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New Dev Blog: CSM December summit – meeting minutes are out

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Malcorath Sacerdos
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#481 - 2012-01-20 11:21:15 UTC
Cash Stalker wrote:
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
He posed the question: "How do you build the initial relationships that will enable new players to stay in the game?"

my spontaneus reaction was : Newbie space.. ie Ultra HS that you can stay in relative safety during the first six months of your life in eve. kinda like how you seperate young fish from older ones by setting up a space where the older fish cant enter.

this gives firstly an even playing field . secondly it gives new players some where to learn the game.

ofc if the new player wants to leave early he can do so.

iv been saying this for a long time.
i have no ideal how pirates can even fly in hs Space.
i cant even get around without geting hit by pirates little lone newbe's.

my ideal for a nonpvp server like the test server would serve a vary good place for newbe's to play and learn the game.
they still have to deal with npc's tho.
and im not talking about going to the test server i mean makeing a server like it for non pvp so newbe's and builders can play.
no pirates to deal with just npc's.Big smile

That would be taking things to far.
One of the things that set eve apart is the single shard sandbox. And we dont need another trammeln. ( if you know what i mean ) all we need is a safe heaven where new players can learn the game get to know other new players, the idea of newbie incursions is a good one .
Cash Stalker
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#482 - 2012-01-20 11:37:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Cash Stalker
Halycon Gamma wrote:

No, just no. You are not thinking it through. Eve is built on two things, PVP and the Market. The market being the most important because the market hides PVP from you. If you did a Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon game on all the stuff you enjoy doing, somewhere, PVP happened to make it possible. So many systems would have to be ripped out, rewritten, and re-purposed that it would take years of rewriting to do what you want.

I understand you don't like getting blown up, no one does. But... your issue isn't PVP, your issue is when PVP happens to you, which are two very different things. Without even knowing it, every time you log on, PVP somewhere in the game has benefited you, even if you choose not to take part in it.

it wound not they already have what im talking about at the test server now. but that one is for testing mainly.
thats why i said a new non pvp server.
i have never like to pvp on any game.
im a builder on any game and eve is my fav.
whats is it to you if a nonpvp server was made you would still have the pvp server to play on.
you worryed someone may have fun?
Cash Stalker
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#483 - 2012-01-20 11:39:17 UTC
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
Cash Stalker wrote:
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
He posed the question: "How do you build the initial relationships that will enable new players to stay in the game?"

my spontaneus reaction was : Newbie space.. ie Ultra HS that you can stay in relative safety during the first six months of your life in eve. kinda like how you seperate young fish from older ones by setting up a space where the older fish cant enter.

this gives firstly an even playing field . secondly it gives new players some where to learn the game.

ofc if the new player wants to leave early he can do so.

iv been saying this for a long time.
i have no ideal how pirates can even fly in hs Space.
i cant even get around without geting hit by pirates little lone newbe's.

my ideal for a nonpvp server like the test server would serve a vary good place for newbe's to play and learn the game.
they still have to deal with npc's tho.
and im not talking about going to the test server i mean makeing a server like it for non pvp so newbe's and builders can play.
no pirates to deal with just npc's.Big smile

That would be taking things to far.
One of the things that set eve apart is the single shard sandbox. And we dont need another trammeln. ( if you know what i mean ) all we need is a safe heaven where new players can learn the game get to know other new players, the idea of newbie incursions is a good one .

once you are done with the nonpvp server you move to the pvp server.
what so hard about that?
what wrong with you people. O.o
Halycon Gamma
Caldari State
#484 - 2012-01-20 11:49:54 UTC
What we are saying Cash, is you cannot have EvE without PVP without a massive asset debt. For instance, did you know there are materials on the market that you might have bought to build things that only drop from a ship that died in PVP?

Or, who's going to buy all the things you build since ships aren't being lost, the market will quickly fill with things that no one needs? You won't be able to continue building things because you aren't making money off the things you build to be able to afford to buy mats to build new things.

Or, what you can build and sell will be very limited because there are ships that only work in PVP, they are utterly useless for PVE. There are entire classes of modules with the same issues.

To build a PVE only server, a lot of the things you deal with daily, without even knowing you deal with them, would have to rebuilt from the ground up. From introducing items that currently only drop from PVP only, all the way up to redesigning the entire combat model to make things that are currently useless for PVE to have meaning in that setting.

It is a massive debt that would have to be paid to make it possible, years of work.
Cash Stalker
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#485 - 2012-01-20 11:58:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Cash Stalker
Halycon Gamma wrote:
What we are saying Cash, is you cannot have EvE without PVP without a massive asset debt. For instance, did you know there are materials on the market that you might have bought to build things that only drop from a ship that died in PVP?

Or, who's going to buy all the things you build since ships aren't being lost, the market will quickly fill with things that no one needs? You won't be able to continue building things because you aren't making money off the things you build to be able to afford to buy mats to build new things.

Or, what you can build and sell will be very limited because there are ships that only work in PVP, they are utterly useless for PVE. There are entire classes of modules with the same issues.

To build a PVE only server, a lot of the things you deal with daily, without even knowing you deal with them, would have to rebuilt from the ground up. From introducing items that currently only drop from PVP only, all the way up to redesigning the entire combat model to make things that are currently useless for PVE to have meaning in that setting.

It is a massive debt that would have to be paid to make it possible, years of work.

look iv been messing with computers before you was born likey.
i had the first pc computer ever made as well everything else after that.
then i started building my own computers.
i have seen software come and go.
i dont need you to tell me what can and cant be done.
its likey ill be lucky if i even live 5 more years.
so all you nuts can wait 5 more years and then you can be happy im gone so lay off.
im not going away and ill never change my mind.
and im sure the hell know poeple are sick of hearing me and others bitchen about this.
Ang Min
CPD Adventures Pte. Ltd.
#486 - 2012-01-20 12:20:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Ang Min
Bent Barrel wrote:
Ang Min wrote:
Bent Barrel wrote:
long time ago on a different account I lived in IAC space ... it was quite fun and interesting to make hauler runs with stuff from highsec down to our systems. then came carriers and dreads as jump drive ships and were used for logistics. hauler runs stopped. however since the jump drive ships had limited cargo, freighter runs with escorts were done from time to time.

then came jump freighters and all the fun described above stopped.

remove jump freighters or make them only jump between jump bridges so that they can move a lot of things inside zerosec but not further. supply lines should matter again.

Baaaad idea. Without JF, you gimp Low Sec even more than it already is.

Please explain how that would happen. Carriers would be used instead of JFs. Sure they haul less, but before JFs, they were the main logistic transport and it worked.

You explained it - they haul less. A LOT LESS! As in, around 30 times more cargo in JF than carrier. (There's also the obvious limitation that carriers cannot go into High Sec.) And as someone else pointed out, what worked in the past is irrelevant - JF are fully entrenched in the game now, and to remove them would just wreak havoc on the economy and the supply of stuff to Low Sec.

I see where you're coming from though - you miss the fun of attacking the haulers and supply chains. But the fun does not have to stop because of JFs - in fact, I'd say theres much more fun to be had attacking the stuff that gets built with the supplies shipped in JFs. ;-)
#487 - 2012-01-20 12:26:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Raid'En
i forgot to comment on this :

Players should be able to train more than one pilot per account by paying for this privilege with PLEXes (page 30).

i've said it before ; i really want this.

i have 4 accounts, each account have 2 middle / high SP char, and 1 low SP char.

at first it was to have my WH citizens, and high sec alt at the same time, low SP being scout / prober...
now i have my nullsec PvP alts, and my high sec PvE alts, low SPs being scouts/wh check/cyno...

and sometimes i need to train 2 char on the same account. not always, but sometimes. for example with the tier3 BC, or before with PI. but may be not linked to expansion, like when fleet change shiptypes while i have others things to do.
and obviously i can't afford 8 accounts, it's hard enough currently to plex all that :P

i would gladly pay 2 plex to one accounts to skills 2 char at the same time for 1-2 months, when i need it.

we have to have the char placed on what you need to have online at the same time, not what you need to train. and that's the issue, and the why we could need these things.
moving a char takes 2 plex, and could also be 2 more if you want him to go back. so 4 months of gametime for that.... can't do it. but if i can active it with 1 plex only i will.

something i would like for example with the master account, would be more freedom with how we use our accounts ;
say i have 4 accounts, but want to train 2 char on 1 account, 2 char on another account, and 0 char on the others accounts. i would really like to be able to do this.

another option, but that may not be well received would be the possibility to have an account active, but no skills on training, for 1/2 plex. could be very useful.
Trebor Daehdoow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#488 - 2012-01-20 13:07:57 UTC
Misanth wrote:
* Time Dilation, while being a nice addition and a 'boost' to the game in general, only really benefit and affect blob warfare, noone else.

TiDi is just one -- very visible -- aspect of an encouraging increase in the amount of resources going into refactoring and improving the existing game. The latest manifestation of this is the EVE Service Quality team, which is currently focusing on the client.

TiDi was a very broad change that needed to be done for a lot of reasons, not just to support large blobfests. And there was a marketing aspect, given EVE's reputation for lag -- which is why it got a lot of PR and why it is so easy to forget some of the other things Team Gridlock did.

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
It's the "little" things like this that make a HUGE difference to those who actually engage in FW. The problem is, both the developers and the current CSM do not participate, and so it is no surprise that the big picture ideas that get brought forward basically entail emulating what makes nullsec fun for them, and bringing into our feature.

This is why it is so important for the devs to engage directly with the community, and the change in tone over the last 6 months has been very encouraging. I have been pushing, and will continue to push, for more engagement, and for the devs to go direct to the relevant communities and gather feedback.

It's just good business.

Private Citizen • CSM in recovery

Ang Min
CPD Adventures Pte. Ltd.
#489 - 2012-01-20 13:29:26 UTC
Sparkus Volundar wrote:
Dear CCP, CSM,

Starting on page 5, there is a discussion of ways to reward veteran players and generally loyalty.

To reward vets, I'd suggest closing the Character Bazaar and a corresponding tightening up on the systems to prevent buying of a character on E-Bay etc. The idea being that it would hopefully reward older players that are playing by making them a rarer thing. That should reduce power creep whilst at the same time, making older players with high skills have greater relative power.

I think the current system curtails a natural process of well-skilled pilots leaving Eve that could otherwise contribute positively.

Agreed and supported. Not only does the buying of 'toons cause power creep and reduce veteran rarity, it also seems to go against CCP's stated policy of not allowing people to use real money to gain advantage in the game.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#490 - 2012-01-20 13:42:54 UTC
Cash Stalker wrote:

look iv been messing with computers before you was born likey.
i had the first pc computer ever made as well everything else after that.
then i started building my own computers.

Hmm... so, does this make you always right or something?

If so, then I'm probably even more right (older) than you, and everyone here should just be agreeing with all of my posts, too.
Caldari State
#491 - 2012-01-20 14:25:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Psihius
I should say that I liked very much the idea of ability to train additional characters on my account at a price 1 PLEX per month per additional character. It's almost the same if I create one more account and pay it with PLEX, but with one positive and one negative effect (witch kind'a balances it out).

The positive effect is that I can train a character to a specific point and stop paying a PLEX when I decide that he does not require more training. In my own example - I have 4 accounts, deep in W-Space in a corp and I live there and have commited myself along with my corpmates and alliance. But I read about that "Red vs Blue" in the Empire and now wana join in (I don't have much PvP experience yet). Joining with my main (48 kk sp) or second char (70 kk sp) will be, well, rude I guess (there are tons of noobs in there - I don't wana take them down just because my ships can tank much better and shoot much better). So I create an alt on one of my accounts, train frigs/destroyers for a month-two by paying a PLEX and don't bother that I have to suspend training on my main character (main character allways is a priority).
Now thouse who say that I should create a new account - I wount. Because it's an additional account and it costs me money (or PLEX'es), but I do not need a fully functional account. I just want to relax and have fun - close all other accounts, re-log into this noob char and do my frig/destroyer thing from time to time. I just don't need that char training any skills beyond that,

Negative effect is that I can't use my main char, so it kind'a restricts me in this way - I fly one or other, not both like if I had two seperate accounts.

So I'm all OP for this - it would be very usefull and will create additional use for PLEX.
Ang Min
CPD Adventures Pte. Ltd.
#492 - 2012-01-20 15:33:02 UTC
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
Cash Stalker wrote:
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote: spontaneus reaction was : Newbie space.. ie Ultra HS that you can stay in relative safety during the first six months of your life in eve.... ideal for a nonpvp server like the test server would serve a vary good place for newbe's to play and learn the game.

That would be taking things to far. One of the things that set eve apart is the single shard sandbox....

No need for separate server (agreed that the single universe concept is one of Eve's strongest features)...instead, I think the ideal solution is to revamp the existing Security Level framework to make it function as (I believe) it was originally intended.

Currently, there are really only three "levels" of space, functionally speaking: High Sec, Low Sec, and Null Sec. The specific Security Levels within each category do not mean very much, other than in relation to player sec status. That is, there's not much difference between a .8 and a .9 system in High Sec, or between .4 and .3 systems in Low Sec. (again, sec status and anchoring issues not withstanding).

The system could be reworked such that the different levels have more granularity and meaning...for example, 1.0 systems could serve as the "Ultra HS" that Malcorath suggests. In 1.0, you should not even be able to target offensive weapons (other than in a training mission or simulator). And with no risks, there should of course be no rewards - 1.0 systems would have no astroid belts to mine, no rats to kill, little or no PI, and very high taxes on market transactions.

Next you move down to .9-.8 space, which would be similar to the current HS, in that offensive weapons can be used, war targets can be shot, etc. Concord response would be near instantaneous and absolute (no escaping, same as now). Rewards get a little better too - astroid belts with low end ore, some PI, lower market taxes, etc.

Moving to .6-.7, Concord reacts much more slowly, giving suicide gankers time for more than one volley (still no escaping for the aggressor though). Rewards increase with better ores in the belts, better PI, lower taxes, and belt rats start spawning.

In .4-.5, Concord reaction is even slower, AND you have a slight chance of escaping them if you're fast/strong/skilled enough. Rewards increase correspondingly - juicy 'roids, rats, PI, etc.

.2-.3 - Concord still reacts to unauthorized aggression, but slowly and with much less force - you may even be able to destroy some of the weaker Concord vessels and escape. Rewards are very high - nearly on par with Null Sec.

Finally, in .1 systems, there is no Concord response, with similar aggression mechanics to current Low Sec, except you're not prevented from jumping/docking with aggression. Gate/station guns would still fire.

0.0 would stay the same as it is today.

Well, this is a rough idea - can no doubt use some tweaking, and probably a lot I haven't thought about, but you get the idea. Make the Security Levels meaningful. I feel this would cater better to different player's styles and risk vs. reward threshold. :)
Karl Planck
Caldari State
#493 - 2012-01-20 16:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Karl Planck
^^ This idea is god aweful. Take it to F&I if you actually want to hear how bad of an idea that is.

*Edit: btw, while the hell is everyone posting in here like its F&I? No one is even commenting on the minutes themselves lol

I has all the eve inactivity

Karl Planck
Caldari State
#494 - 2012-01-20 16:18:50 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
It's the "little" things like this that make a HUGE difference to those who actually engage in FW. The problem is, both the developers and the current CSM do not participate, and so it is no surprise that the big picture ideas that get brought forward basically entail emulating what makes nullsec fun for them, and bringing into our feature.

This is why it is so important for the devs to engage directly with the community, and the change in tone over the last 6 months has been very encouraging. I have been pushing, and will continue to push, for more engagement, and for the devs to go direct to the relevant communities and gather feedback.

It's just good business.

Fair enough good sir, fair enough

I has all the eve inactivity

Cash Stalker
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#495 - 2012-01-20 16:30:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Cash Stalker
yall are trying your best to run me off.
i was about to quit eve when i found out i can stay on the test server as long as i follow the rules there.
witch is easy for me. non pvp there, only at testing time when he ask you to can you pvp.
you can fight all the npc's you want.
they dont even let anyone take others systems and so on.
now if they make it where the newbe can play safe and no pirates to worry about then newbe be ok on the pvp server.
as for me. i can only claim a system in null space.
so to say the least there no way i live to even fly there.
little lone claim a system to build in.
and builders have to own a system to build cap's and up
there is a lot you cant do unless you own a system.
you have to be in a alliance as well. or have your own alliance.
and you still have to have the skill to do that.
witch is a vary high skill.
so as long as there is pirates on the server i cant do a thing.
all my skills go to building.
even if i did like pvp i would not have the skills.
but im not wasting my points on pvp skills.
so even if they dont make a non pvp server i guess ill have to live with building on the test server.
at least i can help there finding builder bugs. when im not helping with tests.
true there is more pvp players then non pvp.
but they need a place for players to play with out haveing to worry about pirates.
everyone i know quit over that.
and as i said i almost did.
#496 - 2012-01-20 18:09:24 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:
This is why it is so important for the devs to engage directly with the community, and the change in tone over the last 6 months has been very encouraging. I have been pushing, and will continue to push, for more engagement, and for the devs to go direct to the relevant communities and gather feedback.

It's just good business.

I think everyone's frustrated that we finally got CCP to focus on what made this game great (FiS). They're actually fixing stuff at an almost alarming rate. Things are finally starting to work. The players, in spite of themselves, starting to actually hope again...

... and then an all-nullsec CSM tries to shift CCP's focus towards their own desires.

As a previous poster mentioned, for the first time in years I have faith in the playerbase. And my faith in CCP is growing. But after seeing these minutes, I cannot help but believe the CSM is the biggest threat to this game.

WipeOut Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#497 - 2012-01-20 19:26:50 UTC
especially the drake nerf
the caldari will loose one of there pvp ships and only the tengu will remain viable to the caldari race

what a shame
first the galente completly useless and now the caldari too
Plus 10 NV
#498 - 2012-01-20 19:59:52 UTC
Karl Planck wrote:
^^ This idea is god aweful. Take it to F&I if you actually want to hear how bad of an idea that is.

*Edit: btw, while the hell is everyone posting in here like its F&I? No one is even commenting on the minutes themselves lol

Everyone thinks the devs will read this so they are pulling out every two bit idea they ever had.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Iwas There
#499 - 2012-01-20 22:04:55 UTC
Is the capital drive "spool up" supposed to apply also to jump freighters? That would be a crippling blow to lowsec logistics, as JF pilot could easily get camped in station by a single frigate with point... What?
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#500 - 2012-01-20 22:38:51 UTC
Trebor Daehdoow wrote:

This is why it is so important for the devs to engage directly with the community, and the change in tone over the last 6 months has been very encouraging. I have been pushing, and will continue to push, for more engagement, and for the devs to go direct to the relevant communities and gather feedback.

It's just good business.

Thank you Trebor. It is encouraging to know at least one of the current council members feels this way. I can't speak for other sub-communities, but at least with Faction Warfare the general wishes / desires of those who have paid to engage in that feature all these years should be pretty clear by now. That was the point of consolidating feedback into the threadnought, encouraging the community to keep their comments into the one thread for convenience purposes, and directly contacting the council with our wishes for the future. That, combined with the strong, almost unanimous opposition to the proposed plan discussed in the summit minutes, means that there is now officially no excuse for CCP or the CSM, for that matter, to say "we didn't know".

All is laid out on the table for the developers to see. We will no doubt keep the debates going (not all of us agree on the details, even if we all agree that FW is about small-scale, frequent PvP and not about Alliance emulation.) but part of that is that the discussions continue to generate some really solid solutions and ideas. The Dev's don't have to pull ideas out of a vacuum - players have already generated many excellent solutions worthy of discussion.

CCP Developers have all the tools in front of them they need to fully restore FW to its original vision and glory - a haven for casual, easy to get into, frequent PvP skirmishes, without the hassle and resource management needed to operate at the Alliance level. Whether they listen to us at this point is on them.

You are absolutely right, this is all about good business in the end - there are a couple thousand subscriptions that are dedicated FW players, and many more that are biding their time to see if CCP makes the right move and develops the feature with respect to what is important to the community. Countless more have quit the game waiting for this to come around, and might come back if FW gets fixed properly.

I hope CCP thinks about the isk, in the end - and realizes they just can't afford NOT to listen to their paying customers and propose plans for the future that ultimately will alienate the devoted pilots who have put the time into making FW fun all these years.

CCP probably feels they ARE listening to the community by hearing out the CSM. I just hope that they understand that like you said, sometimes even the CSM doesn't have the answers and that there's other experts they can rely on for advice within the community.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary