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Alpha Clones serious mining restrictions...

walker Hanomaa
Kill'em all. Let Bob sort'em out.
#101 - 2017-04-16 04:07:25 UTC
Oh looky here another "gib alpha clones more pls" thread
Want more? sub easy as that. Dont like it well you have only lost $14.95USD so about 2 hours on minimal wages
Krell Neilson
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#102 - 2017-04-16 11:32:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Krell Neilson
Well all I can say is that I am quite happy as a Alpha Clone mining and I will stay that way until I plex. I don't care if it take 6 days, 6 weeks or 6 months even 6 years. Due to reason I will not go into I cannot afford to pay for access which is why I have only just started playing after watching YouTube videos for years.

Always hoped that they would do a free to play/try forever version now my wish has come true.
#103 - 2017-04-17 23:45:45 UTC
With the birth of the Venture, frigate mining is the best it's ever been. I don't see any reason to complain, and I can't see CCP making a "Navy issue" Venture.

Now if CCP wants to make faction destroyers (And maybe haulers) that would be awesome.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#104 - 2017-04-19 16:02:26 UTC
FQPW wrote:
As a alpha clone player trying out EVE Online I seriously find that people like me that really enjoy mining are being left out.
Combat players have a variety of frigates, destroyers and cruisers.
Miners only get a Venture...
At least give Alpha Clones access to Mining Barges.
And I am not even talking about the skills for mining and industry which I could count on 2 hands.
Compared to combat skills which are a lot it is just ridiculous.

Please improve the mining capabilities for Alpha Cloners.

sorry they're not going to give you access to mining barges it would make it a lot easier for gold farmers the Takeover the game

I personally hate how I cannot use the cloaking device on a Alpha

the reason why Alpha players cannot use it all the stupid people complaining in 0.0 about AFK cloakers

reasons why people cannot have anything nice people abusing a system or people bitching about one
Redus Taw
Farmers Union Iced Coffee
Pandemic Horde
#105 - 2017-04-24 09:21:40 UTC
OP I recommend you try to understand a few things. First, alpha clone state is to just give you a taste of a few aspects of Eve. Second, I no longer am omega and I finished all alpha clone training on this character and started an alt who's sole purpose right now is mining. Making 3 mil isk/hr as an alpha is pretty nice compared with the other things like exploration, trade, and PvE. Just have fun with what you've got and if you like Eve Online then go Omega. Good luck o7
Keno Skir
#106 - 2017-04-24 14:20:52 UTC
radkid10 wrote:
FQPW wrote:
As a alpha clone player trying out EVE Online I seriously find that people like me that really enjoy mining are being left out.
Combat players have a variety of frigates, destroyers and cruisers.
Miners only get a Venture...
At least give Alpha Clones access to Mining Barges.
And I am not even talking about the skills for mining and industry which I could count on 2 hands.
Compared to combat skills which are a lot it is just ridiculous.

Please improve the mining capabilities for Alpha Cloners.

sorry they're not going to give you access to mining barges it would make it a lot easier for gold farmers the Takeover the game

I personally hate how I cannot use the cloaking device on a Alpha

the reason why Alpha players cannot use it all the stupid people complaining in 0.0 about AFK cloakers

reasons why people cannot have anything nice people abusing a system or people bitching about one

People who are wary of giving Alphas cloaking capability are not stupid, they merely understand the game and human nature more deeply than yourself. If AFK cloakers were free to play, every alliance would have one in EVERY SYSTEM. You shouldn't call someone stupid unless you understand what they're talking about Pirate
Chainsaw Plankton
#107 - 2017-04-24 14:45:13 UTC
I dunno it might be interesting to see alphas in an alpha mining barge that can get solo ganked by a single catalyst. Move all existing mining barges to lv2 requirement and let alphas train it to lv1

Although I kinda like the no mining barge alpha, as mining is a dark hole I wouldn't want to send any new player down, and only having venture access means they likely wont go that way.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Kaydren Orlenard
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2017-04-26 23:58:53 UTC
The restriction on Alpha Clones is there to make it convincing to sub. If Alpha Clone can fly mining barges then many industrialists would cease their sub and CCP would "lose" money.

Also EVE is heavily biased towards PvP and generally blowing things up, so it's not something strange that they put more limit on Alpha industrialists then Alpha PvP'ers.

Speaking of play-style orientation I'm with you. This game is way too focused on PvP and getting stuff blow up. It'd be tremendously beneficial if CCP can put more efforts on diversifying the aspects of the game. (Not a big fan of seeing efforts & time vanish into non-existence, but apparently CCP is a big fan of that).
Vokan Narkar
#109 - 2017-04-27 07:13:03 UTC
Definitely no to the barges on alpha.

However I do agree that mining is the most restricted activity on alpha clone. There is single ship for mining and that ship is given for free by career agents several times. It feels almost like a rookie ship yet thats all there is.

What alpha needs is another mining ship with slightly better bonuses or just greater cargo (so we can semi-afk mine for longer duration) for cost of 20milion +-. That would mean that those who like to mine can spent the money they make on improving their mining experiences. That would also mean much ´higher risks against high-sec gankers.

Kaydren Orlenard wrote:
The restriction on Alpha Clones is there to make it convincing to sub. If Alpha Clone can fly mining barges then many industrialists would cease their sub and CCP would "lose" money.

Sure but it works both ways. If the alpha is too restricted players will leave annoyed and a potentional paid customer is lost.

I think that this happened to the majority of the players who started in early Ascension especially when many corps wer telling them - you cannot play on alpha wih us because of doctrine or because we consider alpha useless.
Tsutomi Sakuma
#110 - 2017-04-27 09:01:38 UTC
Vokan Narkar wrote:
(so we can semi-afk mine for longer duration)

Blasphemy! Can I sell you a mining permit?
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#111 - 2017-05-04 22:57:02 UTC
Akane Togenada wrote:
It's almost as if CCP want to steer then Alphas into PvP ... I wonder if that might be because all studies that have ever been done on player retention shows that players who participate in PvP early on are most likely to stay in the game.

The phrase you're looking for is "survivor bias." :D

It's not that the people who join player corporations or engage in PVP stay around longer, it's that the people who are likely to stay around longer are the ones who seek out player corporations or PVP.

Why do people who join player corporations stay in the game longer? Is it because they're more socially oriented people who stay in the game because they like socialising? Is it because people who make friends in game don't want to leave them?

Why do people who participate in PVP stay around longer? What about the people who stick around for a long time then try PVP and quit?

Is there something we (CCP & the player community combined or separately) can do to help new players understand the game and seek out the social, competitive and political aspects that might interest them? The Alpha Clone state is one option: simply removing the cost of exploring the game world.

How do we help people discover the social opportunities, in a game whose main form of social interaction is trolling?
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#112 - 2017-05-04 23:19:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Mara Pahrdi
Sometimes I think, at mining frigate level 1 the venture should be where the mining cruisers of old were before the rebalance, regarding yield and ore hold.

Remove standings and insurance.