecting players to events in the game!
"Intrigues" Are kind of mission/escalation lite. They are given out for Destroying opposing navy NPC's and closing Offencive complexes. The chance for getting them will be very low for destroying NPS's and low for closing a complexes. They will be one of 3 things, a complex(= or +) that only you have coordinates with in the constellation that will auto "intrigue" upon completion, a encounter with an officer with in system and a chance for drop (based on level of complexes received from) {Will be one officer and 0-5 wing men. Will be challenging.}, or a site with in system with a few NPC's(navy OR area's pirates) a star gate to a contested or occupied neighboring system(with in a few LY) at the most direct gate, that will last for a 8 hours and only show up on YOUR factions overview's. All will show up in your journal and will expire in 8 hours.
"Moral boost" will be granted for a set amount of time to members of a faction for making systems Occupied or placing systems in to contested. One a system is made occupied the side that lost control get the "Call to arms" boost placed in the system for 24 hours. One a system is made contested the faction that caused the change will get the "seek and destroy" boost in the constellation for 6 hours. "Call to arms" will be a small agility+, EHP+ and signature radius reduction and "seek and destroy" will be a small scan resolution bonus and 20% reduction to scan time bonus.

2) In addition to the current selection of complexes two more will be added to the mix, Multiroom complexes and Battle fields.
[δ]Multiroom complexes will be similar to the sites we already have but will have multiple gates that lead deeper in to the site. Some rooms may have "battle field effects" and will have a count down button at the end. Gates after the first will only allow so many people in to them from a faction, but all in the complex will receive credit. Once the limit is reached no more may enter, so deciding how many to push forward will be important!!
[ε]Battle fields will be similar to multiroom complexes but with a twist. They will appear in both sides journal one they are opened. They also will always be an odd number or rooms. Depending one witch side you are on the gate will warp you to one end of the complex. There you will run a clock on a button up well fighting Navy NPC's. You are free to move towards the middle room at any time BUT the buttons you "spin" up in your half apply "battle field effects" to the other side!! The middle room will have a button but no NPC's and will have all the effects applied to it from the previous rooms(non-spawn related). The button in the middle room must be pushed to a set amount and the more people on it the faster it goes, the more opponents in the room the slower it go's and if there are a equal number it dose not count up. First side to get it to count up Takes the site and every one present on the winning side in the complex gets both a "boon" and an "Intrigue". First rooms of a battle field will make the spawn rate on the other side go up and nothing else, The sites in the middle will apply negative "worm hole like" effects to the other sides rooms and the center. These effects only apply to members of opposing factions. One no one is pushing a button up they count down to zero on there own.

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#236 - 2012-01-24 15:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Rel'k Bloodlor
Non-Militia pilots will be warped to the center room. Tho rooms do not need there buttons pushed up to proceed they DO need their spawns killed to make the gate unlock. Because of this teams will need to decide on what is more important, more spawns to slow the other sides progress, negative effects to aid you or getting to the center room to fight and push the button up. Regardless of who or were the battle field opens any side can finish and clam it.

I believe buy using a chance based rewards system that has a lower chance to pay big to the offence and a smaller consistent reward to deference pulse a boost to each side that favors capturing more and defending space that people will find plexing more engaging. I chose chance for its ability to hook new players with luck and pay for those who are in space the most often putting them selves in to danger. I very much like the letters from the front as they mark a players place in the history of the war.
That's all I have for now what do ya all think?
Hans that contest still going?

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Plus 10 NV
#237 - 2012-01-24 15:43:46 UTC
Super Chair wrote:
Why have I just stopped reading cearains posts all together? I just skip to the next post What?

We can only guess. Perhaps it's because you hold petty grudges against those who have disagreed with you in the past.

I guess my question is: why are you still commenting about my posts if you admit you no longer even read them?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#238 - 2012-01-24 18:40:49 UTC
Yes contest still going :) It's nothing official, i'm still reading through the entries and waiting for more to come in. No deadline on it yet, though i'll put one soon. In the meantime there's lots of interesting stuff being thrown down. Some of it good, some not so good, but the important thing is that people are brainstorming again. Sometimes you just gotta poop out a whole bunch of crap and than sift through for the gold!

I'll comment more on the ideas I've seen when i get some time, until than everyone feel free to discuss what you hear!

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#239 - 2012-01-24 19:26:15 UTC
I want CCP to give me a ship that tracks the tears of these 'bitter' vets I recieve
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#240 - 2012-01-24 19:38:08 UTC
Ok, here's my idea. We make the following changes to plexing:


We add two buttons, the offensive and defensive buttons. These buttons are spaced outside of the range required to run them down plus some (say 50-100km). They can never go higher than their original timer value (ie 10 minutes for minor, etc). When you run down one button, the other button runs up (to a max value of its starting value). If the opposing factions are in range of any of the buttons, no timers decrement. Once a timer reaches 0, the plex is closed and VP is awarded as it is today.

All NPCs are removed from the plex. Instead, a single lone NPC of the opposing faction will spawn at its "button" when you are running down your button (offensive and defensive). Frig to Dessie will spawn in minor, frig to cruiser will spawn in medium, Frig to BS will spawn in major. This NPC will respawn every 30 seconds while the timer is being run if it has been killed. It will not spawn if the timer is not being run down. 2 NPCs will never appear at the same time. There are a maximum number of NPCs that will be spawned per plex so they cannot be farmed.

This NPC serves as nothing more than a pinata. It will drop tags and other goodies that CCP decides on (think radar/mag exploration sites, faction goodies, etc). They also award LP to the capsuleer landing the final blow. They provide a bounty paid by your faction to all those who aggressed the NPCs.

In addition to this, every time a pinata NPC is killed, a group of sleeper AI NPCs will be spawned. This spawn will be sufficiently powerful to destroy and 1-2 man PC gang of the appropriate plex size, but easily dispatched by a 5-ish man PC gang. The sleeper AI NPCs will only respawn to replace previously killed sleeper AI NPCs (ie you cannot pre-spawn them). Furthermore, once the sleeper-AI spawn occurs, the "button" will lock all non friendly militia pod pilots inside the plex (ie no cloaking once you start farming the plex). The button is immune to EWAR.

The End.

This does a number of things. It provides incentive for running a plex. If you want to just close the plex, you don't shoot the pinata NPC and just tank its pathetic DPS. If somebody tries to attack you while running the plex down, you are on even footing. If you choice to farm the plex of resources, you kill the pinata NPC and have to deal with the sleeper AI NPCs. If somebody attacks you while farming, you are at a disadvantage due to sleeper-ai NPCs. The sleeper-AI makes it almost impossible to solo farm the plex. The locking buttons gets rid of anti-pvp cloaking. If you don't want to fight, you have to leave the plex. Tthe limited rewards discourage huge blobs as you make more isk by splitting up into multiple plexs/systems. The happy balance of isk should be in the small 5-10 man gang size, which should lead to fun fights.
