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The EVE Store Is Back Online!

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Keno Skir
#81 - 2016-11-30 21:59:24 UTC
£3999.95 shipping for an EvE postcard, very reasonable please screw us over some more.
Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#82 - 2016-12-01 18:28:34 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
As announced in this news article the EVE Store is back online.

At this point in time we have a few products on offer while we make sure that distribution and billing is working without any usability issues, then from there we'll look at add more and more swag to the store going forward.

We're currently looking at expanding the inventory of merchandise, and we'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on what kind of EVE Swag you'd like to see for sale.

Feel free to post in this thread with your comments, feedback and suggestions for stuff you'd like to see on sale.

You can find the store over at STORE.EVE.COM

No thank you. Shipping costs are beyond ridiculous.
Danika Princip
Goonswarm Federation
#83 - 2016-12-03 18:20:22 UTC
Soyatyin Aikuro wrote:

They seem to have nerfed the shippings prices a bit

Blood Raiders Travel Mug
Shipping & Handling
Grand Total (Excl.Tax)

Now the shipping cost on a $23 t-shirt is a mere $22.50. Only double the price of shipping from any other US based t-shirt store, not quadruple. Real bargain this. Roll
Tora Hokori
Wargasm Inc
#84 - 2016-12-05 16:17:55 UTC
Raalic wrote:
A $9 mug costs $71.80 to ship to Australia. A $20 shirt even more.
That's a pretty firm kick in the pants, guys.

Could it have been made in the same factory that manufactures japanese designer jeans? Hahahaha

I crack me up.
Exotic Dancers Union
#85 - 2016-12-07 18:50:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Rovinia
Allready filled my shopping cart and than saw the Shipment costs to Europe....

Nope, if i want to be scamed, i log in on my Jita trader Blink

I understand that shipment across the ocean has it's cost, but it's over the top even for that.
Bekka Jai
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2016-12-18 23:49:01 UTC
Ok, dumb question time: Where can I get a t-shirt (women's preferably) with the Eve-Online logo? I'm not looking for anything factional or with insidery in-game logos or jokes, just the classic logo on a t-shirt.

I can't find one for sale anywhere. You'd think this is would be the most basic swag you'd be able to find on sale somewhere, wouldn't you?

Thanks for any help.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#87 - 2016-12-19 14:06:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Bekka Jai wrote:
Ok, dumb question time: Where can I get a t-shirt (women's preferably) with the Eve-Online logo? I'm not looking for anything factional or with insidery in-game logos or jokes, just the classic logo on a t-shirt.

I can't find one for sale anywhere. You'd think this is would be the most basic swag you'd be able to find on sale somewhere, wouldn't you?

Thanks for any help.

It doesn't exists as a legal item. But certain places like the one where Rixx Javixx set up his store (see my message above) are known for having all sorts of things using popular IPs in ilegal ways. Not that I recommend it as forged IP products are usually of the lowest quality, and that's one of the reasons why some people have been pestering CCP about setting up a legal store.

As for why there's no "EVE logo on..." swag, ah, that's CCP. You'll get used to it.
#88 - 2016-12-20 08:30:21 UTC
I also thought about getting some EvE-Merch for christmas, but the shipping-costs are way to HIGH. Sad
Abyss Azizora
Amarr Empire
#89 - 2016-12-20 11:00:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Abyss Azizora
The selection is still awful, I still have a ton of eve merchandise from the past eve store incarnation, and they were far more interesting with 1/3rd the shipping and handling costs.

At the moment I'm not even remotely interested by anything in the store. (Give us updated ship models for sale, I'd love an updated apocalypse battleship model for my computer desk.) Oh and more empire faction stuff and less pirate faction crap.

You know your doing it wrong when 3rd party sellers are making and selling better eve merchandise than the people who own and run the game.
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#90 - 2016-12-20 15:30:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Algarion Getz
Shirt costs 19.99€
Shipping costs 23€ (cheapest option)


Buying a similar black shirt and printing the EVE logo on it myself costs me less than 15€.
Vic Vorlon
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#91 - 2016-12-22 19:44:31 UTC
Bekka Jai wrote:
Ok, dumb question time: Where can I get a t-shirt (women's preferably) with the Eve-Online logo? I'm not looking for anything factional or with insidery in-game logos or jokes, just the classic logo on a t-shirt.

I can't find one for sale anywhere. You'd think this is would be the most basic swag you'd be able to find on sale somewhere, wouldn't you?

Thanks for any help.

Good news on that - I emailed the people at the store when I bought some of the merchandise they have now, and they were kind enough to tell me that a plain shirt with the eve logo on it is in production and should hit the store soon. This was 2-3 weeks ago.

I totally agree with you - they should have started with something like that, not in-jokes and whatever the hell Lacrimix is supposed to be.
Thufir Hawaatt
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2016-12-26 11:28:40 UTC
I miss the old eve shop circa 2006. Metal keychains of each factions symbol, t shirts with faction symbols, models, cool posters etc etc. The current lineup is pretty lame, the only faction stuff you have are stickers. I also miss the musterbrand eve stuff, inparticular the concord ops jacket and the faction velcro basically what i'd like to purchase is faction merch...t/polol shirts, patches, keychains etc etc Pirate
Thufir Hawaatt
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2017-01-10 11:23:59 UTC
@ CCP Falcon

Hi there, any word on when faction merch will be available from the online store? I've tried the eve support email address and they weren't even aware that the store was open, let alone when it will sell items that people might actually wantPirate
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#94 - 2017-01-10 11:45:29 UTC
9 USD coffee mug ... with a 35 USD shipping cost?!

Keep dreaming!
Tiberius Zol
#95 - 2017-01-11 13:22:31 UTC
No further reaction from CCP. It's dead (again), Jim.

Mr. Tibbers on twitter: @Mr_Tibbers

Mr. Tibbers Blog:

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#96 - 2017-01-21 04:17:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Meryl SinGarda
I know this might have been asked, but can we get a women's t-shirt?

edit: nvm there was more stuff to click
Anke Eyrou
Hades Sisters
#97 - 2017-01-24 09:36:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Anke Eyrou
I apologise if this has already been mentioned but is anyone else getting page error not found when the click on link in the picture shown in the launcher?

I expect to get this post deleted or locked. So much for freedom of expression.

Valenas Grayson
Operation Grayskull
#98 - 2017-01-24 14:01:18 UTC
Black EVE Hoodie!!!
Also my GF demands more girl- stuff ;)
Shalia Ripper
#99 - 2017-01-24 19:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Shalia Ripper
Highly disappointed with the contents of the store. CCP needs to rollback to the way the store was about 6-7 years ago.

Maybe I mean 10, I lose track of time easily.

Sig blah blah blah blah

Ezra Endashi
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#100 - 2017-01-27 13:34:34 UTC
CCP please do something about shipping costs. I'm in EU zone and shipping costs are crazy high. They exceed item price by 2x or more Sad