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Am I playing the wrong game?

Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2017-03-26 06:03:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Bjorn Tyrson
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.
Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-03-26 06:08:19 UTC
get GUD and use autopilot on your freighter so that ELITE PVPERS can gank it.

you're already subbed into the right game, just need to get gud at it Cool
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2017-03-26 06:12:15 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:
get GUD and use autopilot on your freighter so that ELITE PVPERS can gank it.

you're already subbed into the right game, just need to get gud at it Cool

I've tried that though, in fact i've autopiloted a battleship, with active killright, from dodixie, to rens, to jita, and then to amarr and nothing.... I mean wtf game are you all playing that is so damn lethal when I can make aroute like that on autopilot and not have anything happen?
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#4 - 2017-03-26 06:32:32 UTC
It's the eye patch. Everyone is just scared of you.

(Honestly, I've never had a problem either. I think I caught a single Machariel bump once but the freighter was nearly empty and no gank came of it. That's the worst I've seen.)
Keno Skir
#5 - 2017-03-26 06:36:25 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
so I keep hearing all of these complaints about how other people are "ruining the game"

about how freighter ganking is an every day occurance. and if you will believe the reports, you can't even get a freighter out of jita without being ganked.

tales of woe about how poor miners are being harassed in belts, and can barely even get a full hold without being blown up.

how the second you jump into low or null, you get insta-ganked by a camp that is there 24/7

so i'm wondering.. are we all actually playing the same game???

I mean I bring freighters in and out of major trade hubs, often carrying multi-billions of isk worth every month.

I have semi-afk mining fleets that i'm only half paying attention too in belts most of the time through the day.

I manage to explore wormholes, and hell actively hunt wormholes for days at a time and never see a soul.

and I regularly make excursions into low and null, sometimes even flying battleships, and the majority of them come back just fine.

so WTF game are you all playing that is so consistantly lethal, where the second you undock you get ganked... and where can I sign up for it?

for reference, the largest loss i've had in the past 4 years was 800m in one day, and that was due to back to back machariel losses... to npcs.... was doing an epic arc yes. but that means that from my experiences, pve is roughly 100 times more lethal than any pvp in the game.

A few get so angry about their own incompetence that they yell very loudly and make it seem like a bigger issue than it all is. The vast majority of players are just enjoying the same game you and I are, while a few take to the forums instead of adjusting their in game strategy Pirate

I like this thread Cool
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#6 - 2017-03-26 06:37:43 UTC
When I read the forum, everything is broken, needs changing and is exploited by a community of sociopaths who only care for themselves.

When I play th game, everything works, is fun and is made even better by playing with a community of people I wouldn't know from Arthur or Martha in real life, but who I always find are just regular ordinary people enjoying their hobby.

I much prefer the experience in game.
Chainsaw Plankton
#7 - 2017-03-26 06:50:40 UTC
you can be a target and whine when you get hit, or you can be a boss and not give a **** and make that money.

personally I've been spending the last 10 years making dank isk, gotta risk it to win it. fly smart and it usually works and all that

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-03-26 06:58:18 UTC
Well in RL news you see lots of things you don't see around. Murders, viruses, wars, very rich and very poor people, etc...

EvE is similar to RL: lots of players and lots of different situations. If you haven't something happen to you it proves nothing.

PS: but why do i post serious answer in troll thread? What?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2017-03-26 06:58:57 UTC
last time I remember feeling like a "victim" was hulkageddon '08 since I was a hulk miner in ossogur at the time.

lost 2 hulks in the same week, damn near drove me to iskruptcy and out of the game.

hulkageddon '09 I mined like a madman in the 2 months leading up to hulkageddon and held on to it. and invested every isk I had in more hulks, and minerals... was broke AF for 2 weeks. but came out of it with my first billion. (which back then with plex being under 800 mil was quite a bit).

so where has the risk gone? sure code wasn't a thing yet, but they really don't seem to do all that much. at least not on the same scale as hulkageddon was.

so the question remains, did I accidently download the wrong game?
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2017-03-26 07:07:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Yang Aurilen
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
last time I remember feeling like a "victim" was hulkageddon '08 since I was a hulk miner in ossogur at the time.

lost 2 hulks in the same week, damn near drove me to iskruptcy and out of the game.

hulkageddon '09 I mined like a madman in the 2 months leading up to hulkageddon and held on to it. and invested every isk I had in more hulks, and minerals... was broke AF for 2 weeks. but came out of it with my first billion. (which back then with plex being under 800 mil was quite a bit).

so where has the risk gone? sure code wasn't a thing yet, but they really don't seem to do all that much. at least not on the same scale as hulkageddon was.

so the question remains, did I accidently download the wrong game?

It's just carebears saying carebear things. Like stuff like how that one guy yellow boxing his afk autopiloting badger is a literally hitler action and that all of his family deserve to be put to a concentration camp for even daring to interact with him at all.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Keno Skir
#11 - 2017-03-26 09:11:39 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Well in RL news you see lots of things you don't see around. Murders, viruses, wars, very rich and very poor people, etc...

EvE is similar to RL: lots of players and lots of different situations. If you haven't something happen to you it proves nothing.

PS: but why do i post serious answer in troll thread? What?

I think a better analogy would be the Media in real life painting a completely warped and sensationalized version of the truth, making certain things, people and ideas seem much more legitimate than they really are for an ulterior purpose.
sero Hita
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#12 - 2017-03-26 09:25:46 UTC  |  Edited by: sero Hita
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:
get GUD and use autopilot on your freighter so that ELITE PVPERS can gank it.

you're already subbed into the right game, just need to get gud at it Cool

I've tried that though, in fact i've autopiloted a battleship, with active killright, from dodixie, to rens, to jita, and then to amarr and nothing.... I mean wtf game are you all playing that is so damn lethal when I can make aroute like that on autopilot and not have anything happen?

Timezones and areas matter.... some are more dangerous than others. But yeah generally agree, when I started I was mining in the same system that Loyalanon was staging her ganking alts out of, and was never ganked once. I travel often to jita, and was only popped once in a BR in 4 years. Gatecamps in low are real, but unless on a highsec-lowsec gate they are often without instalocking capabilities, so pretty meh... If you are cautious Eve can be pretty uneventfull

"I'm all for pvp, don't get me wrong. I've ganked in Empire, blobed in low sec. Got T-shirts from every which-where.. But to be forced into a pvp confrontation that I didn't want is wrong ccp." RealFlisker

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2017-03-26 10:39:36 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Wow, I don't know what game you guys are playing. You're making it sound like this game is 'Hello Kitty'.

In the past +8 years that I've been playing this game I've had well over a dozen 'failed' Suicide Gank attempts done on me. I've also had at least a dozen Mission Invasions done by Ninja Salvagers / PvP Coercers stealing loot.

In fact, someone even paid a Merc Corp for an Assassination Contract on me. Took them 2 weeks and 6 Battleships -w- Combat Drones to finally catch me at an exploration site while I was engaged with NPC's. Yes my ship and pod was destroyed.

Hell, all of those events happened in High Sec space. I'm actually starting to think you guys are just Kumbaya alts of Warmonger Characters who do things like what I listed above.

Now I've lost a few ships to NPC's over the years but that Assassination was the only PvP loss I've had in this game. My loss record could have been much worse but thankfully one of the first things I learned in this game was the 5 P's :

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance

So due to my own experience and events told by other players that I know in-game, I have no doubt that when players post those so called 'Rage' threads, the events described within them are indeed true.

Anyway, sorry for being so blunt and going off on a semi rant. In my opinion anyone who says there is no problem is actually part of the problem.



By the way, I got my 'Sweet Revenge' on the player who paid for the Assassination Contract by having a friend of mine sell him nonexistent 'Rage' chat logs.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#14 - 2017-03-26 10:53:02 UTC
I rarely have any trouble with gankers either. I suppose it really depends on where you are and how much you actually play. The longer you stay logged in and the more accounts you use the higher the chance is that something like that happens.

That being said - it's not as common as reading the forums might imply. People will not usually report that nothing bad has happened to them for a week - why would they? But they will come here once the gank finally has happened. Players may be mining with their army of antitanked barges for a year or two without anything happening to them. But once they do get ganked, they will come here and complain about it. And I think, the longer it takes until they first get ganked, the more it will hurt them and the juicier the rage post will be.
Neurosurgical Reconstruction Centre
#15 - 2017-03-26 11:29:45 UTC
i find the issues come mostly from jita 4-4 how random usually (russians) spam mtu's or mobile depots outside and spell words with them to lag up the system even more then it is now.

Miners being harrased simple solution find a system that doesnt have a stn
Antagonistic Tendencies
#16 - 2017-03-26 12:04:54 UTC
I don't think the problems are endemic but I don't think they don't exist either - for instance I've personally mined for hours at times without a single issue but I've also seen 1-2 people I know IRL who have tried to get into the game repeatedly ganked while trying to mine - largely because it was happening before they knew enough to deal with it and/or make themselves less of a target.

I've hauled tons of high value stuff through highsec and so far never been the victim of a gank but at the same time I've also ganked atleast half a dozen freighters myself so...
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2017-03-26 19:57:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
To get ganked at the Jita 4-4 undock is not that hard. Put a double-wrap package of one Tritanium into a shuttle and undock, drift out. When I pulled that off I got killed 15s after undock by a Svipul, netting me 20m in killright money. Getting ganked as a miner posed to be harder. I used to mine in an anti-tanked Retriever in a 0.7 system for weeks, but got ganked only after I moved to a 0.6 system.

Else, if you have some knowledge about the mechanics, EvE can be 99% safe, but of course this is not always fun. Blink

I second what was said above, things like that happen and players not prepared post about it, the other 99% are just silent and play the game. Like with any other social media.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Missiles 'R' Us
#18 - 2017-03-26 20:00:25 UTC
It's like CODE.

They came into the game, they apparently ganked a bunch of people in miningships and now there gone.

In all this time i have NEVER EVER met a single CODE member. Lol
Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#19 - 2017-03-26 20:25:25 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
To get ganked at the Jita 4-4 undock is not that hard. Put a double-wrap package of one Tritanium into a shuttle and undock, drift out. When I pulled that off I got killed 15s after undock by a Svipul, netting me 20m in killright money. Getting ganked as a miner posed to be harder. I used to mine in an anti-tanked Retriever in a 0.7 system for weeks, but got ganked only after I moved to a 0.6 system.

Else, if you have some knowledge about the mechanics, EvE can be 99% safe, but of course this is not always fun. Blink

I second what was said above, things like that happen and players not prepared post about it, the other 99% are just silent and play the game. Like with any other social media.

I never ever really see Jita undock. The moment grid loads, I warp to my insta undock bookmark and that's it.

As far as mining goes, the only gank attempts I got were close to Goinard and back in a time, when SC was actively hunting miners in the region. I did mine for about two years on the Caldari side of Uedama and never saw Code on grid.

@DMC: I've never seen a soul in my missions in Amarr or Gallente space. This was quite different though in Minmatar space. Mission invasion was a pretty regular event there.

Remove standings and insurance.

Jax Bederen
Dark Horse RM
#20 - 2017-03-26 20:30:36 UTC
Yea right, those kill stats in the last hour on trade routes are just made up by CCP, it's all propaganda against the El douches o Eve.
Having said that, I have not had problems, thats not to say I dont hear things blow up around me almost every time I leave Jita. Helps not to be a hauler or a miner though, you guys are just masochists.
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