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We want to help ccp bring more players into eve!

First post
MB Mabata
State War Academy
Caldari State
#321 - 2016-09-13 20:29:05 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Sounds like EVE just isn't your thing.

There is so much info just a Google away it's not even funny, in fact there is TOO MUCH help and information, not too little. unlike when many of us started there are whole player alliances built for the sole purpose of helping new people, you should stop complain and start talking to them if you need help.

I take not being able to read just isnt your thing. I asked for helpful and not out of date. Yes I know there is massive amounts of information out there, yes I have watch countless hour long youtube tutorials and read articles that are pages long, only to find out when i go back in game theres nothing familiar to what Ive just watched or read.

What I am saying about eve is, I am more than happy to play eve the way it is, in fact I wouldnt change anything. What I dont want is to have to spend more time reading than playing, is that concept to hard for you to grasp.

If new players were left to just grasp the game as it goes along without having to spend plex to pay for what has been destroyed so you and/or others can have a free game experience on the inexperienced.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#322 - 2016-09-13 20:43:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
You can also do like I have done thru the years, read a little and then log in and do something completely stupid, and do that until you will learn on your mistakes. Worked for me.

I think its more interesting.

BTW, i still do that.

And you can sort thru the recent things in You tube.
MB Mabata
State War Academy
Caldari State
#323 - 2016-09-13 21:14:13 UTC  |  Edited by: MB Mabata
I think as an intelligent person, still very much on the outside with eve, I have a somewhat different perspective on eves future, and by CCPs actions for the november update says it all, newbies come and play for free, even I can see that this is not the way eve should be.

So whats CCPs alternative to come down hard on those making it difficult for newbies and even young old me can see that that wouldnt work either.

What I can see is the people who play eve, with the unique way that eve works, has to fixed from within. CCP change too much and people will be left disgruntled.

Eve is the only game that Im aware of where the established players are completely hostile or intolerant or just cant be bothered. The few and I think Im not wrong in saying the few that are helpful, want me to carry on. My second time being taken out, a total stranger came up to me and gave me 50 million isk. Yes I have already had the dilemma was he/she part of the gank but kind enough regardless, I dont know.

Now im not saying go kill and then pay us for the damage done, what I am saying is I dont know the answer but all I know is there are gangs that are targeting the new players for whatever reason. It is this and this alone that I am disagreeing with.

Now as I have stated above CCP is powerless to do anything about this, if they do there will be the disgruntled. Only the people of eve can stop this if you want.

And yet on the other hand if you agree with gangs with a combined experience of 16 years taken out someone with 3 weeks experience as being ok then i bid you all farewell and good luck.
#324 - 2016-09-13 22:12:20 UTC
MB Mabata wrote:
My second time being taken out, a total stranger came up to me and gave me 50 million isk. Yes I have already had the dilemma was he/she part of the gank but kind enough regardless, I dont know.

Thats a nice dude/dudette for EVE standards. The gank probably was just for fun and giggles and maybe to teach you something without much hurt other than a lessen about how you can be 'content' for other players.

I only use fireworks on noobs for giggles thats how much of a softie I am, but they are still my content :)
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#325 - 2016-09-13 22:34:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
MB Mabata
State War Academy
Caldari State
#326 - 2016-09-13 22:35:47 UTC
Listen I get eve, its warts and all and I love it, but It is a mountain to digest. Playing with one eye in game (not enough) and the other online is a task in itself.

I dont want to be confined to a small safe corner of eve. All I was told Hi-Sec safe Low-sec and Null-sec not so.

Im sitting at home station having chats with people who are rewriting the rules to suit themselves, just another thing to digest. All Im trying to ask here and in game to give us a bit of a break and there is one or two out of the rest who are on my side and again even in chat they have there gangs bombarding absolute s****.

I realise that I am not going to change peoples opinion on how new players should be treated. cowards + easy meat = success, no different from real life then.

Eve is what it is.
Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#327 - 2016-09-13 23:24:02 UTC
Hisec is safer if you have a cheap ship. It's not perfectly safe.
If someone said it was perfectly safe, this someone was lying or misinformed.

A signature :o

#328 - 2016-09-14 00:20:47 UTC
Ok I'll bite on the OP topic, not whatever shitshow is currently ongoing because odds are it's really stupid.

If CCP wants to drive people to this game they need to find a way to make PVE interesting and engaging and it needs to be shaken up on a regular basis. No matter how you cut it the average player of any given MMO is going to spend a small amount of their time doing PVP stuff, and a greater amount of it doing PVE stuff.

Right now the PVE is still functionally the same as it was six years ago. Oh drones aggro slightly differently, oh the effects are slightly different, oh instead of shooting boxes I'm shooting chevrons ... but ultimately it's all still boring as hell and about as stimulating and engaging as sniffing farts.

Incursions were a good idea, and they were exciting and new for a short while until the "Max isk per hour code" was cracked. Build off of that framework, rotate it regularly and bring in new threats on a regular basis.

As it stands now I make most of my isk by flipping characters/screwing people over and the occasional plex sale. I'd be more than happy to dig my teath into some GOOD pve if it existed. But it doesn't.
Lawrence Burbs
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#329 - 2016-09-14 01:17:17 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Ok I'll bite on the OP topic, not whatever shitshow is currently ongoing because odds are it's really stupid.

If CCP wants to drive people to this game they need to find a way to make PVE interesting and engaging and it needs to be shaken up on a regular basis. No matter how you cut it the average player of any given MMO is going to spend a small amount of their time doing PVP stuff, and a greater amount of it doing PVE stuff.

Right now the PVE is still functionally the same as it was six years ago. Oh drones aggro slightly differently, oh the effects are slightly different, oh instead of shooting boxes I'm shooting chevrons ... but ultimately it's all still boring as hell and about as stimulating and engaging as sniffing farts.

Incursions were a good idea, and they were exciting and new for a short while until the "Max isk per hour code" was cracked. Build off of that framework, rotate it regularly and bring in new threats on a regular basis.

As it stands now I make most of my isk by flipping characters/screwing people over and the occasional plex sale. I'd be more than happy to dig my teath into some GOOD pve if it existed. But it doesn't.

+1 I agree.
Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#330 - 2016-09-14 01:40:32 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Ok I'll bite on the OP topic, not whatever shitshow is currently ongoing because odds are it's really stupid.

If CCP wants to drive people to this game they need to find a way to make PVE interesting and engaging and it needs to be shaken up on a regular basis. No matter how you cut it the average player of any given MMO is going to spend a small amount of their time doing PVP stuff, and a greater amount of it doing PVE stuff.

Right now the PVE is still functionally the same as it was six years ago. Oh drones aggro slightly differently, oh the effects are slightly different, oh instead of shooting boxes I'm shooting chevrons ... but ultimately it's all still boring as hell and about as stimulating and engaging as sniffing farts.

Incursions were a good idea, and they were exciting and new for a short while until the "Max isk per hour code" was cracked. Build off of that framework, rotate it regularly and bring in new threats on a regular basis.

As it stands now I make most of my isk by flipping characters/screwing people over and the occasional plex sale. I'd be more than happy to dig my teath into some GOOD pve if it existed. But it doesn't.

Why write "I'll bite on the OP topic" and then proceed to post totally off the OP topic?

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#331 - 2016-09-14 02:57:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
The topic is 'help ccp bring more players into eve!," right? Some thoughts.
-The cash spent on internet targeted advertising (Eve ads on your sidebar) might just be showing ads to just us. People who already play Eve. I have no idea what the targeted persons profile is, but I get a fair amount of Eve advertising when I log into Yahoo or FB. "Wait, those animations and graphics over there look familiar... ah, it's Eve." I suppose it could help people decide to resubscribe. But is it reaching our fellow weirdos who would enjoy this game? Maybe an expensive 15 sec shot on syfy TV could be worth much more?

-Skill injector initiative might be good for low- mid-level players anxious to get over some hump. New players-- they won't even know that exist for a while. Much less how to beneficially use them.

-Code ganking. Honestly and overall, you guys know you could only do a service to the game if you popped real "afk/bot aspirants." If you can find one of those and kill it, then that would be a true service to high sec. Ganking new players because they're new and n00b, and also doing that circular double-talk, putting words into people's mouths, chat-ganging the victim-- that only makes people want to get the hell out of Eve and take a Lysol shower.

-The PVE is good enough, IMO. Once you got your game down, you can try soloing some epic arcs for challenges. If that's to simple for you, you can find a wormhole and take on some sleeper sites. If you get bored with that, you can try some PVP experiments in low sec. Faction Warfare is always hiring, and it's cheap ships stuff and has no player corp obligations at all.

Truth is, every player in this game started as a guy creating an account. picking a race and line, designing a char portrait, coming up with some hasty char name, and hitting Go. I had fun doing that a new noob, hanging out, gathering information, and comparing notes with other fellow new guys in my new guy corp. We were flat broke, but working hard to get every little isk, and having some ignorance or derp isk-catastrophe things happen just made it more fun. I had much fun playing Eve as a regular dad guy, just logging into an MMO in the evenings to see what would happen next.

Maybe letting new players just do something like that might let them tool around, take some time to try things out, and just explore around at their own pace could help bring and retain more players. Fact of life, people, fish, and reptiles really enjoy seeking out behaviors and exploring new things. When their snouts run into noxious things, most do a 135 degree turn and consider checking out something else.
oiukhp Muvila
#332 - 2016-09-14 12:49:19 UTC
Khergit Deserters wrote:

-Code ganking. Honestly and overall, you guys know you could only do a service to the game if you popped real "afk/bot aspirants." If you can find one of those and kill it, then that would be a true service to high sec. Ganking new players because they're new and n00b, and also doing that circular double-talk, putting words into people's mouths, chat-ganging the victim-- that only makes people want to get the hell out of Eve and take a Lysol shower.


You must not have gotten the memo where that is supposed to bring new players to Eve like a moths to fire. Roll

Yeah I know.

Code ganking around but not in noob systems is probably the biggest reason new players don't stick with Eve Online.
Those guys in Help channel saying HTFU probably doesn't help much either.

The Leopardess
Amarr Empire
#333 - 2016-09-14 22:02:56 UTC  |  Edited by: The Leopardess
PvP needs improvement, and it needs instanced RBG's like WoW. People should be able to Queue for Faction Warfare battles, anytime anywhere. Let us win prizes from our chosen factions, (and make it rewarding to be a loyalist) and expand it to include pirates or Alliances that achieve a certain membership threshold. No it's not "realistic" in that you don't have to jump 50 times to get back to FW space (who has time for that!?) but it would be ******* awesome, and it would appease the kind of instant gratifcation all PvP players crave and expect.

You should respawn if you die in the instance, but you only get to keep your ship after leaving the instance IF you didn't die. If you die once you get to keep respawning, but you lose it at the end of the battlefield...This would promote revenue from credit card warriors like myself who make more money isk per hour irl than in game. :P

The downside to this is that people would complain it takes away from World PvP. It could if it was managed inproperly.


Raker Plaude
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#334 - 2016-09-14 22:27:36 UTC
The Leopardess wrote:
PvP needs improvement, and it needs instanced RBG's like WoW. People should be able to Queue for Faction Warfare battles, anytime anywhere. Let us win prizes from our chosen factions, (and make it rewarding to be a loyalist) and expand it to include pirates or Alliances that achieve a certain membership threshold. No it's not "realistic" in that you don't have to jump 50 times to get back to FW space (who has time for that!?) but it would be ******* awesome, and it would appease the kind of instant gratifcation all PvP players crave and expect.

You should respawn if you die in the instance, but you only get to keep your ship after leaving the instance IF you didn't die. If you die once you get to keep respawning, but you lose it at the end of the battlefield...This would promote revenue from credit card warriors like myself who make more money isk per hour irl than in game. :P

The downside to this is that people would complain it takes away from World PvP. It could if it was managed inproperly.

Surely this goes against everything that EVE is?!
Natural CloneKiller
Commonwealth Mercenaries
#335 - 2016-09-14 23:26:11 UTC
SmilingVagrant wrote:
Ok I'll bite on the OP topic, not whatever shitshow is currently ongoing because odds are it's really stupid.

If CCP wants to drive people to this game they need to find a way to make PVE interesting and engaging and it needs to be shaken up on a regular basis. No matter how you cut it the average player of any given MMO is going to spend a small amount of their time doing PVP stuff, and a greater amount of it doing PVE stuff.

Right now the PVE is still functionally the same as it was six years ago. Oh drones aggro slightly differently, oh the effects are slightly different, oh instead of shooting boxes I'm shooting chevrons ... but ultimately it's all still boring as hell and about as stimulating and engaging as sniffing farts.

Incursions were a good idea, and they were exciting and new for a short while until the "Max isk per hour code" was cracked. Build off of that framework, rotate it regularly and bring in new threats on a regular basis.

As it stands now I make most of my isk by flipping characters/screwing people over and the occasional plex sale. I'd be more than happy to dig my teath into some GOOD pve if it existed. But it doesn't.

What does good PVE look like to you!?
Natural CloneKiller
Commonwealth Mercenaries
#336 - 2016-09-14 23:27:53 UTC
Raker Plaude wrote:
The Leopardess wrote:
PvP needs improvement, and it needs instanced RBG's like WoW. People should be able to Queue for Faction Warfare battles, anytime anywhere. Let us win prizes from our chosen factions, (and make it rewarding to be a loyalist) and expand it to include pirates or Alliances that achieve a certain membership threshold. No it's not "realistic" in that you don't have to jump 50 times to get back to FW space (who has time for that!?) but it would be ******* awesome, and it would appease the kind of instant gratifcation all PvP players crave and expect.

You should respawn if you die in the instance, but you only get to keep your ship after leaving the instance IF you didn't die. If you die once you get to keep respawning, but you lose it at the end of the battlefield...This would promote revenue from credit card warriors like myself who make more money isk per hour irl than in game. :P

The downside to this is that people would complain it takes away from World PvP. It could if it was managed inproperly.

Surely this goes against everything that EVE is?!

The day eve becomes wow is the day I leave the game.
Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#337 - 2016-09-15 02:49:40 UTC
oiukhp Muvila wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:

-Code ganking. Honestly and overall, you guys know you could only do a service to the game if you popped real "afk/bot aspirants." If you can find one of those and kill it, then that would be a true service to high sec. Ganking new players because they're new and n00b, and also doing that circular double-talk, putting words into people's mouths, chat-ganging the victim-- that only makes people want to get the hell out of Eve and take a Lysol shower.


You must not have gotten the memo where that is supposed to bring new players to Eve like a moths to fire. Roll

Yeah I know.

Code ganking around but not in noob systems is probably the biggest reason new players don't stick with Eve Online.
Those guys in Help channel saying HTFU probably doesn't help much either.

If those guys increase retention, it's a testament to how boring the game is playing solo, and how bad people are at the go-out-and-find-fun. And/or how bad Aura is at driving that point home: the stuff to do presented on a silver platter (mining, missions) gets stale really fast if you do it alone.

A signature :o

Dor Cadmon
New Artisian and Mercenary Association
#338 - 2016-09-15 12:16:58 UTC
Caco De'mon wrote:
Nitshe Razvedka wrote:
Get rid of Code.

Free PLEX for everyone...Best AFK Space Game EVER!

Actually ccp's support of anti social behaviour and their lack of counter measures prevents me from reccommending this game to new players.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#339 - 2016-09-15 12:34:01 UTC
Dor Cadmon wrote:

Actually ccp's support of anti social behaviour and their lack of counter measures prevents me from reccommending this game to new players.

Why do you play it then? You are obviously some form of paying customer or you wouldn't be posting here.

I honestly don't get it, it's really like people who post here want some (boring as hell) happy happy sunshine game with no bad guys. Bad guys are what make the story, and in this game they are what gives real (ie "above ingame wealth") value to the experience. They exist (from my pov) to be outsmarted. Ruining a gankers day by surviving is gameplay too. Running the **** away (while still possessing the loot) is a skill.

It's almost as if many of you don't want to actually play a game.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#340 - 2016-09-15 12:40:38 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:

If those guys increase retention, it's a testament to how boring the game is playing solo

You mean a game built from the ground up to be played with and against other people is boring when you take away the "other people" part?

WTF? How can that be? Next you'll be telling me that if I take both wheels off my bicycle I won't be able to ride it. Preposterous! Cool