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Project Discovery: Challenging & Interesting Samples

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Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2016-03-10 02:00:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Max Trix
Post all the really hard, or really strange samples you've seen so far... For Science!
Try to include the ID number in the lower right corner. It might be useful for ccp/mmos to fix things.

Not sure whats going on in this one. Its like a couple of them exploded or something. This is your cells on drugs?

This one i got semi-right.. apparently it had 3 different classifications i needed to select, i only got the most obvious one.

Heres one i was almost certain i was right, but apparently not. The staining was clearly outside of the red marker, uniform though the whole thing with no difference in the blue marker area, and with pointy protrusions extending out, like the Plasma Membrane, but it turned out to be Cytoplasm? Cytoplasm description says it should be uniform inside the cell, except in the blue marker, and i dont see any of these protrusions in any of the cytoplasm examples.


Other good posts in this thread worth checking out:

Detailed information about some of the images posted in the thread by someone who knows something

An example of cell-to-cell Variation and description of whats being stained:

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-03-10 02:04:46 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:
Post all the really hard, or really strange samples you've seen so far... For Science!

Not sure whats going on in this one. Its like a couple of them exploded or something. This is your cells on drugs?

This one i got semi-right.. apparently it had 3 different classifications i needed to select, i only got the most obvious one.

First one I would call nucleoli, I guess. I saw another one that was almost devoid of green, including inside nuclei, EXCEPT on a few cells where the nucleus was completely shattered, and the shattered parts of the nucleus were entirely green. Didn't screencap it, though. :\

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Terminal Insanity
Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2016-03-10 03:29:00 UTC
heres one that nobody seems sure of, look at the spread of those numbers!

and heres one that doesnt seem to fit any description. Its probably not a Microtubule Organizing Center, since none of the red converges on it at all, and they are fairly solid dots, not diffuse. It might be a Centrosome but again, none of the red converges on it, and its kinda randomly placed in the red. It cant be an Aggresome, since its often not next to the nucleus, and is not diffuse.
I marked it as 'abnormal sample' and chose Aggresome anyway since its the closest match i could find.

"War declarations are never officially considered griefing and are not a bannable offense, and it has been repeatedly stated by the developers that the possibility for non-consensual PvP is an intended feature." - CCP

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-03-10 04:06:55 UTC
Could you tell me in really simple words (goon level) what I am doing when I am comparing those things? Ideally using only these.

It's got something to do with protein, so, can we cure cancer by doing well? Or improve our diet? Grow some muscles?
Helios Anduath
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2016-03-10 04:22:43 UTC
"you are helping to do science" simple explanation or "you are helping to identify what structures are present in pretty pictures of really small things" simple explanation?

Basically, you are looking at pictures of stained human cells to identify patterns of protein distribution in them. The aim is to map all of the proteins in the human body to help understand health and disease.
The Regency
The Monarchy
#6 - 2016-03-10 04:57:50 UTC
It's nice to see some people actually trying to do this project properly. Based on the choice distributions I've seen so far, people are either just randomly picking things or deliberately picking the one that is the most absolutely wrong. A community full of trolls may not have been the best place for something like this.
Looks like fribrillar-center nucleoli.
I would call that one a plasma membrane.
Helios Anduath
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-03-10 05:17:28 UTC
Sp3ktr3 wrote:
I would call that one a plasma membrane.

The ones that are Red Cross/Green Outline on the results like that (or titled "Foreign cell sample") are ones that have been classified by researchers at HPA - player's haven't come to that consensus.

Ones that have been classified by players show you the percentages in the results and are the unknown samples.
The Regency
The Monarchy
#8 - 2016-03-10 05:50:09 UTC
Helios Anduath wrote:
Sp3ktr3 wrote:
I would call that one a plasma membrane.

The ones that are Red Cross/Green Outline on the results like that (or titled "Foreign cell sample") are ones that have been classified by researchers at HPA - player's haven't come to that consensus.

Ones that have been classified by players show you the percentages in the results and are the unknown samples.

Yes true. But it's entirely possible for researchers to misclassify things, especially when they're trying to do a lot of them at once. My specialty isn't biology, but based on the examples they gave that one definitely does look more like a plasma membrane.
Yume Mei
Khanid Dynamics
#9 - 2016-03-10 07:00:30 UTC
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#10 - 2016-03-10 07:16:18 UTC
Yume Mei wrote:

Yeah, some of those are irksome.

This one is peeving me.

Those are NOT vessicles.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#11 - 2016-03-10 07:24:21 UTC
The first few days, the results are going to be all over the map because we have a little learning of our own to do.

A signature :o

Kali Starchaser
Void Runner Salvage and Acquisitions
#12 - 2016-03-10 08:45:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Kali Starchaser

I think I just got proof of a baby metroid.

Image ID #100089016
The Chodak
Void Alliance
#13 - 2016-03-10 09:01:19 UTC
I tryed to do it but i have no idea what i am doing.
I read all the toturial and instructions but i always miss the correct answer.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2016-03-10 09:10:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Silvenin
For some reason people seem to be afraid of the "unspecific" or "cell to cell variations" buttons like they bite or something.

If it's either of those, what you will see is votes literaly spread all across the board, quite evenly like they went with a totaly random selection because they could not identify...

Case and point.... here is a clear example of cell to cell variation
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#15 - 2016-03-10 11:24:56 UTC
Terminal Insanity wrote:

Heres one i was almost certain i was right, but apparently not. The staining was clearly outside of the red marker, uniform though the whole thing with no difference in the blue marker area, and with pointy protrusions extending out, like the Plasma Membrane, but it turned out to be Cytoplasm? Cytoplasm description says it should be uniform inside the cell, except in the blue marker, and i dont see any of these protrusions in any of the cytoplasm examples.

Remember these are 3D images, so there can be green under the blue, which isn't 'In' the blue but part of the cell literally underneath.
Daniel Ornulf
Grae Universe Enterprise
#16 - 2016-03-10 11:28:37 UTC
it was fun until people started picking the same "mainstream" patterns for every image rather than risk belonging to the minority
HPA Illuminator
C C P Alliance
#17 - 2016-03-10 14:03:37 UTC
What a fun thread!

Some feedback on your difficult images from a researchers pov:

#1: First image shows fibrillar centers. You can tell because the green staining will overlap with the holes in the blue one. It's FC rather than nucleoli, as there are clusters of spots in each nucleoli (FC is a specific pattern of nucleolar staining, with a specific biological function).

The cells that look like they've exploded are actually cells that are undergoing mitosis = one cell becoming two. So what you see is the DNA (blue) all densed up, so the microtubules (red) can help separate the DNA equally into the two daughter cells. Not so common to see this in images, and soooo pretty imo :)

Second image: Difficult one, agree that the nucleoli is the most prominent staining (it's just really important to toggle all colors on/off).

#3: Hehe you're really finding difficult ones! I would say it's nucleoli, but I'm not sure whether it's "just" nucleoli, or whether it's fibrillar center. I don't think it's nuclear bodies because the green seem to overlap with the holes in the blue. It's not speckles because there are too few and not evenly spread out.

Second image: Tricky one! The spots are really dense and oversaturated. It might be some sort of vesicle or cytoplasmic body, but it could also be an artifact. Typical image where there's no obvious right or wrong.

#6: Totally agree with you on both! There might be a cytoplasmic staining together with the plasma membrane (those two can be really difficult to tell apart). Are you getting errors for choosing PM?

#9: Can't say for sure with both the blue and green turned on, but if looks like nucleus rather than nucleoplasm to me.

#10: You're right, it's mitochondria. I can sort of understand why they could be mistaken for vesicles though... but that thread like pattern in a part of the cell really gives it away.

#12: Ooooh, those were some ugly cells. I can tell from just looking at the morphology and size that those belong to one of the first few 1000 cell preps we did (to give some perspective, we've done >150.000 now & we've improved a lot). It's a really difficult one to distinguish, but I think it might be intermediate filaments. It could also be "just" cytoplasm. My reason for thinking of intermediate filaments is that the green is a bit more dense next to the nucleus, and it's kinda like a cotton pad that you've ripped apart (at work we usually go like "uuuh so it's not golgi, cytoplasm or mitochondria... it must be int fil..." - we also think it's one of the more difficult ones!).

Kali Starchaser
Void Runner Salvage and Acquisitions
#18 - 2016-03-10 14:45:05 UTC
Here is a fun one I would LOVE feedback on, because its confusing the crap out of me if I should checkmark 'Abnormal sample' or not before I submit it.
HPA Illuminator
C C P Alliance
#19 - 2016-03-10 14:54:46 UTC
Kali Starchaser wrote:
Here is a fun one I would LOVE feedback on, because its confusing the crap out of me if I should checkmark 'Abnormal sample' or not before I submit it.

Nice one! I wouldn't say it's abnormal. It's a cell to cell variation pattern of plasma membrane. Possibly some cytoplasm too (but likely not) - if the green staining is perfectly uniform and flat all over the cell when you toggle off red and blue I would say it's only PM.
Kali Starchaser
Void Runner Salvage and Acquisitions
#20 - 2016-03-10 15:02:11 UTC
HPA Illuminator wrote:
Kali Starchaser wrote:
Here is a fun one I would LOVE feedback on, because its confusing the crap out of me if I should checkmark 'Abnormal sample' or not before I submit it.

Nice one! I wouldn't say it's abnormal. It's a cell to cell variation pattern of plasma membrane. Possibly some cytoplasm too (but likely not) - if the green staining is perfectly uniform and flat all over the cell when you toggle off red and blue I would say it's only PM. blue + green green only red + blue

I kinda took a bunch of screenshots of it for my oddity folder. :)
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