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"PLEX can no longer be used for Character transfer fee payments"

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JuckFames 315
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2017-05-06 03:14:45 UTC
Ok lets cut to the chase here how many have you even pay for your account or spend any RL money on the game? If no then please shut up you are not allowed to have an opinion because companies can not and will not be able to support a game where the majority of the player base do not make a monetary contribution. Stuff doesn't just run for free. If people wish for it to continue to be free for all to play and not spend any type of money on the game 1 of 2 things will happen the game ceases to exist or it becomes an AD driven game like every other Facebook or mobile game.

It makes me sad to read people flame a game and its developers for not allowing people to use an in game based currency to buy character transfers to another account. This is a very ignorant thought process and I think CCP has every right to charge someone RL money to do it because that takes an actual person not just magically happens at the click of a button and poof the character is transferred. If you asked me the only thing in game currency should be able buy would be anything made and/or produced in game period and that there also should be a cap on total currency/storage allowed on alpha accounts. Yes the player base may drop at first but it will weed out anyone who plays this game for making a profit off of it and allow people who actually enjoy playing the game to keep playing.

CCP you have one heck of a great game Big smile with lots of different aspects to take part in at any given time. And yes there are few bugs here and there heck even the big AAA title games have problems but those guys just milk people for money on rehashed garbage while you guys work to improve a single game that has existed for this long. I will continue to pay my sub for my accounts with RL money WHY because this game offers so many options for just 1 person to be active in and I know that money will be used to help improve the game and its many adventures in space a person could have.

United Mining and Hauling Inc
The Initiative.
#62 - 2017-05-06 03:23:53 UTC
another amazing change by CCP *gg*
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#63 - 2017-05-06 03:31:36 UTC
JuckFames 315 wrote:

Considering your character's name, I can't help but see you as a troll trying to goad people into arguing with you over something you already know.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#64 - 2017-05-06 03:54:54 UTC
JuckFames 315 wrote:
Ok lets cut to the chase here how many have you even pay for your account or spend any RL money on the game?
All of us, of course. It's just that some of us let other people spend the cash for us. But every acct is paid for with cold hard cash.

Mr Epeen Cool
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#65 - 2017-05-06 05:25:44 UTC
I think this changes nothing really:

Want to buy new alt with ISK -> create one yourself and inject sp
Dont need old alt and want to sell -> extract and sell injectors

There is probably less than 5 players with massive scale character trading scheme who are actually affected by this. But they can extract too. So nothing is really lost, right?
After this change maybe only god-tier characters are sold in bazaar. Rest just inject or extract.

I dont see any problem with this change.
KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#66 - 2017-05-06 05:35:34 UTC
Aanndd the trolls have arrived.

Bad move CCP. Hold back the release until this is fixed.
Infinity Ziona
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#67 - 2017-05-06 06:09:08 UTC
Less pay to win is good. Sucked in to the character farmers.

CCP Fozzie “We can see how much money people are making in nullsec and it is, a gigantic amount, a shit-ton… in null sec anomalies. “*

Kaalrus pwned..... :)

Thrash Trash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#68 - 2017-05-06 07:14:10 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Kinga Artrald wrote:
This is obviously an attempt to make more money in the meantime while "we look at this [in the future]". I mean, really how hard would it be to say 2xplex||500xplex2=transfer character. You guys know the exchange rate so, oh wait, nvm, we'll just sneak it in patch notes days before update so we can get some more micro transactions. So now anyone selling characters has to spend what, $20 bucks instead?

20 dollars is less than the price of 2 plex. CCP looses money off of this change. So it's safe to assume they will be fixing it ASAP

youre dumb and should go be so somewhere else. CCP makes no money off people who grind in game and then return jita plex to redeeming system for transfers. This is really sneaky on CCP's part and harkens back to the "greed is good" CCP of not so old.....
Thrash Trash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#69 - 2017-05-06 07:16:07 UTC
JuckFames 315 wrote:
Ok lets cut to the chase here how many have you even pay for your account or spend any RL money on the game? If no then please shut up you are not allowed to have an opinion because companies can not and will not be able to support a game where the majority of the player base do not make a monetary contribution. Stuff doesn't just run for free. If people wish for it to continue to be free for all to play and not spend any type of money on the game 1 of 2 things will happen the game ceases to exist or it becomes an AD driven game like every other Facebook or mobile game.

It makes me sad to read people flame a game and its developers for not allowing people to use an in game based currency to buy character transfers to another account. This is a very ignorant thought process and I think CCP has every right to charge someone RL money to do it because that takes an actual person not just magically happens at the click of a button and poof the character is transferred. If you asked me the only thing in game currency should be able buy would be anything made and/or produced in game period and that there also should be a cap on total currency/storage allowed on alpha accounts. Yes the player base may drop at first but it will weed out anyone who plays this game for making a profit off of it and allow people who actually enjoy playing the game to keep playing.

CCP you have one heck of a great game Big smile with lots of different aspects to take part in at any given time. And yes there are few bugs here and there heck even the big AAA title games have problems but those guys just milk people for money on rehashed garbage while you guys work to improve a single game that has existed for this long. I will continue to pay my sub for my accounts with RL money WHY because this game offers so many options for just 1 person to be active in and I know that money will be used to help improve the game and its many adventures in space a person could have.

The big issue here isnt that the option to use plex is going away, its that they gave next to no notice. People are now stuck with characters until they can come up with $20 IRL for an internet spaceships game. Bad show old sport, bad show....
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#70 - 2017-05-06 08:15:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
JuckFames 315 wrote:
It makes me sad to read people flame a game and its developers for not allowing people to use an in game based currency to buy character transfers to another account. This is a very ignorant thought process and I think CCP has every right to charge someone RL money to do it because that takes an actual person not just magically happens at the click of a button and poof the character is transferred.


The only way to pay a character transfer is now a credit card. I don't own one. Not because I cannot afford it, but because I don't need it. There has not been a single case in the last 19 years where I couldn't pay by other (better) means. Before I finally got rid of my credit card in 1998, I hadn't used it once in 5 years.

So this is the first situation in those 19 years where I require a credit card. This is not ignorance on the players side, this is ignorance and failure on the side of CCP.

Remove standings and insurance.

Pharmi on CharBazaar
#71 - 2017-05-06 08:34:57 UTC
This means, low SP chars will be transfered less and chars with higher SPs can be transfered more profitable.

Learn to negotiate and add ISK worth of 4 PLEX to the price. 4 PLEX for 20 $ is a great deal for me :)
Magnus Jax
#72 - 2017-05-06 09:03:08 UTC
Thrash Trash wrote:
youre dumb and should go be so somewhere else. CCP makes no money off people who grind in game and then return jita plex to redeeming system for transfers. This is really sneaky on CCP's part and harkens back to the "greed is good" CCP of not so old.....

Uhhm, on the off chance that you're not trolling (like troll clown 315 above), you DO realise that for someone to make use of a plex that he bought with ingame iskies that plex has to first be bought by someone else,right? Who paid RL money to get it, right?

One can't be that fcking ******** and not understand this, especially not when berating someone else for being dumb on this very subject.
Noctune Prime
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2017-05-06 09:17:07 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
This is something that wasn't included in the release with the PLEX changes, as it's caused by a technical limitation with the way the new PLEX system works.

The plan is to look at this down the future and potentially reintroduce paying for this with PLEX, but at this stage we're not committed to a timeline on when this will happen.

Hope this answers your question Smile

Have you learned nothing in 6 years?

It's really bad treating your customers this way.

1. Short notice on a mechanic
that have been used for several years

2. Bad answer. Please tell me how the
technical limitations prevent you from taking
500*2 MiniPlex as a cost?
The code is already written (old code)
you just have to add *500 in the correct line.
And change item_id from old to new plex.

It feels like your taking a dump on
ppl working character bazaar without
giving them prior notice.

Character transfer for € is not the same as before
you could deal with it inside eve economic.

I am very disappointed at you CCP
Fancy Candy
Good Names All Gone
#74 - 2017-05-06 09:31:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Fancy Candy
Depending on which way CCP has implemented the new "Mini Plex".

If they gave it a new Item-ID which is not able to be used via the redeemsystem for char transfer.

Why not make, in the meantime,a "non tradeable" item with the old Plex ID "convert Plex to Chartransfer-Item" which can be redeemd and connects to the "right port" that was used for the transfer until now ?

If it still uses the old Item-ID then a simple "script" via redeemsystem and a new right click option in plex vault "Redeem to character trade use" could fix that too.

sure we cant know how CCP system exactly connects Plex to "out of game" but normaly there is always a pattern of behaviour when programming :)
Multispace Technologies Inc
#75 - 2017-05-06 09:33:48 UTC
They're trying to make the business as profitable as possible before they sell it.
Amarr Empire
#76 - 2017-05-06 10:28:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuga
This is an intended change which has come from management.
The rationale for this change was that the use of skill injectors for "skill boosting" is far more profitable than character transfers.

CCP dev's have been told to play it off as a 'technical limitation'.
Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#77 - 2017-05-06 10:40:03 UTC
Mara Pahrdi wrote:
JuckFames 315 wrote:
It makes me sad to read people flame a game and its developers for not allowing people to use an in game based currency to buy character transfers to another account. This is a very ignorant thought process and I think CCP has every right to charge someone RL money to do it because that takes an actual person not just magically happens at the click of a button and poof the character is transferred.


The only way to pay a character transfer is now a credit card. I don't own one. Not because I cannot afford it, but because I don't need it. There has not been a single case in the last 19 years where I couldn't pay by other (better) means. Before I finally got rid of my credit card in 1998, I hadn't used it once in 5 years.

So this is the first situation in those 19 years where I require a credit card. This is not ignorance on the players side, this is ignorance and failure on the side of CCP.

Use PayPal ...
Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2017-05-06 10:41:42 UTC
JuckFames 315 wrote:
Ok lets cut to the chase here how many have you even pay for your account or spend any RL money on the game? If no then please shut up you are not allowed to have an opinion because companies can not and will not be able to support a game where the majority of the player base do not make a monetary contribution.

PLEX is $. Or at least they are tokens that represent $ that has been paid, and the PLEX is used to apply that $ to garner service from CCP. So enough with you and your hoity-toity elitist superiority complex. Roll
Josef Djugashvilis
#79 - 2017-05-06 10:58:24 UTC
CCP, doing things one step at a time, often in the wrong direction.

This is not a signature.

Radical Posture
The Outsiders.
#80 - 2017-05-06 11:02:53 UTC
This is easy to fix..
Just change it to the buyer pays 20 bucks for the transfer.
There that was easy.