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What happened to player owned citadels?

First post
Galactic Rangers
#21 - 2017-05-29 08:22:14 UTC
Armatige TheThird wrote:
Wow none of you get the point

you're the one not getting it.

Armatige TheThird wrote:
yes I could form my own

yes you could, which makes your silly statement about not being able to do so mute.

Armatige TheThird wrote:
Also I'm pretty good at doing things on my own / they (CCP) have designed this game to where you have to be in a big group to do just about anything.

not a team player in an mmorpg never ends well / nope not true, but do keep in mind,, the game is an mmorpg and people who work together tend to get better results than a solo pilot.

Armatige TheThird wrote:
They have also made it better for people who want to PVP and not for the passive ones who just want to build and transport.

well that's also just not true. but you won't get why because you're blinded by your own ignorance and will not back down.

Armatige TheThird wrote:
the people I am with make it bearable.

oh that's not good, ya see if the people you play with suddenly stop playing you will also.

#22 - 2017-05-29 09:08:42 UTC
So...let me so, you don't understand the term player owned station and CCP is at fault?
Hir Miriel
Elves In Space
#23 - 2017-05-29 10:24:33 UTC
I never much like how moderation of topics, like possible locks, becomes the topic people post about when the topic of the post is pretty interesting.

Capitals aren't hard to read and evoke no emotion in me at all; complaining about caps does.

Everything in moderation is the old saying, except moderation, get rid of that, it kills conversation.

As to the real topic, it's not hard to set up a fake corporation.

But should customers have to do that?

What does having fake accounts mean to the playerbase?

Personally, there should be as little reason as possible to make alternate characters, otherwise the whole virtuality fills up with players who play themselves.

Citadels are a great idea, and one day they will be the reason I return.

~ ~~ Thinking inside Schrodinger's sandbox. ~~ ~

Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#24 - 2017-05-29 11:00:07 UTC
Hir Miriel wrote:
I never much like how moderation of topics, like possible locks, becomes the topic people post about when the topic of the post is pretty interesting.

Capitals aren't hard to read and evoke no emotion in me at all; complaining about caps does.

Everything in moderation is the old saying, except moderation, get rid of that, it kills conversation.

As to the real topic, it's not hard to set up a fake corporation.

But should customers have to do that?

What does having fake accounts mean to the playerbase?

Personally, there should be as little reason as possible to make alternate characters, otherwise the whole virtuality fills up with players who play themselves.

Citadels are a great idea, and one day they will be the reason I return.

You don't "need" an alt to create a corp, you could just create it yourself, the corp creation skill takes very little time to train, and alts generally are used to fill a role you would normally need a second player for, cyno alts for example :P

I think at one point i actually had 3 accounts active, now i'm down to 2 :P
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2017-05-29 12:36:00 UTC
Armatige TheThird wrote:
Wow none of you get the point, yes a corp is owned by a person duh!! They (CCP) originally stated that a person not with corps rights could deploy one now they change their ways, so now you have to have corp rights to set one up. Was never stated anywhere that I saw...

I wanted to have citadel when they just came to Tranq. I've checked it myself and i can say: they needed special corporation roles right from the start.

And now comes why you have to have proper roles: this is because citadels are allowed in high-sec. You must be in corp to be wardeccable and no corp CEOs would like to get lossmail of citadel he was not even aware of.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Dark Lord Trump
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#26 - 2017-05-29 13:47:50 UTC
Citadels were meant to replace POSes.
POSes were corp owned.
What did you expect?

I'm going to build a big wall that will keep the Gallente out, and they're going to pay for it!

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#27 - 2017-05-29 15:38:54 UTC
IIRC CCP stated that because there needs to be a way to attack and remove citadels in highsec, they have to be owned by a corp so it is possible to wardec the owner.
Netan MalDoran
Mercenaries and Merchants
#28 - 2017-05-29 17:16:31 UTC

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#29 - 2017-05-29 17:51:49 UTC
You know, you don't need to be in the owning corp to use a citadel.

The only things you can't do is change the fittings, or refuel it.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#30 - 2017-05-29 18:51:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Hir Miriel wrote:
I never much like how moderation of topics, like possible locks, becomes the topic people post about when the topic of the post is pretty interesting.

Capitals aren't hard to read and evoke no emotion in me at all; complaining about caps does.

Everything in moderation is the old saying, except moderation, get rid of that, it kills conversation.

As to the real topic, it's not hard to set up a fake corporation.

But should customers have to do that?

What does having fake accounts mean to the playerbase?

Personally, there should be as little reason as possible to make alternate characters, otherwise the whole virtuality fills up with players who play themselves.

Citadels are a great idea, and one day they will be the reason I return.

The OP is ranting, quite possibly remembering wrong, and the all caps makes her look like a fool. If the OP had just waited a bit, cooled down and then posted without the all caps and the ranting then there'd be little to no possibility of a lock. Posting something like, "Hey, I thought I could have a citadel and not have to worry about getting rights from my CEO when did CCP change that?" Then people would respond with, "No, unfortunately that is not the case, etc., etc., etc....."

The problem is probably this: When setting up a citadel there are going to be rights that have to be handed out. Rights to hangars etc. is typically the purview of corporations and the leadership of the corporation. The OP's view was probably never really accurate. CCP might have said "players" meaning a player run corp like one of the earlier responses.

To be quite honest, the OP should go and edit that response and tone it down.

And that this is not locked yet suggests that ISD is being somewhat moderate in their moderation.

And yes if you want your own personal citadel and you want to be part of a corporation and you do not have various rights inside that corporation...then you'll need an alt. Working as intended...until they can sort out a new structure/code for granting various types of rights.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#31 - 2017-05-29 18:53:00 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Armatige TheThird wrote:
Wow none of you get the point, yes a corp is owned by a person duh!! They (CCP) originally stated that a person not with corps rights could deploy one now they change their ways, so now you have to have corp rights to set one up. Was never stated anywhere that I saw...

I wanted to have citadel when they just came to Tranq. I've checked it myself and i can say: they needed special corporation roles right from the start.

And now comes why you have to have proper roles: this is because citadels are allowed in high-sec. You must be in corp to be wardeccable and no corp CEOs would like to get lossmail of citadel he was not even aware of.

More like the CEO wants to be in control of certain aspects of what HIS corporation is doing. Crazy I know. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

ISD Bubblemoon
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#32 - 2017-05-29 23:04:03 UTC
Forum Moderation Policy wrote:
3. Ranting is prohibited.

A rant is a post that is often filled with angry and counterproductive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and is helpful in development of the game and community. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Please post your thoughts in a concise and clear manner while avoiding going off on rambling tangents.

23. Post constructively.

Negative feedback can be very useful to further improve EVE Online provided that it is presented in a civil and factual manner. All users are encouraged to honestly express their feelings regarding EVE Online and how it can be improved. Posts that are non-constructive, insulting or in breach of the rules will be deleted regardless of how valid the ideas behind them may be. Users are also reminded that posting with a lack of content also constitutes non-constructive posting.

Please read more information about Player owned structures here:

Useful information about corporations and alliances here:

Thread closed.

ISD Bubblemoon


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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