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Zkill guide to Running for CSM 12 by rhiload

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Jankos Sabannfuhrer
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2017-02-08 16:22:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jankos Sabannfuhrer
If the CSM could be more about game balance rather than another notch in your ****** space-fame belts that'd be great

-1 won't be getting my vote
Petit Julot
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#22 - 2017-02-08 16:28:33 UTC
Xayder wrote:
CSM is still a thing?

Well, it's still quite a problem, for sure.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#23 - 2017-02-08 16:29:46 UTC
Awarmingcoat wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member.

Seriously Hyde? Useless CSM member? I think if you take a step back and consider that literally a third of CSM X quit, boycotted CSM, got removed, or were implicated in some kind of scandal, it's pretty insulting and petty to use me as an example of a useless CSM.

Why don't you spend 10 minutes thinking about how useful all the "vets" of CSM X were who literally were so bad they disappeared or got kicked before using me as an example of uselessness. Some of them straight up went AWOL and left EVE, but somehow I'm the bad guy.

  • When Citadels were going to have features that would RUIN wormhole space I pushed (along with Corbexx) for their removal.
  • When literally nobody on CSM understood how missile damage application worked I lobbied hard to try to bring Missile Guidance Comps and the associated Rigor Catalyst nerfs to a reasonable point
  • When the new probing system was being put into place I pushed back again and again and again to get every fix possible made that wormholers and explorers were asking for
  • When the camera was completely SCREWED I sat with CCP and Jayne for several hours to walk them through community feedback on solo, fleet, and videomaking issues
  • Don't even get me started on just straight up trying to be a positive productive member while dealing with pretty much the most toxic CSM environment of all time
  • That stupid bracket for your own ship was part of my UI QOL agenda...
  • Did I mention that I actively and positively contributed to CSM all friggin year?

I don't believe in calling people out by name, but there were legitimately veteran players on CSMX that didn't know how attributes affect skill point gain. Meanwhile they ranted just as loud about how injectors should work. There were veterans that responded to MAYBE 10% of the feedback posts in Confluence, even on issues they in theory knew about. When we had a branding/advertising exercise, one well-loved CSM flat out refused to participate on some unimaginable grounds. But you know, I'm the problem, right?

The salt is strong with this one...

have you ever tried citra with salt?

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Mira Chieve
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#24 - 2017-02-08 16:34:57 UTC
Dethahal Khardula wrote:

In fact, I would be interested in more information on what you want specifically.

What are things you want to change? What are things you don't want to change? What possible reactions do you expect from ccp regarding these things?

Give all 4 midslot BS a 5th mid.



Memes are love, memes are life.

Also, let´s not kid ourselves into thinking that the CSM is some kind of a "Super tryhard serious organization"
I for one would welcome a candidate who could bring some fresh air.

I see no reason for "memes" to stop someone from running for CSM. Do you seriously think he is going to spam memes and play vuvuzelas during the meetings? (not that it would be a bad thing).

Also, I dare say anyone who doubts rhiload´s actualy ingame skill is talking out of their arse.

Kappa 4Head
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#25 - 2017-02-08 16:38:48 UTC
Chance Ravinne wrote:

Seriously Hyde? Useless CSM member? I think if you take a step back and consider that literally a third of CSM X quit, boycotted CSM, got removed, or were implicated in some kind of scandal, it's pretty insulting and petty to use me as an example of a useless CSM.

Ayy lmao chance thinking he matters anywhere other than his ******** corp and youtube subs. Although I recently became a thera resident I don't think you represent my opinion nor the opinions of anyone else other than SC0UT(lol). As for rhiload, I think he still needs time to prove himself as a worthy csm candidate and show that he's capable of being mature and cut the memes. Yeah I thought memes are cool once too.
John Selth
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#26 - 2017-02-08 16:58:12 UTC
rhiload Feron-drake wrote:
Hi hyde, congrats on the nearly 10k subs.

I see that you feel that i am not up to the task and or feel disheartened about me running for the csm. but that's a valid concern , so let's get into shall we.

I am no expert in game mechanics and balance issues in this game, I dont even say that in my forum post so where did you get that? I feel if both suitonia and myself was part of the CSM, both of us can bounce feedback from the devs on how/why this xyz is op/not op. there is no doubt that suitonia is a much stronger candidate than myself in terms of game balance and mechanics, but I am not fully running for that position. (i even commentated the first weekend of the AT, i dont know anything about balance or ships).

Isn't the commentating job mainly reserved for Eve's 'notable' personalities and not always indicative of a pure understanding of the finer points of eve mechanics and balance?

I am running for a platform of low-security, I reside here and so its my best interest to keep this area healthy, I am not just running on balance and game design alone. you may take me for a joke, because of the videos i make, and that is a perfectly fine statement to make, in fact I want people to question this, how will people know I am taking the CSM seriously? the videos I make point out the strengths, weaknesses, piloting tactics and fitting all in one, yes, they have an incredible amount of memes in them, but it takes knowledge of the game and ship design to actually make the video in the first place. Ive helped people get into pvp, new and old, I give them fittings, tactics and other helpful suggestions for them, I commentate EVE_NT, i've commentated the first weekend for AT 14, if this is not getting involved or not taking what I do seriously, then i dont know.

Most of the videos are just trash memes and poorly overreaching slam attempts at Americans. Additionally, I find it easy to just bash the ship and its balance design for lacking a "mid slot" PG or maybe a bonus as you do in 90% of video we watch that isn't filled with the aforementioned "trash memes". Any new bean in HORDE or TEST could figure out whats lacking in a ship pretty quickly but it takes a person worthy of being on the CSM to note the potential draw backs to the complex web of ship balance by simply adding a mid slot to the Punisher or buffing medium Autos. Unfortunately, I do not believe you have shown yourself capable (and as you admitted) of understanding the big and small picture of balance and mechanics. To add, you say you want to help lowsec and the little guy, yet have given very little to address the issues you would like to solve and that are at the core of your candidacy. Quite frankly, in my eight+ years of playing this game, I haven't seen a candidate that I thought was more unqualified to be on the CSM than you, and I was friends with Darius III.

This is one candidate I will not be voting for this year.

Sara Asanari
Licence To Kill
Mercenary Coalition
#27 - 2017-02-08 17:02:29 UTC
We need fresh ideas, give the kid a chance.
Blaze Tiberius
Only Fleets
Brute Force Solutions
#28 - 2017-02-08 17:05:06 UTC
So as someone who isn't part of one of the largest alliances out there I should want, what...Goonswarm, or TEST or PL representing my interests?

No thanks.

I'd vote for Rhiload just to get some fresh perspective and fresh air on the CSM.

El Space Mariachi
Zero Fun Allowed
#29 - 2017-02-08 17:18:03 UTC
Omega Crendraven wrote:
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

The success and popularity of rhiload's meme video series 'Zkill Guides' this year is undoubtedly impressive and has at long last brought a particular style of comedy video popular in other games to EVE. However, this success should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of his knowledge or experience on the topics of balance and small gang/solo PVP, but rather just as a showing of his ability to entertain and satirise. Unfortunately for him, neither of these skills are valuable or necessary in the role of a CSM member and would actually would detract from the hard work CSM 11 did to restore productive and serious relations with CCP by trivialising important discussions on balance topics.

Despite his comparisons to me in regards to garnering a CSM candidacy backing from videomaking success, I respectfully disagree with this false equivalency. I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member. Although I certainly encourage his continued content creation which brings a smile to many-an-EVE player, I want to warn prospective voters on the dangers of letting rhiload's comedic success propel him above his station.

Having spent many hours and days over the past year working with CCP to have game balance taken as an issue seriously, I cannot in good conscious allow an EVE youtube comedian to get away with exploiting his recent popularity to masquerade as an expert on a topic he is not qualified to speak on.

*I understand that rhiload may take this as a personal insult, however, I only voice this opposition because I care about this game and these topics, and have too much respect for the CSM-CCP relationship to allow a meme candidate to detract from the serious work of the council. I do not know him personally and am sure he's a nice person and dedicated player.

"I am noob solo pvper who hit f1 and scram with marauder or tank bonused ship and make dank meme video/stream, now im famous, now I am CSM "


when are you running omega?

would rather the plebs seek the true wisdom than divide themselves like this

gay gamers for jesus

Mira Chieve
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#30 - 2017-02-08 17:18:12 UTC
John Selth wrote:

Most of the videos are just trash memes and poorly overreaching slam attempts at Americans. Additionally, I find it easy to just bash the ship and its balance design for lacking a "mid slot" PG or maybe a bonus as you do in 90% of video we watch that isn't filled with the aforementioned "trash memes". Any new bean in HORDE or TEST could figure out whats lacking in a ship pretty quickly but it takes a person worthy of being on the CSM to note the potential draw backs to the complex web of ship balance by simply adding a mid slot to the Punisher or buffing medium Autos. Unfortunately, I do not believe you have shown yourself capable (and as you admitted) of understanding the big and small picture of balance and mechanics. To add, you say you want to help lowsec and the little guy, yet have given very little to address the issues you would like to solve and that are at the core of your candidacy. Quite frankly, in my eight+ years of playing this game, I haven't seen a candidate that I thought was more unqualified to be on the CSM than you, and I was friends with Darius III.

This is one candidate I will not be voting for this year.

Why would you bash one of the few content creators this game has?

It´s not like someone forces you to watch those videos. If they aren´t your cup of tea it´s fine, but given the popularity he has gained apparently an overwhelming majority of the community likes them.
And I see that as a good thing.

Not all EvE videos need to be 100 percent tryhard.
Omega Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2017-02-08 17:27:11 UTC
Awarmingcoat wrote:
Chance Ravinne wrote:
I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member.

Seriously Hyde? Useless CSM member? I think if you take a step back and consider that literally a third of CSM X quit, boycotted CSM, got removed, or were implicated in some kind of scandal, it's pretty insulting and petty to use me as an example of a useless CSM.

Why don't you spend 10 minutes thinking about how useful all the "vets" of CSM X were who literally were so bad they disappeared or got kicked before using me as an example of uselessness. Some of them straight up went AWOL and left EVE, but somehow I'm the bad guy.

  • When Citadels were going to have features that would RUIN wormhole space I pushed (along with Corbexx) for their removal.
  • When literally nobody on CSM understood how missile damage application worked I lobbied hard to try to bring Missile Guidance Comps and the associated Rigor Catalyst nerfs to a reasonable point
  • When the new probing system was being put into place I pushed back again and again and again to get every fix possible made that wormholers and explorers were asking for
  • When the camera was completely SCREWED I sat with CCP and Jayne for several hours to walk them through community feedback on solo, fleet, and videomaking issues
  • Don't even get me started on just straight up trying to be a positive productive member while dealing with pretty much the most toxic CSM environment of all time
  • That stupid bracket for your own ship was part of my UI QOL agenda...
  • Did I mention that I actively and positively contributed to CSM all friggin year?

I don't believe in calling people out by name, but there were legitimately veteran players on CSMX that didn't know how attributes affect skill point gain. Meanwhile they ranted just as loud about how injectors should work. There were veterans that responded to MAYBE 10% of the feedback posts in Confluence, even on issues they in theory knew about. When we had a branding/advertising exercise, one well-loved CSM flat out refused to participate on some unimaginable grounds. But you know, I'm the problem, right?

The salt is strong with this one...

Another youtuber dank fresh meme
Dyllan Ybrex
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#32 - 2017-02-08 17:28:35 UTC
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
[u][b]instead back Suitonia [...] it is important that 'non-bloc' entities[...]

This isn't satire?

> "I find it hard to believe that the notoriously incompetent DED investigators managed to solve this 'mystery' in such a short time" ~ Omir Sarikusa

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2017-02-08 17:29:48 UTC
Jankos Sabannfuhrer wrote:
If the CSM could be more about game balance rather than another notch in your ****** space-fame belts that'd be great

Well that might be the first problem you have right there.

The CSM is not solely or even primarily about game balance. That's merely one of the many facets it deals with (and less so recently as CCP has been using focus groups more). Being an expert in the minutiae of ship mechanics is only ONE potential strength for a CSM candidate. There are other valid strengths for a CSM candidate and other issues the community cares about.
John Selth
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#34 - 2017-02-08 17:33:23 UTC  |  Edited by: John Selth
Why would you bash one of the few content creators this game has?

It´s not like someone forces you to watch those videos. If they aren´t your cup of tea it´s fine, but given the popularity he has gained apparently an overwhelming majority of the community likes them.
And I see that as a good thing.

Not all EvE videos need to be 100 percent tryhard.

When you cite the videos as part of your platform and experience, it makes them fair game.
Ragnar Varen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2017-02-08 17:33:23 UTC
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

The success and popularity of rhiload's meme video series 'Zkill Guides' this year is undoubtedly impressive and has at long last brought a particular style of comedy video popular in other games to EVE. However, this success should not be misinterpreted as an indicator of his knowledge or experience on the topics of balance and small gang/solo PVP, but rather just as a showing of his ability to entertain and satirise. Unfortunately for him, neither of these skills are valuable or necessary in the role of a CSM member and would actually would detract from the hard work CSM 11 did to restore productive and serious relations with CCP by trivialising important discussions on balance topics.

Despite his comparisons to me in regards to garnering a CSM candidacy backing from videomaking success, I respectfully disagree with this false equivalency. I would instead draw comparisons between rhiload and CSM 10 member WingspannTT (Chance Ravinne) who demonstrated how youtube popularity without any substance to back it up, makes for a hollow and useless CSM member. Although I certainly encourage his continued content creation which brings a smile to many-an-EVE player, I want to warn prospective voters on the dangers of letting rhiload's comedic success propel him above his station.

Having spent many hours and days over the past year working with CCP to have game balance taken as an issue seriously, I cannot in good conscious allow an EVE youtube comedian to get away with exploiting his recent popularity to masquerade as an expert on a topic he is not qualified to speak on.

*I understand that rhiload may take this as a personal insult, however, I only voice this opposition because I care about this game and these topics, and have too much respect for the CSM-CCP relationship to allow a meme candidate to detract from the serious work of the council. I do not know him personally and am sure he's a nice person and dedicated player.

Your entire post is hollow and empty. Instead of **** talking Rhiload AND Wingspan why don't you talk substance? You're inciting a flamewar and providing nothing constructive.
Resnar Ash-carrier
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2017-02-08 17:34:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Resnar Ash-carrier
Please Rhiload, balance meme in the game
Almanac Omaristos
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#37 - 2017-02-08 17:34:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Almanac Omaristos
CSM is suppose to stop CCP from putting out crappy game breaking features. PL salt aside, you don't need to be an expert on ship balancing to be on the CSM. While admittedly rihloads not an expert, he's still someone who's lived in lowsec and has knowledge of the different regions. I'm pretty sure rihload knows what could be bad for lowsec, and what may be good for lowsec. He is truly a candidate with lowsec interest at heart.
Caldari State
#38 - 2017-02-08 17:38:34 UTC
Haaa funny to see how Hyde torpedoed his own reelection campaign with this thread. Even funnier is his argumentation that rhiload wouldn't be able to provide serious feedback, I mean you have to actually attend meetings to give feedback wouldn't you agree? (CSM Attendance Sheet)

Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine
Dixin Buttes Goo Injection Services
#39 - 2017-02-08 17:40:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
...urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes...

You know Suitonia is in CFC right? Non-Bloc??? What are you smoking Hyde?
Almanac Omaristos
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#40 - 2017-02-08 17:42:52 UTC
Eskarina Ap'Morgravaine wrote:
Mr Hyde113 wrote:
As an outgoing member of CSM 11 who, along with Gorski, primarily focused on mechanics, balance, and small gang/solo issues, I must voice my strong opposition to the candidacy of rhiload, and urge those voters who care about these issues to instead back Suitonia, who is vastly more experienced and qualified, to fulfil this role on CSM 12. With the reduction in the number of CSM seats this year from 14 to 10, it is important that 'non-bloc' entities like the small gang/solo community further concentrate their top votes behind serious candidates that can bring a depth of understanding and experience to CCP on these topics, rather than wasting them on charlatans such as rhiload.

You know Suitonia is in CFC right? Non-Bloc??? What are you smoking Hyde?

uh look at the sov map fam CFC is kill