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Pay to Win - My story

Cherry Sulphate
#41 - 2017-03-29 17:22:20 UTC
Arch Osis wrote:
This game is basically telling me "F You, go solo lvl 3's in your cruiser".

hi mate, i am also telling you "F You, go solo lvl 3's in your cruiser".
Keno Skir
#42 - 2017-03-29 18:15:46 UTC
Arch Osis wrote:
So I have played Eve in the past for a couple years and decided to try this game out again. In my short time I have done a bit of faction warfare, wormhole living, lowsec combat sites, and more. I just have to say that everywhere I go, absolutely sucks as being an alpha account. This game handcuffs the alphas beyond belief. This is the most pay to win game I have ever played. I cannt do anything efficiently...This game is basically telling me "F You, go solo lvl 3's in your cruiser".

I am very close to quitting this game.

Whatever mate. Last night i spent an hour watching a rank new player solo a C1 sleeper combat site in a 40dps Tristan. It took a while, and i even offered assistance but was turned down and so just watched from my perch. Took her about an hour and at the end i was able to question her a little more. I asked how much ISK would make it worth while for her personally? I was told it didn;t really matter it was her first time out in wormhole space so she would be happy if she made it out with her pod in one piece.

In the end i helped her salvage because she wasn't aware that salvage can be the bulk of income from wormhole sites, she was more than happy with the blue loot she said. Her Tristan and fit apparently was worth under 2 Million ISK in total, meaning that when she eventually finished the site she had payed for her wormhole site running ship 15-20 times over.

This player is an Alpha Clone, and she is playing EvE correctly. Out flying by the skin of her teeth using actual skills to make up for not having many SP skills trained yet. She had read about sig tanking online and was using the concept to great effect against some of the fastest and best tracking NPC in the game and WINNING.. slowly...

OP - It looks silly to make out like things are impossible that other Alphas are doing fine literally as you speak. Why are you grinding LvL3's when you could be playing for dank wormhole loot?

Answer - Because you didn't bother to see if it could be done, you just complained instead. That is THE ONLY DIFFERENCE between you and the Alphas out having a great time.
Keno Skir
#43 - 2017-03-29 18:25:56 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Has anybody made enough ISK for a PLEX yet, playing alpha account?

Yeah loads of times over actually. Then again i'm coming at it from years of EvE experience. That said several of the Alphas i mentor are plexing at least one account fairly successfully, some are now plexing several.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#44 - 2017-03-29 19:42:31 UTC
Keno Skir wrote:

Whatever mate. Last night i spent an hour watching a rank new player solo a C1 sleeper combat site in a 40dps Tristan. It took a while, and i even offered assistance but was turned down and so just watched from my perch. Took her about an hour and at the end i was able to question her a little more. I asked how much ISK would make it worth while for her personally? I was told it didn;t really matter it was her first time out in wormhole space so she would be happy if she made it out with her pod in one piece.

In the end i helped her salvage because she wasn't aware that salvage can be the bulk of income from wormhole sites, she was more than happy with the blue loot she said. Her Tristan and fit apparently was worth under 2 Million ISK in total, meaning that when she eventually finished the site she had payed for her wormhole site running ship 15-20 times over.

This player is an Alpha Clone, and she is playing EvE correctly. Out flying by the skin of her teeth using actual skills to make up for not having many SP skills trained yet. She had read about sig tanking online and was using the concept to great effect against some of the fastest and best tracking NPC in the game and WINNING.. slowly...

That right there is how you win Eve. You do what you want, and you do it your way, and you tell the rest of the cluster to kiss your ass.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#45 - 2017-03-29 19:47:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Yebo Lakatosh
Elenahina wrote:
That right there is how you win Eve. You do what you want, and you do it your way, and you tell the rest of the cluster to kiss your ass.
Thought I should tell the rest of the cluster that they should do it my way, for I am right and they are wrong.

Seems to work for many.

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#46 - 2017-03-30 02:06:05 UTC
Yeah. For the holy love of Eve. Tonight I tried to log into my Alpha account, just to talk with some new joiners and hear what they're thinking. It's a strange game you know, but best there is. So checking in with new guys (and letting some of them viciously whip around on you, like stepped on slepping reptile Gaboon viper) shouldn't be so bad. One of us! 'Doctor, you got it!'
-Sid Phillips

But, err--- Why is my Alpha account now not loggable? I never did anything with it except hang in recent joiners Local chat, and talked to new guys and did 1mil isk quizzes, just to keep it going. It turns out that 1mil isk is a lot, if you're new and jamming for isk and got interested in the game.

I want to be an intro to Eve/mentor guy. All kinds of good dudes or baby vipers out there, fired up and ready to join. Why I can log in as Omega, but not hang with Alphas where we hang?

Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#47 - 2017-03-30 02:55:47 UTC
Arch Osis wrote:
...This is the most pay to win game I have ever played....
I am very close to quitting this game.

You, sir, are confused.
EvE is 'pay to PLAY' with the option of 'free to TRY'.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Laphroaig Inc.
#48 - 2017-03-30 04:05:02 UTC
the ONLY things an Alpha cannot participate in is a fleet that's taking a covert jump bridge or lighting the cyno to drop a fleet in. that's IT.

Alpha's can participate in pretty much everything else EVE has to offer. For a 'free-to-play' account, that's pretty damn good really.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

#49 - 2017-03-30 09:54:38 UTC
Can I have your stuff?

Did not see that in there yet, now it feels like a real thread.
Yebo Lakatosh
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#50 - 2017-03-30 10:26:14 UTC
Djsaeu wrote:
Can I have your stuff?

Did not see that in there yet, now it feels like a real thread.
Almost correct:

Tuttomenui II wrote:
Can I have your ISK and Stuff. You wont need it when you quit.

Elite F1 pilot since YC119, incarnate of honor, integrity and tidi.

Another Posting Alt
Zerious Fricken Biziness
#51 - 2017-03-30 10:29:48 UTC
I think the Alpha-Omega system is a great success.
It gives more people the opportunity to try lots of gameplay for free, then filters out the self important, lazy and presumptuous.
Some of whom will post their dissatisfaction for our entertainment.
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