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Blood Raider Shipyards from Team Phenomenon (YC 119.4)

First post
United Aggression
#81 - 2017-04-29 19:38:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Demolishar
Is non-consentual pvp allowed in the shipyard system? I presume the usual global rules apply, and it's not.
CCP Paradox
#82 - 2017-05-02 10:10:25 UTC
Demolishar wrote:
Is non-consentual pvp allowed in the shipyard system? I presume the usual global rules apply, and it's not.

Yeah, no non-consensual pvp here. We don't want to hinder people testing out the feature.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

haseo yashimora
Mysterious Expeditionary Collective
#83 - 2017-05-02 12:03:59 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
Demolishar wrote:
Is non-consentual pvp allowed in the shipyard system? I presume the usual global rules apply, and it's not.

Yeah, no non-consensual pvp here. We don't want to hinder people testing out the feature.

what about a full mirror so i can join?

"Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Raijin Heavy Industries
#84 - 2017-05-02 12:07:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Dekyk
As fun as the content these new structures bring sounds, I'm concerned with the fact that there is only going to be one of these things in TQ at any one time. Ugh

That means that the alliance with the largest super fleet will be able to safely hog the site each and every time. At least if there were 2 then it's not only going to be the bloc in the game with the most mobile firepower that gets a shot at the sites.

And you might counter by saying "Well those blocs will have to choose to defend their space or run the site.", but to that I would say that the bloc in question would most likely just let their space fall, finish the site then take the space back, or adjust their stront so the timers don't marry up.

I think you really need more of these dotted around but lower the chance of the capital BPC dropping each time one goes pop.

Plus think of the TiDi. Oh god. It's going to be HORRIFIC. The system with the structure in will likely be flooded to all hell with people trying to swipe the prize and it's going to be a near-constant lag fest. At least if the sites were spread out they will be enjoyable because they won't take 48 hours solid due to TiDi/Lag. Just think back to every CCP live event ever. The system they are in is ALWAYS completely locked out due to overpopulation, hours before the event starts.

- Dek
Jong Fera
Albireo Solem
Pandemic Horde
#85 - 2017-05-02 15:51:17 UTC
If players will not do this incursion/event or whatever it is, as these npc's grow, maybe they will start acquiring nullsec space, gank our *****, etc . That will be for me a real pve .
Samara Mikakka
Godless Horizon.
#86 - 2017-05-02 21:01:51 UTC

Where'd it go? :(
Shinji Katsuragi
Goonswarm Federation
#87 - 2017-05-03 00:05:22 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Maybe you could ask your higher-ups what use does a solo player have for this kind of PvE content, or why should such narrowly niched content be prioritized over developing content which was of use for the bulk of PvE players.

I am puzzled beyond words to see an imitation of massive scale PvP being sold as PvE. PvE for who?

You're just doing you job, but, who else could I ask...?

THIS. Why do I feel this "Citadel PVE" will probably drive up prices for plex, though?

Also, here's ideaIdeaIdeaIdea:make PERSONAL STANDING to agent matter in winter expansion for PVE. I mean, besides getting to next agent level. Make that guy/girl give more isk/lp or something else useful per x levels you have with agent. Basically, what standing to corporation/faction does with refining and other benefits, but for agent. Right now its effectively useless, except for unlocking higher level agents. Marrying their son/daughter(based on characters gender and agents faction background, obviously. Amarr offering male capsuleer his son to marry would get reported for HERESY to higher authorities and get shot at least once. We all remember what happened to Aritcio Kor-Azor, right?Big smile) through special mission, which can be declined is ok, as long as it provides benefits. Harem is fine too. Think of it as variant of that delivery mission, where agent asks you to bring perfume(Not sure if I remember correctly, encountered it once) for his daughter but with more personal consequences. Or that mission with dolls. Another nice thing would be finally adding LP store for Interbus. Bear
Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2017-05-03 18:20:26 UTC
Samara Mikakka wrote:

Where'd it go? :(

They probably took it off in preparation for Thursday.
Sagara Mithril
Drunken Beaver Mining
#89 - 2017-05-03 22:36:26 UTC
I can't believe people are worried of "PVE becoming like PVP".

PVE is damn boring and with the new AI improvements they could easily being introduced into PVE, of course keeping the same difficulty but the only difference is that PVE NPCs would react more in a intelligent way (BUT you keep the ships as weak as before so difficulty doesn't change that much).

The only reason i can think of people not wanting intelligent AI on PVE would be that they want to be "AFK" while doing missions.

Of course PVP is more fun but PVE is necessary sometimes when you don't have your friends around for a fleet, or you just want to do stuff on your own, PVE is also useful for people getting used to the combat of EVE and gaining some ISK in the process.
Boring PVE is one of the reasons why i keep discontinuing my subscription
Random Lurker
Critical Strike
Nuclear Confusion
#90 - 2017-05-05 22:41:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Random Lurker
Pryce Caesar wrote:

This is EVE Online. They are not going to make PvE content ... to satisfy solo PvE players.

^^ That right there is why the game is down to its last threads... with new player retention at all time low, content is too heavy on the nullsec side that most new players and casuals cant event touch... good game ccp

just waiting for Square Enix or Sony to buy it out already and take it out of their non intellectual hands ..

PVEers and Solo / casual players are like the silent majority that makes or breaks a game, ignore them long enough and there wont be a game anymore. Sure CCP keep the game running for 30 years more catering to that small group of rich nullsec Real Money Trader guys...

but there is a big difference between a tiny store that stays open at the corner of the street for 30 years with its owners still struggling and stores that turn around and become Walmart by making good decisions.
Pryce Caesar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2017-05-08 19:24:40 UTC
Random Lurker wrote:
Pryce Caesar wrote:

This is EVE Online. They are not going to make PvE content ... to satisfy solo PvE players.

^^ That right there is why the game is down to its last threads... with new player retention at all time low, content is too heavy on the nullsec side that most new players and casuals cant event touch... good game ccp

just waiting for Square Enix or Sony to buy it out already and take it out of their non intellectual hands ..

PVEers and Solo / casual players are like the silent majority that makes or breaks a game, ignore them long enough and there wont be a game anymore. Sure CCP keep the game running for 30 years more catering to that small group of rich nullsec Real Money Trader guys...

but there is a big difference between a tiny store that stays open at the corner of the street for 30 years with its owners still struggling and stores that turn around and become Walmart by making good decisions.

It is not their fault if solo players have commitment issues and are unable to step outside their comfort zones and try something new in the game.

And I am fairly certain you are exaggerating the "all time low" part just for the sake of making your point.

I have also heard they intend to introduce the new AI being used in the Blood Raider Shipyards into smaller scale PvE content. They are starting with the largest scale application first, because you want to make sure it works on that scale first, instead of only testing it on smaller scales with the risk of messing up proper application on the largest scale. By doing it this way, they can see how it works on the large-scale first, and then safely apply it to smaller scale.

In other words, applying this to regular PvE is going to take time, with the Shipyards as the test-bed.
Lexx Devi
Freeport . 7
#92 - 2017-05-24 20:09:54 UTC
May i ask CCP for a Event at each time a "Faction" reveals their Capital ships, just like the Serpentis did.

I Believe, a new item introduced each year with a event may bolster EvE subscription, the actual "Gold Rush".

Just as the Gecko in their last event, i see the Faction Capitals as possible Gold Rush Items.

The Dagon should be the Price for this event, i believe all military Alliances would have use for this ship, Making Smaller corporations more daring to jump in to the fray.

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