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June release 118.6 - Issues

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Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#101 - 2016-06-28 22:34:49 UTC
Chiming in to add my voice to these complaints:

  • Can not set destination to citadel from market window, or orders panel in wallet (this means that to visit stations with my active orders I have to set destination to the system, then *gasp* manually activate docking with the citadel)
  • Please give us the option to disable docking & undocking animations
  • Docking animation appears to block loading of the market while docking with citadels (or else citadel markets have always been slow and I just never noticed)

Joia Crenca
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#102 - 2016-06-28 22:49:24 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
Chiming in to add my voice to these complaints:

  • Can not set destination to citadel from market window, or orders panel in wallet (this means that to visit stations with my active orders I have to set destination to the system, then *gasp* manually activate docking with the citadel)
  • Please give us the option to disable docking & undocking animations
  • Docking animation appears to block loading of the market while docking with citadels (or else citadel markets have always been slow and I just never noticed)

I'd noticed that the docking animation also blocks the ship fitting window. I can imagine a few scenarios that this issue hampers.

I *DO* like some of the little things I've seen come up, such as with resource harvesting getting a yellow 'number notification' like a weapon damage indicator and also the wallet update notice.

I can just imagine how cool the docking animation would look with the old Pleasure Station/Quafe Station background... but if I wanted to do quick fitting switches, I'd need to turn off the animation anyway.
Norrin Ellis
#103 - 2016-06-28 23:16:24 UTC
I can't find any way to disable the new in-space messages pertaining to ISK amounts added to bounty payout and ore mined with each laser cycle.

Need a button to turn off this annoying crap. I can see how much each rat is worth in their target info, and I know how much my lasers are going to yield before I start them. I can also see the bounty in the wallet when it's added. I can see the ore in my cargohold.

I really don't like useless information scrolling right in my face in the middle of the screen. Put in a button to turn it off, or if such a button already exists, tell me where to find this Easter egg setting.
ISD Buldath
#104 - 2016-06-28 23:30:25 UTC
3. Ranting is prohibited.

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CCP operate a zero tolerance policy on abuse of CCP employees and ISD volunteers. This includes but is not limited to personal attacks, trolling, “outing” of CCP employee or ISD volunteer player identities, and the use of any former player identities when referring to the aforementioned parties.

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Whoo, That was a doozy. "Good Riddance"

I have removed the offending content, and those quoting it.

Keep it Respectful people. You can complain and whine without hate mongering, demanding people get fired, and other such nonsense. Verbal Violence is not the answer.

~ISD Buldath

Instructor King of the Forums! Knight of the General Discussion

Support, Training and Resources Division

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE-Mails regarding forum moderation.

Sergdor Nardieu
East Coast Miners
#105 - 2016-06-28 23:38:41 UTC
I would like to discuss the impact to the new player base with the removal of the thrill of the hunt quest. I see where feedback from vet and active players would render this additional 10k skill towards the bottom of the eve importance but how much consideration was given for the new player base? Eve is a very challenging game with a large learning curve. Skills take time to train this 10k SP gave new players the ability to be very flexible in the first few weeks of the game. Being able to check out different skill loadouts and each day level up a few skills to level 1 or 2 is extremely helpful for a new player. I am sad to see this removed as it feels like eve is only focused on the vet and long term players that are active and voice their opinions. Eve forums and public events are filled with the vets of eve not the new player base that is learning the game.

My suggestion would be to add a limited number of objectives such as opportunities that force us new players out of our comfort zone and reward us with a SP bonus in the process. Another option would be to have different career missions reward players with different size skill injectors to assist with the early progression of the game.

My 3rd day playing I was killed twice by randoms while i was mining with no possible defense. The only thing that kept me interested was knowing that I could get a nice boost in skills for logging on and completing a task.
Citizen's Star Republic
#106 - 2016-06-29 01:07:31 UTC
I couldn't stomach the ship hanger animation, so I switched to the Captain's Quarters.
Now the Ship Fitting window is completely messed up. This is how my ships look.
All of them are borked in the Captain's Quarters.

Sorry but very disappointed in this patch. Please allow me to turn off the animations so I can go back to using the Ship Hanger

Drazz Caylen
Team-Pyro Industries
#107 - 2016-06-29 01:09:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Drazz Caylen
ISD Buldath wrote:
Whoo, That was a doozy. "Good Riddance"

Well of course I wish a fellow capsuleer the best when they're thinking they need to embark on to new frontiers. You know, "Godspeed" doesn't quite cut it when you're close to an immortal scion yourself ;)
May they find greener pastures, I bear no ill will to them as long as they keep it civil.

Sergdor Nardieu wrote:
I would like to discuss the impact to the new player base with the removal of the thrill of the hunt quest.
In all honesty, they were a bandaid fix to a problem that CCP still hasn't properly addressed. Of course there will always be the ones who start out anew and the ones who are years ahead. CCP thought that adding up more skillpoints was a good idea, when in fact it wasn't. We've been there with 800.000 SP characters before, their skills based on the background choice you took at character creation. It was a nice sentiment, but was far too easily abused through alts. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" as the saying goes.

The issue never has been the initial amount of skills, it was how to distribute them. There never is a gain in giving someone free stuff they can't even understand or appreciate.

There is no easy solution to it, although I find a strange appeal in buying skillpoint injectors. I view it like the chip-skills in Shadowrun. You already have a cybernetically augmented brain, downloading "experience" doesn't sound so wrong. Yet, experience alone does not equal success.

Personally I would say it has taken much too long for opportunities to be revised, the NPE is nowhere near close to good. The impact of a few skillpoints is insignificant compared to the problem a true new player faces in eve, which is deliberately withheld information and a lack of meaningful guidelines.

There are folks who believe, the natural selection of eve is throwing the player into the great mystery and see if they can figure it out. If they do, they're the 5% who are meant to play Eve. There is some merit in this theory, but only if your sole hurdle is your own mental agility. Regrettably the failure and inability of the system to provide you with said knowledge is a much bigger challenge in itself than the player's IQ. Say what you want about the pre-opportunity NPE's, but they at least where informative or immersive (depending which one you look at).
Chilled Environment
#108 - 2016-06-29 01:18:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Khorghast
Is anyone else getting a Verification Failure error from the launcher since the patch? I ran the repair tool like the message told me to with no result. The game is working from the old launcher I just found, but recurring opportunities is missing.
Arcturus Helio
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#109 - 2016-06-29 02:42:34 UTC
CCP Habakuk wrote:
Kain Bastage wrote:
Not sure if it's been said already otherwise I'd have an aneurysm reading all these posts but I noticed that animation of jumping a capital to a cyno no longer shows since the patch

I have not seen it mentioned in this thread, but we we know about it (thanks to bug reports) and I hope we can fix it soon.

I also am experiencing this.
Nelly Uanos
Rote Kapelle
#110 - 2016-06-29 05:10:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Nelly Uanos
Still cannot place buy order remotly in a Citadel. Only Station appear in the window selector to choose where you want to put your buy orders.

Cannot sell item in a remote citadel by right-clicking the item in my Personnal Assets.
#111 - 2016-06-29 05:41:58 UTC
Norrin Ellis wrote:
I can't find any way to disable the new in-space messages pertaining to ISK amounts added to bounty payout and ore mined with each laser cycle.

Need a button to turn off this annoying crap. I can see how much each rat is worth in their target info, and I know how much my lasers are going to yield before I start them. I can also see the bounty in the wallet when it's added. I can see the ore in my cargohold.

I really don't like useless information scrolling right in my face in the middle of the screen. Put in a button to turn it off, or if such a button already exists, tell me where to find this Easter egg setting.

I agree entirely , please give us the option to turn off unnecessary information box's that only repeat info we already have.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#112 - 2016-06-29 07:12:12 UTC
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#113 - 2016-06-29 08:00:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Malachir
Norrin Ellis wrote:
I can't find any way to disable the new in-space messages pertaining to ISK amounts added to bounty payout and ore mined with each laser cycle..

Not sure if this will help, but click on the setting icon when wallet screen is open. There is an option to turn off notification of wallet changes.

EDIT: Nope...
Sylvia Kildare
Kinetic Fury
#114 - 2016-06-29 08:31:01 UTC
I entered a system I had multiple citadels already bookmarked in... none of the citadel positions in space were showing a bookmark visibly... I double checked, and all the bookmarks existed and are in a folder that is set to show in space by default...

So, I turned off "personal bookmarks" in my scan overlay options, then turned them back on. Something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention... it was all my citadel bookmarks coming back into view... on this system's sun. All 3 citadel bookmarks are showing as 16.0 AU away and centered on the sun (also 16.0 AU away from me at the moment).

Very strange.
Maltar Evingod
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#115 - 2016-06-29 10:20:33 UTC
I was skeptical about the 'daily rat' 10k SP reward. After some days I loved it. Would like to see it coming back.

Specific to Mac client/launcher: 1045952.1.988:

Before June 28th the first undock of the day was about 12 sec black screen delay. Now it is 20 sec black screen.

New: a delay of about 30 sec black screen at first login from champ selection. Not critical but nasty, as the locals see me online 30 sec before I even have the station environment appearing.

For both of theses extended delays, please give advice about what to do to make them shorter. Meanwhile I use all and every graphical setting at low or 'off'. What else can I try?

New: visibility of objects in space is not predictable. Sometimes I see my own drones, I see wrecks and other ships as icons in space. After any action, such as dscan activation or changing window focus from dscan to probe scan, the space objects disappear or re-appear by random. Sometimes they do, sometimes they do not. There seems to be no rule.

New: when using shortcut commands, such as approach or orbit, sometimes theses commands are accepted at first keypress, sometimes the command appears on screen only to disappear some seconds later and cancelling the command. It's not predictable if I have to press a shortcut key once, twice or three times to get the action done. Very nasty!

Thanks for a quick bug fix!
Silent Knights.
#116 - 2016-06-29 10:29:17 UTC
Seems to be an issue moving stuff from Personal Hangar's Arrays. Not sure if this happens in-station in corp hangars as I'm in no position to try it, but works fine until changing ships in a Ship Maintenance Array, and then when moving something from PHA to the new ship you just boarded, it appears to move fine, but doesn't show on the ship/is still in the Corp Hangar array.

Trying again gives you an "object is no longer in your reach" message. From what i can tell, it has moved the item, but it hasn't updated the inventory window being displayed, logging off and back on shows it correctly, but this is making management of inventory really frustrating.
CCP Turtlepower
C C P Alliance
#117 - 2016-06-29 11:02:54 UTC
Marcia Kusoni wrote:
There is one thing that has been an issue for MONTHS now :

After you jump a stargate while having the old solar system map opened, the map becomes instantly zoomed to the max. You have to scroll with the mouse to get back to a decent view of the solar system.

You ignored a petition about it, but maybe you won't ignore a message here. Who knows ? And I know this is not a problem specifically related to the release today, but I post it here because hopefully you will SEE IT.
Hmm, this is the first I hear of this. I've reproduced the issue and created a defect for our programmers. Thanks!
Norrin Ellis wrote:
I can't find any way to disable the new in-space messages pertaining to ISK amounts added to bounty payout and ore mined with each laser cycle.
Sorry, this setting is not in yet. Coming very soon!
ISD Buldath wrote:
Whoo, That was a doozy. "Good Riddance"

I have removed the offending content, and those quoting it.
Thank you!!

CCP Turtlepower
Thuggish BluntBlowin
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#118 - 2016-06-29 11:15:11 UTC
I moved a fit mission ship right before downtime whole ship gone...... even checked for it's x-type mods and they are not in my assets I don't have a ship or a cargo container for it to be put in and it's not on my contract's, sales, or losses.
Victory or Whatever
Nourv Gate Security Commission
#119 - 2016-06-29 11:23:39 UTC
when i try to reload my hybrid guns from a can, the reload cycle completes and the ammo is taken from the stack but the guns are not reloaded. this happened yesterday after patch and also today when i logged in.
Amanina Avada Corporation
#120 - 2016-06-29 11:36:49 UTC
Following downtime on 29/6/16 I cannot warp to escalation sites, the option does not appear in the right-click menu from the journal despite being in-system.