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Player Owned Customs Office: Your feedback on the past month

First post
Jack Dant
The Gentlemen of Low Moral Fibre
#101 - 2012-01-10 18:45:17 UTC
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
Hmm, I do agree that it may be that Interbus thingies could be more fragile while player deployed POCOs could take bit more beating?

Player ones are close to perfect. More HP only raises the amount of people you need to shoot or rep them, and that hurts small corp involvement. If anything, I would support moving some of the shield HP to armor. Easier to reinforce, easier to repair, harder to kill.

As I said at the start of the thread, if you increase the command center launch capacity, you could just delete the Interbus COs.

What happens in lowsec, stays in lowsec, lowering the barrier to entry to lowsec PVP:

#102 - 2012-01-10 20:14:25 UTC
Esunisen wrote:
Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
It is true that Tech 2 guns and carriers have better DPS than Tech 1 noob thingys. You do know that you can fix this with the skill queue and some time, right?

I don't even have gunnery V, but i can use heavy T2 drones, i always use drone boats. DPS isn't enough to down the CO shield.

A structure bashing domi costs ~80m, is insurable for ~40, and puts out ~900dps between it's rack of lasers and its drones. T1 (low meta) guns. Once you do your bashing, you can refit it into a repdomi, with 6 large shield reps running cap stably to help repair it (which takes forever with well more than 3 people, enjoy that)

Also, 3 people isn't a small corp, that's a me-and-my-alts-sized corp.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Raven Ether
#103 - 2012-01-11 11:30:22 UTC
The input may not contain HTML. FFS can't reply
#104 - 2012-01-11 23:13:34 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?
I have not seen any significant problems.

CCP Omen wrote:
2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?
I have not seen any change with my experience. However, I expect that others might have seen an increase.

CCP Omen wrote:
3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?
The POCO in the low-sec constellation where I live have all been established by a 600-700 player alliance. From my experience, POCO's appear to be another cash cow for large alliances. There might be some new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations, but I have not seen any in my corner of low-sec.

CCP Omen wrote:
4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?
There is a slight increase in relevance as corporations establish and defend passive income from POCO's.

CCP Omen wrote:
5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?
Nope. It has been business as usual.
Substantia Nigra
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#105 - 2012-01-12 03:12:55 UTC
1. Is there anything related to the Customs Office feature or PI taxes that you think is broken or terrible?

No, not really.

I've cleared a number of systems now ... removing those accursed interbus invaders ... and installed our own offices.

For small groups (such as mine) the interbus installations are painfully tough, but that's prolly just me being greedy and impatient.

The reinforcement timer on the self-install guys is a bit ambiguous and out-of-sync with that of a POS tower.

2. Do you think the amount of PvP engagements has changed in EVE as a result of this feature?

Not that I have seen.

3. Do you think the feature has created new opportunities for small to mid-sized corporations?

Yes. As a w-space denizen running a number of systems I'm wondering how to approach the eventual onselling of some of our systems.

4. Do you think PI has become more or less relevant in EVE?

I hate PI! It's the most tedious click-fest aspect of my eve-experience. Having said that, I have cleared several systems and installed my own customs offices and I do run PI from many planets.

5. Do you have any awesome story related to a Player Owned Customs Office?

Not yet.

OTOH: I love, love, love the corp-bookmark tab and wish it would accommodate more bookmarks.

I guess I am almost a 'vet' by now. Hopefully not too bitter and managing to help more than I hinder. I build and sell many things, including large collections of bookmarks.

Raven Ether
#106 - 2012-01-12 11:30:02 UTC
Too expensive, make them cheaper.
CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#107 - 2012-01-12 13:53:52 UTC
I just wanted to post an update on what we are doing with your feedback.

DONE - Waiting for deployment (probably in January)

  • Boost storage capacity of the "storage pin" to 12000 m3 from 5000 m3
  • Increased the granularity of the standing check so that the standing of the user is checked on an individual and alliance level as well. The personal standing towards the owner corp takes precedence over the corp that in its turn takes precedence over alliance standing. Please keep in mind that it is still the owner corporation's standing that it is checked towards.

ON BACKLOG - things that we are planning to do that will be released in point releases

  • Allow owner of Customs Office to set standing check on behalf of own Alliance
  • Allow owner of Customs Office to choose which wallet taxes are paid to

IN INVESTIGATION - Things we aren't sure about but are considering for the future

  • Remove the alliance only restriction on placing command centers in sov space
  • Changes to the Jet Can
  • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

Thank you for your feedback!

Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

Unforgiven Storm
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#108 - 2012-01-12 15:21:31 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
I just wanted to post an update on what we are doing with your feedback.

DONE - Waiting for deployment (probably in January)

  • Boost storage capacity of the "storage pin" to 12000 m3 from 5000 m3
  • Increased the granularity of the standing check so that the standing of the user is checked on an individual and alliance level as well. The personal standing towards the owner corp takes precedence over the corp that in its turn takes precedence over alliance standing. Please keep in mind that it is still the owner corporation's standing that it is checked towards.

ON BACKLOG - things that we are planning to do that will be released in point releases

  • Allow owner of Customs Office to set standing check on behalf of own Alliance
  • Allow owner of Customs Office to choose which wallet taxes are paid to

IN INVESTIGATION - Things we aren't sure about but are considering for the future

  • Remove the alliance only restriction on placing command centers in sov space
  • Changes to the Jet Can
  • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

Thank you for your feedback!

Nice! Big smile

Changes to the InterBus CO hp <--- prio 1 for this please


Can you allow the possibility to destroy materials in the storage or in the launch pad that we do not want to export or launch?
Can you allow people to see in the inventory window the materials people have in POCOs all over Eve like we see it today for Stations?

Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

Marvinovi pratele
#109 - 2012-01-12 15:29:45 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
  • Changes to the InterBus CO hp
  • this, shooting npc structures is boring What?
    Scrapyard Bob
    EVE University
    Ivy League
    #110 - 2012-01-12 15:34:58 UTC
    Good change to the storage PIN, lowering its PG cost too by about 1/3 or even 1/2 would still be needed to bring it in line with its purpose as "better storage then the LP".
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #111 - 2012-01-12 15:39:06 UTC
    CCP Omen wrote:

    IN INVESTIGATION - Things we aren't sure about but are considering for the future

    • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

    Cutting their HP in half would be 5 minutes of effort for 25 pages of praise on patch day. No game-breaking side effects. Your call. || || Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

    KelShanique TiAndre JaLarion
    Brutor Tribe
    Minmatar Republic
    #112 - 2012-01-12 15:54:39 UTC
    CCP Omen wrote:

  • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

  • Yeah Buddy - Dj Pauly D
    charlene charlottes
    Royal Amarr Institute
    Amarr Empire
    #113 - 2012-01-12 15:54:40 UTC
    CCP Omen wrote:

    • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

    please do this NOW. InterBus CO should be replaced as fast as possible by players to encourage player interaction, no reason for them to be that sturdy. Maybe reduce the current hp to 10%. The first rush is over, make it easy now please.
    Unforgiven Storm
    Eternity INC.
    Goonswarm Federation
    #114 - 2012-01-12 15:55:50 UTC
    One more thing:

    Can you drag someone that works in the API and ask if the POCOs and PI information will ever be available, and if the answer is yes, when can we expect it to be ready for us to access?


    • POCOs List -> location, taxes, standings…


    • Command Centers List -> location, number of structures in planet, POCOs taxes applied to us in each planet
    • For each Command Center -> List of structures in each planet
    • Information on each structure ->
    1. Extractors: number of heads, program status (running/stopped), program length, expect end time of program and the summary information like the total resource yield and average yield
    2. Industrial facilities: schematic in use, status (running/stopped)
    3. Silos and Spaceports: contents stored, space available
    4. Command centers: contents stored, space available, cpu and power usage…

    Unforgiven Storm for CSM 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. (If I don't get in in the next 5 years I will quit trying) :-)

    Bienator II
    madmen of the skies
    #115 - 2012-01-12 18:55:47 UTC
    CCP Omen wrote:
    I just wanted to post an update on what we are doing with your feedback.

    DONE - Waiting for deployment (probably in January)

    • Boost storage capacity of the "storage pin" to 12000 m3 from 5000 m3
    • Increased the granularity of the standing check so that the standing of the user is checked on an individual and alliance level as well. The personal standing towards the owner corp takes precedence over the corp that in its turn takes precedence over alliance standing. Please keep in mind that it is still the owner corporation's standing that it is checked towards.

    ON BACKLOG - things that we are planning to do that will be released in point releases

    • Allow owner of Customs Office to set standing check on behalf of own Alliance
    • Allow owner of Customs Office to choose which wallet taxes are paid to

    IN INVESTIGATION - Things we aren't sure about but are considering for the future

    • Remove the alliance only restriction on placing command centers in sov space
    • Changes to the Jet Can
    • Changes to the InterBus CO hp

    Thank you for your feedback!

    no updated notifications for CO users?

    how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

    Strawberry Fields
    Gooseflock Featheration
    #116 - 2012-01-13 00:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Strawberry Fields
    Nthing my support for a reduction in interbus HP. No one has any stake in these, no one really wants them, as far as I know it is CCP's intent for PI to be a totally player owned and run section of the economy. So help us lose the interbus pocos. For large alliances its a pain in the backside to knock down hundreds and hundreds of them, for small corps its a pain to knock down a few because they don't have the firepower.
    #117 - 2012-01-13 04:40:18 UTC
    Unforgiven Storm wrote:
    One more thing:

    Can you drag someone that works in the API and ask if the POCOs and PI information will ever be available, and if the answer is yes, when can we expect it to be ready for us to access?


    • POCOs List -> location, taxes, standings…


    • Command Centers List -> location, number of structures in planet, POCOs taxes applied to us in each planet
    • For each Command Center -> List of structures in each planet
    • Information on each structure ->
    1. Extractors: number of heads, program status (running/stopped), program length, expect end time of program and the summary information like the total resource yield and average yield
    2. Industrial facilities: schematic in use, status (running/stopped)
    3. Silos and Spaceports: contents stored, space available
    4. Command centers: contents stored, space available, cpu and power usage…

    A goon i can finally agree with, err umm this can't be good.

    Posted in a goon thread!!!!!
    No La
    Greased Lightning Engineering
    #118 - 2012-01-13 09:32:18 UTC
    Scrapyard Bob wrote:
    Good change to the storage PIN, lowering its PG cost too by about 1/3 or even 1/2 would still be needed to bring it in line with its purpose as "better storage then the LP".

    And decreasing th Interbus HP

    I would also like to see more usage of P4 materials. There just isn't enough demand for P4's.
    Jarnis McPieksu
    Gallente Federation
    #119 - 2012-01-13 09:38:22 UTC
    No La wrote:
    Scrapyard Bob wrote:
    Good change to the storage PIN, lowering its PG cost too by about 1/3 or even 1/2 would still be needed to bring it in line with its purpose as "better storage then the LP".

    And decreasing th Interbus HP

    I would also like to see more usage of P4 materials. There just isn't enough demand for P4's.

    So extend your manufacturing chain; manufacture items that use P4s and sell them?
    No La
    Greased Lightning Engineering
    #120 - 2012-01-13 10:10:47 UTC
    Jarnis McPieksu wrote:
    No La wrote:
    Scrapyard Bob wrote:
    Good change to the storage PIN, lowering its PG cost too by about 1/3 or even 1/2 would still be needed to bring it in line with its purpose as "better storage then the LP".

    And decreasing th Interbus HP

    I would also like to see more usage of P4 materials. There just isn't enough demand for P4's.

    So extend your manufacturing chain; manufacture items that use P4s and sell them?

    I'm guessing the demand for those items is low as well.
    Look at Sterile Conduits, they are used in POS modules and Capital stuff mostly.
    Apparently not enough POS's get destroyed Twisted

    As it is now, I could (with 3 chars) completely crash the sterile conduit market if i wanted to.

    I don't know how many people produce P4's, but it only takes a few to saturate the market.
    One character with 6 factory planets can produce 864 Sterile Conduits a day. With an average turnover of about 5000 a day in Jita, that Char produces 17 percent of the market.

    I'm not saying that would be practical, but the point is that it doesn't take a lot of people doing PI to kill the P4 market.