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March release - General feedback

First post
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#161 - 2016-03-10 01:32:07 UTC
I haven't had to refit a ship yet and I don't mind the new death graphic.
I am guessing that muting sounds a long time ago might have paid off for me in this case because of the "gong" posts I'm reading.

as far as some of these changes, i can only shake my head and wonder if the game i have loved for years is going to die off on me and leave me to watching TV with my honey...


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Miss Peregrine
Miss Peregrine Corporation
#162 - 2016-03-10 01:33:33 UTC
Bring back the watch list Please
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#163 - 2016-03-10 01:38:17 UTC
Just heard/saw the new effects. Question, can we somehow wire the intercom at CCP office to play this gong every time someone posts on this thread?

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

#164 - 2016-03-10 01:43:59 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Just heard/saw the new effects. Question, can we somehow wire the intercom at CCP office to play this gong every time someone posts on this thread?

Maybe then they will get the point about how annoying it is. FYI you can turn it off by unchecking the UI interaction in audio just found out
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#165 - 2016-03-10 01:47:23 UTC
Bemo wrote:
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Just heard/saw the new effects. Question, can we somehow wire the intercom at CCP office to play this gong every time someone posts on this thread?

Maybe then they will get the point about how annoying it is. FYI you can turn it off by unchecking the UI interaction in audio just found out

I love EVE's UI interaction sounds. They're very fitting and atmospheric. Unlike this latest addition.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Lazy Brothers Inc
#166 - 2016-03-10 01:47:33 UTC
Upon further play time, I must also express my dislike of the kill animation. It is unnecessarily sluggish. Honestly, CCP, I appreciate the work you're doing but it's safe to say that most EVE players prefer crisp, timely UI feedback rather than trendy, smoothly-animated, 60 FPS, and showy animations. I hope it's not the start of a trend.
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#167 - 2016-03-10 01:49:24 UTC
From the winter Summit Minutes:

CSM Attendees
• Sugar Kyle
• Corbexx
• Gorski Car
• Jayne Fillon
• Chance Ravinne
• Steve Ronuken

Remote Attendees
• Cagali Cagali
• Endie
• Mike Azariah
• Sort Dragon

"Sort Dragon brought up the topic of the upcoming watch-list changes. CCP Fozzie
asked if there was anyone that had any reasons to not go ahead with the change.
Some points where people were using the watch list to help hunt targets in
wormholes or in super capitals, some people used them to keep an eye on highsec
war participants. No one thought these were use cases that were necessary to
maintain. A point was raised of making the notifications you can send when
adding a contact mention whether you were added to their watch list. Steve also
brought up the idea of being able to mark yourself public, so that anyone can
watch list you and see your status without you having to add them. Chance
brought up the point of renaming the watch list due to it having the same name
as the fleet watch list. Several suggestions were made for the name, with some
being less appropriate than others."

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Noene Drops
Deep Chain Diving
#168 - 2016-03-10 02:18:50 UTC
Yeah, when you salvage wrecks, the gong kill sound dings too. So, for instance, if you're ratting on one account and salvaging on another, you really get spammed with all the ding dongs.

I would kindly ask to reconsider this change, because it's too invasive in this particular use case. At least remove the gong from salvaging.
Autumn Equinox
Evil Young Flesh
#169 - 2016-03-10 02:21:00 UTC
Dong, Gong, be-gone. Remove or add a nice top level sound option to remove it.

In Inventory, you can no longer right click your active ship. you need to look for the ship in Inventory/Ship Hanger in order to right click it. (open cargo / leave ship / insure etc)

Also the assets window - can this be defaulted to current system/constellation or region. if it opens on search, 5-7 seconds lag.

Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#170 - 2016-03-10 02:21:44 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Just heard/saw the new effects. Question, can we somehow wire the intercom at CCP office to play this gong every time someone posts on this thread?

This might count as cruel and inhumane treatment.

Do Eeet.

If I have to listen to that gong, so should CCP in every single space of their building.

Cancelling my grudge list (watch list) needs to get un-cancelled fast with the quickness. I kept up with more enemies than friends with it. Not like my enemies are living in the chat tabs I use, like the friends do. I can only imagine the logistics nightmare with no waking up this is causing for full time WH inhabitants. Or to those that try to chase down high-sec gankers and return the 'favor'... Twisted

CCP. Would you mind quitting this whole change for change sake for a serious amount of time? Come to terms with what's shiny and new doesn't mean better than what's being replaced by fiat? Stick to making the game client work reliably, clear that backlog of unfulfilled promises, kill a few lists of lingering bugs and glitches, and #GONGKILL

This change in releases to a hybrid setup isn't a slow down, it's full speed into the brick walls. What part of whoa down we're making a mess here did you forget since the mea culpa late 2015? You had CCP Seagull eat crow on a Youtube video for......? Dirty pool to your own employee.


Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Jennifer Maxwell
Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#171 - 2016-03-10 02:27:24 UTC
This release really finally convinced me. At first, it was losing all the cool names for the modules, but now it's actually affecting ship fits; fits that worked perfectly fine before and now need to be either completely remade, or scrapped because the variety and options just aren't there anymore.

Trimming some of the duplicated modules would have been fine, but this is going too far. Module Tiericide shouldn't have happened.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#172 - 2016-03-10 02:46:02 UTC
Astrid Arran wrote:
Can we Please get an option to turn off that annoying sound when you kill a ship. its very unnecessary

Hit "Esc", select "Audio" and turn the "UI Sound Level" to zero. That restores the original sound.

Alternatively CCP could stop employing game designers trying to appeal to 12 year olds.

The flashy target recording a kill is sadly not so easily disabled but without the annoying sound the flashy target is more tolerable but still VERY annoying and totally unnecessary.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#173 - 2016-03-10 02:51:24 UTC
CCP Why have my Nestor, Bustard, Stratios, Mackinaw, Astero and Venture got blank icons in the ship hangar display???
Neadayan Drakhon
Heuristic Industrial And Development
#174 - 2016-03-10 02:54:14 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
Just heard/saw the new effects. Question, can we somehow wire the intercom at CCP office to play this gong every time someone posts on this thread?

Why stop there, have it play in every office every time any player kills/salvages any ship anywhere in EVE.
FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#175 - 2016-03-10 03:03:09 UTC
The gong must go.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#176 - 2016-03-10 03:05:05 UTC
I understand why the Watch List went away. But here is the issue:

When my friend Farham logs in, having been away from game for a couple of years, how am I supposed to know that? How is he supposed to see which of his old friends are still logging in during his time zone?

Not to mention having to ping every single one of my friends to get them to add me as a mutual contact so that they do not show up as OFFLINE in local chat or the station.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#177 - 2016-03-10 03:16:54 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
I understand why the Watch List went away. But here is the issue:

When my friend Farham logs in, having been away from game for a couple of years, how am I supposed to know that? How is he supposed to see which of his old friends are still logging in during his time zone?

Not to mention having to ping every single one of my friends to get them to add me as a mutual contact so that they do not show up as OFFLINE in local chat or the station.

I have 500+ contracts. Only 21 are hostile. About 90 neutral (businesses, prospects, newbies I was helping, need to talk to, etc) and rest are positive. Only one shows online right now.

I tried mass re-adding everyone and send notifications but of course that's not possible. Gotta do it individually.

I also cleanse my contacts once in a while.

Not to mention the perspective other people not aware of this change will have that none of the people they know are playing anymore.

Social sandbox my ass I guess. This is a PvP arena game now.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Sunrise Aigele
Pemberley Enterprises
#178 - 2016-03-10 03:26:10 UTC
Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee, and for thee, and for thee also; and for thee, thee, thee, and thee, and thy little dog, too.
Denali Audeles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#179 - 2016-03-10 03:44:10 UTC
BONG DONG GONG? Yeah, that needs to die in a fire. I'm plenty satisfied with the distant kaboom of my foe's hull imploding.

The red-X animation? It's kind of cute, reminds me of the early 1990s when cathode-ray tubes were still common (even inside a T-800 combat chassis from 2029). And tactically I can't object, as the target reticle does switch immediately to the next target even as the animation plays out. But the animation could be more brief.

The beta camera is still not ready for prime time. I've had several instances where the camera angle was frozen, I could not rotate by left-dragging in space. I tried like hell to use the beta map, but I had to turn it off to regain essential functions. Looks like the beta camera is moving in the same direction.

Also a warning. If CCP takes Eve into the territory of pay-to-win that they seem to be flirting with, that will be the end. I pay my monthly, I expect a fair return of fun. If that doesn't happen, I'm out. I expect I'm not alone in that thought.
helana Tsero
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#180 - 2016-03-10 03:51:55 UTC  |  Edited by: helana Tsero
Monite Harajem wrote:

I get Worm holers and super/titan pilotes didnt like being watch listed


Actually wormholers hate this change.

Watchlisting prevented PVPers from wasting our time hunting a target if he had logged off. Without local channel you dont know if he is still there or not. It also let us know if someone had logged into their home wormhole. so we could go see if we could get a fight.

On the otherside of the fence.. PVE players also like the watchlist becuase if they saw a hunter enter their wormhole (because they had effective scout/security procedures) they could watchlist him.. if he logs off they get a notification and now know its safe to go do their pve activities. Now they have no idea.. he could be still in their system cloaked.. so they will just log off instead of play.

Net result. More time wasting.. less content for both PVPers and PVEers in wormhole space. Good job CCP !

"...ppl need to get out of caves and they will see something new.... thats where eve is placed... not in cave."  | zoonr-Korsairs |

Meanwhile Citadel release issues: "tried to bug report this and the bug report is bugged as well" | Rafeau |