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[118.6] Capital Balancing
BLOPS Hauler The 16.8km Bubble
macha AB primary secondarysig 350 vel 477 dps old 18,6733259909 7,5670241145 11,1063018764dps new 14,6537542998 11,3464176868 3,3073366129difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 Macha MWD primary secondarysig 2100 vel 1308 dps old 24,5891455217 12,5335899661 12,0555555556dps new 19,9180849591 14,44 5,4780849591difference 0,1899643303 -0,1521040691 0,5455966393 Rattle MWD primary secondarysig 3265 vel 870 dps old 26,4955555556 14,44 12,0555555556dps new 23,492 14,44 9,052difference 0,1133607314 0 0,2491428571 Rattle AB primary secondarysig 563 vel 317 dps old 25,4315564113 13,3760008558 12,0555555556dps new 20,2862794218 14,44 5,8462794218difference 0,202318604 -0,0795453855 0,5150551632 Guardian AB primary secondarysig 70 vel 541 dps old 6,1029277767 2,4730999543 3,6298278224dps new 4,789227382 3,7083039037 1,0809234783difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 Guardian AB primary secondarysig 70 vel 237 dps old 10,3881445211 4,2096057304 6,1785387907dps new 8,1225174442 6,3121174442 1,8104difference 0,2180973775 -0,4994557326 0,7069857354 Guardian MWD primary secondarysig 420 vel 1384 dps old 10,571068511 4,2837323344 6,2873361765dps new 8,2955677377 6,4232670056 1,8723007321difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 osprey AB primary secondarysig 153 vel 575 dps old 9,7124301457 3,935784828 5,7766453177dps new 7,6217576386 5,9015351224 1,7202225162difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 osprey MWD primary secondarysig 902 vel 1506 dps old 16,3833383283 6,6390484623 9,744289866dps new 12,8567034384 9,9549592755 2,9017441629difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 Archon AB primary secondarysig 9920 vel 206 dps old 26,4955555556 14,44 12,0555555556dps new 23,492 14,44 9,052difference 0,1133607314 0 0,2491428571 Archon MWD primary secondarysig 59520 vel 534 dps old 26,4955555556 14,44 12,0555555556dps new 23,492 14,44 9,052difference 0,1133607314 0 0,2491428571 Tristan AB primary secondarysig 41 vel 1078 dps old 2,772458846 1,1234882824 1,6489705636dps new 2,17566655 1,6846209455 0,4910456045difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124 Tristan MWD primary secondarysig 246 vel 2980 dps old 4,5683006629 1,8512203608 2,7170803021dps new 3,584940118 2,7758229822 0,8091171358difference 0,2152574048 -0,4994557326 0,7022108124
My opinions are mine.
If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care
It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.