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EVE General Discussion

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Decline in numbers... starting to turn into RAPID!!!

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#3841 - 2016-01-16 10:00:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Dersen Lowery wrote:
You don't risk overhauling the core engine and reskinning all the old assets when you're moving to maintenance phase. What we're seeing is a necessary, but painful, period of investment in EVE.
They aren't overhauling the core, and of course you reskin, especially when you;re selling graphics as microtransactions. I full expect them to continue to work on artistic fluff too, since from a developer point of view it's low risk but high value. People are easily wowed by a new shader here and a model there. The closest to overhauling they have done has been performance improvements so they can squeeze it onto less hardware to reduce running costs.

Dersen Lowery wrote:
For contrast, look at World of Warcraft: despite the fact that they've introduced flying, they aren't updating the engine underneath so that mobs can react to flying players (except for the newly introduced ones) and they aren't updating old assets like the whatsit elfy city--Silverymoon?--despite the fact that it looks absolutely terrible from above because of shortcuts they had to take a decade ago.
There is no contrast here, you're pointing to the same things and saying "look how different it is". The whole reason citadels are being made and not n extension to POS code is that POS code is not being edited, they are just making a new feature to go beside it then they'll drop out the old POS stuff from the market.

Dersen Lowery wrote:
As for Valkyrie, all you have to do is remember the wisdom against keeping all your eggs in one basket. CCP has gotten away with being a one-hit wonder for a very long time, but especially now that EVE is under construction they need to diversify. And they want a firm and early stake in the new shiny, which is VR.
Exactly right, which is why I expect them to continue to focus on VR. Why would they keep putting huge amounts of work into EVE when it's at best holding stable on a small number of players when they can continue to hammer into new products?

By the way, to the Tippia/King Aires argument - Remiel made the claim that at least a portion of the drop was from loss of alts. Whether Aires misunderstood what CCP state alongside that graph is irrelevant, since it clearly shows that over time accounts per person has taken a gradual crawl up, thus the claim that the drop was due to a reduction in alts is incorrect. I know you guys like to try to invalidate what other people say by picking one time they misspoke and hammering on that as if that's all that matters, but looking at the actual point he is making, he's right.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#3842 - 2016-01-16 10:13:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
sero Hita wrote:

This is the main problem when interpreting on the stats from eveoffline. There could be so many different reason behind a drop in these stats.

The introduction of PLEX has made it possible to increase the number of alts playing the game. Good candidates for this are: research alt, industry alts, mining alts, scout alts, cyno alts, Falcon alts...

I recall how close to every ice belt used to have one "input broadcasting" guy playing a minimum of 20 Mackinaws (plus Orca and freighter-in-belt alt).

This inflation of alts has caused one thing: the steady rise of PLEX price. Actually it's not "the" cause but one of the main ones.

Now, for CCP the first alts category is good: usually 1 to 3 alts per paying player, they provide gameplay value (stuff being created, ships being saved or exploded...) and improve players' game enjoyability (imagine a gate camper with no scout or a JF owner without a cyno, they'd need to resort asking people all the oddest hours).

The second category instead caused a massive inflation of stuff being created - like gold farmers did - prices rising. They'd steal whole belts for just one RL person making the other players' experience poorer. The extra-huge amount of ships, drones etc. lagged everybody. They played in a similar way to botters. Sure, there was no "algo" driving the alts but hey, pressing F1 once every 20 minutes is not exactly challenging. Actually it's a testament to what I was saying when I'd tell EvE *ships* gameplay can be quite poor and basic.
Most of all, those dozen alts each used a PLEX and each PLEX that gets purchased causes more demand and thus price raising.

Problem with this is, the "very low added value", "bot-alike" alts caused people to stop being able to purchase a PLEX for the "game useful" alts.

CCP did a good choice when they banned input broadcasting, they were losing 1:few value alts (and thus discouraging true paying main players) to feed 1:many pseudo-bots.

But of course, as a result, PCU dropped, and thus exposing the fact that indeed, EvE "non bot" playerbase has shrunk.

Now, there are of course lots of reasons for this, I have listed some.

Also, Malcanis is very right about the Summer of Rage. EvE was running like crap but developers were busy developing "smarty pants" and similar other hogwash.

However, what I am sure Malcanis knowns (he's one of the last "superior intelligence" players left) but does not say is: these days a company cannot switch into "bugfix only mode" and sit there for multiple years.
Yes, EvE was in a dire status and truly needed maintenance, but it's not players duty to be patient and throw money for years because a small-to-medium at best company WASTED man years in pet projects, barbies, self-made 3D engines (why!!!).
Therefore, once alternate games came out, they went for them. And who cares if they are shallow or [place here copy and paste excuse from EvE die-hard fans], they provide portions of gameplay that should have been in EvE since Quantum Rise!

Now CCP are hard pressed running-behind and this is the worst event that may happen to a company: to basically invent a genre yet to end up having to follow other companies that have been managed in a more capable way.

As I said in my first post(s), there's a dude who single-handedly raised $100M to fund a sci-fi game. It should have been CCP to grab at least the portion of that players who could have been "compatible with EvE". But no. CCP actually lost some of their own players who are "compatible" with that game instead.

This kind of shift is subtle and hard to notice, yet it can bleed paying playerbase if left unchecked.

To get back - again - to what I said since the beginning, CCP has to start delivering actionable content, stuff that somebody out of 0.0 corps can see and stuff which is maybe "shallow" for our "in house Heideggers" but gives a reason to come back to EvE to those who left, while still not breaking with the current playerbase. The worst possible case would be to create ugly stuff that would not attract anybody back yet make more of the current players leave.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#3843 - 2016-01-16 11:13:09 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

There's many things EVE does well, and others it does bad. But watch out the competitors. They're doing what EVE never did and never will.

GOOD! That's exactly how it should be. If every game did exactly what every other game did, we'd have one game only to choose from. I'm GLAD that other games are doing something different to EVE, it gives me new things to try. I'm also glad that EVE does things that no other game does as well, because that uniqueness is why I'm still here, and will still be here for as long as EVE remains unique.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Logan Revelore
Symbiotic Systems
#3844 - 2016-01-16 11:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Logan Revelore
The best thing they can do for EVE and the EVE franchise is to merge the different games together into one environment and experience as they already tried with Dust, but it just wasn't integrated enough. Different game genres in one universe where people from different genres have an impact on each others, and where you can go from one genre to another seamlessly.

That's how we'd take EVE from 2nd gen MMO to 3rd gen MMO, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but in the future MMOs are comprised of "universes" that cater to all playing styles and gaming genres (FPS, RTS, sandbox, themepark, farmville etc).

In the future it's more about which theme is more your cup of tea, be it sci-fi in space like EVE of medieval like Elder Scrolls.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#3845 - 2016-01-16 11:36:48 UTC
Logan Revelore wrote:
... merge the different games together into one environment and experience as they already tried with Dust, but it just wasn't integrated enough. Different game genres in one universe where people from different genres have an impact on each others, and where you can go from one genre to another seamlessly.

CCP Seagull mentioned that as a bit of an aspirational goal at 2014 FanFest.

Will be great if it happens.
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#3846 - 2016-01-16 13:32:05 UTC  |  Edited by: King Aires
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Logan Revelore wrote:
... merge the different games together into one environment and experience as they already tried with Dust, but it just wasn't integrated enough. Different game genres in one universe where people from different genres have an impact on each others, and where you can go from one genre to another seamlessly.

CCP Seagull mentioned that as a bit of an aspirational goal at 2014 FanFest.

Will be great if it happens.

They don't go to nursing homes and find 95 year old dementia patients to give kidney transplants to. They do however medicate, care for and allow them to be comfortable while they make the transition into whatever afterlife they believe in.

This is much like Eve. They aren't going to permanently tie Dust or Valkyrie into Eve Online when they know full well the long term plan is to let Eve die of natural causes. The last thing they want is a aging, less free-time capable population of bitter vets to get into their new games to start telling all their potential new customers "how to play the game".

Edit: To the Minutia squad, yes I said They. "They" refers to a hypothetical imaginary group that controls all things in the universe. Thanks for letting me clear that up before it became the next 7 pages of discussion.
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#3847 - 2016-01-16 13:39:30 UTC
Well, for what its worth, 7 years nearly, minus two accounts.

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#3848 - 2016-01-16 13:46:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
the long term plan is to let Eve die of natural causes

Bullshit. Its plan that would work with humans or other living creatures. Theoretically, you can use software millenia after it was created.
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#3849 - 2016-01-16 13:55:58 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
the long term plan is to let Eve die of natural causes

Bullshit. Its plan that works every time only with humans. Theoretically, you can use software millenia after it was created.

Its the cycle with software and hardware alike.

Do you think Blizzard pumped hundreds of millions into keeping Warcraft developed, or StarCraft, or Diablo I and II?

Nope, but you could still log into their servers and use those games, at least you could up until a few years ago.

Eve Online cannot be their sole focus if they are planning on being a long term stable company. Their new products are going to get the attention. We saw it before with Dust and WoD. Eve suffered during the critical development phases of these products. When they turned out less successful they suddenly had a renewed interest in Eve.

We will see how successful Valkyrie is. I have my doubts as I think people won't spend as much as they would like for VR technology that will be multitudes cheaper in the future. Valkyrie might suffer from being developed for the first generation of retail VR tools, and CCP will then come back and see if there is anything to salvage here in Eve before moving on to their next project.

We are kickstarters in essence for all their future development, which is fine if you can accept that for what it is.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#3850 - 2016-01-16 14:11:54 UTC
King Aires wrote:
Nope, but you could still log into their servers and use those games, at least you could up until a few years ago.

So much about dying. I hope you will learn about emulators also, one day.
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#3851 - 2016-01-16 14:14:01 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
King Aires wrote:
Nope, but you could still log into their servers and use those games, at least you could up until a few years ago.

So much about dying. I hope you will learn about emulators also, one day.

So much facepalm
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#3852 - 2016-01-16 14:21:57 UTC
Go play some SWTOR or something, I dont know, maybe a game like EA's, that will close its server right after selling next "sequel" of the same buggy shooter or something. Why even wait for inevitable? Just biomass yourself.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#3853 - 2016-01-16 14:31:51 UTC
King Aires wrote:
They do however medicate, care for and allow them to be comfortable while they make the transition into whatever afterlife they believe in.

Knowledge from experiencing it?
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#3854 - 2016-01-16 14:39:28 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
King Aires wrote:
They do however medicate, care for and allow them to be comfortable while they make the transition into whatever afterlife they believe in.

Knowledge from experiencing it?

Yes I have been part of watching family members go out slowly over years of care and end of life treatment. But my personal experiences have nothing to do with the analogy in comparison to legacy software, so best we not talk about this on a level other than the generalization.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#3855 - 2016-01-16 14:41:50 UTC
I only can hope that you will stop generalizing in such a way that you apply a human condition to a sotware.
King Aires
Amarr Empire
#3856 - 2016-01-16 14:45:21 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
I only can hope that you will stop generalizing in such a way that you apply a human condition to a sotware.

Everything has an expiration date. I don't mean to be the one to have to tell you that. I am not a good therapist type though so you will have to find comfort from one of our resident forum psychologists.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#3857 - 2016-01-16 14:52:42 UTC
King Aires wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
King Aires wrote:
They do however medicate, care for and allow them to be comfortable while they make the transition into whatever afterlife they believe in.

Knowledge from experiencing it?

Yes I have been part of watching family members go out slowly over years of care and end of life treatment. But my personal experiences have nothing to do with the analogy in comparison to legacy software, so best we not talk about this on a level other than the generalization.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#3858 - 2016-01-16 14:52:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
King Aires wrote:
Everything has an expiration date.

What a well placed truism...

King Aires wrote:
the long term plan is to let Eve die of natural causes

And that is only a sad man hallucination.

I hope this condition you suffer will expire with time.
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#3859 - 2016-01-16 16:41:53 UTC
King Aires wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Logan Revelore wrote:
... merge the different games together into one environment and experience as they already tried with Dust, but it just wasn't integrated enough. Different game genres in one universe where people from different genres have an impact on each others, and where you can go from one genre to another seamlessly.

CCP Seagull mentioned that as a bit of an aspirational goal at 2014 FanFest.

Will be great if it happens.

They don't go to nursing homes and find 95 year old dementia patients to give kidney transplants to. They do however medicate, care for and allow them to be comfortable while they make the transition into whatever afterlife they believe in.

Your opinion of EVE's age and state of its health does not make for an accurate analogy. Have you not noticed they are still updating the game or are you trying really hard to ignore it?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#3860 - 2016-01-16 16:50:15 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

There's many things EVE does well, and others it does bad. But watch out the competitors. They're doing what EVE never did and never will.

GOOD! That's exactly how it should be. If every game did exactly what every other game did, we'd have one game only to choose from. I'm GLAD that other games are doing something different to EVE, it gives me new things to try. I'm also glad that EVE does things that no other game does as well, because that uniqueness is why I'm still here, and will still be here for as long as EVE remains unique.

New word for the people you are talking to: "Homogenizers". Everything they experience, the compare it with things they actually like, and come to the conclusion that if EVE were just like those other games, they'd like it more. No appreciation of the extreme uniqueness of EVE at all, and if they were in charge, they'd kill that uniqueness in a heart beat because in their minds it doesn't bring in enough people.

I think one of them inadvertently revealed a big portion of the underlying motivation of the "EVE is Dying/CCP better wake up before competition comes" community. A motivation so key to there thinking that it does not naturally occur to those of us who don't share it. "Investment".

I've wondered since almost my 1st day of playing EVE, "if you don't like it, WHY are you still here, and if these other games are such big EVE killers, WHY are you here playing EVE instead of that other game". It just does not compute with me, especially how some of them PUBLICLY RAGE QUIT, then slink their asses right back here a few days/months/weeks later

. I think of these people talking about how Elite is better or how SC will have this and No Man's sky will have that, but they probably aren't playing Elite/those other games as much as EVE, aren't posting on Elite's or others forums near as much as here and so on. The list of games they said would kill EVE recently got bigger with Elite, yet here we still are. It's a foreign concept to me to stop playing a game I actually like to go hang out in a game I like less that has a community I dislike more.

But that's what they do, and I've been wondering for literally years why. Then one of them said "investment". They can't break the emotional chain between themselves and their "EVE stuff" and memories. And rather than evolve themselves, and break that chain, the come here and argue (as if anyone with power is listening), advocating changes to the very concept of a game that THEY CANT ESCAPE...not understanding that if CCP made those changes, not only would they not work, but THEY THEMSELVES would hate them...

...which ironically might relapse them from EVE and it's mental slavery-like hold over them lol.

TL;DR these people are extreme head cases. I think we all already knew that though...