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Drifter Incursions

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#241 - 2016-01-22 21:05:51 UTC
Astrid Farnsworth wrote:
So its still broken till some fay caboos CCP say its fix.

They're not broken. They just are being ignored.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#242 - 2016-01-22 23:10:02 UTC
Drifter Incursions are what Incursions should have been. Lucrative but tough and with a cost, something serious Group PVErs only would have liked. Instead we got these easily farmable Sansha Incursions which spawn entitled communities of fair-weather only incursion runners (who, despite claiming "it's about the community" fled the content en mass when CCP balanced the rewards the 1st time).

There is no hope for Drifter Incursions so long as the current Sansha one's exist.

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#243 - 2016-01-23 06:33:33 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

There is no hope for Drifter Incursions so long as the current Sansha one's exist.

Go on then, actually run them yourself and show the rest of us how it's done and how they are actually lucrative but practical to run.
You want to go on about 'fair weather' people, you need to actually put up yourself, or you are even worse than the people you are complaining about and not even prepared to try.
Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#244 - 2016-01-23 10:54:44 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

There is no hope for Drifter Incursions so long as the current Sansha one's exist.

Go on then, actually run them yourself and show the rest of us how it's done and how they are actually lucrative but practical to run.
You want to go on about 'fair weather' people, you need to actually put up yourself, or you are even worse than the people you are complaining about and not even prepared to try.

I thought the whole point of the drifter incursions was to create npcs that could waste peoplea money. And they would expand and lock down systems/entosis things in order to derive a response.

In other words they were a mechanical antagonist purely instituted to waste our time.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#245 - 2016-01-23 11:00:00 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

There is no hope for Drifter Incursions so long as the current Sansha one's exist.

Why? "Risk" is the decisison maker factor in risk/reward assessment. Removing a certain degree of reward won't push people to take a higher risk in order to keep the higher reward, but may drive them away from the game by lack of reward for their chosen risk. Whereas higher risk for a marginally higher reward leads to failed features being abandoned by PvErs.
Olivia Moon
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#246 - 2016-01-23 13:24:00 UTC
Just recently resubbed and get into digging up some incursion info and training T2 weapons on the way for sansha. Drifter's is actually one that have been known to me recently. And have been out for almost a year when the early 2015, The Scope was still about Drifters emergence and then it developed into conflict with Amarr Empire, I honestly had no thought that it would become the second incursion coming into the game!

Actually I should say that the lore is really doing a wonderful job in bring new content into the universe. Or I should say I have been really into the lore since day 1 in EVE. Did a lot of research about the Jovians and Drifters and shattered wormholes stuff. Can't wait to fight those beasts!
Astrid Farnsworth
Broke and Famous
#247 - 2016-01-23 23:33:55 UTC
What ccp need to do its have it whit a higher reward. And then you will actually see people trying to run it. The reason i think is broken for us capsuler dont have any idea how to get the driffters . And also ccp dont give us any clue about it, how to kill them.

"Amateurs talk about tactics, but professionals study logistics." - Gen. Robert H. Barrow, USMC (Commandant of the Marine Corps) noted in 1980**strong text**