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Commander Aze For CSM 11

commander aze
#1 - 2015-11-17 01:51:18 UTC  |  Edited by: commander aze
Commander Aze for CSM11
Twitter @NotDelivery
Discord server: (load out of game)
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Cap Stable Interview

So I appreciate those who voted for me in the CSM9 and CSM10 campaigns and would like to once again throw my hat in the ring. As Eve is an ever changing game I have moved from High sec into null sec and back to high sec. I am still passionate as ever about fixing high sec for those that are there.

If you want the no bull platform here it is. I am a public servant in real life and I feel that the CSM is the body the represents the player base. Its reputation for only being for the large power blocks dramatically degrades its ability to do its mission. There are some on the CSM that are great at this. And as we have seen there are many from these areas that cant even be trusted to show up. Here is my platform. as CSM that you can trust to show up, do the job and represent the player base tot he developers. Its time to revamp the dying age of space politics and focus on making the game great again.

I'm sure you want to know if I will work well with others? I don't worry about who is from what corp I want the ideas to be weighed on their own merit and whats best for the player base.

So Who am I in EVE?
Drifter Incursion FC for What Drifters?
Spectre Fleet Jr. FC
High sec industrial Corp Director
High sec war dec corp CEO
incursion runner (TDF)
Former CUP FC
Former ECIO Jr FC
Former Battlement Coalition FC
Serenity Initiative FC
Manager of a ton of POS

Notable Events in attendance
Slaughter of CT8K
Battle of Asakai
Spys taking down S2n citizens
laughed at tests defense of fountain
Battle of B-R
High sec Fleet LC for ghost site launch (those that joined the amarr fleet …. Sorry bros)
Hunt for Caldari officials Dread kills in high sec

T2 Triage Pilot Pro Logistics is best logistics

So why do I want to try this again, because someone has to ask the questions that are not being discussed. High sec war decs, neutral logistics, Logi on killmails, support for multi alliance communities like TDF or incursion shiny, Alliance level bookmarks. For the EFT warriors out there more than 200 fits.

Reaffirming the place and purpose of the CSM. It’s important to note that there was a 33% drop in voting from the previous year statistically more people play eve than the year before and that number keeps growing according to the csm 9 voting data. However less and less are voting for the one of the most important groups to represent the players. Getting the CSM to have diversity and some new blood is a great way to go to get some new opinions and maybe ask some questions that haven’t been brought up before

Refocusing on the new player experience and getting players funneled out of newbie corps and into player run corps. Making things easier to understand is key here. I remember as a new bro I had no idea where the overview was for a solid 20 minutes the first time I undocked.

Supporting occupancy based sov and the ability to change the sov you are using. I think some of the ideas being discussed have some merit in what null secs future is. And in breaking up the massive blocks of somewhat unused space for smaller groups to create content.

Feel free to ask questions below.

p.s. 3rd time is the charm.

Notable Quote from Coverage

"I think hes getting the hang of running... Hes actually improving" Noizygamr

"Wouldn't hate it if he event up on the CSM" LockeFox Eve Prosper Host

(I did know your name at the time of the interview I watch weekly on the live stream for Eve prosper, Have me on for an interview and Ill be sure to at least end in your endorsed candidates)

"I don't care where the other person comes from if they have good ideas I'm willing to listen"

Eve is about community first and foremost. Support our community through Broadcast4Reps.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#2 - 2016-01-08 23:26:40 UTC

Some Basics

I am not part of a power block. Meaning a vote for me means you are gaining a community member not a Puppet.

Because Power blocks are so great at voting for people that fail so hard at this I feel I have to put this out there under Qualifications... Wait for it....

I WILL SHOW UP TO CSM MEETINGS (and actually participate in the process in a meaningful way).

*Mic Drop.

*slowly picks mic back up

Open for Questions

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#3 - 2016-01-09 00:32:17 UTC
What would you change about wardecs?

What would you do to encourage players to go beyond just highsec?
commander aze
#4 - 2016-01-10 05:49:30 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
What would you change about wardecs?

What would you do to encourage players to go beyond just highsec?

the current mechanic just isn't that good. Its not a fight over anything. and the defense has no win conditions other than starving kills to get them to go away. This isn't really helping get quality pvp. lost of catching solo newbies going to sell ore in their retrievers.

Lets make it worth something for 1.

Currently small corps are 50 million isk to deck for a week. in my opinion Concord is going for less than a Vegas hooker so just saying that should change to be higher.

Win conditions for both sides.

So citadels and other structures are a good place to build this off of. Vulnerability timers. I'm open to everyone's views and would love to hold a open meetings about this if elected.

Point 2 Getting people out of high sec.
So lets accept there are a group that wont leave high sec regardless of motivation. We don't really care about them in this part.

Everyone else is looking for isk related content. Content being Key to this. Having lived in null for a few years in various conditions the pvp is interesting the politics is fun and the grinding is relentless. I think the easiest way to do this is grow group options. Adding harder anoms that require small fleets will grow this exponentially.

Now here is where you might hate me might like me. The jump changes with fatigue are necessary as it make it do its easier to defend space so smaller groups can move out and take space. I'm of the opinion low sec is the breeding ground for groups looking to do this so again this comes to benefits and content in low sec needs revamping.

Wormholes are proof of this as a concept. create more to do make them do it in fleets and they will risk ridiculous volumes of isk for the rewards. because of this the PVP is great there.

Also the volume of High sec to null sec wormholes needs to be larger. for 2 reasons. 1 wormholes are a quick way to set up a supply route. without a jump freighter. so they are low sp requirements to use. Also this makes it easier for smaller groups to live out in deeper null sec spaces. making the life out there a litter easier... having lived in Omist for a time I can say its sucks living that far out. so logistics made easier in small ways will help with this and of course will build content.

so in short content options are key to gaining interest to get more people out there. Alliances do this with pvp but often times players get bored. higher level in alliances its more interesting because the player driven content is might more interesting but that is limited to a few.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#5 - 2016-01-10 07:07:37 UTC
Low end prices for wardecs could be raised...but the top end should be lowered as well. However "win conditions" is fairly vague. You also make the mistake in thinking that "fair fights" are necessary. A wolf is going to eat a sheep. We don't handicap the wolf in order to give the sheep a chance.

Your 2nd point is good. I feel as though 0.0 needs to have a higher ratio of rewards vs highsec.
commander aze
#6 - 2016-01-10 09:21:47 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Low end prices for wardecs could be raised...but the top end should be lowered as well. However "win conditions" is fairly vague. You also make the mistake in thinking that "fair fights" are necessary. A wolf is going to eat a sheep. We don't handicap the wolf in order to give the sheep a chance.

Your 2nd point is good. I feel as though 0.0 needs to have a higher ratio of rewards vs highsec.

The win conditions allow both sides opportunity to end the war.

Its' vague because i think picking a exact example of what this might include without input form interested parties would be a little silly. I'm open to a more user friendly CSM that people can access a bit more with events that are publicized a bit more.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-01-15 23:42:03 UTC
Finally available, the interview recorded by CSM Watch for the CSM 11 election coverage: Commander Aze interview

Enjoy !
commander aze
#8 - 2016-01-16 08:10:49 UTC
Bhock wrote:
Finally available, the interview recorded by CSM Watch for the CSM 11 election coverage: Commander Aze interview

Enjoy !

Thank you again I really appreciate the interview it was a great time and a great service to the eve community.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#9 - 2016-01-21 05:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: commander aze

Coverage from Cap Stable. Part 2

Also Discord Server is up for easy contact to me Load link out of game

Make an account and download the App for ease of use.


Get used to seeing @NotDelivery on twitter coming out form the shadows and joining the #TweetFleet

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

D'nara Atreidis
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-01-26 01:48:49 UTC  |  Edited by: D'nara Atreidis
Not just end the war but win the war. For corps without territory the win condition against them could be destroying a certain amount worth of isk. For those with territory it could be destroying a couple POS or taking certain territorys.... Goals like this would give both defenders and the aggressor goals they could accomplish to win the war. Right now there is no way for a defender to win. They just have to take it until its over. Honestly I think something like this would make wars more interesting. It would also give you something to accomplish instead of just camping targets into station. Just a couple of ideas
commander aze
#11 - 2016-01-26 06:57:31 UTC
Giving an incentive for defense to actually fight back is key to making the mechanic worthwhile.

Eve is a game of internet spaceships and I think CCP Guard said it best[ "Killing is just a means of communication" CCP Guard so lets get the conversation started and talking more often

I want it to be know Im not interested in removing the mechanic I want it to be more engaging for both sides.

Source for CCP Guard quote:

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Black Pedro
#12 - 2016-01-26 11:17:14 UTC
commander aze wrote:
Giving an incentive for defense to actually fight back is key to making the mechanic worthwhile.

Eve is a game of internet spaceships and I think CCP Guard said it best[ "Killing is just a means of communication" CCP Guard so lets get the conversation started and talking more often

I want it to be know Im not interested in removing the mechanic I want it to be more engaging for both sides.

Source for CCP Guard quote:
CCP Guard is spot on, so why are you proposing a mechanism that will prevent even the possibility of any more killing taking place? How is stopping a war in the middle because one side wins a single battle going to promote more conflict?

Also, wars are the only way to blow up citadels in highsec, and as it stands, will require two consecutive wardecs and 8 days of reinforcements to explode. How would this even be possible if someone can stop the war and prevent you from having the right to try to shoot the structure when it comes into its final vulnerability window?

commander aze
#13 - 2016-01-26 19:40:57 UTC
if you have the win conditions set as the citadel that changes things in your equation.

the benefit of my idea is that its flexible (cost likely would be too) Ill admit that its not a full idea but that is why its important to host town halls and communicate what would be best.

first is cost. I made a joke a few days ago the concord has a lower cost to be paid off that a low quality hooker. 50 million isk is a pittance compared to corporate income I pay more than that for corp offices for a month. This needs to cost more. (I know i'm not making friends saying this but double or triple this would be more reasonable.

But lets consider a scaleable war dec system. where groups with no assets in space can be war decced and given some way to win (this doesn't exist currently and not sure what it would look like.)

the second level of this is a win condition of POS defense. Win the timer an restront means you won the war. same can be done for customs offices and etc. (forces the fight to be over something. )

then citadel wars. you are right they need to be longer to fit all the timers but what if the defense wins the first timer? or the second timer. should the war continue of there is no hope of finishing in the time frame. Winning the timer being returning the shields to 50% (level to reset the reinforcement window) Gives Defense a purpose to fight at each timer so they can win.

This is of course only an idea and a rough one at that. But starting the discussion on fleshing it out is the more important part and that takes more than one man or even a small group that takes a playerbase to be communicating

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Black Pedro
#14 - 2016-01-26 20:16:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
commander aze wrote:
then citadel wars. you are right they need to be longer to fit all the timers but what if the defense wins the first timer? or the second timer. should the war continue of there is no hope of finishing in the time frame. Winning the timer being returning the shields to 50% (level to reset the reinforcement window) Gives Defense a purpose to fight at each timer so they can win.
Isn't the purpose of defending your citadel getting to keep your stuff? Why do you need to offer more incentive to players to engage in PvP in this PvP game? Certainly rewarding safety as an incentive to PvP seems... counter-productive.

Wouldn't just make more sense to move everything a player corporation has to offer - shared hangers, taxing ability, industry buffs, etc.- into a citadel and only allow wars against structure-holding corporations? I mean then players who are benefiting from the bonuses of being in a player corp have a reason to defend (to not lose their bonuses and structures), and players who are just in a social group but with no structures and thus no benefits above the NPC corp wouldn't have to deal with wars? It seems simpler than your multiple tiers of wars for various reasons with confusing and changing victory conditions.

As to cost, I don't see why that would work. CCP raised them 25-fold during the last wardec revamp, and all it seem to do was push wardeccers into ever-larger wardec alliances to share the costs of declaring war. Raising the costs again probably would do more of the same, making even larger groups further increasing the disparity between professional mercenary corps and your average highsec corp while taking the ability to declare war out of the hands of small corps looking to settle a score with other small corps.

Well, it's your platform. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions and best of luck on your CSM run.
commander aze
#15 - 2016-01-27 01:03:58 UTC
So I'll be the first to say i don't have all the answers I just have a theory.

I like your idea but

Give them the incentive to fight to end a war dec and you will get a fight from Defense. If no benefit you get nothing form a war on either side and really its a net loss to the game. To many war decs that don't have any kills at all.

The reasons to fight from the office are readily apparent PVP, income gain from loot, income from mercenary work, and etc.

its much better than current mechanics of ditching corp to mine for a week. or worse just not playing all together.

I think this will create fights and we will see less war decs that have no losses on either side. Additionally it will make it beneficial to run a defense and focus on defensive actions. The purpose is to make wars over something not just arbitrary isk amounts of losses.

This means Offence needs to bring their A game to each timer and win otherwise well then they loose the invested isk in the war. Why would the Defense fight for anything other than the last timer if there was no benefit to winning an earlier timer? As far as high sec goes though all assets can be redeemed at another station so loosing the citadel only costs the amount to replace it.

From my point of view this would generate a lot more of a fight from defense than we see now. (having plenty of experience as the defense myself)

As incentive the aggressors gain massive amounts of loot in the form of what drops form the citadels. (construction parts of the structure itself and they get to quite literally kick over the other guys sand castle.

On the cost comment, can you afford 150 million isk to war dec a 50 man corp? I can. I'm not special either. I work for my isk. between production, incursions and scanning I make more than enough to do that multiple times a week I'm asking because I can afford that by a lot. As for it producing larger and larger groups for war decs that is a quantity issue. those groups are looking at war deccing hundreds of groups at one time in order to do that you need income and cost sharing from more and more people I don't argue that that is the case. What I can say is maybe this means they have to add a little more tactics to picking a war dec than scanning local in a trade hub. Pick target rich groups with limited command structure and hit them. forces the professionals to view killboards check previous wars and etc prior to starting a war or risk a sum of money as a potential waste.

TLDR, the current Guess and Check method of War decs will go away. This honestly will be good for new players and retaining them long enough into the game to actually stand a chance against others. this will increase the amount of people out there and by volume increase the space carnage.

The theory is basically catch and release. let the young survive (though learn a lesson every now and then) and open season on the older ones. Insuring a population to harvest for years to come.

Side effect Concord can earn back a little of its stripped dignity for doing what its done for so cheap for so long....

just some thoughts I like your ideas though

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#16 - 2016-01-29 20:26:49 UTC
I want to take this opportunity to clarify my Reform Stance.

beware its not sexy, doesn't add ships to the game doesn't promote pvp, but politically speaking will reinvigorate the voter base and should increase voter turnout.

So here's the idea.

Increase voter turnout via promotion and availability of CSM members.

This can be done in several ways.

so Get out to vote promotion.

The Easy stuff

Create a option in the help menu with a CSM option with contact methods for the CSM members based on area of the game they want to suggest changes to.

Billboards in space with CSM campaign slides

Captains quarters TV with CSM adds (simple as a photo with CSM logo over it)

Make elections an icon on the side bar or under the social tab so voting can be done from in game.

New player mission via Aura / Opportunities that discusses the CSM's purpose.

The goal is to increase voter turnout, and increase visibility of the CSM. While empowering the player base to be involved in the process.

And so that maybe a day will come when the Question what is the CSM isn't the first thing everyone asks when you say your running for it.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#17 - 2016-02-13 08:31:57 UTC
New Player Focus

Spit balling some new ideas.

F12 Help Menu Tutorial videos Linked with in New player agent missions!

Have these videos play on the captains quarters all day.

Here is why I want to represent the new players. I recruit only new players. Not only do I have a finger on the pulse I know the questions they ask every time. Lets look at how a new player experiences the start of the game and address the learning cliff and get more new accounts to sub and player past the tutorial instead of getting confused and quit.

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#18 - 2016-02-16 03:51:51 UTC
Will be on the Declarations of war Podcast this weekend as part of the Round Table event

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

commander aze
#19 - 2016-02-28 20:12:28 UTC
Initial post updated as well as Positive words from Mike Azariah

Commander Aze For CSM XII

Support the Community #Broadcast4Reps

Rob Kaichin
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2016-03-01 16:49:44 UTC
So when are you joining Goonswarm :P.
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