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NPC Mining Operations have now begun on Singularity

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CCP Paradox
#61 - 2016-10-27 15:03:34 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Paradox
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Do they spawn in null? I checked a -lot- of null belts and found nothing. I very quickly found half a dozen sets of the things along the Jita-Amarr pipe, though.

Response fleet ships don't currently leave wrecks - intended?

Also, and I should probably submit a bug report for this, the response fleet seems to engage before they become targetable. Even after you're redboxed, you still can't target them back for a few seconds.

Re: "They're not selling ore on the market, they use it for their own production purposes." - Is that just an RP explanation, or are they -actually- using it in a meaningful way?

Yes they will find themselves in null space, though at the moment there are just Caldari and Amarr operations, and I will be starting more this week.

No wrecks is intentional for now. CCP Larrikin is currently at EVE Vegas and will be talking to players there about this.

*Edit: I've now enabled Gallente mining operations and Minmatar mining operations.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

RRN Industries
#62 - 2016-10-27 15:04:44 UTC
CCP Paradox wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Do they spawn in null? I checked a -lot- of null belts and found nothing. I very quickly found half a dozen sets of the things along the Jita-Amarr pipe, though.

Response fleet ships don't currently leave wrecks - intended?

Also, and I should probably submit a bug report for this, the response fleet seems to engage before they become targetable. Even after you're redboxed, you still can't target them back for a few seconds.

Re: "They're not selling ore on the market, they use it for their own production purposes." - Is that just an RP explanation, or are they -actually- using it in a meaningful way?

Yes they will find themselves in null space, though at the moment there are just Caldari and Amarr operations, and I will be starting more this week.

No wrecks is intentional for now. CCP Larrikin is currently at EVE Vegas and will be talking to players there about this.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#63 - 2016-10-27 15:24:27 UTC
RainReaper wrote:
CCP Paradox wrote:

Yes they will find themselves in null space, though at the moment there are just Caldari and Amarr operations, and I will be starting more this week.

No wrecks is intentional for now. CCP Larrikin is currently at EVE Vegas and will be talking to players there about this.


D'oh, same here Big smile
Cyrus Doul
kotitekoinen sissijuusto
#64 - 2016-10-27 16:04:00 UTC
WTB circadian sleeper miners in null that call drifters that go DD green. Preferably with hax jumpy DD off the keepstar.
Sentient Blade
Crisis Atmosphere
Coalition of the Unfortunate
#65 - 2016-10-27 16:11:25 UTC
Get notifications saying a post has been liked... come to thread... can't find post (#2).
Elsa Nietchize
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#66 - 2016-10-27 17:26:46 UTC
With the changes to how boosts work, will an orca in the belt boot the output of NPC miners?
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#67 - 2016-10-27 19:38:02 UTC
Daenna Chrysi wrote:
you know, procedural PvE is going to seriously re-energize the PvE side of the game.

(we hope)
Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#68 - 2016-10-27 19:40:32 UTC
Elsa Nietchize wrote:
With the changes to how boosts work, will an orca in the belt boot the output of NPC miners?

Boosts only affect your fleet, so no.
Harry Flowerpot
Three-Headed Monkeys
#69 - 2016-10-27 19:42:55 UTC
Can I buy the ore from them for Jita buy -10%?

How much would my standing increase if I attack miners from a hostile faction? Would it be the same as shooting the average rat?
Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#70 - 2016-10-27 19:43:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Jennifer Maxwell
Seems the issue I raised originally is already covered, so in that case, this all sounds absolutely great and I'm super exited to see where you're going to be taking this.

I look forward to the day where I can send out my own NPC mining fleet.
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#71 - 2016-10-27 20:09:49 UTC
I'm going to echo the suggested changes to the colors for standings (namely White being Neutral, Light Blue being Good, and Dark Blue being Excellent). It's already how things are coded into the game, and it's what existing players are going to expect when handling standings.
Kingsparrow Wormhole Division
Birds of Prey.
#72 - 2016-10-27 20:13:18 UTC
Soo found some. Attacked them and holy darn. The defense fleet can do some damage.
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#73 - 2016-10-27 20:45:43 UTC
Will the response fleets scale with system security any? And will there be loot (or at least decent salvage) for wiping out the response fleets? The two screenshots posted so far show a pretty impressive response fleet, and fighting against something like that, if the rewards are good enough, might be a nice alternative to grinding up missions or anoms, but at the expense of your standings with various groups.
Utassi Security
#74 - 2016-10-27 20:51:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Turelus
More note after testing. Attacked a Caldari (Poksu) spawn.

Scram working fine to stop hauler leaving. However after the initial warp out of the miners the one you have tackled won't warp out even if scram is dropped (Grr ECM).

The Logistics Frigates (Bantams) would only logi one another and nothing else, so I could murder all other ships and just have two logi flying around doing nothing. It seemed they're setting orbit on me and then only repping things in range.

Killing a Skiff gave a -0.0571% standings loss (information more for players than CCP)

NPC's may not use normal NPC defence profiles? I was hitting Caldari ships for the same damage with EM missiles as Thermal.

After salvaging the Skiff wreck then opening the can it spawned a ghost wreck in space/overview which couldn't be interacted with.

Exhumers continued to show on overview and as brackets in space at 77.9 AU away, Even when warping around system they continue to show.
Warping out of a belt and back in changed the ships which were there. Left with 3x Kestrel 2x Bantams and came back to see 1x Kestrel, 2x Griffin and 1x Condor in the belt (these are the ships I had killed porevously. They were not killable/targetable but would show on overview and flying around in space) EWAR icons from Condor's (Target Painters) even when not being targeted/attacked.
This issue was fixed by docking or relogging, I am not sure which as I did both.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

RRN Industries
#75 - 2016-10-27 21:20:03 UTC
When will we have npcs mining in gallante/minmatar space? i jsut really wanna see these npcs doing their things :p also what will you do about the decrease in minerals for the capsulers to mine? will you increase the ores in the belts? will the npcs mine ice? if they mine ice then the whole 4/5 fuel requierments ccp have been talking about wont be that anymore. will you increase the amount of ice then?
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#76 - 2016-10-27 22:15:32 UTC
I support having defense fleets loot the player's wrecks, but only if the defense fleet is the only thing on the KM.

From there, just let them carry that loot in a table for the corp/ship type that looted so that next time someone pops one they have a chance at it.

Curious about these "positive interactions" though.

Could you convince these corps to sell to your buy orders, haul stuff to station for you, bribe them to defend your own operations in they're in the grid, etc?

I'm imagining a system like the old SWG rep, where if you busted ass to get really fatnastic standing with, like, tusken raiders by shooting a shitload of jawas, you had a unique tool in PVP that other players may not have by giving you the ability to take cover in a group of them without getting shot at, however gaining faction with one group always lowered it an equal amount with another.

in losec especially this could create some really interesting scenarios, where you might actively dscan around for friendly fleets in which to park your own mining ship to help defend against ganks, or panic dscan belts if getting hunted and suprise your attacker/target with some unexpected allies. This would be inappropriate for null, but for low I can see it being a rational thing to have.

You could also give them LP trade options, basically "cash in" standings for empire LP. So you drop your standings on purpose with them by .1, as long as it wouldn't drop you to negative, and get X amount empire LP, basically "calling in a favor" with your special capsuleer status.

As for the belt decay issue, I think that's a good thing. It incentivizes either finding new belts to mine, or having to aggressively remove the rats from your preferred belts, which may create a new pve mercenary industry for hisec people to do something other than incursions.
#77 - 2016-10-28 00:06:06 UTC  |  Edited by: RedHand
So I played around with this for a while this afternoon, a couple points:

- Apparently Caldari and Amarr share belts sometimes? Could be intentional, maybe not. Not a big deal either way.

- Caldari defense fleet Condors come in and scram you, but it displays as being warp disrupted. The effects of the scram (no MWD) and the colour of the effect match scram, but the icon it displays is a disruptor and it says 'warp disrupted'. It looks like the scramming Executioners are fine though.

- Don't aggress both the amarrian and caldari ships at once if you happen to come across them. Especially if you're like me and just grabbed the first ship you had in your hangar. Battlecruisers will easily tank the incoming dps though with any kind of reasonable active tank.

Other than that, I'm rather impressed by the AI. One or two come close and tackle, and it looks like the DPS split off and anchor on the EWAR. I'm curious to see how much variation there is on the defense fleets. Otherwise it's awesome so far!
Utassi Security
#78 - 2016-10-28 08:02:19 UTC
I know it's been mentioned by others but is there a goal to this content other than adding world activity?

As others have mentioned right now there isn't too much of a risk/reward scenario for this content. Just T2 salvage and mined ore.

I am not entirely against there being nothing special as I would hate to see Empire become as "farm the NPCs for their special drop found no where else" but at the same time I wonder who will actually engage with this content if there is nothing gained from it.

Even the lore and RP people amongst the community are still gamers and think in terms of ISK/Risk/Reward.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#79 - 2016-10-28 08:08:27 UTC
Turelus wrote:
I know it's been mentioned by others but is there a goal to this content other than adding world activity?

At this point the only stated objective is to add a tiny bit of meaning/purpose to NPC spawns. If it turns into a new way to farm T2 salvage, you can expect NPC spawns to be nerfed into the ground, only flying T1 fitted T1 ships :D
CCP Paradox
#80 - 2016-10-28 10:28:32 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Paradox
Some more answers that we can answer right now:

  • They will spawn in High, Low, Null security space. But not wormholes.
  • The spawn is not definite, meaning they won't always be in the same system at the same time every day.
  • NPCs will scale with system security.
  • NPC fits are completely different, they reflect player ships much more than before. Ultimately, they're fit for PvP.
  • There can be overlap from different mining operations, the primary goal is gathering ore.
  • There is an incentive to attack them. More information from CCP Larrikin at EVE Vegas this weekend.

  • Some issues:

    • Overview and brackets being broken is a current issue on Singularity.

    CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

    Space Magician