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[Citadels] Dreadnoughts

First post
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2016-04-25 19:34:31 UTC
Panther X wrote:
The 3rd racial bonus for Phoenix is totally useless.

While not being a cap Pilot myself, i still think that a RTL reload cycle from 40s to 20s is actually quite nice.
Thea Jones
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2016-04-25 19:37:48 UTC
I semi get the complaining but there is a slight difference as these ships main targets are changing. With the addition of T2 Weaponry, there DPS will go up dramatically.

It needs a bit of a test to really see whats going on. A phoenix blasting something that is webbed and painted to death is going to be... well... painful.

It would apply to all dreads to a degree though.

The revelation.. dunno what to tell you there. It might make a good beginner dread :-). We don't know what scorch will truly do to it though.

Anduin Spartan
The Soul Society
#23 - 2016-04-25 19:58:29 UTC
I don't see any capital turret hard points on the build requirements for the Naglfar and why are Capital Drone Bays needed??
Judas Lonestar
Stryker Industries
Stryker Group
#24 - 2016-04-25 20:22:50 UTC
Vardec Crom wrote:
The EHP reduction basically necessitates plates and LSE's, but that isn't even really the issue. As it stands now, with dreads being immobile, two titans with pikes could obliterate an entire dread fleet with ease. The DD changes have made this ship class completely obsolete in a combat role. Not to even mention the fact that SC's with shadows are going to be one shotting dreads as well.

So much this. Supers with Shadows are so OP its laughable.
EVE Postal Service
#25 - 2016-04-25 20:35:31 UTC
CCP Larrikin wrote:

  • 8 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 10 x Capital Computer System
  • 21 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 17 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 12 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 16 x Capital Power Generator
  • 8 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 5 x Capital Drone Bay
  • 25 x Capital Siege Array

  • Added Industrial Requirement changes

How is it possible that the Naglfar numbers are the same as the Lif numbers? Copy/paste error?

Here are the correct numbers:
  • 6 x Capital Sensor Cluster
  • 13 x Capital Computer System
  • 24 x Capital Shield Emitter
  • 7 x Capital Propulsion Engine
  • 13 x Capital Construction Parts
  • 7 x Capital Capacitor Battery
  • 11 x Capital Armor Plates
  • 6 x Capital Power Generator
  • 9 x Capital Jump Drive
  • 16 x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay
  • 8 x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay
  • 28 x Capital Siege Array
  • [*]37 x Capital Turret Hardpoint
Angry Mustache
Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2016-04-25 20:44:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Angry Mustache
The Rev and Phoenix's third bonus seems like something that should be just rolled into the hull instead of being based on Dreadnaught skill levels.

3 bonuses per skill level makes a huge difference between 5 levels in dreads and 4 levels, which is something CCP has been avoiding as of late, see Drone Interface change.

The rev in particular has this problem, since a Dread 4 Rev uses 20% more cap shooting than a Dread 5 Rev. If you balance fits around Dread 5, Dread 4 Revs might cap out while shooting before half the siege cycle was done.

An official Member of the Goonswarm Federation Complaints Department.

Contra Ratio
#27 - 2016-04-25 20:53:50 UTC
Rev and Pheonix 3rd bonus is garbage. Rev especially. You Shouldn't have to lose a combat bonus just for the ship to function.
dexter xio
Dead Game.
#28 - 2016-04-25 20:55:29 UTC
awesome thanks ccp :D

Dead Game.

Plz Nomad
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2016-04-25 20:58:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Plz Nomad
Naglfar and moros cycle time bonuses should be changed to amount so they have the same bonus as their FAX counterparts. (look at rev - apostle, fenix - w/e caldari fax is called).
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#30 - 2016-04-25 21:00:38 UTC
Altrue wrote:
Oh wow, I'm sorry to be so blunt but, this is absolutely stupid to have the Phoenix and the Rev get a bonus that's only there due to poor stat attribution on the weapons themselves.

It's like if IRL I increased the price of my goods right before having them on sale, this stuff isn't only frowned upon, it's plain old illegal... Well that's the same twisted logic you're doing here, and frankly, that's something I'd have expected from 2006 EVE, not 2016 EVE.

Not to mention, guess what, that they also get the useless resistance bonus... On a ship that doesn't have the ability to receive remote assistance 90% of the time!

That's a huge plus wahn from me.

There should be a balance on Rev and Phoenix to bring them back into de rigeur. I love the torp phoenix as a pos killer, massive damage per volley, but its poor rate of fire makes its use negligible. Sure it will reload fast though!

And the Rev will not use so much cap doing no damage whatsoever. Fantastic.

You see where I'm going with this? Yet the Moros gets a damage multiplier AND a rate of fire bonus, while hybrids get to take advantage of their natural fast reload timer. Oh don't forget they get a local rep bonus too. All plus no minus.

I'm sorry but if there's balance in this I fail to see it.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

#31 - 2016-04-25 21:06:15 UTC
@CCP: Please post stats on the new weapons and modules. I can't find them anywhere. Not in patch notes, not in any thread...
Devara Biotech
#32 - 2016-04-25 21:13:16 UTC
The cap reduction and reloard bonus of Rev and Phoenix are inferior to the RoF bonus of the other dreads. But they get a much better tank bonus instead (except burst repair), so I think it evens out. It also follows CCP's design strategy where Gallente and Minmatar ships are more offensive and more geared towards active tanking while the Amarr and Caldari ones shine in larger fleets due to better tank.

However that doesn't rule out inbalance and it does seem rather rushed (even though these changes have been on Sisi for a while now). Like the ASB Phoenix is going to be a ***** now.


Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#33 - 2016-04-25 21:14:25 UTC
Thea Jones wrote:
I semi get the complaining but there is a slight difference as these ships main targets are changing. With the addition of T2 Weaponry, there DPS will go up dramatically.

It needs a bit of a test to really see whats going on. A phoenix blasting something that is webbed and painted to death is going to be... well... painful.

It would apply to all dreads to a degree though.

The revelation.. dunno what to tell you there. It might make a good beginner dread :-). We don't know what scorch will truly do to it though.

Without a damage application bonus, nothing. The cap usage bonus can be mitigated by fit or implants. Give me a damage application bonus, I will worry about cap when I run out.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Braxton Tscharke
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2016-04-25 21:15:04 UTC
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#35 - 2016-04-25 21:17:58 UTC
Mizhir wrote:
The cap reduction and reloard bonus of Rev and Phoenix are inferior to the RoF bonus of the other dreads. But they get a much better tank bonus instead (except burst repair), so I think it evens out. It also follows CCP's design strategy where Gallente and Minmatar ships are more offensive and more geared towards active tanking while the Amarr and Caldari ones shine in larger fleets due to better tank.

However that doesn't rule out inbalance and it does seem rather rushed (even though these changes have been on Sisi for a while now). Like the ASB Phoenix is going to be a ***** now.

Not really, better damage application beats tank. Dreads are meant to be throwaway.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Amarr Empire
#36 - 2016-04-25 21:20:21 UTC
Came expecting a rev buff....
Sadly very disappointed.
There is still much work to be done on this.

Still no reason to Fly a revelation, bad CCP.
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#37 - 2016-04-25 21:24:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Panther X
Credacom wrote:
Came expecting a rev buff....
Sadly very disappointed.
There is still much work to be done on this.

Still no reason to Fly a revelation, bad CCP.

I think the Amarr just wanted something to soak up damage for their Aeons when there are no Nyx's on their side.

"Shields? What shields? Oh you mean the Nyx next to me."

Maybe the Blood Raider Rev will be ballzout awesome.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#38 - 2016-04-25 21:53:32 UTC
either make it so that you can repackage stuff in your fleet hangar or nag is the only usable dread because of 2 guns vs 3 and them taking 4k m3 each
Faren Shalni
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#39 - 2016-04-25 22:02:27 UTC
rev still sucks. phoenix looks okay but not that impressive. moros is a moros and the nag is the best dread for wspace. BECAUSE IT ONLY HAS 2 GUNS

It can overheat for longer which is a massive thing in capital v capital brawls in wspace. seriously give it 3 guns otherwise its going to have an instant advantage over all the other dreads.

So Much Space

Rivr Luzade
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#40 - 2016-04-25 22:09:44 UTC
Panther X wrote:
Credacom wrote:
Came expecting a rev buff....
Sadly very disappointed.
There is still much work to be done on this.

Still no reason to Fly a revelation, bad CCP.

I think the Amarr just wanted something to soak up damage for their Aeons when there are no Nyx's on their side.

"Shields? What shields? Oh you mean the Nyx next to me."

Maybe the Blood Raider Rev will be ballzout awesome.

For 5x the price? These balls need to be really huge. I doubt that a neutralizer bonus on a Rev is going to be anything but horrible to be fair. Roll

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