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pyfa v1.29.4 - The Python Fitting Assistant

Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2016-01-26 02:03:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Sable Blitzmann
pyfa (python fitting assistant) - A cross-platform ship fitting tool, written in Python utilizing wxWidgets as it's GUI toolkit. pyfa works on all platforms that Python and wxPython support, including Windows, OS X, and Linux. There is also someone who has created a FreeBSD port of it.

Official releases and download links can always be found here here. The latest stable release can always be found here.

Simply download the package for the platform you want to use. Linux users: your package is basically a tarbell of the source files; be sure to install the dependencies required. There are some third-party packages floating about for Debian and Arch that are maintained by third parties, check the README.

Bug reports:
Bug reporting guidelines can be found here.

A complete listing of issues and their progress can always be found here.

Updated screenshots coming soon, in the meantime check the GitHub repo README.

All contributions are welcomed and done through pull requests on GitHub.

Tweetfleet Slack: @blitzmann
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2016-01-26 02:04:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Sable Blitzmann
Project news: (updated 01-26-2016)

At the moment, I am the only one maintaining pyfa. As some folks know, Kadesh has decided to leave the EVE Universe due to :stuff: and no longer has interest in maintaining pyfa or it's related projects. I have been with the project and headed development of it for a little over two years now, so it's been handed over to me. As such, the pyfa repository and all related repos has been moved to a GitHub Organization called 'pyfa-org'.

I am in need of someone who is familiar with: OS X general development and architecture (and keeps up with releases and what they might break), Python, and py freezing applications. There have been many pitfalls while moving to support wxPython 3.0 on OS X: I had to update the binaries, and fell into many traps due to my general lack of knowledge when it comes to OS X development. For example, building the binaries must be done on 10.7 - if I build them on my 10.10 Hackintosh, we have folks on earlier versions who cannot launch pyfa. At the moment, though, pyfa runs pretty well on 10.7-10.10, but certain versions still have certain issues. If you would like to help tackle these problems, contact me.

For the past few years, you may have heard of a new engine being written for pyfa that would perform fitting calculations faster and allow us to update much more quickly. I'll give a brief update to that: Kadesh was the main person behind that project, and while there is a lot done on it, it is not completed. Unfortunately, I am not versed in it's internal workings to feel comfortable developing on it yet, and so this project is on the backburner indefinitely until I can familiarize myself with it a bit more. This is also hampered by the fact that pyfa requires a complete rewrite to utilize it, which is a daunting task for someone who is both a fulltime student and employee. This does not, however, affect the current codebase of pyfa, which is still regularly updated and improved upon. If anyone is interested in helping with development of the new engine, it is still found under Kadesh's GitHub account:
The Bigpuns
United Standings Improvement Agency
#3 - 2016-01-26 07:53:01 UTC
Good work, thanks for taking this on
Jnarai Legoso
Solstejas Incorporated
#4 - 2016-02-04 20:19:41 UTC
Not sure if this has been brought up in the past or not, but would it be possible to add a (rough) estimator for enemy lock times based on your fits sig radius? I'm aware that this will vary widely based on enemy skills/fits etc, but even if an estimator could be based off of ship class similar to the current lock estimator, avoiding skills entirely. This will definitely help anyone looking to build quick warp fits, etc. Also, keep up the good work! Cheers!

Travel light, hit hard.

Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#5 - 2016-02-11 21:00:29 UTC
How do you use the attribute overides section

I mean changing an attribute is pretty easy, but it doesn't actually change it in pyfa...assumign i figured out what to change LOL

I exported a CSV file, but not sure if i need to put that somewhere special or what
Terry Ortega
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-02-11 22:28:18 UTC
Mmmmh, i try to fetch my skills, but i get an error, called: The read operation timed out.

Any solutions about this? i dont know if my firewall is blocking it...

thx in advance.
Kenneth Feld
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#7 - 2016-02-11 23:11:04 UTC
Kenneth Feld wrote:
How do you use the attribute overides section

I mean changing an attribute is pretty easy, but it doesn't actually change it in pyfa...assumign i figured out what to change LOL

I exported a CSV file, but not sure if i need to put that somewhere special or what

All fixed, works great
#8 - 2016-02-13 14:15:17 UTC

Annoying wx bug/glitch, everytime a (any or none really) fit is updated the right side information gets all messed up. Eventually its unusable.

Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.11
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#9 - 2016-02-13 22:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Sable Blitzmann
Enyxl wrote:

Annoying wx bug/glitch, everytime a (any or none really) fit is updated the right side information gets all messed up. Eventually its unusable.

Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.11

Platform?Can't reproduce with Windows. By the look of the buttons, looks like linux/gtk, but OS X has been nothing but problems with the wx3 upgrade so I wouldn't be surprised...

Also please post on the issue tracker so that I can communicate you you directly =)
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2016-02-13 22:07:14 UTC
Terry Ortega wrote:
Mmmmh, i try to fetch my skills, but i get an error, called: The read operation timed out.

Any solutions about this? i dont know if my firewall is blocking it...

thx in advance.

Most likely a problem with your firewall or something similar. That error usually happens when it can't connect to the server. Try EVEMon or something else that fetches the skills and see if it works or not. If not, then it's definitely something in your network environment
#11 - 2016-02-14 13:29:54 UTC
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Enyxl wrote:

Annoying wx bug/glitch, everytime a (any or none really) fit is updated the right side information gets all messed up. Eventually its unusable.

Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.11

Platform?Can't reproduce with Windows. By the look of the buttons, looks like linux/gtk, but OS X has been nothing but problems with the wx3 upgrade so I wouldn't be surprised...

Also please post on the issue tracker so that I can communicate you you directly =)

Issue created @github.

Yeah, don't get me started on OSX (wont even use pyfa there atm)
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2016-02-15 19:23:42 UTC
hello, i'm a new user switching from eft and i'm wondering if pyfa has the tooltip like in eft to view ship bonuses?
Eagle's Talon's
#13 - 2016-02-15 22:36:20 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
I would make myself the Proprietariat of Pyfa and create versions that can be used for Star Trek Online, WoW, etc. Why be known in one Universe?

Is there a version that can be opened up in game in the browser?

I think once Pyfa has had the bugs worked out that CCP should make it part of the in-game icon panel.....better yet make it a function of the Captain's Quarters.

....goodbye EFT.

I used Pyfa for the first time today.

No bugs at all. Runs as crisp as a corpse through the oven.

I would suggest that when fitting a ship comes close to the CPU and PG allotment that modules on the market would be highlighted in red to show that they will not fit, yellow if they come close to going over the allotment and green if okay to fit. This color matching would take place as the **** is fitted as well.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#14 - 2016-02-16 19:29:51 UTC
since the new structures will behave fittings wise similar to ships, i am wondering if you are planning to add them too for pyfa once they are out?

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Addison Clark
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2016-02-18 14:04:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Addison Clark
A serious quality of life request:

In the ships list, there should be a button to open up a list of all saved fits. This will allow easy management/removal of garbage fits that might be the database.

This can be done by doing a wildcard search for ships (heck I know when you import a bunch via xml, you get a list of all imported fits - can that be used to list current saved fits?)

With much of the tieracide projected for many ship modules, this can be enhanced by giving a warning icon over any fit that no longer fits as saved/has changed due to tieracide etc.

Request 2:

Ability to add fuel (ozone/stront etc) as charges. If I want to default load 500 units of ozone, for example, for a cyno - I can't specify the fuel, or add additional fuel to the module. Or add stront if I am fiting an Entosis ship. Or heck fuel for jump/bridge capable ships. Fuel for rorq?
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2016-02-22 04:59:52 UTC
DrysonBennington wrote:
Is there a version that can be opened up in game in the browser?

Nope. There was effort a few years ago to port pyfa to some sort of web interface, but that was abandoned when the other developers left the team. Besides, o.smium manages to browser-based fitting quite well

DrysonBennington wrote:
I would suggest that when fitting a ship comes close to the CPU and PG allotment that modules on the market would be highlighted in red to show that they will not fit, yellow if they come close to going over the allotment and green if okay to fit. This color matching would take place as the **** is fitted as well.

Maybe. We'll see =)

Bienator II wrote:
since the new structures will behave fittings wise similar to ships, i am wondering if you are planning to add them too for pyfa once they are out?

We'll have to see. It all depends on how the stuff works on the back end. Might have to take a bit of reworking the available market code and whatnot, but as long as they are similar enough to fits, it should be workable. There's also the question of if it's really even wanted (will the stations have cap / dps / etc). Depending on the info needed, we may have to develop some sort of system for changing the stats info depending on the context (fit vs station).

If it happens, most likely won't see it in pyfa until a few months after citadels release, however, due to time constraints

Addison Clark wrote:
A serious quality of life request:

In the ships list, there should be a button to open up a list of all saved fits. This will allow easy management/removal of garbage fits that might be the database.

This can be done by doing a wildcard search for ships (heck I know when you import a bunch via xml, you get a list of all imported fits - can that be used to list current saved fits?)

With much of the tieracide projected for many ship modules, this can be enhanced by giving a warning icon over any fit that no longer fits as saved/has changed due to tieracide etc.

Request 2:

Ability to add fuel (ozone/stront etc) as charges. If I want to default load 500 units of ozone, for example, for a cyno - I can't specify the fuel, or add additional fuel to the module. Or add stront if I am fiting an Entosis ship. Or heck fuel for jump/bridge capable ships. Fuel for rorq?

1) What is the need to see all of your ships at once? If it' simply to review old fits, it might be possible to display ships based on last modification. We don't currently track this (the timestamp given is the time it was created IIRC). Maybe search criteria such as time>2015 or something. But even this (smart search criteria) would be a rather significant undertaking.

2) This has been requested before: However, it's not as easy as it may seem due to the way pyfa handles the market. I haven't looked at this issue in a long time, and can't remember the specifics. It's on the list until it isn't anymore. =)
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2016-02-22 05:00:47 UTC
Merenia wrote:
hello, i'm a new user switching from eft and i'm wondering if pyfa has the tooltip like in eft to view ship bonuses?

No, but it's something I've been wanting to do for a long while now. Just have to think about the best way to accomplish it.
Addison Clark
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2016-02-22 12:56:45 UTC
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Is there a version that can be opened up in game in the browser?

1) What is the need to see all of your ships at once? If it' simply to review old fits, it might be possible to display ships based on last modification. We don't currently track this (the timestamp given is the time it was created IIRC). Maybe search criteria such as time>2015 or something. But even this (smart search criteria) would be a rather significant undertaking.

It is a quality of life situation that enables you to either prune old fittings out so that you can start fresh, review fittings etc.

Heck a partial implementation where it just lists each saved fit, (sort by name or shiptype/hullname) one after the other would satisfy the need for managing and pruning fits. Anything else would be gravy.

Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2016-02-23 01:25:52 UTC
Addison Clark wrote:
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Is there a version that can be opened up in game in the browser?

1) What is the need to see all of your ships at once? If it' simply to review old fits, it might be possible to display ships based on last modification. We don't currently track this (the timestamp given is the time it was created IIRC). Maybe search criteria such as time>2015 or something. But even this (smart search criteria) would be a rather significant undertaking.

It is a quality of life situation that enables you to either prune old fittings out so that you can start fresh, review fittings etc.

Heck a partial implementation where it just lists each saved fit, (sort by name or shiptype/hullname) one after the other would satisfy the need for managing and pruning fits. Anything else would be gravy.

I will look into it, but no promises at the moment. =)
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2016-02-23 03:53:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Aaril
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Addison Clark wrote:
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
DrysonBennington wrote:
Is there a version that can be opened up in game in the browser?

1) What is the need to see all of your ships at once? If it' simply to review old fits, it might be possible to display ships based on last modification. We don't currently track this (the timestamp given is the time it was created IIRC). Maybe search criteria such as time>2015 or something. But even this (smart search criteria) would be a rather significant undertaking.

It is a quality of life situation that enables you to either prune old fittings out so that you can start fresh, review fittings etc.

Heck a partial implementation where it just lists each saved fit, (sort by name or shiptype/hullname) one after the other would satisfy the need for managing and pruning fits. Anything else would be gravy.

I will look into it, but no promises at the moment. =)

I was actually just Googling how to do this. Nice coincidence that it is the latest discussion! I had noticed that all my fits were listed in the ship window after doing an XML import and was thinking it was a new feature.

Basically, next to the hide empty ship groups should just be a button that displays all fits. I started looking around in your code and edited the following code locally:

def OnScheduleSearch(self, event):
search = self.BrowserSearchBox.GetValue()
# Make sure we do not count wildcard as search symbol
realsearch = search.replace("*", "*")
if len(realsearch) >= 1:
self.lastSearch = search
wx.PostEvent(self.shipBrowser,SearchSelected(text=search, back = False))

The wildcard works after this change (asterisk not deleted and length >=1), but in addition to showing all of my fits, it also shows all ships as well. I may try to dig more into the code to figure out how to hide all ships while searching using a wildcard.


Did some more code browsing, and made the following edit to get wildcard search to work for current fits (I also added a sort to the array to display the ships by ship type and name on the wildcard search):

if query != '*':
ships = sMkt.searchShips(query)
fitList = sFit.searchFits(query)

for ship in ships:
self.lpane.AddWidget(ShipItem(self.lpane, ship.ID, (, len(sFit.getFitsWithShip(ship.ID))), ship.race))

for ID, name, shipID, shipName, booster, timestamp in fitList:
self.lpane.AddWidget(FitItem(self.lpane, ID, (shipName, name, booster, timestamp), shipID))
if len(ships) == 0 and len(fitList) == 0 :
self.lpane.AddWidget(PFStaticText(self.lpane, label = u"No matching results."))
self.lpane.RefreshList(doFocus = False)

if query == '*':
fitList = sFit.searchFits(query)
fitList.sort(key=lambda x:(x[3],x[1]))

for ID, name, shipID, shipName, booster, timestamp in fitList:
self.lpane.AddWidget(FitItem(self.lpane, ID, (shipName, name, booster, timestamp), shipID))
if len(fitList) == 0 :
self.lpane.AddWidget(PFStaticText(self.lpane, label = u"No matching results."))
self.lpane.RefreshList(doFocus = False)
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