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EXEFILE Login To Be Discontinued On September 20th

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March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#141 - 2016-09-07 14:08:27 UTC
TheSmokingHertog wrote:
Vitank wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rorhke Shardani wrote:
Any attempt to run the launcher fails miserably. It runs, accepts the login but when I try to launch the client it just hangs (exefile.exe never even appears in task manager)

A troubleshooting step that I've seen resolve some issues where the launcher appears to work fine but the client won't start:

Exit the launcher.

Navigate to C:\ProgramData\CCP\Eve\SharedCache (or wherever your shared cache is located, if you've chosen a nonstandard location.)

Delete the directory named "tq" and all of its contents.

Start the launcher and launch the game.

Let me know if that helps.

Good day,

I normally never comments on these type of post, but i must admit, this statement angered me as a coder myself. The steps stated above is a work around until the software is patch to allow such feature to be performed automatically.

No users should EVER have to dig in the file system to perform any tasks related to EVE client. The fact that we have been has become the "norm" is proof that the launcher is not ready and needs to be polished a little bit more.

I'm all for twerking the range of issues by removing unsupported version of software (WINXP, DX9, etc) but moving to quickly to a unpolished launcher will only affect your brand in a negative way.

Think of the launcher is the "window into" your game. No matter how good the inside is, if no one can get pass the window shopping, it failed it's purpose.

All this to say, please ensure these type of steps and troubleshooting guides should be coded for. There should be no need for these type of things to be done by the user manually. It's just poor planning, IMHO.


Maybe they should make a list with buttons somewhere;

* [remove TQ folder]
* [workaround x]


Windows can detect if its previous start ended badly. And it can attempt automatic detection and repairing on next startup. And it exists for years already. Not rocket science tbh. I'm pretty sure it can be implemented so laucher will detect such failures, notify user and clean up anything needed by itself.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

State War Academy
Caldari State
#142 - 2016-09-07 14:08:29 UTC
I run 14 accounts in a mining fleet using ISBoxer as window management, I don't use anything that is considered bannable by the eula or tos or even devs.

Only way I have been able to play for a while was on XP but you then removed abilities to play through that with the removal of the "old" launcher. Now your removing the only way I actualy enjoy playing this game and that's by sitting back and having a drink talking in ts3 to my friends. Now how am I supposed to micro manage all these accounts if you remove ISBoxer all together?

Why not have your devs make a version of ISBoxer you can control "though ital take about a week to make and test" and publish it along side the new clone types your pushing out in November? Your giving the player base less insentives to run paid accounts by giving us free accounts and removeing the bulk of the heavy lifters out of the game by the disabilities of ISBoxer players.

Get your devs to make a ccp owned and managed version of window management software that runs on eve exclusively please or iv got to shave half my accounts, probably more to be able to manage the accounts
Rorhke Shardani
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#143 - 2016-09-07 14:20:03 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Rorhke Shardani wrote:
Any attempt to run the launcher fails miserably. It runs, accepts the login but when I try to launch the client it just hangs (exefile.exe never even appears in task manager)

A troubleshooting step that I've seen resolve some issues where the launcher appears to work fine but the client won't start:

Exit the launcher.

Navigate to C:\ProgramData\CCP\Eve\SharedCache (or wherever your shared cache is located, if you've chosen a nonstandard location.) To get there, in the launcher itself, you can choose "Show in Explorer -> Shared Cache" from the menu.

Delete the directory named "tq" and all of its contents.

Start the launcher and launch the game.

Let me know if that helps.

Didn't work. However this general thread may not be the best place to troubleshoot my particular problems - should this be continued in a ticket or is there a better place to get this particular question resolved ?
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#144 - 2016-09-07 14:28:25 UTC
Rorhke Shardani wrote:
However this general thread may not be the best place to troubleshoot my particular problems - should this be continued in a ticket or is there a better place to get this particular question resolved ?

You're very right, sorry to take the discussion off-topic. I would recommend that if you're having specific launcher issues that you post in the Eve Launcher forum or make a support ticket here.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Pumeia Taranogas
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#145 - 2016-09-07 15:31:46 UTC
brinelan wrote:
Fossor Wintersky wrote:
it's a BAD gamedesign.

You should tell every other game dev since just about every mmo uses some kind of launcher.

with the difference that their launchers actually work...and not lets you log in with a "socket closed" for hours anymore (not even after PC Reboot) while being able to login with the exe-file all the time...especially a fancy thing during Ops....
Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#146 - 2016-09-07 15:36:41 UTC
Vitank wrote:
I normally never comments on these type of post, but i must admit, this statement angered me as a coder myself.
No users should EVER have to dig in the file system to perform any tasks related to EVE client. The fact that we have been has become the "norm" is proof that the launcher is not ready and needs to be polished a little bit more. We are not doing 1998 coding / patching it's 2016 for crying out loud.
I do not intend or mean to offend anyone in the gaming industry, knowing there are always in any company hard working folks who deliver greatness, so every CCP employee and moderator should take what I say as such; the observation and experiences of a single person which might or might not factually represent the widespread issues.

Vitank, you've successfully identified a core issue with the gaming industry once high-bandwidth internet became readily available and server storage increased while price went down. The sad state of the gaming industry is to be held at lower standards than the rest of the working economy. It's like the running gag in the music industry where the engineer says "I'll fix it in the mix" just several times worse. So many things nowadays are half-hearted, half-finished and are proceeded to be patched in the upcoming days.
I cannot confirm or deny statements which have been made about "people who don't get a real job at programming go into the gaming industry" and neither do I have an opinion about it, nor can I allow myself to have an opinion about it.
What does make me think though, is when company after company shows clearly how they would not survive in any other sector but the gaming industry where sloppy code, insufficient QA and bad development decisions are nothing the consumer can do anything about. I want to be certain, and I want to believe how CCP devs do everything to the best of their ability. Sad as it is though, this doesn't mean the effort done is good enough to match a reasonable standard.

Now when I look at the rate of how the last decade went in the entirety of products inside and outside the gaming industry, I don't exactly know where to place the aforementioned sentiments. I don't know if the gaming industry is just as bad off but everyone else regressed, or if the remaining industry progressed just at a faster rate than the gaming industry. I believe both applies, depending on where one looks.

I do owe great respect to certain CCP employees and their work while I openly frown towards others.
In the end, everyone needs to make ends meet. The only thing I will always question hard is how much freedom a company can take out on their consumers before it turns against them to a degree where they can no longer operate as functional or as flourishing as they once could.
Certainly, not everything is about money. I'd rather live average knowing to do the good thing than sell my ethics and morals only to live in temporary wealth. But this is the gaming industry. This is the gaming community. Contrary to popular belief and polarization of forum / reddit discussion, the majority of gamers are just decent blokes who just want to enjoy their past time activity, unwinding from a (maybe) lousy day at work.
Little Sky Cats
#147 - 2016-09-07 15:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: win189
this is Frankly a stupid move as the only way for players to get on when the mystical launcher Server goes down the only way to launch the game is from the Exe file

CCP before Taking something away Wait tell you have 1 Whole Year of its Replacement Working Flawlessly.
Stop Pulling a Microsoft and force Changes when you do not have the team in place to back it up

Otherwize i think ALL eve Players should get a 1000 SP for every Minute the Launcher goes down if ever again
CCP Explorer
C C P Alliance
#148 - 2016-09-07 15:52:43 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:

Finally I believe the way the launcher works is just entering your information to the existing exefile login screen and just bypasses it instead. If it doesn't work then it's probably something to do with your network or possible software conflict or even malware. It makes no sense that CCP would not test the launcher in multiple common platforms before removing the old one, which is happening now.
The launcher works by talking to the SSO login server, and getting an access token. This token is then passed to the exefile and used for auth. Username and password are never passed to the exefile.
Confirmed; even further, the Launcher embeds a direct interface to the login server (the SSO) so the Launcher doesn't even see the password. It extracts the reply, the access token, and passes on to the exefile, and knows what account this is to build the list of accounts.

Erlendur S. Thorsteinsson | Senior Development Director | EVE Online // CCP Games | @CCP_Explorer

Zan Shiro
#149 - 2016-09-07 16:22:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Pumeia Taranogas wrote:
brinelan wrote:
Fossor Wintersky wrote:
it's a BAD gamedesign.

You should tell every other game dev since just about every mmo uses some kind of launcher.

with the difference that their launchers actually work...and not lets you log in with a "socket closed" for hours anymore (not even after PC Reboot) while being able to login with the exe-file all the time...especially a fancy thing during Ops....

This really. Blizzard doesn't make you uninstall your games when the launcher goes to crap either. Looks like update or something had launcher go bad...well that sucks says the tech guy on the tech forum, You know the drill...uninstall, nuke file folders, reinstall. This the Eve way.

Blizzard launcher seems to be damn good at fixing itself no uninstall/reinstall games. Kind of needs to. 6 mainstream games run from that one launcher. Please uninstall your game and reinstall is something blizzard can't tell you to do so casually. Uninstall reinstall 3 of those blizzard games (none of them of them wow lol) to fix a launcher bug...something I have never been told to do.
Anwynn Windseeker
may contain traces of nuts
#150 - 2016-09-07 17:01:39 UTC
... as much as I support CCPs intent to make the game safer, there still is the BIG issue of forcing the players to use an instrument that just does not do its job more often than not.

Running the .exe file works, provided the version is up-to-date. This is solid.

The launcher in its current (un)development stage

  • forgets all my account data on a two-day-average (counting very leniently!).
  • regularly fails to update itself on the first attempt
  • forgets every other day to which server it is supposed to connect (showing the white "oops"-square).

Since I am not running any fancy and/or exotic hardware and a run-of-the-mill Windows 10 system I can not believe that this behaviour is a "special feature" which my end of the line is responsible for.

Suggestion to CCP:
Make the launcher work properly first, force people to use it only when it works the way it is intended.
Runiba Toll
Alfred E. Neuman Fan Club
#151 - 2016-09-07 17:05:09 UTC
This is my FIRST post on forums,

When the game stops working for me I'm going to stop paying.

If the launcher stops working and I can't use the exefile.exe route the game has stopped working.

At that point I will limit my losses and find a new game Very simple, and having posted this, ALL are informed, players, CCP, and the NSA so they'll need to put a physical bug in my apartment once eve dies.
#152 - 2016-09-07 18:53:44 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Edit: I would recommend that if you're having specific launcher issues that you post in the Eve Launcher forum or make a support ticket here.

You are right.

However, there is a lot of concern about the launcher issues. Which the Launcher forum does address, but it is a nightmare to look through at times. It's nice that new posts often get a link to posts that have already been dealt with or a work around exists although it's frustrating to occur to anyone who has honestly tried to search through solutions. General solution guides are 'general' even though they do address the seemingly common issues people have.

Sadly, everyone computer is different and run different programs. Performance optimizers, including network and internet types, would be my guess to a lot of the problems, as well as the mess found with out-of-the-box computers. These sort of things can't really be addressed, at least not realistically. Finding popular or common hardware/software issues that may effect the functionality of the launcher and the game itself, and since it's windows that this is the issue, will result in the solution not working or making the problem worse. it only gets worse the longer that version of windows has been active, more noticeably so on computers with a heavy installation/uninstallation history. This only becomes worse under windows 8 and especially 10. Obviously your not Microsoft, but finding programs which can, or at least potentially, create problems and offering solutions to assist in establishing stability of the game, and avoid lawsuits, should be painfully explored.

My two cents for suggestions: I'd suggest a more thorough job of the uninstaller purging files and folders. A better cache purge, an option oriented network troubleshooter that can automate implementation of the solutions, in simple terms. A diagnostic is not the same. An internal log checker, to see if necessary settings have been changed, especially network settings and links, which many things modify that do effect the functionality of CCP software. Even a separate program that can be downloaded, outside of the main program, could work outside of the game, with an 'users risk' clause. Yes, there is third party software, but who knows the program better?

I used to get paid money to fix this type of problem, now I only charge friends and family a free meal to fix pretty much any sort of computer software problems now that I've pretty much retired from the computer industry, mostly.

Kats loves cheese more than mouses. :p

United Space Corp with Honorable Intersts
#153 - 2016-09-07 19:12:29 UTC
CCP Explorer wrote:
Confirmed; even further, the Launcher embeds a direct interface to the login server (the SSO) so the Launcher doesn't even see the password. It extracts the reply, the access token, and passes on to the exefile, and knows what account this is to build the list of accounts.

So what is it actually for? Making it harder to run a paid and an unpaid account on the same physical machine? Come on... you are just making it harder for people who think about starting and running a second account (alpha wont be enough in the long run).
Let's face it: EVE always had a bad launcher with a sometimes wacky client. I remember having batch-files for cleaning up stuff to repair the client to a working state.
Bringing out a new fancy launcher to "streamline" the experience is a good thing... I guess almost everybody hated Steam when it went live as it was buggy and slow but it has evolved into a program that at least i really like as it simplifies many things. I also did not like the blizzard launcher until i noticed that it saves the credentials including the two factor auth.
However, putting a hard end date to a workaround that is needed because the new launcher does not work correctly is the wrong way. I strongly suggest postponing the discontinuation of the old login until the problems have been dealt with.

A launcher should:
Reliably update and fix any problem with the game
Store login credentials to ease up login (and therefore encourage two factor auth)
Update itself reliably and ask the user for a restart of itself

The launcher currently:
Throws white rectangles in my face
Forgets my login credentials every time after resume from s3
Seems to have problems with updating itself and keeping the game working*

*According to this thread
And yes, i just filed the requested bug report for the credentials (#253201).
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#154 - 2016-09-07 19:39:30 UTC
Assia Eko wrote:

I used to login through a SSH Tunnel that is installed on my main computer at home for security reasons, and in order to log in from places with unsafes connections (airport, train station, public wifi, work..)

I was using the /server: option in the shortlink to exefile.exe.

Will it still be possible to add such option to the executable via the launcher ?

Thank you,


Just run a VPN from home.
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#155 - 2016-09-07 19:40:54 UTC
Pumeia Taranogas wrote:
brinelan wrote:
Fossor Wintersky wrote:
it's a BAD gamedesign.

You should tell every other game dev since just about every mmo uses some kind of launcher.

with the difference that their launchers actually work...and not lets you log in with a "socket closed" for hours anymore (not even after PC Reboot) while being able to login with the exe-file all the time...especially a fancy thing during Ops....

As with virtually every other complaint in this thread, it really sounds like the problem is you and not the launcher.
Terra Serine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#156 - 2016-09-07 20:03:48 UTC
The new launcher doesn't render for me in Wine; if I can't login from the game itself I think I'm boned.
Makkuro Tatsu
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#157 - 2016-09-07 21:31:44 UTC
Emrys Alf wrote:
Known?? First I ever hear of it was yesterday. No one I have talked to so far was ever aware of this coming..

Well, I heard of it last year, and the players I talk to heard of it, and the launcher has been available for players' active use for many months. I'd say that you cannot blame CCP just because you have not been following events as much as other players.

Emrys Alf wrote:
On the mac with multiple accounts. having just two open will cause a crash or freeze of one of the accounts after 20 minutes. Multiple Mac's tried big and small.

I never had these issues. The new launcher has been a huge improvement over the old, crude methods of running multiple clients on the Mac.

Filing useful bug reports is the way to go, not moaning about a change that has been announced a long time ago.
Pandemic Legion
#158 - 2016-09-07 21:36:41 UTC
win189 wrote:
this is Frankly a stupid move as the only way for players to get on when the mystical launcher Server goes down the only way to launch the game is from the Exe file

CCP before Taking something away Wait tell you have 1 Whole Year of its Replacement Working Flawlessly.
Stop Pulling a Microsoft and force Changes when you do not have the team in place to back it up

Otherwize i think ALL eve Players should get a 1000 SP for every Minute the Launcher goes down if ever again

We don't want SP we just want an easy and reliable way of logging into the game... which we all ready have but it seems CCP don't like people having easy ways of doing anything.
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#159 - 2016-09-07 21:41:01 UTC
Terra Serine wrote:
The new launcher doesn't render for me in Wine; if I can't login from the game itself I think I'm boned.

Have you tried the linux specific launcher?

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

Pumeia Taranogas
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#160 - 2016-09-07 21:43:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Pumeia Taranogas
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Pumeia Taranogas wrote:
brinelan wrote:
Fossor Wintersky wrote:
it's a BAD gamedesign.

You should tell every other game dev since just about every mmo uses some kind of launcher.

with the difference that their launchers actually work...and not lets you log in with a "socket closed" for hours anymore (not even after PC Reboot) while being able to login with the exe-file all the time...especially a fancy thing during Ops....

As with virtually every other complaint in this thread, it really sounds like the problem is you and not the launcher.

sure...since when the launcher tells me i'm not connected after the socket closed (since a 100m/bit connection 1 flighthour away from the server obviously is not enough to hold the connection even tho not a single other game/program ever have issues with that and also having opened all Ports CCP suggested^^) while i got no problems connecting just over the *.exe file at the same moment makes me and not the launcher the problem. your logic is truely epic. especially after happening with 2 different computers over a year now on different OS and ISP's. How CCP ever could make something unpolished.... lol