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119.3 - Issues (PC)

First post
Sophos Mileghere
Ars Goetia Corporation
#141 - 2017-03-18 09:25:52 UTC
Grookshank wrote:
Can we please have the tooltip for the launcher moved to the empty space to the right of it, so it does not block stacked windows?

lol damn right
Ottokar Baumgarten
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#142 - 2017-03-18 12:06:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ottokar Baumgarten
E'dyn wrote:
Another problem with the D-scan, if you want to manually change the dscan range by putting in the number, you are unable to go double digits.

For example if you want to do 12 AU, it will go to 1.0, 14 goes 1.0 etc etc..

If you want to do 1.9 it goes to 1.1.

So something is definitely messed up with it now.

Sure I can scroll yay, but I have never ever used the scrollwheel to change the range.

Same here. Also, the backspace and . (decimal point) keys are not working when changing scan range.
Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#143 - 2017-03-18 14:49:20 UTC
How do you recover your probes in the new probe window if you lost them? I just had a disconnect and can't reconnect to my probes. That's a simple button press in the old scanner system, how does it work in the new window? So far it doesn't look like that essential feature was included at all. Roll

UI Improvement Collective

My ridicule, heavy criticism and general pale outlook about your or CCP's ideas is nothing but an encouragement to prove me wrong. Give it a try.

Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#144 - 2017-03-18 15:37:58 UTC
Rivr Luzade wrote:
How do you recover your probes in the new probe window if you lost them? I just had a disconnect and can't reconnect to my probes. That's a simple button press in the old scanner system, how does it work in the new window? So far it doesn't look like that essential feature was included at all. Roll
Ransu Asanari
Caldari State
#145 - 2017-03-18 16:41:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Ransu Asanari
Some feedback:

I like the new DSCAN changes. The color change is fine, and I don't seem to be fighting with the camera as much (so some bugs fixed there). I'll probably have more feedback on this as I use the new DSCAN interface to scan down targets in anomalies. It has to work fast!

I'm glad the Probe Scanner and Directional Scanner windows can still be docked in the normal window interface. I like to be able to have them as tabbed windows and switch between them quickly.

Some suggestions for change:

  • I'm not a fan of the moves the buttons have received. Please move the DSCAN and Probe Analyze buttons back up to the top left side of the window. I've done a bad MSPaint illustration to show how they should be: Basically we got used to this location for the longest time, and now we have to re-learn muscle memory in the opposite diagonal location. For what reason!? Please change it back. This really isn't a bug, but I'll log an EBR if it's needed.

  • Related to above, please make the toggle button for Solar System Map/Scanning Interface full sized. I use this all the time to switch between modes while I'm scanning and bookmarking. I resized it to full in the above screenshot example.

  • Prior to the patch, when you clicked on one signature in the signature list, it would only show you that one signature. This made it relatively easy to scan down without noise around the signature. Now, there's a less defined version of ALL signatures always in space in the probe window. Please put it back the way it was. Logged EBR-115365 - Scanning Interface - Clicking on a single signature doesn't make all other signatures disappear while scanning.

  • I don't mind the new icons as much for when a signature gets scanned down partially. The progress rings are just TOO DAMN LARGE however. Neither of them resize when you zoom in/out however. It really makes it difficult to scan a signature to 100% once it's just a dot. I've logged this bug: EBR-115364 - Signature icon and progress ring don't resize as you zoom in/out.

  • I'm not sure what the deal is with the nebula inside the scanning interface. It's not pure black - it looks like a hazy green/black with stripes. There's a note here about "Current nebulae in solar system map" but no update with an explanation. I've logged EBR-114813 Scanning Interface - Not black when fullscreen. It's already been closed with no explanation. Please comment or take a look at the bugreport.

  • One major annoyance I found is when scanning a signature, if you switch out of the solar system map and back into scanning, it resets your camera to the sun. Especially annoying in a large system like Thera. Logged EBR-115359 -Scanning Interface - Switching between interface and regular view resets focus on probes

  • Weird one I found while jumping a wormhole with the old solar system map open. EBR-115360 - Jumping Wormhole with the old galaxy map open merges the overlay. Here is what it looks like:

  • With all the Reddit threads about the scanning noises, there's actually still a noise that occurs even if UI Interaction is turned to 0. Logged EBR-115417 - Scanning Interface - Sound occurs when hitting Analyze button

icejack s
Iron Jacks
#146 - 2017-03-18 20:45:27 UTC
Is it possible to have a quick toggle " minimize and maximize" button for the docked scan window?

Also i think a custom preset to load specific window layout ingame would be nice, a layout for exploration, another for null/ls gaming, etc
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#147 - 2017-03-20 01:41:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
I miss the old probe scan activation noise/visual queues. I keep thinking my mouse button didn't trigger the refresh due to the delay in initiating/moving/scanning on the new probe interface and the fact the sound is pretty quiet compared to the background static ambient noise that you've introduced on this new update.. Some visual queue would be appreciated (pulsation in the probe sphere, line indicator for movement from the detault location, etc.)


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

lmmortality Associates
#148 - 2017-03-20 11:54:58 UTC  |  Edited by: lmmortalist
CCP Phantom wrote:
=== Known issues ===

Scanning windows

You might experience an issue when logging on where the scanning windows will reopen after undocking from stations or citadels, jumping or restarting the client. If you experience this problem you can fix it by following these steps:

1. Undock and the Directional Scanner and Probe Scanner panels from the solar system map.
2. Redock the Directional Scanner and Probe Scanner panels with the solar system map.
3. Close the solar system map with the docked panels.


And the same thing in clear English:

Open the new experimental probe scanner and the directional scanner. Then click the little grey boxes in them: then just disable the experimental scanners in your general settings and you're done.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#149 - 2017-03-20 15:24:07 UTC
Manually writing in range in the Directional Scanner is still broken. 9.9 defaults to 9, trying to write 11 or 12 gets you 1.1 or 1.0 or whatever.

This has been broken since the introduction of 119.3.

hydra provail

DefaultGuy Redshirt
Muffins Command
Muffins of Mayhem
#150 - 2017-03-22 11:07:49 UTC
the whole game is laggy now. I'm playing on a top-end skylake with nvidia m4000m card, SSD, 32GB of ram, win7x64.. used to have two clients running max graphics with *everything* in the visible brackets, with 4 monitors in HD+, but now can barely manage minimal graphics settings and it *still* jutters, lags "seconds" (which means I'm avoiding combat!) and generally takes "forever" to load, even when I yank all of the external monitors and try flipping between clients on the one screen.
Process explorer shows each client taking a minimum of 25% of my CPU.. both clients on the previous build barely showed up.
As a point of reference, watching the battle of the last keepstar to die was NOT a challenge to this hardware under the previous build, again with all details to maximum and all brackets on.

Furthermore the new shaders don't look as nice as the old ones did (imho).
the "brightness" setting is rather odd for a game like this.. it used to be about perfect.. now it seems to never be quite right.

I have colleagues who are color blind, I think you should have someone like that on-staff or consultation to set your colors.

New probe wobble sound is so long, it prevents scanning until it completes, even if the probes only make a minor movement adjust.
the new d-scan bubble around the ship is full of unnecessary angles, lines and shapes that distract from the game-play.

Very immersive play.. beware "fixing" what isn't "broken"
Spc One
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#151 - 2017-03-22 11:55:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Spc One
I am getting this strange error on my alt, nothing is loading (minmatar space):

Resa Moon
New Eden Miners Association
#152 - 2017-03-22 13:57:17 UTC
Lara Agnon wrote:
on two different orca pilots, ice harvesting drones do not mine repeatedly any more. after 1-7 cycles drones get lazy and stop working

Same problem.
Alvarez Akachi
CSR Star Command
Citizen's Star Republic
#153 - 2017-03-25 02:16:41 UTC
Uhm, seriously..........

If you are going to remove something from the database or whatever and the ability to trash, reprocess, market it.............

Could you please remove it from Rat Loot Drop tables please, because this is getting rather annoying having them now in my hangar.

Im talking about the Heavy Defender Missile 1

you check the item for info, it has a volume of 0.03 m3

but attempt to autolink it, and "Your query returned no legitimate item types. Please try again."
Marcus Tedric
Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#154 - 2017-03-25 14:39:37 UTC
May have missed it, but not seen reported....

Ever since the first iteration of this patch the EVE Launcher keeps, occasionally, generating an 'Error - Version Info Not Available'.

The upshot seems to be that the account 'start' button disappears - and the only option is to close and restart and re-enter all the password details. It's very annoying.

Sometimes it will fix itself - but not often.

Don't soil your panties, you guys made a good point, we'll look at the numbers again. - CCP Ytterbium

Resa Moon
New Eden Miners Association
#155 - 2017-03-27 17:50:46 UTC
Resa Moon wrote:
Lara Agnon wrote:
on two different orca pilots, ice harvesting drones do not mine repeatedly any more. after 1-7 cycles drones get lazy and stop working

Same problem.

Any progress fixing this?
Zansha Expansion
#156 - 2017-03-27 20:03:36 UTC
So I can imagine you are somewhat proud of your work but can we have an ETA when you fix the d-scan staying closed every time you undock any time soon?

It is very annoying that you have to open your probe scanner and d-scan every time you undock.

That "pin" button was supposed to keep the windows you like pinned onto one position, not close them!

To your "brute force the new d-scan on everyone method" I raise you to I have OCD.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#157 - 2017-03-29 04:06:27 UTC
Not sure if this is an issue related to this patch or just an existing issue.

One of my accounts dropped to Alpha overnight.
I logged in, plexed it and now although it shows as Omega I am unable to fly at least one of my ships due to lack of CPU. It seems when you upgrade from Alpha to Omega your implants aren't included in the upgrade.

I use CA's for the extra CPU and cap on a particular fit but can't fly it now because I don't have enough CPU and my cap life is reduced by 1 min 50 seconds (it isn't counting my implants).

Also in spite of the ability to have 5 jump clones, I have 3 installed but am unable to install another as "you have exceeded your limit".

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

New Eden Marshals Service
#158 - 2017-03-29 17:37:54 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
So I can imagine you are somewhat proud of your work but can we have an ETA when you fix the d-scan staying closed every time you undock any time soon?

It is very annoying that you have to open your probe scanner and d-scan every time you undock.

That "pin" button was supposed to keep the windows you like pinned onto one position, not close them!

To your "brute force the new d-scan on everyone method" I raise you to I have OCD.

This so damn much.

My alt-d is wearing out.
Resa Moon
New Eden Miners Association
#159 - 2017-04-01 13:45:01 UTC
Resa Moon wrote:
Resa Moon wrote:
Lara Agnon wrote:
on two different orca pilots, ice harvesting drones do not mine repeatedly any more. after 1-7 cycles drones get lazy and stop working

Same problem.

Any progress fixing this?

Haven't seen a patch note that directly addresses this problem, but since yesterday's patch the Orca ice drone has not gone idle when it shouldn't.

That patch included a fix for an ice/ore harvesting problem with strip miners/ice harvesters, but, who knows, maybe that fixed the drone problem too.

Hope that's the case.
New Eden Marshals Service
#160 - 2017-04-02 15:07:29 UTC
Partsking wrote:
elitatwo wrote:
So I can imagine you are somewhat proud of your work but can we have an ETA when you fix the d-scan staying closed every time you undock any time soon?

It is very annoying that you have to open your probe scanner and d-scan every time you undock.

That "pin" button was supposed to keep the windows you like pinned onto one position, not close them!

To your "brute force the new d-scan on everyone method" I raise you to I have OCD.

This so damn much.

My alt-d is wearing out.

To clarify (for me) this is the old scanner. Not the new aids infested one.