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CSM Campaigns

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Commander Aze for CSMXII, Make Eve Great Again

commander aze
#61 - 2017-03-01 17:17:15 UTC
Live reddit AMA right now

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#62 - 2017-03-02 09:52:38 UTC

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.

commander aze
#63 - 2017-03-02 13:50:11 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.


So this has been on of my fears specifically with regards to the npe dumping people off in faction warfare. Faction standings can seriously screw up a players long term game. Its to hard to alter these standings back to a balanced level for experienced players and consodering a new player wont understand the significance of the standinga till its too late and the damage will be done.

I think like sec statu there should be a buy this and exchange for favorwith a faction allowing people to get back to possitive standingswith the faction they need to.

Though I'm game to see other approachs and ideas.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#64 - 2017-03-02 15:06:57 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
commander aze wrote:
DeMichael Crimson wrote:

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.


So this has been on of my fears specifically with regards to the npe dumping people off in faction warfare. Faction standings can seriously screw up a players long term game. Its to hard to alter these standings back to a balanced level for experienced players and consodering a new player wont understand the significance of the standinga till its too late and the damage will be done.

I think like sec statu there should be a buy this and exchange for favorwith a faction allowing people to get back to possitive standingswith the faction they need to.

Though I'm game to see other approachs and ideas.

Thanks for the reply.

This game was founded on the premise of having a balance on 'Risk vs Reward' and 'Actions vs Consequences'. It takes time for players to ruin Faction standings and as such it should also take some time to repair those standings. I know it's tough on new players who haven't learned the game yet. I use to be one of those players who was victimized by Negative Faction standings until I decided to do something about it. After 3 months of research in 2010, I created and shared the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' with the Eve Online community.

I agree there should be more options available for characters to repair negative Faction standings but I don't like the idea of having Tags for Standings. Just like Tags for Security, I think those are nothing more than a 'Get Out Of Jail Free Card' for actions that should merit some consequences. In the past Characters use to be accountable for their actions in-game, now most everything has been dumbed down and turned into easy mode for the instant gratification crowd.

In my opinion Anti-Empire missions should have a warning to alert players that accepting and completing those mission will affect their Faction standings in a negative aspect. Also the process of standings repair should be implemented in-game to be more intuitive instead of being so obscure. Lastly CCP could add another group of NPC Agents strictly for Faction standing repair, sorta like the proposal I have listed in my forum signature.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply and good luck in the upcoming election.

#65 - 2017-03-02 18:26:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Claevyan
commander aze wrote:

So this has been on of my fears specifically with regards to the npe dumping people off in faction warfare. Faction standings can seriously screw up a players long term game. Its to hard to alter these standings back to a balanced level for experienced players and consodering a new player wont understand the significance of the standinga till its too late and the damage will be done.

I think like sec statu there should be a buy this and exchange for favorwith a faction allowing people to get back to possitive standingswith the faction they need to.

Though I'm game to see other approachs and ideas.

I caution against a full Faction Status buy-back system on the grounds that would cause further problems with other in game systems. We might solve the problem of "Oops! I blapped my standings when I blapped them ships" but we'd devalue the use of faction standings overall.

It might be better to try and increase the visibility of faction standings and the changes your actions can have as well as increase the in-game awareness of faction standings through warnings and NPE education.

I wouldn't mind seeing CCP add value to faction standings overall, through reworking the use of standings in some way. It might help to improve life for those who seek a more PvE play style in EvE.

EDIT: I do conceed that some form of buy back \ bribe system for the minor factions that cross empire borders but are tied to one of the major factions might be a good idea to allow people to get their footing back when accidents happen.

Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.

commander aze
#66 - 2017-03-02 18:49:22 UTC  |  Edited by: commander aze
Couod scale it have a max that can be bought back (enough not to get shot at in their space. Obviously not pump to +10. Im just spitballing ideas i dk t really have a firm opinion on it

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

#67 - 2017-03-02 18:51:22 UTC
I agree there. Added a concession edit to my response before i saw yours. Lol

Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.

commander aze
#68 - 2017-03-03 03:45:31 UTC

Going live soon! Talking in stations Roundtable

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#69 - 2017-03-03 13:32:10 UTC
Possitive mention again last night on Eve Prosper hosted by lockefox

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#70 - 2017-03-03 20:17:36 UTC

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#71 - 2017-03-04 02:51:32 UTC live now

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#72 - 2017-03-04 18:57:56 UTC
Stay tuned for CSM roundtablet on Declarations of war Podcast

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#73 - 2017-03-05 00:55:39 UTC

Positive mention my community member Neville Smit

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#74 - 2017-03-05 00:58:23 UTC

Declarations of War Roundtable From Today!

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#75 - 2017-03-05 04:54:27 UTC
Ow, another thing in little things, Contract Notifications on entering new Eden, not on opening contract node.

"Dogma is kind of like quantum physics, observing the dogma state will change it." ~ CCP Prism X

"Schrödinger's Missile. I dig it." ~ Makari Aeron

-= "Brain in a Box on Singularity" - April 2015 =-

commander aze
#76 - 2017-03-05 23:13:27 UTC  |  Edited by: commander aze
Double Whammy today for Press release news Mike Azariah for those that don't know is Easily the coolest guy in highsec and someone I have really looked up to in the Eve community. Also a former CSM Fuzzysteve "Steve Ronuken" a Multiyear elected CSM widely considered the Savior of high sec and a keystone to DevFleet (3rd party application development) and All around Classy Guy, For the love of God Make sure this guy gets 1 of the 10 seats on the CSM

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Hr Mesetas
Domain Trade Corp
#77 - 2017-03-06 15:45:23 UTC

What is your view on an option to put corpshares on the market ?
commander aze
#78 - 2017-03-06 22:53:57 UTC
Hr Mesetas wrote:

What is your view on an option to put corpshares on the market ?

id be for a investment fund and stock exchange, I think that could be fun and meaningful gameplay

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#79 - 2017-03-07 13:25:57 UTC  |  Edited by: commander aze
Special thanks to mindclash for having me on the show last night with suitonia.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#80 - 2017-03-08 01:53:50 UTC

Declarations of War Endorsement

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps