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Can we get rid of CSM after the recent PLEX insider trading fiasco?

First post
Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#101 - 2017-03-17 13:38:24 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:

in other words.. they are the most no life having boring nerds of all time.

ouch! Shots Fired!
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#102 - 2017-03-17 13:43:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Linus Gorp
Naye Nathaniel wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

1) Aren't you supposed to have me blocked?
2) I'm, as usual, surprised by how much crap you can spill out into your posts. CCP gets more money when you pay for your subscription with PLEX than they do when you pay for your sub using the subscription system...
CCP isn't seeding those PLEX into the market. Other players buy them from CCP and sell them for ISK on the market.

1) yeah u are blocked, but u had few posts which i agree out here;
This one isn't

2) show me a proof of your stupid logic;
Cause as long as i see you have no ******* idea about business stuff

It really is beyond me how you can be so underdeveloped and be an EVE player..
It's you making the stupid assumption, so you should be the one to proof that you're right, but here goes:

Subscription page
PLEX page

I know you won't get it, but now I can at least say that I tried..

Edit: What's the point of blocking me when you read my posts anyway?

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Naye Nathaniel
Seventh Sanctum.
#103 - 2017-03-17 13:45:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Naye Nathaniel
Linus Gorp wrote:
Naye Nathaniel wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

1) Aren't you supposed to have me blocked?
2) I'm, as usual, surprised by how much crap you can spill out into your posts. CCP gets more money when you pay for your subscription with PLEX than they do when you pay for your sub using the subscription system...
CCP isn't seeding those PLEX into the market. Other players buy them from CCP and sell them for ISK on the market.

1) yeah u are blocked, but u had few posts which i agree out here;
This one isn't

2) show me a proof of your stupid logic;
Cause as long as i see you have no ******* idea about business stuff

It really is beyond me how you can be so underdeveloped and be an EVE player..
It's you making the stupid assumption, so you should be the one to proof that you're right, but here goes:

Subscription page
PLEX page

I know you won't get it, but now I can at least say that I tried..

Edit: What's the point of blocking me when you read my posts anyway?

Wow really you just compared two pages of two products and call it a "proof"? what a short brain human being you are...
sry im not gonna educate it how bad in thinking you are if you don't know how it's working...
Kane Carnifex
Brave Collective
#104 - 2017-03-17 13:46:37 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:

in other words.. they are the most no life having boring nerds of all time.

Haha, under the current and past circumstances this true statement :P
Unfortunately one bad guy can affect a whole group.

But still i think the CSM secret stuff is ****, lets open the doors CCP.
You can´t have so much dead bodys in your Yard xD - EVE & Food Porn in German...

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#105 - 2017-03-17 13:48:17 UTC
Kane Carnifex wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

Nobody's going to get sued over anything.. It's not even official or proven, just rumor-mongering until now..

If it turns out to be true, CCP will at least impose a ban on future CSM participation and may take steps beyond that like a timed ban, but they won't sue anyone..

Don´t see the point to discuss the kind of punishment at this point, but hey if you like here you go.
(Can you activate common thinking please.. raise the level xD)

If you sign an NDA with no Punishment the NDA doesn´t make any sense.
It is the same with the Secret Statement in the most Employee contracts which charge you at least with your salary.
Instead of a sue i am fine with a BAN it is the same as long it hurts!

Stuff starts suspicious, you dig in and get it more solid and once a case is created you hand it over to a lawyer or the Security Department.

There is punishment, just not in the form of any legal... actions? Don't really know what word best describes what I mean..

CCP isn't going to pursue any legal actions over a CSM NDA breach because it would be way more hassle than it's worth, but they won't leave it unpunished either. They take appropriate measures, which means EVE-related actions (i.e. in the form of bans).

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#106 - 2017-03-17 13:48:45 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:

in other words.. they are the most no life having boring nerds of all time.

ouch! Shots Fired!

dude I gave the mitani more credit as a csm member than the debacle its became.. but I already knew CSM was a smokescreen for CCP's decision... the CSM has no power, they just have the inside preview on the changes in this game.. and like it or not.. they leak chit all the time.. there is no integrity in the CSM nor is there in CCP and their own employee's will leak info to their circle-jerk buddies cause of bromances...

yes i said it so fawking what!

time for them to get rid of this CSM bullchit.. and start all over.. what do the really represent?? change for who?? the little guy or the mega-coaltion. why in the hell does someone get a permanent seat when all they do is cheat to remain in their nerd power circle.

this honestly gives me perfect reason to invest my cash into other games such as star citizen and console gaming just cause i can never trust anyone in eve INCLUDING CCP!

and finally.. let me say this..

CCP you better be watching your micro transactions because the very 1st credit card scam for aur that comes up... then next time its going all the way to court.

better learn what happened to EA since you hired that old dude..
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#107 - 2017-03-17 13:52:18 UTC
Naye Nathaniel wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:
Naye Nathaniel wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

1) Aren't you supposed to have me blocked?
2) I'm, as usual, surprised by how much crap you can spill out into your posts. CCP gets more money when you pay for your subscription with PLEX than they do when you pay for your sub using the subscription system...
CCP isn't seeding those PLEX into the market. Other players buy them from CCP and sell them for ISK on the market.

1) yeah u are blocked, but u had few posts which i agree out here;
This one isn't

2) show me a proof of your stupid logic;
Cause as long as i see you have no ******* idea about business stuff

It really is beyond me how you can be so underdeveloped and be an EVE player..
It's you making the stupid assumption, so you should be the one to proof that you're right, but here goes:

Subscription page
PLEX page

I know you won't get it, but now I can at least say that I tried..

Edit: What's the point of blocking me when you read my posts anyway?

Wow really you just compared two pages of two products and call it a "proof"? what a short brain human being you are...
sry im not gonna educate it how bad in thinking you are if you don't know how it's working...

Naye, it really hurts my brain reading this non-sense bullshit that you write. For your own sake, just stop. Everyone reading your posts will instantly see how stupid and underdeveloped you are and won't even bother replying to you..

Really, just stop, go outside and get a basic level education.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Kane Carnifex
Brave Collective
#108 - 2017-03-17 13:54:29 UTC
@ Linus Gorp

Now we have a deal :)
Totally agree which the legal hassle could be overkill.

My Job is done here, thanks very much for your time and appreciated you feedback.
Have good one, don´t forget today is 17.3 we are all irish today :P - EVE & Food Porn in German...

Naye Nathaniel
Seventh Sanctum.
#109 - 2017-03-17 13:56:13 UTC
@Linus Gorp thats why you were blocked, as you are short brained troll;
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#110 - 2017-03-17 13:59:11 UTC
As plausible as this case may seem, is there any proof yet? I don't find it surprising that PLEX prices are changing after an announcement to change how PLEX work, that's not proof of foul play.
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#111 - 2017-03-17 14:09:19 UTC
Neuntausend wrote:
As plausible as this case may seem, is there any proof yet? I don't find it surprising that PLEX prices are changing after an announcement to change how PLEX work, that's not proof of foul play.

Nothing official yet. PLEX started skyrocketing 3 days before the official announcement. Don your tinfoil hat!

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#112 - 2017-03-17 14:46:21 UTC
Tetsel wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:
As well meaning as they are and as much effort as CSM members put in, they are a strong echo chamber for CCP. I worry that it is dangerous for CCP to listen as heavily as they do on the CSM. Eve could quite easily drift farther and farther from normality as it's steady playerbase continually push for changes they want, then adapt.

CCP listens to the CSM? Since when?

Pretty much this when it comes to real money and not game design CCP gives no **** for the CSM, Alpha clones were a big move and CSM learnt about it 2 days prior to the devblog, it wasn't discuss at all with them under NDA.
Delete CSM plz that just a metagame tool for big voting groups and a PR/DC for CCP.

But you have to propose something what would be better than current CSM.
#113 - 2017-03-17 15:03:40 UTC
All i gotta say here is... VOTE FOR CLAEVYAN, CSM XII

Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#114 - 2017-03-17 15:12:52 UTC



Logan Jakal
State War Academy
Caldari State
#115 - 2017-03-17 15:12:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Logan Jakal
At the moment, this is pure speculation. Like several other people said, PLEX prices go up and down, it's not a big secret. EVE markets act like real life markets, prices rise and lower depending on situations and decisions. Now here is my point of view.

First of all, this whole story of buying PLEXes to convert tu AUR is a big mislead. CCP said that only an amount of 1000+ AUR will be converted to the new PLEXes, amounts under 1000 will be likely "deleted". CCP will have no other choice than to get back on this decision, they can not just strip people from Aurums that are worth real life money, it's like if a bank would tell you that your country changed his currency, but because your bank account amount was under a given sum, you lost your money. Doing so would just mean the end of CCP as I am pretty sure they would chain lawsuits one after the other.

Regarding CSM and the recent PLEX changes, we'll see if the prices continue to rise in the coming weeks, saying that at the moment the CSM is corrupted is pure speculation. Now, in my opinion, CSM shouldn't be involved in a change like that since CSM is supposed to be advisers about game development, and these PLEX changes rather more affect CCP's income than the game itself, people will still be able to buy game time with PLEXes, the only thing I hope is that it's not a huge middle finger to people that PLEX their accounts.

Anyway, I engage CCP to be careful and to listen to feedback, changes like that could be critical.
Veine Miromme
Gallente Federation
#116 - 2017-03-17 15:15:47 UTC
please note the doubling your debt of zero will a positive null effect of zero.
you can even triple it.!

Ship Type : Out of pod (for now)

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#117 - 2017-03-17 15:16:30 UTC
Logan Jakal wrote:
First of all, this whole story of buying PLEXes to convert tu AUR is a big mislead. CCP said that only an amount of 1000+ AUR will be converted to the new PLEXes, amounts under 1000 will be likely "deleted". CCP will have no other choice than to get back on this decision, they can not just strip people from Aurums that are worth real life money, it's like if a bank would tell you that your country changed his currency, but because your bank account amount was under a given sum, you lost your money. Doing so would just mean the end of CCP as I am pretty sure they would chain lawsuits one after the other.

Go to a lawyer with this "claim" and he'll laugh you out of the room.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#118 - 2017-03-17 15:17:08 UTC
this rage against the current CSM sure has the current CSM quiet like crickets.

Name your favorite one of them all..

well there was steve but the rorqual change happened

there was jin'taan... then provi got instantly camped for his nightmare content.. I assume that's the next ship to get the nerf bat.

other than that.. has any other CSM member made a real contribution.. as will the next batch of super-nerds?

there just isn't proof enough measure the value of the csm just due to it being owned by all of null-sec bears.. no one has clear sight of how the game will be enjoyable for everyone and new sign ups..

there's only 1 guy I can think of recent memory that is CCP RISE....oh wait but he cant be on the CSM he works there.. he actually put in time on his card.. he was so busy with the NPI he just cant do it!..

my heart breaks into mini-plex now.
Cade Windstalker
#119 - 2017-03-17 15:17:22 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:

This whole theory is the very definition of jumping to conclusions with no evidence Lol

Legit CCP alt...
Pls Ignore Roll

Alternative theory: I actually passed Econ 101 in college... CoolPirate

Soel your trolling game is slipping...

Seriously though, I'm not actually a fan of the under-1000 AUR limit. I get what CCP is trying to do by limiting the shock to the PLEX market by not converting the tiny amounts of AUR held on a huge number of accounts, but there are better ways they could have done this other than getting rid of it entirely in this conversion.

My personal favorite suggestion is converting it to something else, like days of game time, instead of turning it into PLEX which would then flood the market and disincentivize buying PLEX to sell or getting rid of it entirely as they're doing now.
#120 - 2017-03-17 15:18:18 UTC
Not a single CCP reply. Not a huge surprise.

While I have always voted for the correct CSM candidate(s), I do support getting rid of the CSM as it effectively has become a special interest group to push for changes that benefit large alliances and/or very rich players.

I find it interesting that some people think the meta game should apply to everything related to eve, including CSM and CCP decisions. Maybe this is a necessity so that every ****** up issue can be auto-dismissed.