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Scylus Black for CSM XII. Faction Warfare, PVP and Low-Sec.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2017-03-06 13:36:43 UTC
Scylus Black wrote:
Hi DeMichael,

Maybe you can help me with this. I am a spokesperson for you and the other factions. That's my goal. While I want to bring to the table awareness around Citadel balancing and improving PVP for all of us, my agenda is driven by you.

So it comes down to getting a comprehensive list of action items from each faction. If you are the Minmatar representative and the collective wants to improve standing mechanics. That's going on the agenda. I need each faction to partner with one another and agree to what must be heard by CCP.

I am also looking to ask CCP to follow through on some items that they agreed were an issue with FW over the years but pushed off to invest in other areas of the game.

I would like to see plexing tie in with standings and if that's your priority I would put that on the agenda so we are all heard.



Hello and thanks for the reply,

I'm not a FW player and my inquiry actually pertains to all players, especially FW members who leave the Militia and as a consequence of their time served can not access content available in unfriendly Empire space.

Now don't get me wrong, I think Faction standings should have an impact on game play, especially since Eve Online is based on having a balance in 'Risk vs Reward' and 'Actions vs Consequences'. That's what makes this game great. In the past characters were accountable for their actions, now most everything is being dumbed down and turned into easy mode for the instant gratification crowd. That's something I don't want to see happen to Faction standings.

Currently the in-game aspects of Faction standings :
Positive Faction standings are the only way to access Cosmos Agents (one time access).
Positive Faction and Corporation standings are needed to access Research Agents.
All other Agents only require minimal amount of Faction standing for access (-2.00 or higher standing).
High Faction standings reduce Market Broker fees and Reprocessing fees in NPC stations.
At -5.00 or lower Faction standing, Empire NPC's will attack when in their space.

In my opinion CCP made a big mistake when they removed the need to have positive Faction standings to anchor POS in high sec space. Having that requirement made Faction standings more meaningful instead of just being a way to access Agents or to get lower Broker fees.

Now I would love to see more content pertaining to positive Faction standings be added to the game. However at this time my inquiry is based on the negative effects of Faction standings to the playerbase. Since it takes time for players to ruin their Faction standings then it should also take some time to repair those standings. Unfortunately that info is basically nonexistent in-game when it should actually be readily available and easily understood by players.

I created and shared the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' with the playerbase on the forums back in 2010. Over the past 7 years it has helped countless amount of players to rectify what seemed like an unsolvable issue. In my opinion players need more options available to repair negative Faction standings then what I've listed in that guide. In fact most of those Event Agents can only be accessed once in the characters life.

There's a lot of players in-game who don't read the forums and don't know that guide exists. They've basically accepted the fact they're cut off from engaging in available content due to negative Faction standings. Repairing negative standings is a big task even for experienced players who are familiar with 'The Plan'. New players who haven't learned the game yet can easily mess up their Faction standings without even knowing it right from the start, resulting in no access to half of Empire space.

Anyway, after 7 years of helping players in the forums to repair negative Faction standings, I just wanted to provide some feedback through the CSM for CCP to consider. I believe these options would definitely help all players in-game.

Faction standing repair process be implemented in-game and be very intuitive, not obscure (tutorial perhaps).
Changes to Faction standings will notify players with on screen pop up message (option to deactivate).
Actions that would cause negative Faction standing trigger on screen pop up warning (option to deactivate).
All Anti-Empire mission briefings have a warning informing players those missions will incur negative Faction standings.
Implement Tags for Empire Standings in-game based on similar game mechanics as Tags for Security.
Add NPC Agents to in-game Agent Finder for Faction standing repair (similar to proposal in my forum signature).

Once again good luck with the upcoming election.

Scylus Black
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#42 - 2017-03-06 21:19:51 UTC
Really enjoyed this interview. Ashterothi at Crossing Zebras

CSM Chat - Scylus Black / Crossing Zebras

Scylus Black - CSM XII Candidate

Former Executor Templis CALSF Alliance

Templis CALSF WHQ // YouTube Channel

Tristan Valentina
#43 - 2017-03-07 00:59:44 UTC
You get my bullets and my vote.
Plus 10 NV
#44 - 2017-03-07 15:34:48 UTC
It has always been the case that you win sov most efficiently by running away from fights. This has been disheartening to many players who have been in faction war and I believe is the main reason why the vast majority of eve players think fw is a joke.

You will see how people gain sov most effectively by looking those who get the most vp (ie, captured the most plexes) for the week or day and then look at how they fit their ships. This website allows you to see who gained the most vp per day or week:

Here are the top 3 vp gainers for the week:
1) Ten TenTim
2) Plex Peasant
3)Renka Ormand
Take a look at their killboards I can't post the killboards on the forums.

The last player elected fw guy, Hans, pushed for measures to change this. Namely 2 measures. Rollbacks on timers when people run from a plex and a form of real time intel so we know where plexes are being taken.

CCP promised to do these things years ago but never did.

1) what is your personal position on rollbacks and real time intel?

2) regardless of your position will you at least ask ccp what happened? (Why did they promise this and then not deliver?) And ask if they still intend to keep their promise and if not why?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Scylus Black
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#45 - 2017-03-08 03:55:25 UTC
Cearain wrote:

CCP promised to do these things years ago but never did.

This is the core of my candidacy. I have no illusions about the challenges ahead. My role, as I see it, is to bring transparency and accountability to the position. Which means over communicating with the community and partnering with CCP and my CSM colleagues to advance our change requests.

FW can't remain on the cutting room floor. As a dedicated FW / Low Sec representative that would not happen with me on the CSM team.

Ashterothi - Endorsting Me: 2nd!

He sums up why I am the FW / Low Sec candidate. If you have not heard my interview with him, the first 7 minutes of this feedback from him will shed some light. We need to be a united front to get to the table.

I look forward to serving you.

Scylus Black - CSM XII Candidate

Former Executor Templis CALSF Alliance

Templis CALSF WHQ // YouTube Channel

Scylus Black
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#46 - 2017-03-08 17:57:14 UTC
Tristan Valentina wrote:
You get my bullets and my vote.

Nice! Yes very excited about all of this. If the teams feel that I can be the voice this will work. It's not about being an expert in an EVE Mechanic. Its about being an expert in relationships and having integrity. Something I do and have everyday. We can be heard with me at the CSM table.

Scylus Black - CSM XII Candidate

Former Executor Templis CALSF Alliance

Templis CALSF WHQ // YouTube Channel

Cochise Chiricahua
The Inglourious Bastards
Astral Battles
#47 - 2017-03-08 19:49:53 UTC
07 Candidate!

First, thank you for your time and effort (both present and future) in representing the capsuleers of New Eden! They’re much appreciated.

I’m preparing to cast my vote in the CSM12 elections. After reading the information you submitted, though, I still have a question.

By way of background, I started in Eve as a hauler, moving freight in T1 industrials and gradually working my way up in both ships and cargo. However, I repeatedly found my progress impeded by gankers who would destroy my ship and steal my cargo. In low- and null-sec space, that’s to be expected. You place your bet and take your chances. In high-sec space, however, this is very frustrating. Why have high-sec space at all then? This frustration drove me into anti-ganking, and I’ve been a proud member of Thomas en Chasteaux's High-Sec Militia for several months now.

So, my question. Where do you stand on high-sec ganking? I’ll concede that ganking is a legitimate style of game play, as CCP has ruled. But I also feel that it should be difficult and dangerous (for the ganker) in the 30% of New Eden designated as high-sec space. In particular, I’d like to see CCP tweak the game mechanics so that the criminal flag generated by looting a ganked freighter in high-sec space follows all players who handle that loot, and otherwise make looting more realistic. (Thomas en Chasteaux's ideas, not mine.)

As a member of the CSM, would you present such an idea to CCP? Would you push for its adoption? What other game changes might you consider to make high-sec ganking more difficult and less profitable?

Cochise Chiricahua.
Scylus Black
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#48 - 2017-03-09 14:30:07 UTC
Cochise Chiricahua wrote:

So, my question. Where do you stand on high-sec ganking? I’ll concede that ganking is a legitimate style of game play, as CCP has ruled. But I also feel that it should be difficult and dangerous (for the ganker) in the 30% of New Eden designated as high-sec space. In particular, I’d like to see CCP tweak the game mechanics so that the criminal flag generated by looting a ganked freighter in high-sec space follows all players who handle that loot, and otherwise make looting more realistic. (Thomas en Chasteaux's ideas, not mine.)

As a member of the CSM, would you present such an idea to CCP? Would you push for its adoption? What other game changes might you consider to make high-sec ganking more difficult and less profitable?

Cochise Chiricahua.

Cochise thank you for posting this. To answer your question, I agree with the change you proposed however I would not be presenting this to CCP. Here's why and how I could help a more HighSec equipped candidate present it.

1. My platform is laser focused on Low Sec, PVP and Faction Warfare. So I need to ensure I am not distracted by all the other game mechanics that need to be tweaked. For us in Low Sec / Faction Warfare we have a real opportunity to be heard and I need to ensure all the factions have that voice with me. It's all about integrity.

2. However I am equipped to help one of the other CSM candidates that are focused on High Sec. This is done by partnering with my CSM colleagues and helping them advance their agenda at the CCP table. By being a voice of reason and supporting their argument as a valid change that would help High Sec which we all know is the gateway for Low and Null. It would behoove me to support that.

I hope that sheds light on how I can be of value and remain integral to the goals I am running for.



Scylus Black - CSM XII Candidate

Former Executor Templis CALSF Alliance

Templis CALSF WHQ // YouTube Channel

John Lawyer Jr
#49 - 2017-03-10 17:47:15 UTC
Give FW some love!
Scylus Black
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#50 - 2017-03-25 19:07:48 UTC
John Lawyer Jr wrote:
Give FW some love!

Thanks John! All about it! Lets see how things pan out. Should know shortly. I am very grateful for all the support and interest in seeing a FW candidate get elected who is all about FW.

Scylus Black - CSM XII Candidate

Former Executor Templis CALSF Alliance

Templis CALSF WHQ // YouTube Channel

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2017-03-26 12:11:32 UTC
You have my vote,
even if you are a Templis ;)

#MakeFWGreatAgain , something like that

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