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[December] Ending the deployment of new outposts and upgrades

First post
Comms Black
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2016-12-07 18:08:27 UTC
Dont you just love confusion :) Lol

We as players always talk about stations and POS's , CCP talks about Outposts and Control Towers.
It's just what you are used to use in the game.

🌟 Playing with spaceships since 2003, serious business! 🚀

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#22 - 2016-12-07 18:12:08 UTC
StarRanger wrote:
Dont you just love confusion :) Lol

We as players always talk about stations and POS's , CCP talks about Outposts and Control Towers.
It's just what you are used to use in the game.

They're not really stations, though. They're outposts. If you called them stations, they would be conflated with conquerable stations, which are another thing that exists.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Circumstantial Evidence
#23 - 2016-12-07 18:41:42 UTC
CCP Fozzie, while you are removing some obsolete gear, can you take a look at SBU's ? The NPC buy orders have run their course. I think you once proposed to convert all existing SBU's and their BPO's into TCU's.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#24 - 2016-12-07 18:50:09 UTC
Corsica Wind wrote:
This form for reimburstment, will it be for the market value of where we are located in EVE or a general payment (averaged) for each Outpost?

Nothing? They're probably not being removed any time soon. You just won't be able to place new ones.

If they do eventually remove them, I'd be surprised if there's any reimbursement (unlike POS).

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

ckif Ormand
NeoCorteX Industry
No Value
#25 - 2016-12-07 20:13:36 UTC
Привет куда девать посы будут ли компенсировать их ?
Industrial Spy Network
#26 - 2016-12-07 20:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: bringrainfire
what will happen to all the slaves needed to build amarr outposts?

and also all the other materials that are needed. there will be no reason to shoot up convoys in highsec anymore.
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2016-12-07 21:14:14 UTC
Bubba Freedom wrote:
are we getting replacements for these soon? The question no one has asked while complaining is if/when the replacements will be here

You mean the Citadels we've had for a few months now?

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Allus Nova
#28 - 2016-12-07 22:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Allus Nova
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey everyone.

As we announced in the Engineering Complex dev blog in October, the upcoming release on December 13th will remove the ability to deploy new Outposts and Outpost Upgrades in New Eden. This is a small first step in the long-term plan to gradually replace these legacy structures with newer Upwell technology. Any Outposts and Outpost upgrades deployed/installed before the December 13th downtime will continue to operate as normal and will not have any bonuses or functionality removed at this time.

As part of this release we are also ending the NPC market seeding of Outpost Construction Platform blueprints, Outpost Improvement Platforms and Outpost Upgrade Platforms, and it will no longer be possible to build new Outpost Construction Platforms. Any remaining blueprints and items in these groups that are not consumed before the December 13th downtime will be eligible for a form of reimbursement in the future. More information about this reimbursement plan will be provided at a later date.

If you or your alliance plans to deploy a new outpost or outpost upgrade, we urge you to do so before December 13th.

This thread will serve as the place to ask questions. Thanks!

Fozzie...PLEASE don't **** with stations until Citadels are actually fully working. We have no insurance, repairs don't work inside, there are bugs with repairs to things like drones while tethered, and remote contracts don't work.
Cade Windstalker
#29 - 2016-12-07 22:30:04 UTC
I'm really not sure why people are getting so bent out of shape over this, Outposts are currently indestructible as are the upgrades, and new outposts are deployed fairly rarely as-is. All the existing stuff will remain in place as well, so nothing is being removed, they're just stopping new stuff from being put up.
Padre Aldan
Gemini Talon
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#30 - 2016-12-07 23:04:23 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
This thread will serve as the place to ask questions. Thanks!

Thank you, Fozzie, for the interesting and invaluable information on this, the hard work of your team and yourself is appreciated, as always.

A quick question (and I apologise if it has been answered elsewhere) but any idea how the defunct outpost skill will be dealt with, will it be refunded like other now surplus skills?

I am one of the lucky "elite" (Ugh) few who has the 'Outpost Construction' skill and wonder if it will have any use in the times to come.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#31 - 2016-12-07 23:25:52 UTC
Padre Aldan wrote:

I am one of the lucky "elite" (Ugh) few who has the 'Outpost Construction' skill and wonder if it will have any use in the times to come.

It's needed for Citadel construction and deployment already.
Lady Ayeipsia
#32 - 2016-12-08 00:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Ayeipsia
So what happens to the outpost construction skill?

Let me edit this for clarification. Currently, the skill is required at level one to build citadels. However, you originally needed level V for certain outpost upgrades. Will there ever be a need for level V? I could not find a way in the UI that it benefited construction time or anything, so my apologies if I missed something.
Old and Petrified Syndication
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#33 - 2016-12-08 01:44:22 UTC
Dreamer Targaryen wrote:
With the removal of the ability to deploy new outposts now, you also remove the ability "get" those things, if you don't already own an outpost. Wouldn't it be more practical to take that away from us once there is already some sort of replacement for it instead of now?

None of the current Outposts are having the insurance, repair, or index effects removed. They are still in game and will continue to still be in game until the actual deployed structures themselves are removed. So until CCP announces they are removing Outposts from EVE, you still have these services.

That said: CCP, we would really like it if we could insure, internal repair, and otherwise have all the benefits of an Outpost with Citadels.

Elenahina wrote:
Bubba Freedom wrote:
are we getting replacements for these soon? The question no one has asked while complaining is if/when the replacements will be here

The replacements are here - they're called Citadels.

Opinions about whether they're an adequate replacement seem to vary wildly depending on who you ask, what day of the week it is, and how many hamsters are currently taking a poop on TQ.

Almost made the same comment, then noted they were not talking about the structure but certain services.

Cloaking is the closest thing to a "Pause Game" button one can get while in space.

Support better localization for the Japanese Community.

Uta Benigna
Grim Gambler
#34 - 2016-12-08 06:55:51 UTC
So what about the "outpost construction" skill? will i get the SP back? I've had skilled it to V, so it's quite an investment of time for me that's now completely useless.
CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#35 - 2016-12-08 10:51:14 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Lebowski
Thanks for all the responses everyone!

Without going into timescales or the nitty gritty details, I can say that we still plan to ensure that new structures (Citadels, Engineering Complexes and beyond) reach full feature parity with POS's and Outposts before we remove either of them.

As the original post mentioned, plans for reimbursement will be announced when we're closer to the time.

Thanks again!

CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


#36 - 2016-12-08 12:15:47 UTC
So this means ship insurance is been moved to High Sec and Low Sec only now?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2016-12-08 12:45:06 UTC
Tom Stonehoof wrote:
We had the summer of rage (2012), guess it's time for the winter of passive aggressiveness/Mild Rage (2016).

This is basically Incarna all over again in regards to resource allocation and implementing features that the player base has had rather vocal opposition to.

The major difference here is that Incarna wasn't necessary to the long term growth of the game - this is because of the amount of crap that's mired in the legacy code behind outposts and POSes and how they're managed. Legacy code that CCP apparently no longer has the people skills to effectively deal with - most likely due to employee attrition combined with poor documentation. In cases like that, the best thing to do is to replace the code with something that's easier to maintain and less spaghettified.

This has been coming for years - the systems behind outposts and POSes are antiquated and in the eight years I've been playing, CCP has not managed to make a change to those systems without seriously horking something up and causing more issues than they fixed. I'm ok with the game moving forward without them.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Tom Stonehoof
Infinite Point Systems
Silver Dragonz
#38 - 2016-12-08 13:05:45 UTC
On a related side note, can we please fix the EvE Gate usage while docked in a citadel? It would be nice if I could log in there directly, change characters, read my mail and answer it without having to constantly bounce back and forth to the forums which is a whole separate entity it seems these days, and going back to gate to check my mail? This was promised to be fixed around the same time in citadel contracts was promised to be fixed and the "workaround" that this supposedly is, is nothing more than a poor excuse of a "temporary fix".
CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#39 - 2016-12-08 13:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Lebowski
Acedia wrote:
So this means ship insurance is been moved to High Sec and Low Sec only now?
Except that:

- Outposts aren't going anywhere in the near future.
- Our plan is to reach feature parity before they are removed.
- NPC Null allows for insurance outside of Empire space.

Tom Stonehoof wrote:
At one point we had weekly "expansion patches" until they realized the players didn't want this and it was alienating them by having massive downloads each week.
This was never promised or attempted, please don't spread untruths. Monthly patches were promised and continue to be delivered (Though we have tended back towards grouping things together for larger releases and having smaller releases in between)

Tom Stonehoof wrote:
There are changes that much of the playerbase did not think relevant to the gameplay or longevity of this game.
If you could point me towards all this negative sentiment towards removing POS's and Outposts I'd be very interested to read it. For what I've seen the response have been mostly understanding.

CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


Tom Stonehoof
Infinite Point Systems
Silver Dragonz
#40 - 2016-12-08 14:27:01 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
CCP Lebowski wrote:

Tom Stonehoof wrote:
At one point we had weekly "expansion patches" until they realized the players didn't want this and it was alienating them by having massive downloads each week.

CCP Lebowski wrote:
This was never promised or attempted, please don't spread untruths. Monthly patches were promised and continue to be delivered (Though we have tended back towards grouping things together for larger releases and having smaller releases in between)

1) Never insult one of your players.
2) Never insult the intelligence of one of your players
3) If you're going to insult one of your players, be prepared for them to fire back with your company's own disclosures from fanfest, fanfest keynotes, all sponsored eve gatherings.

On May 6, 2014 at their yearly Fanfest convention, CCP announced the move from the current development cycle of two expansions per year, to ten expansions per year on a rapid release cycle of six weeks per expansion.[159] In September 2015, CCP announced that while the five week release cycle would be maintained for content such as quality of life changes, ship balance changes, visual upgrades, new ship skins and storyline developments, they would also be bringing back expansions: Source =

So yes, it wasn't weekly, but it was more frequent, and had been an excuse for a brief period to attempt to push content faster and created much dislike in the general population. Hence the fallback to now include the old patch/expansion scheduling as well.

Tom Stonehoof wrote:
There are changes that much of the playerbase did not think relevant to the gameplay or longevity of this game.
If you could point me towards all this negative sentiment towards removing POS's and Outposts I'd be very interested to read it. For what I've seen the response have been mostly understanding.

Have you not read this thread? And are you still continuing to insult your playerbase by playing the fool? Welcome to the winter of rage.

Edit: I can't unscrew this quoting mess since I can only quote 5 times per post. So people will have to be smart about figuring this out... *throws hands in air at the forum design*