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Dev Blog: Introducing Clone States & the Future of Access to EVE

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Jasper Sinclair
GBS Corp
#1421 - 2016-10-03 13:24:41 UTC
Has it been said at what level an alpha clone will start in each skill? Trying to make fits and buy skill books for newcomers to RvB will be easier if I knew exactly how they start.

Obligatory apology if this has already been answered.

Is there a way to see ONLY Dev posts in a thread?

Former Blue CEO, admirer of Caracals (and Tristans)

Josef Djugashvilis
#1422 - 2016-10-03 14:35:46 UTC
Double click on the Blue Label - should work, then double click on each Dev post blue label to advance to the next one.

If I remember correctly :)

This is not a signature.

Jasper Sinclair
GBS Corp
#1423 - 2016-10-05 11:16:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Jasper Sinclair
Ty, it worked.

After working on cruiser fits it became apparent that Minmatar alphas are at as disadvantage compared to the other races because the Minmatar cruisers all have larger drone bays and drone bandwidths. A normal omega clone in a Minmatar cruiser gets a significant amount of dps from a mixed flight of medium and light drones, while an alpha clone is currently limited to 3 light drones total, thus his potential dps is restricted compared to other races. I suggest allowing Minmatar alphas to train drones to 5 to compensate.

Former Blue CEO, admirer of Caracals (and Tristans)

Welisa Aldent
The Minmatar Yakuza
#1424 - 2016-10-05 14:03:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Welisa Aldent
Pls CCP High sec in eve dosent need more gankers pls do so they Always need to fly in green safty mode..becouse ganking gona get out of hand, even more then it have now.

And btw what do we get? we the far its only the freeloaders that benefit from this..

I still get to pay and dosent get anything extra,sounds like a cheezy deal for us subs
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1425 - 2016-10-05 20:38:21 UTC
Welisa Aldent wrote:
Pls CCP High sec in eve dosent need more gankers pls do so they Always need to fly in green safty mode..becouse ganking gona get out of hand, even more then it have now.

And btw what do we get? we the far its only the freeloaders that benefit from this..

I still get to pay and dosent get anything extra,sounds like a cheezy deal for us subs

Try not paying and see what you get.

No, we probably don't need more gankers, but the problem is there is not much else in the way of HS PvP that involves shooting people.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Cmdr Clawhammer
RHP Mining Company
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#1426 - 2016-10-06 08:09:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Cmdr Clawhammer
is there something new of using 1~3 acoounts together without subscription? Thanks for the information.
Annir Janau
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1427 - 2016-10-07 18:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Annir Janau
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1428 - 2016-10-07 19:52:21 UTC
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

Kinda already answered since you won't be able to log an alpha in alongside any other account.
Marc Crass
Interstellar Space Anomalies Department
#1429 - 2016-10-11 00:31:01 UTC
You have no answer for a key question in your FAQ - what need to change alpha to omega. Step by step for a dumb and newbies.
And do not allow alpha: drones 5 (they can use some meta) and anchoring 2 to avoid structure and mobile abuse. Protect production guys and your new structures from zerg rush. Copying and reverse engineering for T3 must be defenitly restricted.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1430 - 2016-10-11 00:43:36 UTC
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

1. You can train up to 3 characters per account, you just have to pay for the training cues. You can't create an Alpha clone on an existing subscribed account but you can let that account lapse and then train an Alpha, I don't know why anyone would though.

2. As for your "objection", Alpha clones aren't about existing players creating new characters, they are about getting "new" players into the game. Something that is very much needed if Eve is to survive.

3. No-one will be multiboxing Alpha state characters. You can only log one in at a time.

4. Any character, subscribed or not, can train Alpha skills. All you need do is log it in and start a skill.
You would probably find though, a character who has been subbed at some time will already have most Alpha skills trained.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#1431 - 2016-10-13 13:17:05 UTC
So anyone who still thinks this is so great and will totally not look like p2w since it is marketed as "extended trial", please go to the test server and embrace the new extended trial regular/premium model where you wish you actually had an ingame ad-blocker for all the premium advertisement on every corner.

Good job trashing a quality game CCP, looks like you try to bring your only successful product down to the level of your other games.
Annir Janau
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1432 - 2016-10-13 22:22:50 UTC
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

I obviously need to clarify or require clarification. or maybe just claret. It is legal to create another account; it is legal to train an alpha on this account, no? = free alt training to alpha. Why must this be on separate accounts? I am not trying to sign in multiple chars.
Perhaps 'multiboxing' was incorrectly used or limitedly interpreted, but, as others have noted, this could potentially lead to more cheating of the multi-login rule through simple methods. Pushing ppl to have another account is one step closer still.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1433 - 2016-10-13 22:43:51 UTC
Annir Janau wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

I obviously need to clarify or require clarification. or maybe just claret. It is legal to create another account; it is legal to train an alpha on this account, no? = free alt training to alpha. Why must this be on separate accounts? I am not trying to sign in multiple chars.
Perhaps 'multiboxing' was incorrectly used or limitedly interpreted, but, as others have noted, this could potentially lead to more cheating of the multi-login rule through simple methods. Pushing ppl to have another account is one step closer still.
There is no such thing as an Alpha character on an Omega account, thus no limitation of skills or item use and apparently faster training on any characters that can train. Even if training was limited this would extend additional Alpha account privileges to characters without other Alpha limits.
Annir Janau
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#1434 - 2016-10-13 23:57:19 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

I obviously need to clarify or require clarification. or maybe just claret. It is legal to create another account; it is legal to train an alpha on this account, no? = free alt training to alpha. Why must this be on separate accounts? I am not trying to sign in multiple chars.
Perhaps 'multiboxing' was incorrectly used or limitedly interpreted, but, as others have noted, this could potentially lead to more cheating of the multi-login rule through simple methods. Pushing ppl to have another account is one step closer still.
There is no such thing as an Alpha character on an Omega account, thus no limitation of skills or item use and apparently faster training on any characters that can train. Even if training was limited this would extend additional Alpha account privileges to characters without other Alpha limits.

As usual, its hard to tell if I'm ignorant or people are illiterate. You are saying if I create another account it will also be Omega, filled with non-trainable characters?
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1435 - 2016-10-14 00:11:34 UTC
Annir Janau wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

I obviously need to clarify or require clarification. or maybe just claret. It is legal to create another account; it is legal to train an alpha on this account, no? = free alt training to alpha. Why must this be on separate accounts? I am not trying to sign in multiple chars.
Perhaps 'multiboxing' was incorrectly used or limitedly interpreted, but, as others have noted, this could potentially lead to more cheating of the multi-login rule through simple methods. Pushing ppl to have another account is one step closer still.
There is no such thing as an Alpha character on an Omega account, thus no limitation of skills or item use and apparently faster training on any characters that can train. Even if training was limited this would extend additional Alpha account privileges to characters without other Alpha limits.

As usual, its hard to tell if I'm ignorant or people are illiterate. You are saying if I create another account it will also be Omega, filled with non-trainable characters?
I'm saying the Omega account slots you want to train alpha skills on for free are Omegas, not Alphas, and aren't limited to the things Alphas can do. They don't need other privileges.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1436 - 2016-10-14 02:05:58 UTC
Will we be able to multi box an alpha clone alongside an omega clone? You know, like solo mine with the omega and haul with the alpha in a Miasmos?
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1437 - 2016-10-14 03:16:10 UTC
LeHarfang wrote:
Will we be able to multi box an alpha clone alongside an omega clone? You know, like solo mine with the omega and haul with the alpha in a Miasmos?

No. Read the blog & Dev posts.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#1438 - 2016-10-15 00:52:50 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
Annir Janau wrote:
"Note that you can still only train one character at a time, per account"

Objection! All this accomplishes is making me create a different account to train an alpha, causing nothing but more hassle and data on a server. Why? I'm not losing out on free alt skill training.

In fact, this will create more multiboxing / simul log ins. Since it's there, people will be tempted to use it.

All clones without subscription / training cert should should be allowed to train A skills.

This is the only fair and sensible setup.

I obviously need to clarify or require clarification. or maybe just claret. It is legal to create another account; it is legal to train an alpha on this account, no? = free alt training to alpha. Why must this be on separate accounts? I am not trying to sign in multiple chars.
Perhaps 'multiboxing' was incorrectly used or limitedly interpreted, but, as others have noted, this could potentially lead to more cheating of the multi-login rule through simple methods. Pushing ppl to have another account is one step closer still.
There is no such thing as an Alpha character on an Omega account, thus no limitation of skills or item use and apparently faster training on any characters that can train. Even if training was limited this would extend additional Alpha account privileges to characters without other Alpha limits.

As usual, its hard to tell if I'm ignorant or people are illiterate. You are saying if I create another account it will also be Omega, filled with non-trainable characters?
I'm saying the Omega account slots you want to train alpha skills on for free are Omegas, not Alphas, and aren't limited to the things Alphas can do. They don't need other privileges.

If you start a new character, on an existing Omega account it too will be Omega.

Alpha, Omega status is based on the account status, NOT the characters.

If you wanted to train an Alpha clone on an existing account, you first have to let the subscription on that account expire.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Pestilen Ratte
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1439 - 2016-10-15 20:07:14 UTC
It is hard to see past certain logical problems with FTP existing alongside subscriptions.

For a start, we can say for certain that FTP characters will have either a good time, or not.

If they don't, they will leave, and it will have been a pointless exercise.

If they do have a good time...... what is the point of paying a subscription? Why not have good time in Eve for free?

Therefore, CCP have to ensure that the FTP experience is not sufficiently fun to attract this subscribers, and yet somehow sufficiently fun to attract new players.

I hate to say it, but this seems like bare faced nonsense dressed up as a good idea.

Sooner or later, CCP is going to have to move away from a subscription model and towards alternate sources of revenue. The numbers are dying off fast, there is a lot of competition in the space pew sector, and the numbers are dying off fast. And the numbers are dying off fast.

Don't get me wrong, CCP impress the heck out of me with their business model. They have had a good run.

There are other streams of revenue that could be harnessed, but it would mean a cultural and structural change in the way CCP opera as a firm. It means ending the pay-to-win mechanics which currently define the game and seriously limit game play development. If players don't pay, how can they pay to win?

I think this change in the fundamental mechanics, away from pay-to-win drivers, will allow Eve to blossom as a proper action game, a contest between players on equal footing. I'm optimistic.

Eve has so much potential. It might be the best thing for the long term future of the game for CCP to crash and burn, as a firm, or to face a hostile takeover with new management ideas. The assets that make up the potential of the game, human and code based, can be salvaged from the wreck and sent in a new direction.

It might also be that CCP do understand the need to change, and that they are slowly gearing up to say goodbye to the idea of developing the game for the folks who have paid the most into it over time. If so, I expect that the FTP characters will be more than capable of having fun in the Eve Universe, and therefore their numbers may grow quickly, allowing CCP to gather revenues from the exposure and allowing them to leave behind the bitter vets who think they have some kind of standing as investors in the firm.

If they don't, and the FTP characters are a waste of time and nothing more than easy fodder for bitter vets, to keep them around a little bit longer, we will know that CCP hasn't really changed it's core business model, and that we continue to sail away into the cold night of pay-to-win mechanics and bitter vets calling the shots in a shrinking community.

Regardless, the awesome work done by all the artists at CCP will endure. Eve will be forever respected as a glorious looking game.
#1440 - 2016-10-15 20:55:40 UTC
Altrue wrote:
CCP Quant wrote:
Nope, there will be a suitable replacement, stay tuned Smile

How long do we have to stay tuned approximately? A day? A week? A month?

I need to know so that I can either hold on the new player content I'm about to release for youtube, or if it's worth waiting a few days, update it and then release it :p
The tune is starting to sound a little old ... any update on this by ccp?