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Am I playing the wrong game?

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#21 - 2017-03-26 20:40:29 UTC
Tbh., I've seen way more action on the Ashab / Amarr and Ashab / Madirmilire gates than in Jita or Uedama.

Remove standings and insurance.

Chris Ishar
Digital Zone Corp
#22 - 2017-03-26 20:59:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Chris Ishar
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints. So i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

Who are you carrying all those ore stacks for anyway? CCP? Is that it? CCP?
Why I'll tell you... let me give you... a little inside information about CCP.
CCP likes to be paid. He's a prankster.Think about it.

CCP gives capsuleers... a drive. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do?
I swear, for ccp's own amusement... their own private, cosmic...gag reel... He sets the rules in opposition.

It's the goof of all time.

Mine ore, get ISK.
Buy skillbook, but don't inject.
Inject, but don't learn yet.
Learn, but don't rush.
And while you're warping from one jumppgate
to the next, what is CCP doing?

CCP's laughing his sick, ******* ass off!
CCP's a tightass! CCP's a sadist! CCP's an absentee landlord!

Subscribe to that? Never!

"Better to accumulate ISK to get PLEX than buy a subscription, is that it?"

Why not?

I'm here in the spacestation with my nose in it since the whole thing began!
I've nurtured every skill capsuleer has been inspired to have!
I cared about what ccp wanted and I never judged them!

Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections!

I'm a fan of ccp!

…I'm a capsuleer.

Maybe the last capsuleer.

Who, in their right mind...
..., could possibly deny...
...that the enjoyment was entirely mine?
All of it, Bjorn!

All of it.

I'm peaking, Bjorn.
It's my time now.
It's our time.
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2017-03-26 21:14:40 UTC
Chris Ishar wrote:
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints. So i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

Who are you carrying all those ore stacks for anyway? CCP? Is that it? CCP?
Why I'll tell you... let me give you... a little inside information about CCP.
CCP likes to be paid. He's a prankster.Think about it.

CCP gives capsuleers... a drive. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do?
I swear, for ccp's own amusement... their own private, cosmic...gag reel... He sets the rules in opposition.

It's the goof of all time.

Mine ore, get ISK.
Buy skillbook, but don't inject.
Inject, but don't learn yet.
Learn, but don't rush.
And while you're warping from one jumppgate
to the next, what is CCP doing?

CCP's laughing his sick, ******* ass off!
CCP's a tightass! CCP's a sadist! CCP's an absentee landlord!

Subscribe to that? Never!

"Better to accumulate ISK to get PLEX than buy a subscription, is that it?"

Why not?

I'm here in the spacestation with my nose in it since the whole thing began!
I've nurtured every skill capsuleer has been inspired to have!
I cared about what ccp wanted and I never judged them!

Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections!

I'm a fan of ccp!

…I'm a capsuleer.

Maybe the last capsuleer.

Who, in their right mind...
..., could possibly deny...
...that the enjoyment was entirely mine?
All of it, Bjorn!

All of it.

I'm peaking, Bjorn.
It's my time now.
It's our time.

This right here is pure poetry, Shakespeare himself would be amazed.
#24 - 2017-03-26 21:44:08 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

I'm in and out of Dodixie daily in my lowly freighter. No one notices me.

Great. I just outed myself.


Galactic Rangers
#25 - 2017-03-26 22:30:10 UTC
seriously guys there are SOOO many other trade hubs other than jita around EVE just go to one of those or would that be to simple a solution?
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#26 - 2017-03-26 22:42:28 UTC
Mara Pahrdi wrote:

@DMC: I've never seen a soul in my missions in Amarr or Gallente space. This was quite different though in Minmatar space. Mission invasion was a pretty regular event there.

Yeah, while most of the Mission Invasions and Suicide Gank attempts I experienced was in Minmatar space which is where I spent most of my time, it also happened in the other 3 main Empires as well.

Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#27 - 2017-03-26 23:22:44 UTC
Jax Bederen wrote:
Yea right, those kill stats in the last hour on trade routes are just made up by CCP, it's all propaganda against the El douches o Eve.
Having said that, I have not had problems, thats not to say I dont hear things blow up around me almost every time I leave Jita. Helps not to be a hauler or a miner though, you guys are just masochists.

Oh sure they exist, but they seem to exist for other people, which it seems to me, was the point of the OP
I see the usual suspects in local, their wrecks on gates, the killmails in minerbumping, but it seems I'm not a suitable target.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#28 - 2017-03-26 23:44:13 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

Long story short it is lies. When you want to make a case for something you make it sound far, far worse than it is. So when people talk about freighter ganking they'll find the worst example and then deliberately make it out that, that is the norm. They also completely ignore that to get in that situation the player had to make a sequence of screw ups.

When I see posts on the forums about this is broken, that is an exploit, and this other thing is driving out new players the vast majority of it is people pushing their personal agenda. They mine in game, so naturally CODE. are bad and should face additional constraints or be eliminated entirely from the game. They move way too much stuff in their obelisk without a scout, and after anti-tanking their naturally suicide ganking is too easy and not risky enough. These people don't give a fig about the game or what is good for it. In truth, if their suggestions were acted on they'd likely ruin the game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#29 - 2017-03-27 03:46:10 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

Long story short it is lies. When you want to make a case for something you make it sound far, far worse than it is. So when people talk about freighter ganking they'll find the worst example and then deliberately make it out that, that is the norm. They also completely ignore that to get in that situation the player had to make a sequence of screw ups.

When I see posts on the forums about this is broken, that is an exploit, and this other thing is driving out new players the vast majority of it is people pushing their personal agenda. They mine in game, so naturally CODE. are bad and should face additional constraints or be eliminated entirely from the game. They move way too much stuff in their obelisk without a scout, and after anti-tanking their naturally suicide ganking is too easy and not risky enough. These people don't give a fig about the game or what is good for it. In truth, if their suggestions were acted on they'd likely ruin the game.

When you make a post about people posting, never forget to put in "projection". Especially you.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Sivar Ahishatsu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#30 - 2017-03-27 04:12:34 UTC
High Sec PKing happens mostly in Ice belts.

But I would agree with most a little caution helps much to reduce the chance of being killed in High Sec.

Low sec is another story, most is claimed by old players (mainly pirates) now days. Forget about having any sort of fun there as a new player. Most of the Pirates there have very high skills and hardware and game knowledge one would need at least 1-2 years of game time to offer any serious competition.

So if you had some success in low sec it was luck really.

The problem with the game is not so much High Sec PKing, as much as High Sec Boredom, and no other alrternative.

I think people who quit do so because they get Bored playing in High sec and not able to compete in Low sec and lower. It is why I think expanding High Sec to open up more content to people would go along way towards better player retention and give those players time to evolve and establishthemseves in such a way as to offer maybe even some competition to nulsec.

Everyone wants new players to fall in line and either become pirates or join nulsec corps. But what about those that want to either play with minimal combat or those that want to organize and challenge nulsec for their own corner of the galaxy?

And expanded HighSec could become the base from which new corps can organize and make a bid for nulsec.

Oh and by the way I am saying all this frorm the Fun perspective here, I do not care about profits calculations etc etc, In today;s EVE most players can just buy and sell a few Plexes and have some billions to play with for a couple of months. So no need to worry about how to be efficient in making money. That was the old EVE.

The new EVE is about having fun, and it is not always up to par, needs work.
Kathern Aurilen
#31 - 2017-03-27 07:38:43 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
get GUD and use autopilot on your freighter so that ELITE PVPERS can gank it.

you're already subbed into the right game, just need to get gud at it Cool

I've tried that though, in fact i've autopiloted a battleship, with active killright, from dodixie, to rens, to jita, and then to amarr and nothing.... I mean wtf game are you all playing that is so damn lethal when I can make aroute like that on autopilot and not have anything happen?

Maybe you need to paint your freighter gold then they will try to hang you.

I was mining and I was ganked in a venture by a cat...WHY?... I DONT KNOW, but it was his lose too. The only reason I was hacked was because my old lady was yelling at me and I left it in space.

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Vincent Athena
#32 - 2017-03-27 16:51:03 UTC
Here's what I think is going on:

Different people have different reactions to adrenaline. For some people a shot of adrenaline leaves them feeling good. They get "The Rush". For some, it's neither here nor there. For some, adrenaline leaves them feeling absolutely terrible. For days.

People play a game for fun and/or enjoyment. Something that ruins the experience for them, something that leaves them feeling terrible for days, is something to complain about. Even if it only happens a couple of times a year. The result is even though the chances of being ganked in high sec, or even being attacked in non-high are low, for some players the consequences to how they feel is very very high.

I talked to Dr Dew Pinsky about this, and he said that our response to adrenaline is genetic. We are born with it.

You may ask: Why would not such persons play a different game? Well, what Sci Fi space flight single shard MMORPG with a player driven economy would you suggest? It turns out Eve is a totally unique game, there are no substitutes. Thus, the best course of action is to work to change it.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#33 - 2017-03-27 19:31:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
get GUD and use autopilot on your freighter so that ELITE PVPERS can gank it.

you're already subbed into the right game, just need to get gud at it Cool

I've tried that though, in fact i've autopiloted a battleship, with active killright, from dodixie, to rens, to jita, and then to amarr and nothing.... I mean wtf game are you all playing that is so damn lethal when I can make aroute like that on autopilot and not have anything happen?

The last time i activated autopilot in highsec, i got ganked in less that 5min. I was in a shuttle with empty cargo.

High sec gankers always prefer defenseless ships.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#34 - 2017-03-28 01:40:50 UTC
I don't fly anything worth ganking unless you want to take a sec/isk hit. If you do actually gank one of my ships, I have 10 more just like it in the station. Podded? np, not carrying implants anyway. Arrow
Daarick Thairleen
Weh Mir Oh Weh
#35 - 2017-03-28 03:50:46 UTC
Chris Ishar wrote:
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints. So i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

Who are you carrying all those ore stacks for anyway? CCP? Is that it? CCP?
Why I'll tell you... let me give you... a little inside information about CCP.
CCP likes to be paid. He's a prankster.Think about it.

CCP gives capsuleers... a drive. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do?
I swear, for ccp's own amusement... their own private, cosmic...gag reel... He sets the rules in opposition.

It's the goof of all time.

Mine ore, get ISK.
Buy skillbook, but don't inject.
Inject, but don't learn yet.
Learn, but don't rush.
And while you're warping from one jumppgate
to the next, what is CCP doing?

CCP's laughing his sick, ******* ass off!
CCP's a tightass! CCP's a sadist! CCP's an absentee landlord!

Subscribe to that? Never!

"Better to accumulate ISK to get PLEX than buy a subscription, is that it?"

Why not?

I'm here in the spacestation with my nose in it since the whole thing began!
I've nurtured every skill capsuleer has been inspired to have!
I cared about what ccp wanted and I never judged them!

Why? Because I never rejected him, in spite of all his imperfections!

I'm a fan of ccp!

…I'm a capsuleer.

Maybe the last capsuleer.

Who, in their right mind...
..., could possibly deny...
...that the enjoyment was entirely mine?
All of it, Bjorn!

All of it.

I'm peaking, Bjorn.
It's my time now.
It's our time.

Nice Devils Advocate reference.
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#36 - 2017-03-28 05:27:07 UTC
Sivar Ahishatsu wrote:
High Sec PKing

calm down miner. It's actually called elite-PvP not PK
Mr Mieyli
#37 - 2017-03-28 05:34:18 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

Wow, how strong you are punching down that straw man.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#38 - 2017-03-28 06:21:05 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

It just means that you had risen over the other newbies who had no idea what they were doing and actually git somewhat gud.


A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Kathern Aurilen
#39 - 2017-03-28 12:01:49 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Sivar Ahishatsu wrote:
High Sec PKing

calm down miner. It's actually called elite-PvP not PK

Lol elite PvP... Or PuppyKicking

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#40 - 2017-03-28 18:30:09 UTC
I recently lost an expensive pod in hisec.

It was my own fault.

See, I take ownership of my failures, and learn from them. I don't blame others.