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CSM Campaigns

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Erika Mizune (aka Yumene) Running for CSM XII ~

First post
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#61 - 2017-03-02 13:04:47 UTC
Erika Mizune wrote:
I'm slightly confused at your response, you brought up things that I did talk about. Tho I noticed that you are copy and pasting the same response around. That aside, I did talk about the consequence that you face and how I do feel that the feeling of reward isn't the same as it used to be. That's my viewpoint.

What changes I would bring up? To make it easier to regain standings or/and to bring back a way to have that feeling of reward again someway (ie. having standings matter - bringing back a sense of reward when you work up your standings). How exactly - well I'm not sure how to 100% answer that. CSM aren't mini-developers, and to try to 'promise' something isn't right. What I can do provide the feedback to CCP on the topic.

Thanks :)

Thanks for the reply again.

Sorry if my copy and paste offended you, it's merely done for time efficiency since there's a lot of candidates to review.. Also most answers to my question are very similar.

Anyway, I agree with what you've posted here and once again I wish you good luck in the upcoming election.

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#62 - 2017-03-02 13:09:25 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Thanks for the reply again.

Sorry if my copy and paste offended you, it's merely done for time efficiency since there's a lot of candidates to review.. Also most answers to my question are very similar.

Anyway, I agree with what you've posted here and once again I wish you good luck in the upcoming election.


It didn't offend me, but more curious since some of the mentions were stuff that I did talk about.

Thank you very much for the questions!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#63 - 2017-03-03 12:59:56 UTC
Erika Mizune wrote:
What I proposed won't be able to get rid of all the clicking, I don't think anything can. PI will, I feel, always will be the click-fest that it is. With that said tho, PI is also one of the areas that has been pretty much untouched for years, and it really is time for a overhaul - Time to upgrade!

No it's not. Some UI facelift - yeah, sure. But dont touch the system core. It's very robust, it survived Citadel and Ascension, please dont ruin it now. I honestly dont think CCP has developers pool that can work with such features atm. Let them first clean the mess they made in the mineral market. And we're yet to witness the maihem in moongoo. Also, combining engineering complexes with Crius production was not smooth at all. If you add PI on top of that, it'd be a perfect storm.

Just dont do it.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2017-03-03 13:33:46 UTC
Erika Mizune wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Thanks for the reply again.

Sorry if my copy and paste offended you, it's merely done for time efficiency since there's a lot of candidates to review.. Also most answers to my question are very similar.

Anyway, I agree with what you've posted here and once again I wish you good luck in the upcoming election.


It didn't offend me, but more curious since some of the mentions were stuff that I did talk about.

Thank you very much for the questions!

No problem.

Having negative Faction standings affects a lot of players in-game and repairing those standings is definitely a large task to complete. Most players in-game don't read the forums so they don't even know about the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' guide. Also new players can easily mess up their Faction standings right at the start without even knowing it.

These are some options I think would help players in-game.

Faction standing repair be implemented in-game to be very intuitive, not obscure (tutorial perhaps).
Changes to Faction standings be brought to players attention with on screen pop up message (option to deactivate).
Any action that would cause negative Faction standing will trigger on screen pop up warning (option to deactivate).
All Anti-Empire missions should have a warning alerting players that those missions will incur negative Faction standings.
Your idea to have Tags for Standings is acceptable if similar to Tags for Security.
CCP add NPC Agents to in-game Agent Finder for Faction standing repair (similar to proposal in my forum signature).

Just wanted to pass that along to you. Once again good luck with the up-coming election.

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#65 - 2017-03-04 16:39:10 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:
Erika Mizune wrote:
What I proposed won't be able to get rid of all the clicking, I don't think anything can. PI will, I feel, always will be the click-fest that it is. With that said tho, PI is also one of the areas that has been pretty much untouched for years, and it really is time for a overhaul - Time to upgrade!

No it's not. Some UI facelift - yeah, sure. But dont touch the system core. It's very robust, it survived Citadel and Ascension, please dont ruin it now. I honestly dont think CCP has developers pool that can work with such features atm. Let them first clean the mess they made in the mineral market. And we're yet to witness the maihem in moongoo. Also, combining engineering complexes with Crius production was not smooth at all. If you add PI on top of that, it'd be a perfect storm.

Just dont do it.

PI does need improvement overall in my opinion; and many others do agree as well. I don't see what I mentioned ruining it, but a few things that could improve it's overall 'quality of life' - which that said tho, I do agree that we haven't seen yet what the new moongo changes are going to do to the moongoo market and I'm still very anxious to hear more details on the drilling platforms as we don't have too much info on them just yet.

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#66 - 2017-03-04 16:42:26 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

No problem.

Having negative Faction standings affects a lot of players in-game and repairing those standings is definitely a large task to complete. Most players in-game don't read the forums so they don't even know about the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' guide. Also new players can easily mess up their Faction standings right at the start without even knowing it.

These are some options I think would help players in-game.

Faction standing repair be implemented in-game to be very intuitive, not obscure (tutorial perhaps).
Changes to Faction standings be brought to players attention with on screen pop up message (option to deactivate).
Any action that would cause negative Faction standing will trigger on screen pop up warning (option to deactivate).
All Anti-Empire missions should have a warning alerting players that those missions will incur negative Faction standings.
Your idea to have Tags for Standings is acceptable if similar to Tags for Security.
CCP add NPC Agents to in-game Agent Finder for Faction standing repair (similar to proposal in my forum signature).

Just wanted to pass that along to you. Once again good luck with the up-coming election.


Thank you once again, and for sure, would love to have better options at repairing the standings as well.

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#67 - 2017-03-07 13:10:36 UTC
Still open for questions/comments

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2017-03-07 18:55:15 UTC
Do you have any thoughts on changes to moon goo production/ T2 industry?
Cochise Chiricahua
The Inglourious Bastards
Astral Battles
#69 - 2017-03-08 13:41:21 UTC
07 Candidate!

First, thank you for your time and effort (both present and future) in representing the capsuleers of New Eden! They’re much appreciated.

I’m preparing to cast my vote in the CSM12 elections. After reading the information you submitted, though, I still have a question.

By way of background, I started in Eve as a hauler, moving freight in T1 industrials and gradually working my way up in both ships and cargo. However, I repeatedly found my progress impeded by gankers who would destroy my ship and steal my cargo. In low- and null-sec space, that’s to be expected. You place your bet and take your chances. In high-sec space, however, this is very frustrating. Why have high-sec space at all then? This frustration drove me into anti-ganking, and I’ve been a proud member of Thomas en Chasteaux's High-Sec Militia for several months now.

So, my question. Where do you stand on high-sec ganking? I’ll concede that ganking is a legitimate style of game play, as CCP has ruled. But I also feel that it should be difficult and dangerous (for the ganker) in the 30% of New Eden designated as high-sec space. In particular, I’d like to see CCP tweak the game mechanics so that the criminal flag generated by looting a ganked freighter in high-sec space follows all players who handle that loot, and otherwise make looting more realistic. (Thomas en Chasteaux's ideas, not mine.)

As a member of the CSM, would you present such an idea to CCP? Would you push for its adoption? What other game changes might you consider to make high-sec ganking more difficult and less profitable?

Cochise Chiricahua.
So you want to be a Hero
#70 - 2017-03-09 10:01:27 UTC
Just voted for you Cool

nice interview:

Regards, a Freelancer

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#71 - 2017-03-09 11:42:26 UTC
Veyreuth wrote:
Do you have any thoughts on changes to moon goo production/ T2 industry?

Personally, I think it's still too early to really say. We don't really have too many details to go off of to speculate on how it will impact the market yet. I'd like to see more information on the drilling platforms before I guess/speculate.

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#72 - 2017-03-09 13:37:59 UTC
Cochise Chiricahua wrote:
07 Candidate!

First, thank you for your time and effort (both present and future) in representing the capsuleers of New Eden! They’re much appreciated.

I’m preparing to cast my vote in the CSM12 elections. After reading the information you submitted, though, I still have a question.

By way of background, I started in Eve as a hauler, moving freight in T1 industrials and gradually working my way up in both ships and cargo. However, I repeatedly found my progress impeded by gankers who would destroy my ship and steal my cargo. In low- and null-sec space, that’s to be expected. You place your bet and take your chances. In high-sec space, however, this is very frustrating. Why have high-sec space at all then? This frustration drove me into anti-ganking, and I’ve been a proud member of Thomas en Chasteaux's High-Sec Militia for several months now.

So, my question. Where do you stand on high-sec ganking? I’ll concede that ganking is a legitimate style of game play, as CCP has ruled. But I also feel that it should be difficult and dangerous (for the ganker) in the 30% of New Eden designated as high-sec space. In particular, I’d like to see CCP tweak the game mechanics so that the criminal flag generated by looting a ganked freighter in high-sec space follows all players who handle that loot, and otherwise make looting more realistic. (Thomas en Chasteaux's ideas, not mine.)

As a member of the CSM, would you present such an idea to CCP? Would you push for its adoption? What other game changes might you consider to make high-sec ganking more difficult and less profitable?

Cochise Chiricahua.

I've been a victim of high-sec ganking myself, where one you can see here. The more recent one have happened on my neutral hauler (which I can't link ), but with that said, I do think thank ganking, as you said too, is a valid style of gameplay.

As a hauler you have to take your own precautions; like only carrying so much value (ie: don't stuff your freighter to the brim of shiney goods), and make more than one trip if necessary, and even go as far as having a buddy with you to web you on gates so get yourself off the gate and in warp faster. JF's also have their own defense as well with being able to bail if you sense danger. We have the tools and knowledge we need to protect ourselves.

The idea of flagging loot that was a part of a gank is an interesting idea, but I'm not sure how that will work overall and it doesn't seem ideal. I tried to search for the ideas that you mentioned by Thomas on the site you linked, but I didn't see anything, perhaps you can link it?

I think it's hard to find the right balance of risk vs. reward - though in regards to ganking what I would like CCP to look into is the bumping mechanic again as it's still very possible to keep a freighter bumped nonstop.

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Erika Mizune
Lucifer's Hammer
A Band Apart.
#73 - 2017-03-09 13:38:46 UTC
Freelancer117 wrote:
Just voted for you Cool

nice interview:

Regards, a Freelancer

Thank you very much! I really appreciate it!

Former DJ & Manager of Eve Radio | Blog | Sounds of New Eden | Twitch | Twitter

Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#74 - 2017-03-15 05:10:44 UTC  |  Edited by: TheSmokingHertog
*wall of txt*

*another wall of txt*


*eyes fall out*

Nice read, have my votes ;)


Thx for Lorelei Ierendi putting you on the ballot.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

Madina Shouna
LOL Corporation ggg
#75 - 2017-03-17 05:32:20 UTC
I suggest a temporary ban from the server for 2 hours for killing a neutral in high sec and after that double the ban up to 1 day of a ban. Or maybe kind of mute button when you can't say **** in local but this way you can't use your weapons. And I suggest griefing report system for ******* gate campers in high sec. Especially near trade hubs. I suggest CCP start doing something against ******* gate campers. I swear to god if Goon swarm or PL complains CCP will listen but if a regular shmuck like me complains CCP does not give a ****. Introduce a ******* griefing system for a ******* gate campers who are killing everyone who is neutral. And don't ******* tell me that this is eve you die in eve. ************, you were newb too and you can't ******* avoid certain systems because the route will become too long. I can't ******* fly jump freighter or freighter. But what I suggest is simply neutralize ******* from killing neutrals. Especially in high sec. Only in high sec/ near trade hubs. Don't care about low sec

Dear CCP do not disregard my suggestion. And if you can deliver my suggestion to CCP dev I will vote for you.