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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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COALITION OF MINERS: 0.0 Industry looking for carebears with teeth.

Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2017-04-25 02:08:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Eternal Night Mikakka
Tired of mining alone?

Want a more active Corp?

Looking for some action on the side?

Look no further, The Coalition of Miners is an up and coming corporation and a proud member of the Phoenix Federation, and we want you to fly with us!

We are looking for more mining and industry focused players both old and new!

We are a real life first 0.0 corp looking to be the best at what we do!

Our goal is to build capitals as a team, and have a damn good time doing it!

Things we can offer you:

*Null sov mining

*Mining boosts

*Discord and alliance Mumble Comms

*Ore and PI buy back ( Jita -10%)

*Research Facilities

*Corp industry and Cap building projects that you get paid to help with (Jita -5%)

*0.0 Ratting Anomalies

*Small gang / large scale coalition pvp fleets

Things we are looking for

*Friendly, good humored people

*Atleast 3 months of playing eve under your belt

*Willingness to work as a team

*Willingness to reship into a pvp ship when called upon

*Active in any time zone

Things we expect:



*Maturity at least a 12th grade level

*To be on comms when undocked

*To fly one Coalition fleet a month

Things we need from you

*Full api key with no expiration

*A brief interview

If you are interested please stop by our public channel: TCOMI Lounge in game!

Note: All applications sent in without a prior conversation with a recruiter will be rejected immediately
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2017-04-26 08:27:36 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2017-04-28 03:27:32 UTC
bumping again!
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#4 - 2017-04-29 07:17:34 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2017-04-30 06:06:34 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2017-05-01 14:55:41 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2017-05-02 08:22:12 UTC
Bumping for more miners!
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#8 - 2017-05-04 00:50:43 UTC
Bumping for more miners!!!
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2017-05-05 17:30:39 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2017-05-07 15:47:07 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#11 - 2017-05-08 19:48:05 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#12 - 2017-05-10 18:39:21 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2017-05-11 18:57:20 UTC
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2017-05-11 20:08:16 UTC
I'm a returning player. This is my main at 16m sp mining and industry focused. My alt is an Explorer with 10m sp (both on the same account). I play evenings eastern time and I'm looking for people to help build up. Mining ops, research and development, contracts I can help fulfill, etc. I'm looking for a group to help me grow and understand the game better. I like to feel useful and want to learn as much as possible.
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2017-05-11 22:41:02 UTC
Kaotik wrote:
I'm a returning player. This is my main at 16m sp mining and industry focused. My alt is an Explorer with 10m sp (both on the same account). I play evenings eastern time and I'm looking for people to help build up. Mining ops, research and development, contracts I can help fulfill, etc. I'm looking for a group to help me grow and understand the game better. I like to feel useful and want to learn as much as possible.

Hey man, feel free to drop into our recruitment channel for a brief chat with one of our recruiters. If you have any questions feel free to message me in game or drop me a mail and i will get back to you as soon as possible!
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#16 - 2017-05-15 00:14:20 UTC
Six Pwndr
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2017-05-15 00:41:35 UTC
hi there
im a returning player from 2010.
new account so i have nothing (yet).
back in the day i was part of nexus fleet which was a doughter corporation under a mother corporation of the AAA alliance.
i want to step back into the game as a miner (hopefully flying a hulk as my main miner [unless there is a better ship now]).

im 26 y/o from israel (gmt+2) and im playing during my work hours and when im home befor i go to sleep.

hoping to mainly earn isk to grow and have some nice ship for the pvp aspect of the game.
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#18 - 2017-05-16 06:09:16 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#19 - 2017-05-18 02:24:28 UTC
Eternal Night Mikakka
Goonswarm Federation
#20 - 2017-05-18 21:37:51 UTC
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