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CCP! Please clarify the future plans for WiS!

First post
Peter Raptor
Galactic Hawks
#2421 - 2012-01-11 04:49:50 UTC
If CCP is gonna have pole dancers for the sole reason of feeding weird pixel-prevert-players fetishes , then

Abandon Pervo WiS !


The Amarr Empire, is known for its omnipresent religion  †  

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2422 - 2012-01-11 05:59:07 UTC
These forums have gone to ****.

I can't believe the crap that is being permited.

CCP has lost all control of it's game and it's forums.
Asuka Solo
Tactical Narcotics Team
#2423 - 2012-01-11 06:07:11 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
These forums have gone to ****.

I can't believe the crap that is being permited.

CCP has lost all control of it's game and it's forums.

If you think these forums are bad, go check out Wildly Inappropriate's forums.

Taiwanastan might be able to tell you if they still make their daily porno topics.

I wouldn't be surprised if goonswarm have those either...

Eve is about Capital ships, WiS, Boobs, PI and Isk!

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2424 - 2012-01-11 11:38:33 UTC
Hikaru Kuroda wrote:
Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
Hikaru Kuroda wrote:
A CCP survey is up, provide useful feedback of WiS to them. Go!

Nice survey...hope it's legit.

It's legit.

In fact, it's included with the December newsletter.

I wouldn't put much faith in that survey due to the fact that it isn't linked to active accounts. That means it can be easily exploited and manipulated allowing a player to complete it multiple times.

If CCP was serious, the survey would load up right after the log in page and could only be completed once per paid account. After it was completed, then the character selection page would load allowing access to the game.

It's a good idea for CCP to do survey's but they need to be implemented in a much more secure way to insure more accurate results.
CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#2425 - 2012-01-11 11:44:30 UTC
Jill Xelitras wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

No Hilmar, we don't want more spaceships. We want you to fix the current ones ! You may even want to release the promised ones.

And then we want you to walk over to your marketing department and tell them to stop telling everybody that "walking in stations" has been finally released until it really is ready to be released on TQ.

I saw Torfi walking a character through a bar and playing a cool game ... Now go and make that happen ! That's when you should start marketing WIS.

Also, I'm very surprised (although I shouldn't be) that it took you until NOW to figure out that PI could be used to make low-sec interesting ... really CCP ? After all those years ?

I wonder why I keep paying.

"More spaceships" in this context means more focus on the spaceship part of the game, the core gameplay. So it's not to be taken 100% literally :). There have been a lot of fixes and tweaks lately and there are more coming.

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

Xuko Nuki
Heralds of Darkness
White Sky.
#2426 - 2012-01-11 11:47:04 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:

"More spaceships" in this context means more focus on the spaceship part of the game, the core gameplay. So it's not to be taken 100% literally :). There have been a lot of fixes and tweaks lately and there are more coming.

After 120 pages asking for clarification on the future of WiS you respond with that?
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2427 - 2012-01-11 12:02:23 UTC
lol maybe CCP Guard has been given the thankless task of going through all the posts in this thread Blink Either way it's good to know they are paying attention, but on the other hand it doesn't look very promising as this shows that they are actively choosing to ignore us.
Crucis Cassiopeiae
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2428 - 2012-01-11 12:05:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Crucis Cassiopeiae
CCP Guard wrote:
Jill Xelitras wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

No Hilmar, we don't want more spaceships. We want you to fix the current ones ! You may even want to release the promised ones.

And then we want you to walk over to your marketing department and tell them to stop telling everybody that "walking in stations" has been finally released until it really is ready to be released on TQ.

I saw Torfi walking a character through a bar and playing a cool game ... Now go and make that happen ! That's when you should start marketing WIS.

Also, I'm very surprised (although I shouldn't be) that it took you until NOW to figure out that PI could be used to make low-sec interesting ... really CCP ? After all those years ?

I wonder why I keep paying.

"More spaceships" in this context means more focus on the spaceship part of the game, the core gameplay. So it's not to be taken 100% literally :). There have been a lot of fixes and tweaks lately and there are more coming.

Sometimes, when i read responses like this from CCP staff, i ask myself... why do i give my money to CCP?

Vote Issler Dainze for CSM7! 

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2429 - 2012-01-11 12:13:38 UTC
Crucis Cassiopeiae wrote:

Sometimes, when i read responses like this from CCP staff, i ask myself... why do i give my money CCP?

As soon as WiS was canceled, i set myself the task of earning enough isk through passive incomes to pay for my subscription... I was surprised how easy it was Smile
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2430 - 2012-01-11 13:35:56 UTC
Soulpirate wrote:
These forums have gone to ****.

I can't believe the crap that is being permited.

CCP has lost all control of it's game and it's forums.

Obviously.. Because the game is created and ruled by players... And if they try to take it over it will mean RAGE against the CCP. Big smile
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2431 - 2012-01-11 14:05:08 UTC
Methink I saw a blue tag? Shocked

(checks checks)

Phew, near miss... that post *almost* was on topic! But our beingignoredess record still lives!

(That was me being sarcastic. I would love, and think that it would be great, if someone eventually answered on topic. I'm sure they can if they try to)
People's Front of Offugen
#2432 - 2012-01-11 14:11:57 UTC
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2433 - 2012-01-11 14:27:03 UTC
Grateler wrote:
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.

I think you are confusing players with developers. It is not our job to design the game we play, just complain about it if things don't turn out the way we want. Smile

I could list a bunch of things we could potentially do in WIS but what good would that do?
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#2434 - 2012-01-11 14:29:13 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Grateler wrote:
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.

I think you are confusing players with developers. It is not our job to design the game we play, just complain about it if things don't turn out the way we want. Smile

I could list a bunch of things we could potentially do in WIS but what good would that do?

Not to mention that some of us have been scattering suggestions all over this thread & other ones.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2435 - 2012-01-11 14:30:58 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Rek Seven wrote:
Grateler wrote:
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.

I think you are confusing players with developers. It is not our job to design the game we play, just complain about it if things don't turn out the way we want. Smile

I could list a bunch of things we could potentially do in WIS but what good would that do?

Hopefully you do more than just complain, like also give positive recognition for good work.

Referring to the Ambulation video, that was just the first of many steps. WiS could bloom into full fledged game play content over time if given half a chance.

There's been a lot of good ideas for potential new game play content pertaining to WiS posted in this thread. Nothing wrong with that.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2436 - 2012-01-11 15:00:06 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Jill Xelitras wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

No Hilmar, we don't want more spaceships. We want you to fix the current ones ! You may even want to release the promised ones.

And then we want you to walk over to your marketing department and tell them to stop telling everybody that "walking in stations" has been finally released until it really is ready to be released on TQ.

I saw Torfi walking a character through a bar and playing a cool game ... Now go and make that happen ! That's when you should start marketing WIS.

Also, I'm very surprised (although I shouldn't be) that it took you until NOW to figure out that PI could be used to make low-sec interesting ... really CCP ? After all those years ?

I wonder why I keep paying.

"More spaceships" in this context means more focus on the spaceship part of the game, the core gameplay. So it's not to be taken 100% literally :). There have been a lot of fixes and tweaks lately and there are more coming.

C'mon man...if you don't have any information that you are able to or allowed to divulge to us on the core issue of this thread then say so. At least a "I am sorry but I have no more information on the future of WiS at this time." is all it would take to keep people from getting annoyed with a reply that really only applies to one comment in a thread over 120 pages long that doesn't even really relate to the topic at hand.

It is nice to know there are more bug fixes and tweaks coming though. I like hearing that info too. You are one of the better devs that actually respond on the forums Guard. Keep up the good work...but please...get us more info on the future plans of WiS if possible.

Bounties for all!

Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2437 - 2012-01-11 15:03:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaroslav Unwanted
Grateler wrote:
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.

everything is an game within game... And everything added is added to the game.. The fact that you and many others dont see it as "needed" "relevant" "improving" is quite frankly irrelevant.

If they add curtains to "THE DOOR" it will be something added to the game.. technically.
And the whine about it will be hilarious... People raging about CCP making curtains for "THE DOOR" instead of working on "spaceships" Big smile
I bet it will hit 450 pages in two days.. Hilarious.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2438 - 2012-01-11 15:26:17 UTC
Jaroslav Unwanted wrote:
Grateler wrote:
In all the time since WiS was announced I have yet to see anyone say exactly what there would be to do that would add anything to the game.

Normally I get mumbles about smuggling, gambling etc, which are minigames at best and so far Ive heard nothing suggested that warranted all of the work involved in getting it workng.

When someone tells me of something interesting that it will do, other than an Eve Ironforge where you /dance I may change my mind, but at the moment see no purpose in it.

everything is an game within game... And everything added is added to the game.. The fact that you and many others dont see it as "needed" "relevant" "improving" is quite frankly irrelevant.

If they add curtains to "THE DOOR" it will be something added to the game.. technically.
And the whine about it will be hilarious... People raging about CCP making curtains for "THE DOOR" instead of working on "spaceships" Big smile
I bet it will hit 450 pages in two days.. Hilarious.

Granted the whine about the curtains would probably be a lot less if CCP was more proactive about bug fixes and there were a lot fewer of them in the game but there would still be a lot of whine from idiots that seem to think CCP cannot devote a single Dev to anything other than FiS.

Bounties for all!

Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#2439 - 2012-01-11 15:30:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Doc Fury
Xuko Nuki wrote:
After 120 pages asking for clarification on the future of WiS you respond with that?

Crucis Cassiopeiae wrote:
Sometimes, when i read responses like this from CCP staff, i ask myself... why do i give my money to CCP?

Vertisce Soritenshi wrote:
but please...get us more info on the future plans of WiS if possible.

Maybe he is trolling you guys. Or, maybe like they have already stated there is no information, because there really aren't any concrete plans they can share yet. Maybe they know anything they say here that isn't in-line with what you guys want to hear is going to be creatively re-interpreted and misconstrued ad-nauseam and twisted around to appear that CCP does not care about you.

Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Not to mention that some of us have been scattering suggestions all over this thread & other ones.

That's exactly the problem, there is a specific forum area for doing that, and for some reason you and others incorrectly think EVE GD is the correct place. Scattering suggestions all over the place isn't helping you or CCP. If you or anyone else wants things to remain on topic for making WIS feature suggestions, try keeping it all in one thread in the correct forum area. By posting the same stuff here in GD over and over, you are just begging to get trolled over and over.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Caldari State
#2440 - 2012-01-11 17:38:22 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Jill Xelitras wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

No Hilmar, we don't want more spaceships. We want you to fix the current ones ! You may even want to release the promised ones.

And then we want you to walk over to your marketing department and tell them to stop telling everybody that "walking in stations" has been finally released until it really is ready to be released on TQ.

I saw Torfi walking a character through a bar and playing a cool game ... Now go and make that happen ! That's when you should start marketing WIS.

Also, I'm very surprised (although I shouldn't be) that it took you until NOW to figure out that PI could be used to make low-sec interesting ... really CCP ? After all those years ?

I wonder why I keep paying.

"More spaceships" in this context means more focus on the spaceship part of the game, the core gameplay. So it's not to be taken 100% literally :). There have been a lot of fixes and tweaks lately and there are more coming.

don,t drink too much beer next time and you will see the what this thread is all about.
