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Burner Mission - Ship advice to solo them including fittings

First post
Chainsaw Plankton
#1261 - 2017-01-03 18:16:10 UTC
all the team burner missions can be done in the same ship. look for the polarized rocket garmur, I fit ecm to mine, I've found the ECM fit to be pretty consistent however you can have bad RNG streaks, so some people are just fitting straight up dps fits. It is very easy to swap between the two fits if you want to play with both and figure out what you want.

for the atomic agents I think the daredevil is best bang for buck ship, can be fit to run most of them, but uses armor and hybrids rather than missile/shields. hawk might work for a few, I'm worried about EM damage though. It is my go to ship for the serpentis agent.

atomic base missions are pretty different, pretty sure you will want a unique ship for each. For the serpentis version vagabond is my favorite, but that is mostly due to the high base speed so it can move between the 3 talos quickly. but caldari/gallente hacs should also work thanks to the high kin/therm resists, I started running it with a deimos, think a cerb or eagle should work. The vigilant can run the angel version very well, not really sure on alt fits. I typically don't run the gurista or blood versions. They just got too annoying for not a high enough payout.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1262 - 2017-01-04 00:29:31 UTC
drozh wrote:
Many thanks for this guide and fits.

I didnt read every post, so soory if it was asked and answered before.

I didn't try any burner before, so I want to test it now. But, I am not able to habe a special fit for every mission, so here the question: Is it possible to do all the Berner with one or two different ships? I'm Caldary, so I would prefer missiles and shields.


Assuming you have good missile/rocket skills (a safe assumption being Caldari, no?) your easiest entry path into burners will probably be the team burners, as Chainsaw suggested, and the Serpentis agent (Daredevil). Here's why:

- The de facto best practice (yes some people use other ships) is to use a Garmur for the teams and a Hawk for the Serpentis DD. In both cases, you'll want to have Caldari Frigate at level 5 (in the latter case it's required). So you can focus on that early and be running these 5 more effectively while training up for the other missions.
- Mastering the team burners let's you do 4 of the 13 burner missions -- nobody ever does the Gursistas base, so call it 12 missions and that's fully 33% of all the burner missions. Add in the Serpentis DD and that's almost 42%.
- Team burners, and maybe the Serpentis DD depending on your choice of webifiers, are cheap and easy to try out on the test server to test your skills and fits. More on this below.
- The Serpentis DD is one of the few agent missions that is generally shield-tanked (playing into your strengths as a Caldari)

About the test server:

Early on it's a pretty good idea to try some of these out to get the feel for them before spending serious ISK on Tranquility. Trust me - you can burn thru a LOT of ISK fast getting up to speed (<-- voice of experience LOL). I will admit though, they're just not as fun on the test server without the element of risk.

A few tips and commands:

- /omega sets you to omega clone state
- /copyskills copies all your skills from your current character to your test character so you don't have to bother training
- /copyships once a day this will copy ALL your ships (and fitted modules) to 6-CZ49. Usable once every 24 hours.
- All ships and non-DED/Faction modules cost 100 isk
- If you have some DED/Faction you want to use on test, put them in the cargohold of a ship and use /copyships to bring them over the next day. You can do this multiple days in a row to build up a nice stash. Or buy them on the test market - but some are hard to find.
- Try not to break your standings with an agent by declining too many missions. But if you do, don't worry about it and go on to another one (initially they will all speak to you -- if not, try /booststandings)

Hope this helps, and good luck!
Boutz McCool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1263 - 2017-01-04 02:24:42 UTC
so these burner mission ships are outside the realm of normal game mechanics or what? I had two %55 webs on s dramiel escort and it was still orbiting at over 3000 m/s. That would make their normal speed at least 12,000 m/s...

Is this a game bug or is CCP just changing basic mechanics in random places and not even telling us?
Boutz McCool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1264 - 2017-01-04 02:33:05 UTC
on a differnt note, Is the brutix navy not as viable as a vigilant for the escort dramiel angel burner mission?
The brut doesnt have as much dps but way more tank, slots and fit. Speed isnt much an issue w this mission since theres no way you dictate range in anything.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1265 - 2017-01-04 02:46:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Clennel
Boutz McCool wrote:
on a differnt note, Is the brutix navy not as viable as a vigilant for the escort dramiel angel burner mission?
The brut doesnt have as much dps but way more tank, slots and fit. Speed isnt much an issue w this mission since theres no way you dictate range in anything.

I don't think a Battlecruiser class ship will get thru the gate. Never tried though. Regardless, the Vigilant is generally preferred for the awesome bonus to stasis webifiers. (10% per level -- level 5 and your 55% webbers would have been effectively 82.5 (not sure about any stacking penalty))
Boutz McCool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1266 - 2017-01-04 04:00:27 UTC
Clennel wrote:
Boutz McCool wrote:
on a differnt note, Is the brutix navy not as viable as a vigilant for the escort dramiel angel burner mission?
The brut doesnt have as much dps but way more tank, slots and fit. Speed isnt much an issue w this mission since theres no way you dictate range in anything.

I don't think a Battlecruiser class ship will get thru the gate. Never tried though. Regardless, the Vigilant is generally preferred for the awesome bonus to stasis webifiers. (10% per level -- level 5 and your 55% webbers would have been effectively 82.5 (not sure about any stacking penalty))

They can...
yea, I didnt expect the drams to violate all known game laws so thought 2 normal webs + tracking enhancer would be sufficient. Given situation, vigi prob best.
Boutz McCool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1267 - 2017-01-04 07:48:41 UTC
ok, something officially broken. Just dropped the wad on a vigilant. Fit and ran site exactly as recommended in this thread and youtube vid, even added an extra web to be safe. The dram was frozen at 40 m/s, I hit it maybe a few times, didnt even get through shield.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#1268 - 2017-01-04 09:49:40 UTC
Boutz McCool wrote:
ok, something officially broken. Just dropped the wad on a vigilant. Fit and ran site exactly as recommended in this thread and youtube vid, even added an extra web to be safe. The dram was frozen at 40 m/s, I hit it maybe a few times, didnt even get through shield.

minmatar cruiser at V ? 60% webs ? if you not get the full 90 % bonus u will have trouble to hit them due the small signature. they should be something like 13 m/s.
Takh Meir'noen
24th Imperial Recon
#1269 - 2017-01-05 14:09:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Takh Meir'noen
So... Burner Agent Guristas. I don't have the DPS to kill him, he doesn't have the DPS to kill me. How far do I have to fly before he gives up? I thought people said if you get 250k away from the beacon they'll leave, but I'm currently 366k and climbing from it and he's still lobbing one ineffective missile after another into me. Will he ever give up and leave?

Since I'm cap stable and not overheating, could I just logoffski? It should just fly for 5 minutes then warp to safe right?
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#1270 - 2017-01-05 16:21:33 UTC
Takh Meir'noen wrote:
So... Burner Agent Guristas. I don't have the DPS to kill him, he doesn't have the DPS to kill me. How far do I have to fly before he gives up? I thought people said if you get 250k away from the beacon they'll leave, but I'm currently 366k and climbing from it and he's still lobbing one ineffective missile after another into me. Will he ever give up and leave?

Since I'm cap stable and not overheating, could I just logoffski? It should just fly for 5 minutes then warp to safe right?

with 366km away you are right on the edge. what did you use? you need at least ~ 250 dps for the worm.

how about your vengeance against the cruor? did it function?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1271 - 2017-01-05 17:56:55 UTC
Takh Meir'noen wrote:
. . .

Since I'm cap stable and not overheating, could I just logoffski? It should just fly for 5 minutes then warp to safe right?

You just have to get out of his warp scramble range - regardless of whether he's still shooting -- then warp away.
Takh Meir'noen
24th Imperial Recon
#1272 - 2017-01-05 18:40:22 UTC
Okay. So, he's faster than me. A lot faster. I actually went to work and left it flying towards the stargate. I just remoted into my home computer and I'm now 5866 km from the warp-in beacon, with a Burner Worm still orbitting me at 39k, blasting away with scourge missiles ineffectively.

My understanding had been that if you get far enough away from the warp-in point the burner will eventually reset and leave. I'm now getting a friend to--OMFG LOL

Literally as I was typing this the burner turned around and flew off. I'M FREE!

So... about 5900ish km before he gave up!

LOL I was about to have my buddy hop in a buffer tanked merlin with WCSs in the lows to get and aggro switch so I could get out.

So that only took about 4 hours to get away. hahahah

And I haven't gotten the Cruor mission yet, so I haven't been able to test it.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1273 - 2017-01-07 16:41:18 UTC
Clennel wrote:
Kubera Vaisravana wrote:
Just reporting back some recent experience.

I would advise against using the T2 flare rig on the Garmur unless you can reach 28k with a missile range implant. It's fine for all of the burners except for the Jaguar, as when orbiting at 25km the Bursts are almost always 27-28k off.

The Mjolnir Javelin rockets address the range problems against the Jaguar's logi.

Just a final thought and then I'll shut up about team burners (for a while P) : I finally got around to finishing up Rocket Specialization 5. That raised my DPS from 224 to 229. And while that doesn't seem like a lot, I no longer even think about overheating my guns. Nice steady decrease in their defenses. (at least on the Caldari and Gallente versions I've tried so far)
Anize Oramara
#1274 - 2017-01-08 03:33:35 UTC
The reason why a small increase in dps makes such a huge difference for burners is because of how high their tank is. If it has, say, a tank of 210 dps, you are effectively only hitting it with 14 dps if you're doing 224. now if you increase that by 5 dps you increased the speed at witch you finish the burner by over 30% instead of say, the 2% the 5 dps actually is. that is why even the smallest increase through lv V skills or implants makes a big difference with burners.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Althalus Stenory
Flying Blacksmiths
#1275 - 2017-01-08 19:33:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Althalus Stenory
It looks like the jaguar burner team is able to hit you at >20km: I was orbiting @24km and got hit once ( )
A corpmate once lost his garmur to the jaguar too while orbiting at 30km with an ECM garmur.

Did this already happened to someone else ?

EsiPy - Python 2.7 / 3.3+ Swagger Client based on pyswagger for ESI

Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#1276 - 2017-01-08 19:34:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ploing
Althalus Stenory wrote:
It looks like the jaguar burner team is able to hit you at >20km: I was orbiting @24km and got hit once ( )
A corpmate once lost his garmur to the jaguar too while orbiting at 30km with an ECM garmur.

Did this already happened to someone else ?

yes it´s a known fact but at 30 they never hit before.
United Special Forces
#1277 - 2017-01-08 19:36:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Hoedur
Hi all,

I have read the forum several times, but I think some of the fittings are outdated.

I just lost my ship in the Mission "Anomic Base" with the Burner Ashimmu and the Sentinel. It was a cheap fitting without faction items, except the cheap thermal amplifier.

[Gila, ☣ Base - Blood Raider Burner (Ashimu)]
Ballistic Control System II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II

EM Ward Amplifier II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Pithum C-Type Thermal Dissipation Amplifier
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II

Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
[Empty High slot]
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II
Rapid Light Missile Launcher II

Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II
Medium Core Defense Field Purger II

Hobgoblin I x4
Vespa I x8

Caldari Navy Scourge Light Missile x6400
Caldari Navy Inferno Light Missile x3200

There are many videos with this fitting, but i was far away to finish the mission. I killed 1 Sentinel and the 2nd only to 75% armor. Then my ship was destroyed. The most fittings have 3 Drone Damage Amplifier and 1 Ballistic Control System, but the Gila has now only 3 low slots, so i decided to use 2 DDA and 1 BCS. I choose the 4 Hobgoblin to kill the Sentinel. But the incoming dps was to high, and most of my skills are lvl. 5.

So. what did I wrong? Do I have to use tech 2 Drones or only the medium ones for the Sentinel? I thought the light Drones can hit the Sentinel frigs better then the medium Drones.
The incoming damage was to high, I don't think that the Drones helps a lot. BTW, my Drones didn't get agro and in the mission info is written:
They also sport extremely effective tracking disruptors and have been seen supporting their leader by destroying any hostile drones they see.

Thank you very much for your help, I hope I can finish this mission next time.

greetings Hoedur

EDIT: I found the solution IdeaBig smile
The Gila has Role Bonus to Medium Combat Drones, i used for the Sentinel Light Scout Drones. I thought the Light Combat Drones can hit the Sentinel frigs better, but I lost the Role Bonus and so my ship UghUgh
Althalus Stenory
Flying Blacksmiths
#1278 - 2017-01-08 19:38:27 UTC
Ploing wrote:
Althalus Stenory wrote:
It looks like the jaguar burner team is able to hit you at >20km: I was orbiting @24km and got hit once ( )
A corpmate once lost his garmur to the jaguar too while orbiting at 30km with an ECM garmur.

Did this already happened to someone else ?

yes it´s a known fact but at 30 they never hit before.


Another thing that I believe is weird, it's that it was a wrecking shot lol
19:23:27 Combat 1386 from Burner Jaguar - Wrecks

EsiPy - Python 2.7 / 3.3+ Swagger Client based on pyswagger for ESI

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1279 - 2017-01-08 20:20:31 UTC
Althalus Stenory wrote:
Ploing wrote:
Althalus Stenory wrote:
It looks like the jaguar burner team is able to hit you at >20km: I was orbiting @24km and got hit once ( )
A corpmate once lost his garmur to the jaguar too while orbiting at 30km with an ECM garmur.

Did this already happened to someone else ?

yes it´s a known fact but at 30 they never hit before.


Another thing that I believe is weird, it's that it was a wrecking shot lol
19:23:27 Combat 1386 from Burner Jaguar - Wrecks

Wrecking shots are the only thing that the Jaguar can get you with. And they do indeed seem to ignore the range rules. Fortunately they are quite rare. Think I only see *one* every couple of weeks or so.
Boutz McCool
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1280 - 2017-01-08 20:21:36 UTC
Ploing wrote:
Boutz McCool wrote:
ok, something officially broken. Just dropped the wad on a vigilant. Fit and ran site exactly as recommended in this thread and youtube vid, even added an extra web to be safe. The dram was frozen at 40 m/s, I hit it maybe a few times, didnt even get through shield.

minmatar cruiser at V ? 60% webs ? if you not get the full 90 % bonus u will have trouble to hit them due the small signature. they should be something like 13 m/s.

I've heard the radius is anywhere from 11m to 13m. **Does anyone know for sure what it actually is??** A few m makes a huge difference here.

After more research, of course my main issue was not understanding the ships have magic stats, should have known. Like many, I consider this a total rubbish way to make them 'difficult' but it is what it is. Just like the old days of figuring out how the programmer tried to simply compensate for crap AI (usually stats), then spamming around it. Nothings changed.