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Faded Light [IDNO] is recruiting roleplayers and combat pilots

Ereka Nihil
Faded Light
#1 - 2017-04-23 00:31:47 UTC
For almost nine years, the Caldari State and Gallente Federation have been engaged in a proxy war in their nearby low-security regions, enlisting capsuleers as their pawns in an attempt to capture and defend contested territory for their side while seeking to overpower and humiliate their rivals. Countless numbers of ships, ground troops, and civilians have been lost on both sides, with practically nothing to show for it except ever-increasing bitterness, anger, and hatred of their opponents.

Every month, every year this conflict lasts sees the individuals of both sides grow farther apart, more accustomed to a culture of fear and bloodshed than one of peace and open dialogue. It is the firm belief of Faded Light that this trend needs to be halted as soon as possible if there is to be any chance of creating a lasting, satisfactory peace that both sides can get behind.

To do this, we seek stop the proxy war in lowsec any way we can - ideally, reasoning with the participants, making them question why they fight for the Fed or fight for the State, trying to co-opt them to our point of view to create a genuine movement that forces leaders on both sides to turn to the boardroom for solutions, not the war room. However, for those individuals and organizations unsympathetic to our cause, we will try and stop their continued advancement of war through force, destroying their ships and denying them economic stimulus from the empires wherever possible, in an attempt to grind the war to a stop.

We recognize that this effort is a long-shot, but in our eyes it is not right to merely sit on the sidelines while this goes on, but rather our duty to stand up and try to put a halt to this. Considering force and violence in an attempt to create the conditions for peace is obviously ironic, a fact not lost on us, but force is what power derives from - what that power is used for is what defines it as good, or bad.

Help our cause, support our cause - join our cause. We need people who want to fight for what's right in this cluster, not just what's convenient and easy. If that describes you, join us today, and help create a better future.

Good evening! If you're reading this, I assume you've read the in-character (IC) bit above, describing our intent and our goals. Allow me to explain to you out-of-character (OOC) a bit more about Faded Light and what we do:

The goal of Faded Light is to get good fights, full stop. To this end, we're recruiting combat pilots who are comfortable flying both solo and in small-gangs, and who are willing to roleplay. We've latched on to the on-going conflict between the Caldari and Gallente in FW space as a reason to fight both sides, and to give the corporation what we feel is a worthy goal worth pursing in-character.

In-space, the pursuit of our goal often manifests itself in taking over outposts in faction-warfare space, denying its use to both sides, until a militia member of either side (or occasionally a local pirate) decides to show up and try take the outpost from us. This usually leads to interesting 1v1 fights, a rarity in EVE these days, or on occasions when they bring friends, the chance to fight outnumbered or to call for backup from other corpmates nearby to even the odds if required.

Outside of combat, Faded Light is a relaxed corporation that does not berate people based on killboard statistics, or succumb to the low-brow culture that's present in so many larger organizations. We look for individuals that not only show skill or potential in combat, but the right attitude in interactions with other pilots, people we enjoy flying with rather than merely tolerate.

As for a few FAQs:

I've never done roleplay before, how deep do you guys go in terms of commitment?
In general, the RP side of things could be considered light or medium-light. For instance, corp chat is OOC, and local can be either IC or OOC depending on the context. Most of the text-based RP is done in the Summit channels in-game, the IGS board on the forums, and a few private discussion channels as well, and in general is very easy to get into (and pretty fun at times!)

Why the mention of solo pilots along with small-gang warfare?
We're a small corp that's picky about who we let in. Being able to generate content on your own when there's not a ton of people around is an important skill to have - moreover, some of the best pilots I've ever flown with in gangs or fleets have been sharp-eyed solo combat pilots, always trying to refine their personal skills and eke every bit of performance out of their ships as they can. Those are the people I want at my side, while still having the right skills and personality so that working together in a small gang isn't a problem.

I'm inexperienced at combat - would you be willing to teach me?
Yes, as long as you show the right attitude. Being able to take losses on the chin, continually striving to fly and fit your ship better, and giving your best effort are all crucial traits I'd need to see. If you display them, yes.

What can you offer me?
Right now, I can offer you a lot of immaterial things - a purpose to work towards, motivation, comradeship, training in how to be a better pilot for you younger folks out there, a home in New Eden that you can enjoy being part of after a long day of work and effort. In time, it's my strong desire to find allies that share our goals and form an alliance, making us eligible to fly in the Alliance Tournament (something I've done since AT3 with few exceptions). But out of all of those things, comradeship and community are the biggest two.

I might be interested, what do I do?
Contact either Sakura Nihil or Ereka Nihil in-game with an evemail, and we'll set up a time and a place for an interview.
Ereka Nihil
Faded Light
#2 - 2017-04-24 22:10:31 UTC
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#3 - 2017-04-25 22:18:54 UTC
Up to the top.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#4 - 2017-04-26 22:56:08 UTC
Spreading the word, one 1v1 and fight at a time.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#5 - 2017-04-27 22:18:01 UTC
That feeling when you go into a 1v2 brawl, and come out the other side intact and with a killmail?

Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#6 - 2017-04-28 22:32:41 UTC
Bump to the top.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#7 - 2017-04-30 00:30:45 UTC
Up to the top again.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#8 - 2017-05-01 23:10:45 UTC
Bump up to the top.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#9 - 2017-05-02 23:11:17 UTC
Another day spreading the good word.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#10 - 2017-05-03 22:38:36 UTC
Another day, another bump.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#11 - 2017-05-04 22:25:42 UTC
Congrats to our first recruit joining tonight! Still looking for more people join the cause.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#12 - 2017-05-06 00:08:34 UTC
Daily bump.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#13 - 2017-05-07 21:25:47 UTC
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#14 - 2017-05-10 01:21:59 UTC
Added another recruit last night, slowly and steadily growing.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#15 - 2017-05-14 22:07:44 UTC
Bump to the top.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#16 - 2017-05-16 00:31:22 UTC
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#17 - 2017-05-16 23:24:51 UTC
Pushing this up to the top tonight.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#18 - 2017-05-18 00:02:17 UTC
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#19 - 2017-05-22 23:45:40 UTC
Bump for the evening.
Sakura Nihil
Faded Light
#20 - 2017-05-24 23:45:25 UTC
Bump up to the top.
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