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Zkill guide to Running for CSM 12 by rhiload

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#81 - 2017-02-08 19:48:31 UTC
Crosi Wesdo wrote:
The solo/small gang crowd are obnoxious. The appeal of that gameplay was that it was hard and took skill since the game was not balanced with hat in mind.

Pushing the game down a path of solo/small gang balance will only appeal to a vast minority.

Completely agree, though the same can be said about most playstyles individually.

Pushing any path doesn't really help unless it's inclusive of all playstyles. EVE needs more players, logging in more often, performing a blend of gameplay types that they all enjoy and that interact with each other, whether voluntarily or not.

It's a big universe, let's fill it.

30,000 logged in with 90% docked doesn't help EVE one bit.
Cynosaurus 4Head
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#82 - 2017-02-08 19:50:09 UTC
Ragnar Varen wrote:

I never said that memes are serious, and your replies aren't getting anyless childish.

In this quote are the 2 reasons why I would never run for CSM. I really cba any longer to respond to stupid people.
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#83 - 2017-02-08 19:52:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Brothuhbob
rhiload Feron-drake wrote:

A voice for content creators however big or small.
from the smallest of twitch streamers, to as large as channel zarvox
i also feel i represent small gang PvP in null and low-sec and ship balance is very high on my priority list (i mean, my zkill guides are practically strengths and weaknesses of a certain ship, despite how memey they are)


My alliance lives 2 jumps away from rhiload's hangout in low sec. Often see him out solo roaming the area, he is always a good sport and actually talks to you in local after a fight or in between.

I think your videos, are hilarious and you should keep doing them.

I like to see someone interested in keeping solo/small gang content, particularly in lowsec, healthy.
Keep it up dude and thanks for admitting your strengths as well as areas you can improve / learn more from.
You absolutely have my vote and I will encourage my friends to vote the same.

See you in Osti ;)

Stay Classy,
- Brothuhbob
Bodb Derg
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2017-02-08 19:56:11 UTC
Wow. I had a lot of respect for Hyde. Even voted for him. I don't really like Sutonia or Rhiload as candidates (Rhiloads vids are f*cking hilarious all the same), but trying to sway others to not vote for somebody else is just sad. Especially from someone currently in the CSM. Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If I still played Eve (other than just skilling) I'd be well pissed off.

Hi. I'm Bodb Derg. I'm salty about links.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#85 - 2017-02-08 20:04:10 UTC
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

The success and popularity of rhiload's meme video series 'Zkill Guides' this year is undoubtedly impressive and has at long last brought a particular style of comedy video popular in other games to EVE. However, this success should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of his knowledge or experience on the topics of balance and small gang/solo PVP, but rather just as a showing of his ability to entertain and satirise. Unfortunately for him, neither of these skills are valuable or necessary in the role of a CSM member and would actually would detract from the hard work CSM 11 did to restore productive and serious relations with CCP by trivialising important discussions on balance topics.

Despite his comparisons to me in regards to garnering a CSM candidacy backing from videomaking success, I respectfully disagree with this false equivalency. I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member. Although I certainly encourage his continued content creation which brings a smile to many-an-EVE player, I want to warn prospective voters on the dangers of letting rhiload's comedic success propel him above his station.

Having spent many hours and days over the past year working with CCP to have game balance taken as an issue seriously, I cannot in good conscious allow an EVE youtube comedian to get away with exploiting his recent popularity to masquerade as an expert on a topic he is not qualified to speak on.

*I understand that rhiload may take this as a personal insult, however, I only voice this opposition because I care about this game and these topics, and have too much respect for the CSM-CCP relationship to allow a meme candidate to detract from the serious work of the council. I do not know him personally and am sure he's a nice person and dedicated player.

rhiload gets my vote just because of this.
Sophos Mileghere
Ars Goetia Corporation
#86 - 2017-02-08 20:26:11 UTC
Outside of all the comments around MrHyde etc.

Rhiload, your statement is weak man, there is no depth or substance that even interests a vote. Your statement that working with Sui would be good worries me because with weak views and a strong experience that Sui has means 2 CSM seats will be taken up when 1 seat would be adequate.

I think you should really focus on what you are going to bring and how its going to affect the player base - be specific about an area of specialism because sorry man, youtube and commentator credentials =/= capability

Captain Campion
Campion Corp.
#87 - 2017-02-08 20:31:16 UTC
Can we vote for both of them so they have to spend time together? Pirate
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2017-02-08 20:32:26 UTC
Cynosaurus 4Head wrote:
Ragnar Varen wrote:

I never said that memes are serious, and your replies aren't getting anyless childish.

In this quote are the 2 reasons why I would never run for CSM. I really cba any longer to respond to stupid people.

It takes practice, lots and lots of practice.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Pyrohawk Z
The Raven Initiative
#89 - 2017-02-08 20:59:48 UTC
I'm pretty s*** at the game, won't lie, but I feel that Rhiload knows what he's doing.

I think that following the rule that "all good jokes contain truth in them", he probably knows whats up with major balancing issues as such. I personally don't have much experience in PVP since I'm awful at the game, but it seems that there are some recurring themes that I hear in his videos that resonate in the Eve subreddit, like "Svipuls are cancer" or "Balanced Legion" or whatever. I also see his cynical approach to ship balancing as perhaps a correct one, given that he doesn't filter what he says in any obvious way (again, I'm bad, I can't reference his statements to my own experience)

Sure, he might not appear to be 100% serious or extremely knowledgable, but I am sure of one thing - this guy spends a lot of time doing PvP and has enough sense of humor to hopefully not get caught up in his own *******.

For that, he's got my vote.
Caldari State
#90 - 2017-02-08 21:15:07 UTC
I'm capsuleer hyperflare and this is my favourite dramathread on this forum.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#91 - 2017-02-08 21:30:06 UTC
Jankos Sabannfuhrer wrote:
If the CSM could be more about game balance rather than another notch in your ****** space-fame belts that'd be great

-1 won't be getting my vote

not empty quoting
Gillamat Albosa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#92 - 2017-02-08 21:36:40 UTC
Lol Mr Hyde hardly even showed up and he's calling out members who did.

I reckon we should strip old members if their title if they have less than 50% attendance rate.

Useless prick
Aernir Ridley
Brave Collective
#93 - 2017-02-08 22:02:53 UTC
While Rhiload may not be an expert on game mechanics, to argue that because his videos are of a comedic nature he knows nothing about the game (and to compare him to Chance Ravine no less) is low, and simply not true. He's not only demonstrated a reasonable ability to deride the strengths of weaknesses of ships and their fits, but also a willingness to learn and improve his understanding of the game (which is more that most of the CSM can say). On top of that he's proven himself to be an extremely capable small gang and solo pilot.

We don't need more experts in game mechanics and major players is massive alliances, we need more of the little guys; solo players, small gang PVPers, industrialists, high sec pilots, and people that aren't from one of the game's three major coalitions.

For that reason he's got my vote!

"For most people, the sky's the limit... For those who love aviation, the sky, is home."

-Cheers! :D

JetStream Drenard
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#94 - 2017-02-08 22:54:01 UTC  |  Edited by: JetStream Drenard
edit: message to hyde

I dont know about all that **** you just said, but I do know this:

You are a baby back ***** that whines and cries whenever you lose a fight, and completely lose your **** when you get pwnd. Chesseur too.

Rhiload does not. In fact, the grace and/or good humor he shows in local when he loses makes him a vote in my book, and even tho I have never voted for a CSM yet, I will vote against you specifically now.

Have a nice day.
Daemon Ceed
Ice Fire Warriors
#95 - 2017-02-08 23:21:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Daemon Ceed
JetStream Drenard wrote:
edit: message to hyde

even tho I have never voted for a CSM yet, I will vote against you specifically now.

Have a nice day.

Hyde isn't running for CSM XII, which is good since he did frag all besides trying to get larger cargo space for BS. Because, you know, he hates not being able to hold enough cap boosters to fight frigates in his Vargur for less than 30 mins at a time and there isn't anything else of note in this game that should be fixed or improved.
#96 - 2017-02-08 23:34:03 UTC
It's interesting to see that what appears to be a legitimate complaint, albeit without much substance, is dismissed as "salt" and being part of eve's meta game.

No wonder it took eight(?) years to fix links and the community is "split" on the ECM issue.
Circumstantial Evidence
#97 - 2017-02-08 23:38:12 UTC
I have no problem with someone like Suitonia effectively explaining deficiencies in ship balancing, on a CSM that also might include Rhiload, explaining what features need improving to help EVE reach the broadest possible audience. Or the both of them arguing in front of CCP about how to make Battleships great again. The ultimate arbitrator in all such discussions is CCP, who pick and choose from what the CSM is saying, to inform their opinion of how the broader player base will react to this or that game change or new feature CCP is considering. Some of the subtext that candidates need to accurately understand and explain game balance implies that CCP doesn't; and shifts in the meta or economy... and the time game designers are allowed to spend on a given feature in the midst of other priorities at CCP, also help lead to balance problems.
Ivory Harcourt
Space Ants
Brave Collective
#98 - 2017-02-08 23:40:19 UTC
I didn't even know who rhiload is, and I certainly dislike youtubers (too old for that ****) but after Mr Hyde's comments and PL brigading and shitting I'm definitely going to support him.
Dunhill 1
SH0K Industrial
Brave United
#99 - 2017-02-09 00:05:01 UTC
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

The success and popularity of rhiload's meme video series 'Zkill Guides' this year is undoubtedly impressive and has at long last brought a particular style of comedy video popular in other games to EVE. However, this success should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of his knowledge or experience on the topics of balance and small gang/solo PVP, but rather just as a showing of his ability to entertain and satirise. Unfortunately for him, neither of these skills are valuable or necessary in the role of a CSM member and would actually would detract from the hard work CSM 11 did to restore productive and serious relations with CCP by trivialising important discussions on balance topics.

Despite his comparisons to me in regards to garnering a CSM candidacy backing from videomaking success, I respectfully disagree with this false equivalency. I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member. Although I certainly encourage his continued content creation which brings a smile to many-an-EVE player, I want to warn prospective voters on the dangers of letting rhiload's comedic success propel him above his station.

Having spent many hours and days over the past year working with CCP to have game balance taken as an issue seriously, I cannot in good conscious allow an EVE youtube comedian to get away with exploiting his recent popularity to masquerade as an expert on a topic he is not qualified to speak on.

*I understand that rhiload may take this as a personal insult, however, I only voice this opposition because I care about this game and these topics, and have too much respect for the CSM-CCP relationship to allow a meme candidate to detract from the serious work of the council. I do not know him personally and am sure he's a nice person and dedicated player.

I am sorry but isnt your fame mostly from vids man?
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#100 - 2017-02-09 00:32:27 UTC
Dunhill 1 wrote:
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

The success and popularity of rhiload's meme video series 'Zkill Guides' this year is undoubtedly impressive and has at long last brought a particular style of comedy video popular in other games to EVE. However, this success should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of his knowledge or experience on the topics of balance and small gang/solo PVP, but rather just as a showing of his ability to entertain and satirise. Unfortunately for him, neither of these skills are valuable or necessary in the role of a CSM member and would actually would detract from the hard work CSM 11 did to restore productive and serious relations with CCP by trivialising important discussions on balance topics.

Despite his comparisons to me in regards to garnering a CSM candidacy backing from videomaking success, I respectfully disagree with this false equivalency. I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member. Although I certainly encourage his continued content creation which brings a smile to many-an-EVE player, I want to warn prospective voters on the dangers of letting rhiload's comedic success propel him above his station.

Having spent many hours and days over the past year working with CCP to have game balance taken as an issue seriously, I cannot in good conscious allow an EVE youtube comedian to get away with exploiting his recent popularity to masquerade as an expert on a topic he is not qualified to speak on.

*I understand that rhiload may take this as a personal insult, however, I only voice this opposition because I care about this game and these topics, and have too much respect for the CSM-CCP relationship to allow a meme candidate to detract from the serious work of the council. I do not know him personally and am sure he's a nice person and dedicated player.

I am sorry but isnt your fame mostly from vids man?

Flying a blinged out marauder in militia space against T1 destroyers and cruisers mostly.